Chapter 80

At this moment, all the Gu family members were stunned.

They were ready to resist, but they really didn't expect this old man from the Divine King Realm to come forward and talk about this kind of thing.

"Is there a conspiracy?"

"On the surface, it was picking us up and looking back at home, but it was actually driving us all to death in secret?"

At the moment, many people in the mansion were puzzled and frowned, not understanding what Gu Changge was planning.

"I want to see what medicine is sold in Gu Changge Calabash."

"No matter how bold he is, he will not dare to attack us so openly."

Although many people are very excited about returning to Gu's house, they are not stupid. They always feel that there is some conspiracy hidden in this.


In an instant, many Gu family members appeared and came out of the city.

Although their Cultivation Base was blocked when they were in exile, they could not play the full Cultivation Base that year, but the majesty that has been in the high position for a long time is still difficult to conceal.

The cultivator and creatures of the entire ancient city looked at all this and were shocked.

The outer domain and the inner domain are too far apart, and the star domain between them can be described as the sand of the Ganges River.

Therefore, few of them would associate the Gu clan in front of them with the powerful and terrifying clan.

This is incredible.

"You were sent by Gu Changge?"

A middle-aged man with a face of no anger and prestige stared at Ming Lao and asked slowly.

"The old servant was sent by the young master. The young master is about to take charge of the Gu family in the future. I have come to order the old slave to bring back the people here."

Elder Ming replied, this is what Gu Changge confessed.

He actually didn't know why this line was exiled here, he couldn't even enter the inner island at Gu's family, he was just a retainer.

But he still vaguely heard something about what happened more than a decade ago. It was a taboo thing that could not be talked about.

He didn't dare to think too much, he was going to lose his head.

"Take Gu's family? Heh 337, he seems to think that our line is no longer a threat to him?" The middle-aged man sneered, a wolf cub, can he expect him to change his mind?

The others also looked calm, obviously not very appreciative.

At this time, Elder Ming said again, "The young master said that he will give you a line of justice. As for whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter. Although this outer domain is wide-ranging and comfortable, how can it be compared with the clan, the young master will pay back? Speaking of the uncle in the prison, he might consider letting go

These words, Elder Ming said according to Gu Changge's request.

Otherwise, give him a hundred courage and dare not mention this kind of taboo of Gu's family.

"Does this wolf patient really know his mistake and can correct it?" When the middle-aged man heard this, he was also taken aback, a little skeptical.

This is not something a person like Gu Changge can say.

As for whether there will be other conspiracies?

He was relieved that the rest of the Gu family had 10,000 people. Apart from Gu Changge, no one would have thought of assaulting the tribe.

Right now, the rest of the tribe was also confused and began to discuss in low voices.

It is precisely because of the constant suppression of Gu Changge's line that they can only move to Outland.

To be honest, after Gu's family stayed used to it, this seems to be a prosperous Outland, in their eyes, it is no different from the desolate place where birds don't shit.

Being able to return to the clan is naturally 10,000 willing.

But the most important thing is that they can't figure out why Gu Changge did this?

"Actually, all of this is persecuted by the clan elders, right? Otherwise, with Gu Changge's temperament, I don't want to be in charge of Gu's family."

Soon, they thought of this and couldn't help but sneer, thinking it made sense.

Gu Changge wanted to take charge of the Gu family, but the elders did not agree.

In the end, there was no way, only to come up with such a compromise (cedh) compromise.

They returned to Gu's house, and Gu Changge took over as the future head of the Patriarch.

He didn't know about these things, but Gu Changge had another explanation. He had long expected this group of people to guess like this.

"Everyone will know everything when you return to Gu's house. Why should you be suspicious now?"

"You can't let the elders' compromises go for nothing."

Hearing that, the middle-aged man and the others were also moved, holding back their excitement.

Back to Gu's family, under the eyes of many tribesmen, unless Gu Changge is bold and really intends to split Gu's family, he dare not attack them at will.

And Gu Xian'er, who was watching all this in secret, was also stunned for a long time, and things were different from what she had expected.

At first she thought that the old man in black was here to kill him.

When she heard that he came to pick up the Hui from the tribe on the order of Gu Changge, she was also dumbfounded for a moment.

Subconsciously thought this was a conspiracy.

And she was close, and found that the gentle and polite expression on the face of the old man in black didn't seem to be fake.

What happened to Gu's family?

Is Gu Changge so kind? Sending a servant to do this kind of thing?

This kind of thing seemed too unbelievable to her, her good Big Brother, cruel, indifferent and ruthless, could not let her people go.

She could see that the reason why the people of the clan have been doing well these years is entirely due to the contributions of the clan elders of the Gu family, and they have nothing to do with Gu Changge.

"I want to see what kind of medicine Gu Changge sells in his Calabash, he can't be so kind."

