A Rescue Mission [I]

Qin family mansion was located in the north of Yanjing City. It was built on the mountain, and covered an area of ​​seven or eight square kilometers. At night, Qin family mansion looked like a ferocious tiger.

Although he had left Qin family mansion, Qin Ruo still understood it very well. After all, the unlucky person had lived there for a long time.

Under Qin Ruo's command, Long Qiuyu stopped at a hidden place, four miles away from Qin family mansion. Nodding to Long Qiuyu, Qin Ruo got out of the car and lurked towards Qin family mansion.

When he was more than a mile away from Qin family mansion, Qin Ruo glanced at the main entrance of Qin family mansion and slipped to the side.

The courtyard wall of Qin family mansion was more than 20 feet high, and above it was the power grid. Qin Ruo also knew that Qin family mansion had iron guards patrolling with Tibetan mastiffs at night. It was the Qin family's iron guards, not the security guards.

Qin Ruo walked along the courtyard wall for more than two hundred meters and stopped. He remembered that this was where Qin Zhendong's family lived.

After taking a deep breath and taking out the silver dragon knife, Qin Ruo jumped and turned towards the courtyard wall. When he was still two feet away from the grid, Qin Ruo slammed the silver dragon knife into the courtyard wall.

Mental strength searched, but did not find the patrolling Qin Family's guards, Qin Ruo turned over with strength from his waist, jumped over the power grid and entered Qin family mansion.

After entering the Qin family mansion, Qin Ruo crossed the path under the courtyard wall, entered the garden area, and then slowly sneaked towards the attic not far ahead.

There were six or seven attics in this place. He knew that the two near the courtyard wall belonged to Qin Yu and Qin Xiao, and the middle one belonged to Qin Zhennandong and his wife.

Qin Ran used to live in a loft with them, but now he didn't know what was going on, so he wanted to investigate. He remembered that Qin Zhendong would handle things in the front hall at this time, and he usually rested on time, at half past eleven, so he chose this time.

After touching the attic where Qin Yu and Qin Xiao lived, Qin Ruo came to the bottom of the middle attic. After a mental search, Qin Ruo found that in the westernmost room of the attic, a woman was exhorting Qin Ran. This woman with raised eyes, a red mole on her lips, and a pointed chin is Mrs. Qin Song Liping.

"Will your father harm you? Chen Qing is the future leader of the Nanhong Sect. You will be beautiful in the future." Song Liping looked at her daughter and said.

"I've never met anyone before, why do you want me to marry? I'm only twenty years old, do you care about my happiness?" Qin Ran's face was sad.

"Happiness? What do you know about happiness? In short, this matter is settled." All kinds of persuasion were ineffective, and Song Liping was impatient.

"Kill me if you want, but I won't marry anyone." Qin Ran's attitude was firm.

"This is a decision made by the elders of the family. Your father and I also think it's very suitable, so no matter what you decide, things will not change." Song Liping left the room and turned to the door at the same time, talking to a woman outside. "Aqiu, Miss is not allowed to leave the room for half a step."

This kind of situation made Qin Ruo very annoyed. For the benefit of the family, Qin Ran was sacrificed like this. She didn't understand that there were mothers like Song Liping in the world.

Qin Ran's room was on the third floor. After Qin Ruo got to the bottom of Qin Ran's room, he jumped to the air conditioner rack on the second floor, and then rushed towards the window on the third floor. When he reached the window, Qin Ruo stretched out his left hand and grabbed the edge of the window. Then, with the force of his arms, he fell to the edge of the window.

After inserting the silver dragon knife into his waist with his right hand, he slowly opened the window and jumped into the room.

"Ah..." Hearing the voice, Qin Ran, who turned his head, screamed.

Hearing this scream, Qin Ruo knew it was broken, but he never thought that something had gone wrong with Qin Ran.

"My little sister is me, come here!" Qin Ruo said calmly, pulling Qin Ran behind him.

Then, he pulled the sheets, and then tied Qin Ran to his back. As soon as Qin Ruo tied Qin Ran to his back, a woman rushed into the room with two men.

In Qin Ruo's memory of this woman, it was Song Liping's daughter-in-law, A Qiu, who used to give the unfortunate face a lot of looks.

"Catch hi- ... ah!" A Qiu shouted halfway before being kicked over by Qin Ruo.

After kicking A Qiu, Qin Ruo knocked down the man behind A Qiu with one punch, and then knocked the other man unconscious with his elbow.

"Third brother, you go by yourself, you can't go with me." Qin Ran said anxiously.

"Don't worry, little sister, the third brother won't let you marry someone you don't like." Qin Ruo jumped out of the window after saying that.

In Qin Ran's shock, Qin Ruo took out the silver dragon knife and stuck it on the wall, then jumped to the ground.

But at this time, a lot of people had come up around the attic, all with bright long knives in their hands.

"Third brother, I'm the one who got you down." Qin Ran was already desperate, she knew the ferocity of the family's iron guards.

"What do I know! It turns out that it's the little beast. Ran'er leave him at this moment and come here." Song Liping, who came from the main entrance of the pavilion, stared at Qin Ruo with a stern look on her face.