Chapter 68

After the tidal wave of fierce beasts broke out in the Tianyuangu secret realm, many cultivators in the land of Zhongzhou and even the sky were frightened, thinking that they would usher in a terrible catastrophe.

The monstrous demon qi surging out from it, it is as if a peerless evil demon is about to emerge. After all, according to the records of this place, this is the place to seal the demon soldier.

Maybe the seal has been broken, and the peerless evil demon is about to sweep everywhere and bring disaster to the common people.

Countless cultivators trembled, worried, and panic. After a series of waiting, they were shocked to find that nothing happened at all.

On the contrary, the devilish energy in the secret realm is getting weaker and weaker, as if a peerless evil demon that is about to be born has been sealed again, this incident immediately caused a huge sensation.

Some people suspect that the secret realm records are true or false, but many signs indicate that many people have indeed died here, and many broken ruins and ancient cities are full of corpses.

There is no problem with such a record.

In the end, many cultivators come to unanimous conclusions.

The young adult who came from the upper realm actually came from the lower realm to seal the magic weapon for them. Many cultivators saw the young adult enter from the secret realm entrance on that day.

And half a month after the secret realm was opened, the young adult took the person away, and it was the time when the devilish energy began to decay. In this way, it was too coincident, and the timeline was completely overlapped.

Thinking of this, countless cultivators were grateful to Dade, and even built a statue of the young adult on the land of Zhongzhou to thank him for his kindness.

Of course, Gu Changge must have no idea about this.

If you know that he might not help but laugh out loud, this brain supplement ability, there is no one, it is incredible.

Why didn't you think that he was going to break the seal and take away Divine Armament by the way?

At this moment, he had already taken Ming Lao and others on his way back to the upper realm.



The brilliance is turbulent, and a stable space channel is opened from the front, which looks more like a magnificent ancient palace.

"Is this going to the upper realm?"

It was the first time that Lin Qiuhan and Su Qingge saw such a method, and they were a bit shocked, completely different from what they had imagined.

They thought they would directly tear a crack and experience thunder, like a cultivator flying through the air.

As a result, a channel appeared directly in front of him, as if it was opened exclusively for Gu Changge.

"This is the Gu family's receiving temple, responsible for receiving the young master back to the family. It can cross many world planes and tear the universe through the nuclear shuttle."

Elder Ming explained to the two that after leaving the lower realm, his name to Gu Changge changed.

From the young master to the young master.

This is a completely different change in power.

"Receive the temple, cross the world plane, tear open the universe and shuttle"

Su Qingge's eyes were full of shock. Gu Changge hadn't explained this to her before, saying that she would naturally understand what the upper realm is in the future.

Now she understands a bit.

Nether cultivator, breaking the barrier is already extremely difficult, let alone traveling through this vast world of planes, it is simply impossible to do.

This method is too amazing.

"The son's family is so amazing. Lin Qiuhan was shocked by this method and couldn't say it. Before, he really sat and watched the sky.

She had no other emotions except marveling or marveling.

Elder Ming still agrees with them.

The longevity family, Immortal Great Sect, Supreme Immortal Dynasty, and Primordial Immortal Clan are almost the forces standing at the top of the upper realm.

There are those that can be compared side by side, but it is almost impossible to find one that goes beyond the bird's eye view.

Because of such a force, the heritage is extremely long, and the ages are no more than the sands of the Ganges, and they don't even know each other's background.

As far as he knows, there was a longevity battle involved thousands of years ago, which killed hundreds of thousands of miles across the ocean, and the lower realm that was destroyed is unknown.

Countless creatures in the lower realms were affected and instantly turned into powder.

This is the terrifying power of these giants in the upper realm.

"The old man was also lucky back then. When I was in the upper realm, I met the elders of the young master family. Otherwise, I don't know where to mine for other forces."

The words of Elder Ming made Su Qingge and Lin Qiuhan both stunned and extremely surprised.

Mining in the special corner?

The ancestors of the Lin family, such a legendary figure in the lower realm, were treated like this after coming to the upper realm?

No wonder in the eyes of the upper realm cultivator, the creatures in the lower realm are just like ants.

Gu Changge's treatment of them is already indescribable.

Then, Elder Ming said to the two women again, "The young master is the young master of the longevity family.

"You have to know that even in the vast upper realm, the young master's identity is the top, especially the young master is the true biography of the Celestial Immortals palace. With such two levels of identity, no one can be more noble than the young master."

"You are with the young master, this is your supreme honor, how many noble ladies in the upper realm want this status, it is not available


"You have a lot of knowledge, don't be ashamed of the young master."

Naturally, these things that should be explained should also be explained again. It is naturally impossible for the son to tell them this personally.

So this is the most appropriate words for him.

Su Qingge and Lin Qiuhan were shocked when they heard that a chick pecked rice.

When in the lower realm, they can naturally feel the terrifying power of Gu Changge.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as powerful.

But now I find that the power is overwhelming, which is hard to describe this feeling.

Especially Su Qingge, she found that her second soul memory has recovered a lot in the recent period.

Most of them are vague messages about the upper bound.

