Forced Marriage Of Qin Ran

"What catastrophe?" Qin Ruo asked curiously.

"Hmm, you don't know? Then I'll tell you what I know!" Wan Dou patiently told Qin Ruo,

A hundred years ago, a genius disciple of Tangmen went to the secular world to train and fell in love with a young girl, but the girl didn't like this genius disciple of Tangmen. The disciples of ancient Wuzongmen were all high above others, let alone genius disciples. He hit the girl hard, and the girl's uncle was a member of the Yan group, which sparked a conflict and led to a big war.

The conflict between the forces of the secular world began, and later it was a contest between the ancient Wuzongmen and the Yan group, and the final result was a lose-lose situation. The ancient Wu Zongmen closed the mountain, and the vitality of the Yan and Huang groups was severely damaged.

The disaster caused the invasion of Wuzhen by other countries.

"What a sin." Qin Ruo said with a sigh.

"You have to be careful, the Tang Clan is the power behind the Tang family of the six major families." Wan Dou said that he explained so much to make Qin Ruo more careful of the situation.

"I'll go into Cuihua Mountain when I have a chance to see what's going on inside." Qin Ruo was interested.

"You're not from the ancient Wuzongmen, you can't find the way. And don't look at me, I can't get in myself." Wandou said.

"You can't get in either? How can I get in if you can't get in?" Qin Ruo asked in surprise.

"Ordinary people go to the tourist area. The Weiyang District, where the ancient Wuzongmen is located, is also called Weiyangjie. There is a mountain protection formation outside the Weiyang Realm. After the mountain protection formation is the entrance to the Weiyang Realm. The entrance to the Weiyang Realm is guarded all the year round. Said to not let anyone in and out."

Wan Dou didn't expect Qin Ruo to have the idea of ​​going in.

"There's no way in." Qin Ruo said while rubbing his forehead.

"It's not that there is no chance. Every ten years on Chongyang, the Weiyang Realm will hold a Chongyang Festival. Important figures of the ancient Wuzongmen in the secular world will be invited, and those who get the invitation token will be able to enter." Wandou smiled. said.

"Where can I get the invitation token?" Qin Ruo wanted to go in and have a look, but wanting to get the invitation token is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Wandou did not answer Qin Ruo's words, but lowered her head and thought about something.

"I've been busy for a long time today. I think you're tired too. Take a rest! When you're cultivating, you don't need to save the pills." Qin Ruo left the room after saying that.

Qin Ruo had no interest in the ancient Wuzongmen, but he felt that there would be alchemy materials in the Weiyang realm.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Ruo gave up. His current cultivation base was too low, and if he had a little conflict with the ancient martial arts practitioners in Weiyang Realm, he really couldn't handle it.

Qin Ruo was practicing hard, and he intended to cultivate to the realm of earth martial arts as soon as possible.

Wandou had the training speed of the Energy Gathering pill given by Qin Ruo

The tree wanted to be quiet, but the wind continued. When Qin Ruo was about to take a break and hit the eighth floor of the body training, Jiang Lan called.

The phone number belonged to Jiang Lan, but when Qin Ruo answered the phone, the voice was not that of Jiang Lan but Qin Ran.

"Third brother, woo..." After Qin Ran called out, it was a cry.

"What's wrong with little sister?" Qin Ruo was shocked. He remembered that Qin Ran was a strong girl, and she wouldn't cry unless she encountered something embarrassing.

"Qin Ruo, it was the Qin family who gave Qin Ran Xu to Chen Qing. The two of them have never met. This is irresponsible to Qin Ran." Jiang Lan's voice came from the phone. The crying Qin Ran took the phone back.

"Who is Chen Qing?" Qin Ruo asked.

"The person of Nanhongmen, the son of Chen Xuanyi, who is at the helm of Nanhongmen." Jiang Lan said, with helplessness in her words.

Qin Ruo took a breath, and his heart was full of anger. He remembered that Qin Ran was only twenty years old this year and was still studying. Now the Qin family was doing this for the benefit of the family.

"Where is Qin Ran?" Qin Ruo calmed down and asked.

"It's in the entertainment city." Jiang Lan said.

"Just stay in the entertainment city, I will come back soon." Qin Ruo hung up the phone.

Qin Ruo didn't care about other Qin family affairs, even if Qin Zhendong was dead. But Qin Ran was different. Everything about Qin Ran was deep in Qin Ruo's memory.

No one paid attention to the unlucky guy in the Qin family for more than ten years, but there was always a little girl wearing a floral dress and sometimes a runny nose around him. He was always delicious and fun.

This memory made Qin Ruo know what family love was, true family love.

In addition, some time ago, Qin Ran secretly saw his anxiety, that worry, was engraved in Qin Ruo's heart.

After bidding farewell to Wandou and Uncle Mo, Qin Ruo arrived in Tianhua City and flew to Yanjing. After Qin Ruo arrived at the entertainment city, she found that Qin Ran was gone.

"What's the matter?" Qin Ruo's face was ugly.

"After Qin Ran called you, people from the Qin family showed up. Many people came, and we couldn't stop them." Before Jiang Lan could speak, Long Qiuyu spoke up.

Long Qiuyu's face was apologetic, he really couldn't stop it. The people who came from the Qin family were the ones who took the lead, and they had members at the seventh-level of body training.