Chapter 67

Solve the matter of Tianyuan Zhunzhunian Cannian.

Gu Changge can take a good look at the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd in his hand.

With wisps of cold light, the devilish energy was surging, and it looked extremely terrible.

The weight is not light.

It is estimated to weigh tens of thousands of catties, and the texture of the grip is deep and cold, as if forged by dark fairy gold.

The more I look at Gu Changge, the more satisfied.

His physique is relatively good among the arrogances of his peers in the upper realm, but he still feels heaviness.

Of course, this is because he possesses a demon heart and has a deeper relationship with the Bahuang Demon.

A general cultivator, let alone picking it up, even if it is touched, it will end in an instant.

The weight he felt right now was just that the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd specially made him adapt to it.

The real weight is hard to imagine.

It's not just talking about crushing the void.

"It seems that you regard me as your kind. From now on you will follow me

Gu Changge said with some satisfaction, and at the same time retracted the treasure bottle on the top of his head.

After swallowing a ray of remnant thoughts of the quasi-sovereign powerhouse, he can also diligently tap into his many Cultivation Bases, turning it into pure energy into the limbs and limbs.

Of course, this is another force that belongs to him, and it won't easily manifest itself on weekdays.

As the young supreme of the upper realm, Gu Changge naturally has many hole cards.

And this is just its "three, two, seven" one.

However, upon hearing Gu Changge's words, the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd trembles slightly, seeming to understand what he means.

A sense of joy, kindness, and excitement, passed to him, does not seem like a peerless soldier who can destroy the common people and slaughter all souls.

It's more like seeing own relatives and the same kind.

This strange emotion made Gu Changge a little stunned, but he was not surprised.

There are rumors that the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd was not cast, but a companion weapon. Its original owner seemed to be an existence with a demon heart.

Of course, such rumors are too old, who knows whether it is true or not, he is also amused to listen to it anyway.

And everything in the world has spirits, and weapons naturally do.

Existing for such a long time, it is also normal for things to be intertwined with the principles of the Dao Mark to derive spiritual wisdom and gods.

Like those ancient Taoist traditions, they all have handed down ancestors, and the gods in the critical moments recover, which can show monstrous power.

The evil thing like the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd has been sealed here for many years, and new spiritual wisdom has been born in such a long period of time.

This is naturally unexpected.

At the moment, Gu Changge thought of temptation.

"It seems you can understand what I mean?" Gu Changge asked, then stared at the reaction of the Bahuang Devil Halberd.

It trembled slightly.

It just can't express the meaning of own, only the joyful emotion is conveyed to Gu Changge.

"It seems that you really understand what I mean. From now on I will be your master, you know?" Gu Changge asked.

Of course, if there is a chance, he must refining first. Without refining, it will be difficult to exert his true power. Although his current strength, he cannot control it in its heyday.

The Eight Desolate Demon Halberd trembled, and there was a happy mood.

It seems that Gu Changge makes it very happy when its owner, with wisps of devilish air permeating out, it looks like its way of expressing excitement.

"A good weapon, but it was sealed here for thousands of years. As the master, I feel a little bit heartbroken for you. I will follow the master and the master will take you to kill. If you see anyone upset, tell the master directly…

Gu Changge also teased it happily, and found that its spiritual intelligence should not have been long before it was born.

Only emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow and joy can be heard.

Hearing what he said, he suddenly became more excited, and the sharp face of the blade cried, making the void turbulent.

"Why don't I give you a name? For the sake of your beautiful appearance, I will call you Xiao Hei Gu Changge and smiled.

Hearing this, the Bahuang Devil Halberd suddenly stood still.


Gu Changge couldn't help but laugh.

This character is like a girl who loves beauty.

Not long after leaving the palace.

Behind Gu Changge followed Ye Liuli with an extremely complex expression.

The two returned here and headed outside the ancient underground city.

On the way, Gu Changge's mind once again sounded the system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for accepting the murder weapon, the Eight Desolate Demon Zai, the current weapon space has been opened."

The sudden sound made Gu Changge a little surprised, weapon space? How did it sound like a storage space.

He called the attribute interface.

Owner: Gu Changge.

Halo: Destiny villain.

Weapon: Eight Desolate Demon Halberd.

Identity: Dao Celestial Immortals Gong Zhen Chuan disciple.

Physique Bloodline: Demon Heart Dao Bone.

Cultivation Base: Feng Hou Jing late stage.

Cultivation Technique supernatural powers: Dao Celestial Immortals (75% progress on the seventh level), Wanhua Demon Body (talent), Xiantian Divine Mind (talent), Swallowing Immortals

Destiny value: nine thousand.

Luck point: One thousand eight hundred and eighty (black).

System Mall: Has been opened.

Warehouse: Territory Breaking Symbol*1, incomplete one-third world seed*3 (can be synthesized), Qi Luck Plunder Card*3.

In the column below the halo, Gu Changge saw the weapon.

According to the nature of the system, only the supernatural powers of Cultivation Technique can be recorded on Gu Changge's attribute interface.

In other words, the general things, even if they are owned by Gu Changge, will not be displayed on it.

It looks down on it and thinks it is not qualified.

