Emergency Plans

In addition, Long Qiuyu couldn't stop it, because it was the Qin family's business. If he stopped it, there could be a direct conflict between the Qin family and the Long family.

Turning to look out the window, Qin Ruo thought, he couldn't ignore this matter, he must take care of Qin Ran's affairs.

"Qin Ruo, I'm very sorry about this. In fact, it's useless for me to transfer Qin Ran here directly. She must be followed by the Qin family." Long Qiuyu said.

"I know, I have to think about how to deal with this matter." Qin Ruo said.

Seeing Qin Ruo thinking, Long Qiuyu and Jiang Lan withdrew.

Qin Ruo, the power of the Hongmen, knew that it was an underworld power that shrouded half of Wuzhen. The most terrifying thing was that many high-level members of the gang had been whitewashed, and they had a pivotal position in various provinces and cities.

This was also the reason why the Qin family wanted to marry the Hongmen.

After thinking about it for half an hour, Qin Ruo couldn't think of a good solution, and finally decided to rob people, which should be said to be stealing people.

The Qin family's mansion was very famous in Yanjing. It was Qinwangzhuang. The high-rises of the Qin family in Yanjing all live in Qinwangzhuang.

The reason why Qin Ruo decided to rob people was that Qin Zhendong's family lived in Qianzhuang, and the masters lived in Houzhuang, and there was a distance between them.

After making a decision, Qin Ruo bade farewell to Jiang Lan and Long Qiuyu and returned to his luxurious office.

Now that he was at the peak of the seventh level of physical training, he planned to break through to the eighth level of physical training first.

After eating a true essence pill, Qin Ruo began to practice.

It was not difficult to train from the seventh to the eighth layer, and it required accumulation of spiritual energy. As long as the accumulation is enough, the advancement was a matter of course.

For Qin Ruo, it came naturally, but for others, it was difficult. There was a resource issue involved. Qin Ruo started using jade with spiritual energy, followed by Peiyuan Dan. Spirit stone was a resource that no one else could dream of.

However, after using two pieces of spirit stones, Qin Ruo didn't use them anymore, mainly because the spirit stones were precious, and Qin Ruo didn't want to waste them. They were valuable resources.

After half a day and one night, Qin Ruo successfully raised his cultivation to the eighth level of body training. This was unique among the younger generation of the six major families.

After leaving his office, Qin Ruo entered Long Qiuyu's office.

Long Qiuyu was breathing clouds and mist, and Jiang Lan was sitting opposite him.

"Qin Ruo, I contacted my family yesterday. The Long family can't interfere in this matter. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to do." Seeing Qin Ruo, Long Qiuyu stood up and said.

"If you need anything, just ask me." Qin Ruo said.

"Ok, what are your plans?" Long Qiuyu said.

"Grab someone, and you drive to pick me up." Qin Ruo said his decision.

"That's fine." Long Qiuyu nodded.

"Do you have a secret place?" Qin Ruo looked at Long Qiuyu and asked. He knew that as the son of Long Qiuyu, one of the six major families, it was impossible for Long Qiuyu to have no way out.

"As long as you can grab the person, I will have a way to do the rest." Long Qiuyu said with certainty.

Long Qiuyu was already very guilty that the Long family could not help Qin Ruo. After all, Long Ruoxu's arm was treated by Qin Ruo, and the Peiyuan Dan sent by Qin Ruo, Long Qiuyu was not yet able to use it.

"Get ready, we'll act at night. Thank you brother." Qin Ruo said.

"Don't be polite when I'm your brother, but you have to plan well. The strength of the Qin family is terrifying." Long Qiuyu was worried that Qin Ruo would impulsively underestimate the Qin family.

"I know." Qin Ruo nodded.

"What do I need to do?" Jiang Lan said.

"Be careful, once we succeed here, the Qin family may come here to look for trouble. If they do, they will come up here." Qin Ruo was a little worried that if things got bigger, the Qin family would find trouble in the entertainment city.

"They dare! I'll ask Xuanxuan to bring the members of the Long family here. There are shares of the Long family here. If they come here to make trouble, they will face our wrath, and it will be on our side." Long Qiuyu said.

After discussing for a while, Qin Ruo went back to the room to fix it.

At ten o'clock at night, Qin Ruo left the office.

"You don't have a weapon?" Long Qiuyu walked out of the room next to him when he heard the door slam.

"No, I have. Wait, I'll make a call." Qin Ruo called Wandou and told Wandou that he would be going to her residence to get the long dagger.

After Qin Ruo mortally wounded Tang Zhenghao last time, the silver dragon knife was placed in Wandou's residence.

Wandou told Qin Ruo that there was a key under the carpet at the door, and also told Qin Ruo that his certificate from the deputy captain of the special police squadron meant he could carry weapons, and that criminals could be killed directly, but they had to comply with the review afterwards.

Sitting in Long Qiuyu's car, they drove to Wandou's residence to get the silver dragon knife, and then put the key back to its original place.

"You really don't understand, the special police squadron has great privileges. Let alone you have the certificate of the deputy captain." When Qin Ruo called, Long Qiuyu was on the side and heard clearly.

"I really didn't know. Let's go to Qinwangzhuang now." Qin Ruo carried the silver dragon knife to his back.