Chapter 79

"Young Master has any instructions, but please tell me directly, you don't need to be so polite to Yan Ji."

Although Yan Ji was still a little wondering where she was now, she hurriedly said when Gu Changge said this.

Recently, she was a little guilty and uneasy because she couldn't repay Gu Changge so much.

Hearing Gu Changge say this, he was relieved.

She doesn't think she deserves the care of someone with Gu Changge's status without any intention of return.

"In fact, it's not a big deal, but before that, let me help you reshape your body.

Gu Changge smiled and said, only a small part of Yan Ji's existence is clear.

And it happened that she was very strong in her heyday, and she was a great saint. Gu Changge was obviously more at ease with some secret matters around her.

And he was very relieved about Yan Ji.

When she was in the lower realm, she had seen her temperament, and she was a person worthy of rest assured and accountable.

"Reshape the body"

Hearing this, Yan Ji's pale red eyes like glazed glaze could not help but trembled, and her expression suddenly became a little trance.

She also thought about the day when she could reshape her body.

But it was obviously far away, especially when she found that the place where she had awakened was in a relatively remote lower realm, she almost had no such thoughts.

Anyway, just wait slowly.

At that time, she did have plans to teach Ye Chen on the one hand, and on the other hand, she also thought that he could help her find some Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to reshape her body.

It's just that Ye Chen is too weak, and Yan Ji has no plans in this regard. Waiting for the day when her remnant soul slowly dissipates, it happens to be Ye Chen's awakening grace.

But by mistake, she now follows Gu Changge.

This thought that was once out of reach is just a matter of Gu Changge.

This big gap kept her heart from calming down for a long time, and she suddenly felt a little lucky.

If Ye Chen didn't misunderstand her, and didn't break with her, with her kind of personality, she might still be in the lower realm, waiting for the smoke to dissipate.

All of this is more than a clever word.

"Why did Mr. Gu treat me so well?"

Yan Ji's eyes were like flawless rubies, shining with smoke, staring at Gu Changge unblinkingly, and suddenly couldn't help but have such thoughts.

Just once.

But over and over again, how can this be explained?

Moreover, Gu Changge's identity is so noble, he is the Young Master of the Longevity Family, and now this place must have returned to the upper realm.

After all, judging from the various furnishings in this palace, the general power of Spiritual Qi is like a tide and the precious light is hidden.

This has shown the grand and ancient horror of the longevity family.

She was terrified.

Although Yan Ji's brains are not stupid.

That's why she wondered.

What can Gu Gongzi have to do with himself?

Fancy own strength? Or history?

There is no shortage of experts in the longevity family. Although their origins are relatively special, they are not a big deal in front of the longevity family.

As for seeing herself? She doesn't believe it very much. Although she is confident about own's appearance, as the young master of the longevity family, how can there be a lack of beautiful women around Gu Gongzi.

All it takes is a word, the upper world does not know how many days the proud girl will recommend herself for a pillow seat.

She was also confused for a while.

It's purely good deeds? But for a man like Gu Gongzi, it is obviously even more impossible.

"My son's kindness to me is already heavy enough, so let's forget about reshaping my body, Yan Ji no longer knows how to return it."

Later, although Yan Ji was very excited about reshaping her body, she still shook her head gently and refused.

She has her own persistence, because she can't find a way to repay Gu Changge.

In this regard, Gu Changge is not surprised.

If Yan Ji doesn't ask why, then there is a problem.

He had a slight smile on his face, and he was somewhat intriguing.

"Why? Isn't it good to reshape your body? Shouldn't this be your long-term plan and goal? Or is it too easy and there is no sense of accomplishment?"

He chuckled lightly, with a slightly teasing tone.

Hearing this, Yan Ji's face couldn't help being stunned, and she wanted to scoff at him.

But this is not right.

If she followed Ye Chen, it would be impossible for her to reshape her body in this life, but after following Master Gu, it was directly a matter of his.

Sure enough, there are some things and some people can never be compared.

What I have been pursuing all my life, in fact, they have already stood on the finish line since they were born, and everything is within easy reach.

This makes her mood even more complicated.

In fact, she faintly felt that she would be rejected by Gu Gongzi because she had stood by his opponent's side.

But Gu Changge didn't care at all, everything understood her thoroughly.

This makes Yan Ji always moved.

"Don't worry, I help you reshape your body naturally for my own purpose, so don't think about it so much."

Gu Changge smiled and said, woman, once moved, nothing will happen.

This sentence is the same whether in the previous life or here.

He conquered Yan Ji, and in a large part it was naturally because of her luck.

Kill chickens to get eggs, or keep laying eggs all the time?

Obviously, there is no need to say anything.

What's more, Yan Ji's own strength is not weak, and the masters that can be used by Gu Changge now are of the same strength as Ming Lao.

