A Rescue Mission [II]

"I'm not leaving, Mom, please let the third brother go!" Qin Ran said.

"Move aside Ran'er." Song Liping said concernedly, turned to the guards and pointed at Qin Ruo. "Take the little beast. You will break your hands and feet if you resist."

A few seconds later, she looked behind her angrily. "You haven't started yet?"

At this time, Qin Ruo rushed forward and slashed out at Tie Wei who was facing him.

Seeing Qin Ruo's move, the long knife in the hand of the front iron guard came out horizontally and kicked out at the same time.

If other young masters rebelled, Tie Wei would not dare to take a serious shot, but Qin Ruo, the young master, was different. When he was in Qin family mansion, he was aware that his grandmother didn't love his uncle, not to mention that he had been away for more than ten years.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the long knife in Tie Guard's hand was cut off by Qin Ruo, and the silver dragon knife kept moving, cutting the right leg kicked out by the Tie Guard in half.

After knocking down the frontal iron guard, Qin Ruo continued to charge forward.

But at this time, the iron guards of the Qin family had already surrounded him. These were all level-three fighters of body training, even the top level-four Tie Guard couldn't stop Qin Ruo at all.

In a short time, these iron guards were cut down by Qin Ruo. Then, Qin Ruo rushed towards the courtyard wall.

At this time, Qin Zhendong appeared, accompanied by an old man.

"What's going on?" Qin Zhendong's face was ashen as he looked at Tie Wei who was slumped on the ground.

"It's Qin Ruo, this little beast. He's here to snatch Qin Ran, and he must be taken down today." Song Liping said through gritted teeth.

Knowing what was going on, Qin Zhendong and the old man beside him chased after Qin Ruo.

At this time, Qin Ruo was covered in blood, but it was not his, but the Tiewei who besieged him. After cutting down the iron guard beside him, Qin Ruo jumped up, towards the courtyard wall.

Just as Qin Ruo jumped up, a blade of light flashed and slashed towards Qin Ruo's head.

This knife was extremely vicious, and Qin Ruo's body fell to the ground in desperation.

"Qin Ruo, you can capture it without your hands, and you may have a chance to wait for the family's fate." The old man who came with Qin Zhendong stood under the courtyard wall.

"Family? What does the family have to do with me?" Qin Ruo knew that the old man in front of him was Qin Qizheng, the elder of the Qin family, and his cultivation base was higher than Tang Zhenghao.

"It seems that you are stubborn." Qin Qizheng Zou Mei said.

"Fourth Uncle, don't talk with him. Take him down first." Qin Zhendong said after coming over.

"Dad! He is my third brother and your son?" Qin Ran could not have imagined that his father would be so ruthless towards Qin Ruo.

"Shut up, Ran. I used to be the one who threw the waste away from the Qin family, but now that he has some skills, he attacked the family? No, I'll go right with the Qin family. I don't have such a son." Qin Zhendong said coldly.

While Qin Zhendong was talking, two more old men came over from Houzhuang and were also the elders of the Qin family.

Glancing at the two old men behind, Qin Qizheng turned his head and slashed towards Qin Ruo.

This knife slashed Qin Ruo's right shoulder. It seemed that he wanted to inflict heavy damage on Qin Ruo, but he didn't make a direct killing move.

But this was almost the same as the ultimate move, being hit to disable.

If Qin Ruo could dodge normally, it would have been a little better, but now with Qin Ran on his back, there was no way to dodge. One was that he had no speed, and the other was that Qin Qizheng's knife was too fast.

Qin Ruo had no choice but to slash sideways.


The two knives met, making a crisp sound, and Qin Ruo's body was sent three feet backwards. He knelt on one knee, holding the silver dragon knife in his hand to stabilize his body.

"Come again!" Qin Qi's body flashed, and another blade flashed at Qin Ruo.

Qin Ruo stood up and slashed against Qin Qizheng's long knife.


There was another crisp sound, and Qin Ruo's body was sent flying backward again. Just as he was about to land, Qin Ruo waved his right arm, and the silver dragon knife stabbed into the wall. Then he swung his body towards the top of the courtyard wall, and at the same time pulled out the silver dragon knife.

When he was still two feet away from the top of the courtyard wall, Qin Ruo's silver dragon knife inserted into the wall again, and stabilized his body at the same time.

If it was a normal courtyard wall, Qin Ruo wouldn't have to bother so much, and he could flip over with his left hand, but there was a three-foot-high power grid on the Qin's courtyard wall.

When Qin Ruo was about to climb over the wall, Qin Qizheng slashed with his third knife.

"Damn!" Qin Ruo scolded secretly. If Qin Qi was slowing down, Qin Ruo could turn it out, but now he couldn't.

Qin Ruo, who had no choice, pulled out the Silver Dragon Sword with a shock in his right hand and threw it swiftly at the approaching Qin Qizheng.

Hard to bear the loss, but there was no other way to avoid the shadow blade, no chance to avoid with Qin Ran on his back.

When the right hand fired the knife, Qin Ruo's left hand violently tore off his jacket. His body was slashed to the ground, and then he retreated.

Qin Qizheng, who was exerting force in the air, blocked the Dragon blade but fell to the ground and retreated. After all, there was nowhere to land in the air.

Qin Ruo didn't care about his numb right arm. After landing, he jumped up again. When he was very close to the power grid, the broken jacket in his left hand was thrown out, covering a small part of the power grid.