On the other hand, the origin of the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd is not simple, the system specially opened the weapon column for it.

Magical Items such as knives, swords, tripods, furnaces that Gu Changge usually owns will not appear on the attribute interface.

All those things are kept in his Najie and other places.

At this time, Gu Changge's heart moved.

The Eight Desolate Devil Halberd he placed in the ring disappeared instantly.

At the same time, there was a gray and unbounded space in his mind.


The Eight Desolate Demon Halberd appeared out of thin air.

Faced with the unfamiliar environment, it seemed to be taken aback, and the horrible demonic energy immediately surged like a cat with fried fur.

Fortunately, I quickly felt the breath of Gu Changge.

It gradually calmed down.

"This space does not exist in any void in the outside world. Only I can summon it. This is good. After all, the existence of the Eight Desolates is difficult to conceal."

"If you are sensed by some strong people, they will snatch it out of the box, but they won't take into account my identity background." Gu Changge thought about it, and knew this too.

Once the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd is born, it will inevitably make many old monsters startled and greedy.

For them, this is not a murderous weapon, it is a powerful and terrifying artifact, which can improve their strength in their hands.

And this weapon space is very comfortable, no matter how strong it is, it will not sense the aura of the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd.

Not only can it conceal its existence, but it can also be used as a big trump card for Gu Changge. Thinking about it this way, he found that he seemed to have a lot of cards, but the disaster was also quite big.

Immortal swallowing magic power is one aspect.

As for the girl of luck and others who have already been sinned by the upper world, Gu Changge has a means to deal with it.

This matter will be dealt with in detail after returning to the upper bound.

"I also hope that the prince will forgive his sins. The old slave is not strong enough to protect him. At that time, he was dragged by Miss Ye Liuli's people, and then she broke through."

In front of the underground city

The wave of fierce beasts has almost been dealt with. Seeing Gu Changge coming out, Ming Lao suddenly stepped forward to plead guilty.

However, he was a bit shocked. Ming Ming Ye Liuli and Young Master had both looked like fire and water before, but now she is quietly following behind.

What happened in this?

"It's okay, let her rush through. Anyway, there will be no storms."

Hearing what Ming Lao said, Gu Changge didn't take it seriously.

"It's the son."

Hearing this, Ming Lao's face suddenly became solemn.

From the tone of the son, he could also hear that I am afraid that the purpose of the son's lower realm has been completed, and it should be fairly easy.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being happy for the son.

On the other side, Ye Liuli also talked with the people she brought with an unattractive expression, a little bit upset.

His face was as white as jade, listless.

It looked as if he had been ravaged by bullies.

This made Aunt Xue and others couldn't help but wonder.

"Miss, what about Ye Chen?" she asked.

"Dead, killed by Gu Changge." Ye Liuli's mood was very low.


Aunt Xue's expression changed, and then she was a little lucky. She was afraid that Miss would go to work hard with Gu Gongzi for this. It seemed that things had not yet reached this point.

As for Ye Chen, he died when he died, and that was just right.

As for why Miss looks like this, it must be sad because of this.

Aunt Xue is still very distressed about Ye Liuli's behavior.

But time will wash away everything.

Separately from the underground ancient city.

Ye Liuli and others did not leave with Gu Changge.

Naturally, Gu Changge was too lazy to take care of it.

After being planted, she will be the same no matter where she escapes.

"By the way, the old slave will take the liberty to ask, Qiuhan will return to the upper realm at that time, do you need to bring her along?"

On the way to leave the Tianyuangu secret realm, Elder Ming suddenly asked respectfully.

If he wants to bring it, he can just help in the upper realm, of course, it may also be Lin Qiuhan to help his ancestor in the future.

No matter in which world it is the same, it is much easier for a beautiful woman to succeed than a man.

But Lin Qiuhan is his descendant, and he has nothing to envy.

3.7 Working for the son with peace of mind, the son's reuse will be indispensable in the future.

"I like this girl Qiuhan very much, so I take it naturally." Gu Changge said.

He is also preparing Lin Qiuhan's Alchemy talent to be carried forward in the upper realm and will be used by him at that time.

It happened to be the several major Alchemy sects he was familiar with in the upper realm, one of which had not found a particularly outstanding Alchemy talented disciple for many years.

They have no shortage of resources and are in short supply of disciples.

Especially for those with a talent for scary Alchemy like Lin Qiuhan, it is estimated that they will provoke a frenzy at that time.

Alchemy talents are mostly born in some groups of natural plants and Spiritual herbs, which are very rare among human races.

The upper realm is vast, connecting many big, medium and small worlds, with endless resources behind it.

But the number of human races is actually not dominant.

It is said that there are thousands of races, but the races owned by the upper realm are more than hundreds of millions.

And the status of pill refining master and refining master among the human race is far more noble than the other cultivators, and the personal network resources they control are so terrifying, and there is no need to talk about it.

Gu Changge only needs to send Lin Qiuhan over.

At that time, someone will naturally spend a lot of resources and energy to help him cultivate Lin Qiuhan, and he will also get a big favor from Alchemy.

And Lin Qiuhan is his person again.

Why not do such a good thing?