She and Shangjie also seem to have a great relationship.

She is going to find an opportunity to tell Gu Changge about this matter.

"Let's go, it will take a while to return to the clan."

At this time, Gu Changge, with a slightly different look in his eyes, finally spoke, and said to the two women, and then took the lead in entering the Temple of Reception.


Soon, everyone went in.

This stable passage is quickly closing, leading to a wide open in the temple, and you can see the scene of it traveling through the vast space.

The time and space outside was turbulent, the Universe was torn apart, and it quickly moved towards the center of the upper realm.

Looking at the turbulent world outside, Gu Changge was also sorting out the memories of the upper realm in his heart.

The coverage of the upper bound is actually very extensive.

In his opinion, it is more like a combination of many large and small planes.

In the most central area of ​​the upper boundary, there are many orthodox traditions and thousands of ethnic groups coexist, which is extremely prosperous and extensive.

Almost every ancient orthodoxy or ethnic group dominates many planes and worlds.

Now they are already walking through the upper realm.

But now this area is the edge of the upper realm, and there is still a strong world power.

Many worlds are close to each other or repel each other. Without a god-tier cultivator, it is impossible to survive in this crack, and they are crushed into a child's powder at once, and their appearance and spirit are destroyed on the spot.

This is also the reason for the difficulty of the lower realm. Only magical items such as temples can be used to shuttle through the barriers of many worlds.

And as the shrine leading to the center of the upper realm shuttles, they will pass through many worlds on the way, these worlds are higher than the azure realm, and closer to the center of the upper realm.

The more powerful the Taoism occupies the wider the territory, which naturally controls many lower realms.

In Gu Changge's view, this distribution is like a colony.

And the giant forces at the center of the upper realm, such as the Longevity Family, Immortal Taoism, etc., are at the top of the food chain, and the ancient forces attached to them are hard to count.

And those ancient forces each have many colonial planes.

Attach and correct errors in turn.

This is why, in the eyes of many upper realm cultivators, the powerful cultivator that has risen from the lower realm is not even as good as the ordinary local cultivator in the upper realm.

Because of class, this difference has long been entrenched.

Of course, those ancient worlds located in the central area of ​​the upper realm cannot be compared.

"This kind of setting is also in line with the soaring stacking box routine, but my background is already standing at the top of the soaring current routine."

Thinking of this, Gu Changge is very satisfied with his current situation.

Regardless of the qualifications, background, and Cultivation Base, they are all standing at the top level.

This is really cool.

Especially this trip to the Lower Realm gave him a lot of benefits. He was going to return to the clan first, and then slowly digested it.


At the same time, the upper bound.

Wushuang Xian Dynasty, Xiancheng!

As the longest standing immortal dynasty in the upper realm, it has been decayed for a long time, and it is Immortal.

Dominating the endless territory, it is also faintly known as the first immortal dynasty of the upper realm.

In a magnificent, magnificent and simple Great Hall, a beautiful woman wearing a golden imperial robe, with unparalleled demeanor, stands up and down.

She has picturesque eyebrows, fluttering imperial robe and wide sleeves, but it is difficult to hide her graceful figure.


The hair lightly covers half of the fairy face, but it is still beautiful and thrilling.

Without saying a word, his face was indifferent, and just there was a terrifying power that seemed to change the heavens and the earth.

The ground under the feet is even more revealing the universe of Star and Universe.

Holding the sun and the moon in your hands, stepping on the universe with your feet.

You can see her courage!

It is the four princesses of the unparalleled immortal dynasty.

Moonlight sky.

"Brother emperor, you should let it be the emperor now."

The woman in the emperor robe spoke, her voice was flat.

She stared at a limp, bleak-looking man in front of her, without a trace of emotion.

Beside the man, there were many ministers who changed their expressions. At this moment, there was cold sweat on his forehead, and he didn't even dare to say a word.

In just six months, the Mingkong princess used many thunder methods to abolish the former emperor, who was her elder brother.

Every step taken is seamless and perfect to the extreme, making everyone tremble.

Even today's immortal pilgrims also came forward and praised him.

She made everyone understand that although she was a daughter, she was not weaker than any man, and she could be the emperor.

The royal family who pays attention to The Weak are Prey to the Strong also came out of it, making everyone admire it.

Moreover, the talent of the four princesses is even rarer in the world. Today, Cultivation Base is even more surpassing the brothers and sisters above.

In the future, be the unparalleled female emperor!

This is the thought of the ministers below!

"Come here, send my emperor brother down

At this time, he glanced at the embarrassed man in front of him, Yue Mingkong looked extremely cold, and ordered.

"From today onwards, I am the emperor! Under the whole world, I shall be the emperor!"


After Yue Mingkong finished speaking, his eyelids drooped slightly, and his expression was deep and indifferent, revealing a heart-palpitating meaning.

All the ministers were even more trembling, and quietly retreated, no one could guess what she was thinking.

Although she is a woman, the terrifying power in her body shocks everyone.

"Half a year"

"At this time, you should also come back from the lower realms? My favorite fiance ever."

She muttered to herself, although she said something with deep affection, but her eyes were cold.