Hell Has No Door

After the song was over, Wan Dou still sat quietly with a very peaceful expression. She didn't wake up until Qin Ruo stopped recording and poured her a glass of water.

"It's nice, I don't know how to describe this song." Wan Dou was extremely shocked. She could not have imagined that Qin Ruo would be so accomplished in rhythm of music.

Qin Ruo smiled and didn't speak. He opened the song recorded by Wan Dou and began to listen.

Wan Dou was also listening.

"It's weird, it sounds good to listen to now, but it doesn't feel as strong as before." Wan Dou said, after listening to it again.

Qin Ruo smiled, but did not explain. Instead, he listened back and forth, looking for the key to the song. After listening to it several times, Qin Ruo found that the main syllable of this meditative song was Yu.

This kind of discovery made him very excited. Anytime he found the people around him to be upset, he could solve it with one word.

If Qin Ruo had gained something, Wan Dou was also very happy.

No matter what was going on outside, Qin Ruo stayed at Wan Dou's residence, practicing hard, and also directed Wan Dou to practice when she was free.

In the blink of an eye, a month had passed, Wan Dou's cultivation level had risen to the third level of body training, and Qin Ruo's cultivation level had reached the peak of the seventh level of body training. However, Qin Ruo's spirit stone was used up a lot.

Qin Ruo talked to Long Qiuyu on the phone, and knew that the Tang family had been searching frantically for a month, and now the movement had become much quieter.

Qin Ruo didn't leave the compound.

The Tang family and the people from several major families in Yanjing thought that Qin Ruo had left Yanjing.

After thinking about it, Qin Ruo felt that he should clean up the Tang family again, and then leave Yanjing. After making a decision, Qin Ruo told Wan Dou that he was leaving.

"What are you going to do? You made the Tang family so miserable. They won't stop looking for you." Wan Dou said.

"I'm not going to hide it from you, I plan to go to the Tang family's property for another meal, and then leave Yanjing for a while." Qin Ruo said.

"Then can I go with you?" Wan Dou felt that being with Qin Ruo was very peaceful. She couldn't tell how at ease, just like when she sprained her foot when she was a child. With Qin Ruo by her side, she didn't feel afraid at all.

"There is danger around me at all times." Qin Ruo thought for a while and said.

"It's okay, what do we need to prepare?" Wan Dou was very happy to see that Qin Ruo didn't refuse.

"You don't need to prepare anything, just to know how to get there easily." Qin Ruo thought about it. He drove away the last time, but now he didn't have a car in his hand.

"There is a record of the flight. They can find out where we go. The safest thing is to drive away by ourselves. So, we drive my car away." Wan Dou said.

"That's fine, I'll pack them up at night, and then we'll leave." Qin Ruo made a decision.

When it got dark, Qin Ruo prepared and left the residence with Wan Dou. Wan Dou drove the car to the vicinity of Shengtang Building under Qin Ruo's command.

With the veil on, Qin Ruo walked towards the Tang family's largest property, the Shengtang Building. Qin Ruo took out the silver dragon sword from his back, who didn't smash things easily.

Shengtang Building was one of the core industrial premises of the Tang family. Qin Ruo had already mastered it very well. Before leaving this time, he would play a big game before running from Yanjing.

There were not ordinary security guards in Shengtang Building. Many of them were disciples of the Tang family. Qin Ruo would not kill directly, but he would not take lightly either as he continued to smash the properties.

When he reached the third floor, Qin Ruo suddenly felt the danger. A feeling of being stared at by a beast appeared in his heart.

Looking up at the source of danger, Qin Ruo saw an old man in a Tang suit.

Earth warrior!

"Heavens has a way, you didn't go. Hell has no door, yet you broke in. Seriously? This is where you can come out of all the places? Smashing the Tang family's properties because you can? This is the last time. You must die today." The old man looked at Qin Ruo and said.

No doubt. He was an earth warrior. Qin Ruo found out that the old man was at the second floor of the earth warrior. He never expected to meet the earth warrior of the Tang family here.

After Qin Ruo smashed two of Yanjing's properties, the Tang family sent out the elders of the ground martial arts, and sent them to various important industries to wait and see.

The elder stationed in Shengtang Building was called Tang Zhenghao, one of the elders of the Tang family.

"I already knew it was the last stop, you don't have to say it." Qin Ruo moved in a flash and rushed outside.

"Do you still want to run now?" Tang Zhenghao rushed to the stairway in a lightning speed, blocking Qin Ruo's way. The speed was much faster than Qin Ruo's. The two arrived at the stairway almost at the same time.

At the entrance of the stairs, Tang Zhenghao threw a punch at Qin Ruo. The punch was rippling the air, with a chilling murderous intent in the middle.

Qin Ruo unleashed the sword in his hand and slashed at Tang Zhenghao's fist.

Although Tang Zhenghao's cultivation base was higher than Qin Ruo's, Qin Ruo's victory was not for anything else because he has a magic weapon in his hand.

Seeing the flash of the sword light, Tang Zhenghao's face changed, his body flashed to the side, and he kicked Qin Ruo's abdomen. Qin Ruo realized that he had underestimated Tang Zhenghao's vision. However, he found something wrong at the critical moment and took a different approach.

Facing Tang Zhenghao's change, the silver dragon knife in Qin Ruo's hand also changed and chopped down at the thigh that Tang Zhenghao raised to kick him.