The Gu family will not send servants who are too strong to the younger generation, otherwise they will lack sharpening

He also needs manpower.

"Then what is the purpose of Gu Gongzi?" Upon hearing this, Yan Ji was a little curious and wanted to know.

"What's the point to ask? Don't ask. Asking is to greedy you. Gu Changge stared at her beautiful eyes and chuckled.

Hearing that, Yan Ji's head buzzed, but it was a pity.

"Gu Gongzi is really annoying, don't say it, forget it."

Yan Ji glanced at him, never expected Gu Changge to say that.

What kind of answer is this?

Greed your own body, so you let yourself reshape your body?

Yan Ji felt that her heart was beating very fast at this moment.

If ordinary people said that, she would have been slapped with frost in her eyes, but Gu Changge's words would really make her head dizzy and her face hot.

It must be a joke!

How could Young Master Gu look at him, how could this be possible!

Outer Domain of the Upper Boundary, Xilingzhou.

Gu Xian'er has been hiding her own figure in secret.

The little red bird on her shoulder had grown bigger at this moment, carrying her and the old servant, and chasing the black-clothed old man in the Divine King Realm ahead.

From the words of the old man in black, she already knew that he was the old servant sent by her good Big Brother.

An old servant of the Divine King Realm.

It can be seen that her good Big Brother has really had a good life these years, with great power.

Thinking of this, Gu Xian'eryu clenched her hands, even more resentful.

He has worked so hard to cultivate in Tao Village. There are many mysterious and powerful masters who are instructed. Now he is no longer in the Holy Lord realm. As a result, he can easily obtain various resources and powers. Now Realm is probably even more unfathomable.

"But I won't give up. Even Peach Demon Big sis says that my foundation is the deepest she has ever seen. I am no weaker than Gu Changge. I will take everything back in the future.

Gu Xian'er secretly squeezed the jade hand, and followed the black-clothed old man in front of him.

She possesses a lot of secret treasures, which can conceal her aura.

So she is not afraid of being discovered by the old man in black.

But she didn't know why Gu Changge sent the old man in black to find her clansmen.

Rush to kill?

Thinking of this, Gu Xian'er bit her silver teeth slightly, her delicate and flawless little face, as if she was gnashing teeth.

"~My good Big Brother, I didn't expect you to have never let me go for so many years

Soon, she suppressed the anger and hatred in her heart.

"With me, no one can hurt my people!"

Gu Xian'er secretly said in her heart.


In the high altitude ahead.

Elder Ming didn't know that he was being followed, he just came to pass on an order from the son, and by the way, brought the Gu family members here back to Inner Realm.

As for the things that the other sons didn't order, he wouldn't care.

Before long, Ming Lao followed the route and found the towering ancient city where Gu's family was located.

The city is extremely lively and magnificent. There are tens of millions of cultivators from all ethnic groups.

He suddenly showed a gentle smile without putting on any airs.

Although they are the young masters, they shouldn't be too domineering at this time. After all, the Gu family members here were once one of the most powerful lines in the Gu family.


Soon, his divine king realm coercion broke out, and instantly swept the ancient city below.

At the same time, Ming Lao's voice spread, and it was endless in the sky.

"Following the order of the young master, I came to look for a member of the Gu family name.

He believed that this sentence would surely let the people below know what it meant.


Almost at the moment Ming Lao revealed his coercion, the entire ancient city was a sensation, and all cultivators were shocked.

A Divine King Realm exists, but has come here?

Looking for someone from the Gu family?

They only know that this ancient city is indeed controlled (well) controlled by Gu, and it is the absolute overlord here.

What kind of character is this black-clothed old man in the Divine King Realm who suddenly appeared?

What do you mean by Young Master?

Everyone was extremely shocked, feeling that something big might happen today.

At this moment, in a magnificent building complex, several elderly men with strong aura looked solemnly and looked up outside the city.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years of peace, Gu Changge has found it again? But only one Divine King Realm was sent here. Do you look down on me and wait?"

Their faces were very resentful and gloomy.

After all, as soon as you hear the young master, you know who it is.

So I subconsciously thought that Gu Changge was going to come and kill him.

"Is the situation within the clan reaching this point now? There are other veteran eyeliners here. Gu Changge doesn't care about them anymore?"

"Unexpectedly, the elders of the tribes who have waited for me to protect me for so many years can't stop Gu Changge, nothing more, today Suo Xingya"

When they look positively ugly to guess.

The voice of Ming Lao outside the city sounded again, "The young master sent old slaves to pick up all the Gu family members.

As soon as these words came out, everyone here was dumbfounded.

How is it different from what you think?

Pick them up?

What happened?

They have been exiled for so many years, and now they want to take them back to Gu's family.

I have to say that this was something they didn't expect, and they couldn't help being shocked at the moment. .