Hell's Gate

At this time, Tang Zhenghao stepped back, and then pulled his right hand towards his waist, a soft whip appeared in his hand, and then in a swift motion, sent the whip towards Qin Ruo's neck.

In the face of such a situation, Qin Ruo's body could only dash forward, slashing the sword diagonally to stop the whip. Even if the whip was cut into two, it would still pack a devastating force in the hand of an earth warrior. He knew he couldn't bear the full force of the whip.

The only way now was to get close, so that the full power of the whip couldn't be exerted.

The moment Qin Ruo rushed forward, Tang Zhenghao realized his intention. Tang Zhenghao slammed his feet on the ground to stop himself and retreated as fast as a shadow hawk. At the same time, his wrist flickered, and the whip blocked Qin Ruo's way forward.

Qin Ruo, who was helpless at this moment, twisted his body and rushed towards the small window next to the stairs. He had already pulled away from the whip, and since he couldn't face and restrain Tang Zhenghao, the only option was for him to flee.

After smashing the glass of the window, Qin Ruo jumped out of the building. He didn't care if the three-story building was high or low. In his current situation, he couldn't worry about that. As he went out through the window, he saw an air-conditioning rack, and twisted his body, falling on the air-conditioning rack. From there, he then jumped to the ground.

At this moment, Tang Zhenghao also came out of the building. With a flick of his whip, he wrapped it around another air-conditioning rack, and fell to the ground with a sway, blocking Qin Ruo's escape route.

Seeing there was no other way for him to escape, Qin Ruo decided to try the mental shock. If it didn't work, it would be worse for him today. He could simply lose his life.

Just when he was about to use his mental power shock, Qin Ruo remembered that he had also understood the sound attack, so he planned to try it on Tang Zhenghao first.

Qin Ruo leaped into the air and slashed his dagger towards Tang Zhenghao.

"I said, you must die today." Tang Zhenghao swung the whip in his hand, and pulled it towards Qin Ruo's neck.

"Enervate." Qin Ruo spat out the word.

As Qin Ruo's voice attack came out, Tang Zhenghao's face instantly paled, and he stumbled a little and became unsteady.

At this time, Qin Ruo arrived in front of Tang Zhenghao and slashed at Tang Zhenghao's forehead, creating a gash gash in his head. Instantaneously, Tang Zhenghao's whip reverberated and hit Qin Ruo on the back, causing him to stagger in pain.

Without time to think about other things, Qin Ruo ran and left Shengtang Building. He didn't expect to meet an iron plate of a warrior today. If he hadn't understood the sound attack, he would have died today.

Qin Ruo ran all the way, arrived at the place where Wan Dou was waiting for him, opened the car door and sat behind her, "drive!"

"Are you injured?" Wan Dou asked while driving.

"Well, a little trauma is not a big problem." Qin Ruo said after taking a breath.

"Now that the Tang family is ready in their preparation, if you go, it's easy for you to be surrounded. Injury is even a trivial matter, you could be caught." Wan Dou said, throwing a bottle of water to Qin Ruo.

"It's not that I was surrounded, but I met an old master from the Tang family, an earth warrior." Qin Ruo said after taking a sip of water.

"You met an earth warrior?" Wan Dou looked at Qin Ruo in shock.

The Wan family was an ancient martial arts family. Although Wan Dou had not practiced martial arts before, she knew what the concept of martial arts was.

"Well, it's fortunate that his rank is not very high, otherwise I would've been a corpse by now." Qin Ruo took out some medicine and tried to apply it to the place where the whip hit him on the back, but he couldn't reach it.

"You killed the earth warrior?" Wan Dou drove the car quickly.

"I don't know. But he's seriously injured at the least, if not, I wouldn't have made it back. I couldn't wait to check if he's dead or not." Qin Ruo said.

In Wan Dou's eyes, earth warriors were high and powerful, but Qin Ruo lived in the Profound Sky Continent in his previous life, and earth warriors were nothing in Qin Ruo's eyes. Although his cultivation was gone, his vision and knowledge were still there.

Wan Dou wanted to stop the car to help Qin Ruo treat the wound, but Qin Ruo didn't let her. He asked Wan Dou to drive back to his residence first.

After returning to the residence, Qin Ruo quickly treated the wound. Although the whip hit Qin Ruo after Tang Zhenghao was attacked by the sound, there wasn't much strength behind the attack at that moment. Nonetheless, it caused Qin Ruo's back to be red, swollen and bruised.

After a brief tidying up, Qin Ruo put the silver dragon knife away, and the two left Wan Dou's residence. After all, it was inconvenient to travel with weapons, especially now that the security checks were very strict in various places.

Wan Dou drove the car and left Yanjing along the freeway instead of the highway.

After leaving Yanjing, Wan Dou and Qin Ruo were not in a hurry to do anything. The two planned to go to Jincheng and then fly to Hubei Province.

Qin Ruo and Wan Dou left Yanjing City in turmoil.


An earth warrior was mortally wounded!

An earth warrior of the Tang family!

For so many years, no earth warriors have been mortally injured before in Yanjing, but this time it was an earth warrior of the Tang family who was left in such a state. There was no assurances that he would survive the injuries.

This time Tang Qingfeng was not angry. He knew that anger was useless and he had to find a way to solve the problem.

The fall of an elder who cultivated to the earth martial arts stage made Tang Qingfeng feel the crisis.

"What do you think, Big Brother? It's pointless for us to search for him now. The Tang disciples who searched for him are still in danger." Tang Qinglin said.

"I will inform all the elders to gather for a meeting. We must come up with a solution." Tang Qingfeng seemed to be a few years older.