House Of The Flying Daggers

"For the time being, we'd better stay put. If we can find him, that means the Qin family and the Tang family can also find him too. So, they don't need our Song family, " Song Liming made a decision.

"This bastard must die without a burial this time." Song Jia said angrily. Her eyes blazing like a ravaging sun. Thinking of the past incidence when she had to take off her clothes, standing in front of Qin Ruo. Qin Ruo was indifferent, and Song Jia felt ashamed.

"Shut up, don't you know what happened? Qin Ruo left Qin's house, but his blood is still there. What kind of human is that Tang Zhan even? A complete idiot, that's what he is. Stay away from him." Song Liming glared at Song Jia.

"I see, I won't communicate with Tang Zhan in the future." Song Jia's voice became a little quieter.

In fact, she didn't have the face to continue with Tang Zhan. At that time, she ignored Tang Zhan words and took off her clothes in front of Qin Ruo to beg for her life, which made their relationships a little strained.


Qin Ruo was at Wan Dou's residence. After practicing for a week, he received a call from Uncle Mo, who had arrived in Hubei Province.

Knowing that Uncle Mo was in Hubei Province, Qin Ruo let Uncle Mo take a trip around. It was like being on a tour.

"When the wind blows over, we'll also go on a tour." Wan Dou, who pressed the TV remote control, said.

"Okay, what song is this?" Qin Ruo noticed that there was murder in the song playing on the TV.

"I don't know that, there's ambush from all sides." Wan Dou said.

"I remember, this is 'House of the Flying Daggers'." Qin Ruo fell into thinking.

He was sure that if he used the pipa to play the "House of Flying Blades" with his spiritual power, it could affect people's minds, but who would give him the opportunity to play the zither and the pipa when fighting?

However, he found that a prominent punch in the tune of "House of Flying Daggers", if pronounced with the mouth, would be the zha sound.

Thinking of this, Qin Ruo's involuntary mental power combined with his spiritual foundation, and a word came out of his mouth. "Zhayin."

With Qin Ruo's voice, Wan Dou, who was standing beside him, collapsed on the sofa with a thud, her face turning pale.

"What's wrong with you, Wan Dou?" Qin Ruo was shocked and asked, leaning on Wan Dou's shoulder.

"Suddenly, everything got dark in front of me just now, and my mind went blank." Wan Dou said weakly.

"Sorry!" Qin Ruo knew that the voice he just made had soul attack power, and Wan Dou was affected.

"It was you, you did it just now?" Wan Dou looked at Qin Ruo curiously and asked.

"Well, after having a little insight, I unintentionally displayed it." Qin Ruo said apologetically.

"It's amazing! You have to tell me this." Although Wan Dou was hit hard, she was still very interested.

"This thing requires you to practice cultivation and have a spiritual foundation." Qin Ruo said helplessly.

"Cultivation? Mental power? Is it the magical mental power described in the novel?" Wan Dou looked at Qin Ruo like a monster.

Qin Ruo looked away, avoiding any further chat with Wan Dou, and sent Wan Dou back to the bedroom. He knew that Wan Dou needed rest now. Although he did it unintentionally, the effect of the soul attack had a great impact on Wan Dou's soul.

Wan Dou quickly fell asleep.

Qin Ruo, who was a little worried, put the soul nourishing stone that he regarded as a treasure under the sleeping Wan Dou's pillow.

Qin Ruo was relieved after finishing all these things. He didn't want Wan Dou to have an accident. Fortunately, Wan Dou was only affected by some shocks. The problem was not serious to make her become an idiot. The main reason was that Wan Dou had just started to practice cultivation, and her willpower was very weak.

While Wan Dou rested, Qin Ruo returned to the living room and continued to listen to the spng of ambush, recalling the sound just now.

After listening to it several times and combining the power and his will just now, Qin Ruo knew that he had understood it right.

Wan Dou didn't have a zither at home, so he planned to record the song, and then listen to it slowly to see what musical notes could be used for meditation.

Wan Dou slept all day and night. Her mental state was much better when she woke up, mainly because of the effect of the soul nourishing stone.

"Wan Dou, can you buy a zither?" Qin Ruo asked.

"Are you going to play the zither for me? It's very difficult to play, and it's almost forgotten by most people now." Wan Dou looked at Qin Ruo and couldn't understand what the boy was thinking.

"Okay, I'll play one for you when I buy it." Qin Ruo said with a smile.

Wan Dou was well aware of the danger outside, so she didn't go out but called someone to buy it for her. She was the eldest lady of the Wan family, so it was a very simple thing to do.

When the person who she sent the zither came, Qin Ruo stayed in the guest room. After all, it was not convenient for him to show up at this time.

"Come on, let me see what you can do with this thing." Wan Dou said, looking at Qin Ruo. She had already discharged the person that brought the zither.

"Okay, don't talk for a while, I'm going to record it and reminisce." Qin Ruo said as he sat in front of the zither, and turned on the recording on the phone.

Wan Dou nodded and put the speaker into recording state.

Qin Ruo closed his eyes, and a piece of bright moon heart popped out in his mind. When he played, Qin Ruo used his mental power. This was not for showing off, it was mainly for Wan Dou. Wan Dou's soul was impacted. Now she was calm and concentrated, it would be beneficial.

As a matter of fact, he deliberately changed the mood in the song's heart, removed the sadness, and left peace.