Moments In Time [XII]

The second half of this eventful night finally passed in a peaceful manner. When Qin Ruo woke up at six o'clock in the morning, he had a headache.

Qin Ruo came to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, with dark circles under his eyes. Qin Ruo brushed his teeth and washed his face. Then organize your clothes. At this time, Qin Ruo's door rang. Someone was knocking softly on the door.

Qin Ruo opened the door and saw Cao Wang and Lu Rui standing at the door. Cao Wang patted Qin Ruo's shoulder and said, "Boy, you got up early! How did you sleep last night?"

Qin Ruo touched his under-eye bags with his fingers and said, "It's not very good, but it won't affect anything. Is there any activity today?"

Cao Wang patted Qin Ruo's shoulder again and said, "Let's go, brother. Let's go to the restaurant on the first floor and chat while eating."

"Okay." Qin Ruo picked up the card-shaped key inserted at the door and followed Cao Wang and Lu Rui downstairs.