"I can't show up yet, but the people are okay, I'm relieved

Gu Xian'er watched all this in secret, she didn't show up and didn't leave.

Instead, watching all this, watching the many tribesmen start to move things, then she left quietly.

Before leaving Tao Village, the master gave her a token and asked her to go to the Celestial Immortals Palace to find the Elder.

The big Elder is said to be one of the most terrifying existences in the upper realm, and once owed her a favor to the master.

Tao Celestial Immortals Palace is a very famous Immortal Great Master in the Upper Realm, with a very long heritage.

Many emperors, royal families, and immortals often send their clansmen to practice among them.

It is also said that the origin of the Celestial Immortals Palace is related to the immortals in the most ancient period, and contains immortal inscriptions and many scriptures.

Her Cultivation Base is still very weak, so she has to cultivate harder to challenge the good Big Brother and regain everything!

Upper bound, inner domain, longevity Gu family inner island.

Gu Changge is on the back mountain of the island of God.

The pattern covers all sides to prevent people from disturbing. Except for him, there is no one on the island.

In a pond surrounded by mist, celestial air, and divine light.

A Miaoman body sits cross-legged.

Shuiguang Jigang.

The red flame hovered in it, and the red gold was mixed in the black, which looked extremely gorgeous.

Among them, there are thousands of Ruicai, and the sky is full of sunshine.

All kinds of rare materials, hundreds of thousands of years of holy medicines, divine materials, spiritual liquids, etc., are turning into amazing divinities outside the pool and gathering in it.

Guanghua is so gorgeous, it seems to be creating a flying fairyland.

If there is a pharmacist here, they will definitely cry out for waste, cherish heaven and things, and feel heartache.

Any piece of material here is extremely difficult to find from the outside world, and it is difficult to grab the high price in the auction house.

Soon, the momentum here disappeared, and a majestic and terrifying coercion began to permeate.

This is the pressure of the Holy Realm, and it is also the pressure of the Great Holy Realm!


Accompanied by the sound of water.

Yan Ji walked out with surprise and Que Yue in her eyes.

"Gu Gong"

At a glance, she saw Gu Changge standing not far away, with a cold voice with joy, and a smile couldn't help but appear at the corner of her mouth.

Gu Changge nodded slightly, with a hint of appreciation.

"Not bad."

He didn't waste so many resources.

This body was reshaped to perfection, as if it were from the hands of heaven, unable to pick out any flaws.

The bones are fairy-like, cold and dusty, but there are wisps of red golden flames jumping on the hair.

The only words that Gu Changge thought of were both clear and charming.

"Gu Gongzi, do you look good?"

Yan Ji turned around in front of Gu Changge.

She was a little bit shy, after all, this was the first time she showed herself in a state of remnant soul.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "It's pretty."

Hearing this, Yan Ji smiled happily, and even the eyebrows were dyed with joy.

"But aren't you cold?"

Then, Gu Changge asked.

"what "

Yan Ji was stunned when she heard this.

Then it fell in love all of a sudden, and suddenly reacted. After reshaping his body, he was not like a remnant soul. After he came out, he was unclothed.

That is, she is wearing nothing now.

So she even turned around in front of Gu Changge?

As a result, she was completely stunned, and her face was even more scary than cooked shrimp.

At this moment, Yan Ji looked at Gu Changge's obviously playful look.

This is too shameful!

But Gu Changge obviously has no plans to tease her anymore.

Take out a white robe and put it on her.

The future is long.

At this time, there are still business matters to be handed to her.

The strength of the Great Sacred Realm can just help him explore some things.

"Thank you, son.

Yan Ji was no ordinary person anyhow, she had cultivated for thousands of years, and soon calmed down, but her face was still a little hot.

"Outland, the land of immortality, help me see if there is any special place in the depths, and feel free to contact me if there is any situation."

"This is the Territory Breaking Talisman. If you encounter a strong opponent, you can use this to escape. Don't hesitate, your life matters."

Gu Changge said in a warm voice, and took out the Terminator Talisman from the system warehouse and gave it to her. This thing can also help her escape at the critical moment.

Of course, the premise is not to encounter the kind of unfathomable old monster.

The Territory Breaking Talisman can easily break through the barriers of the world, and it must be possible for her to run away in danger.

Gu Xian'er's whereabouts back then was indeed the land of immortality. According to the general routine, such a place where no one dared to go must hide great opportunities or great dangers.

After all, Yan Ji is the Cultivation Base of the Great Sacred Realm. It is not difficult to pass through the Abandoned Land. You can help him explore Gu Xian'er's current background. After knowing her background, many things can be planned.

As for sending the rest of the Gu family members?

Leaving aside Gu Changge's current power, it is not yet possible to call upon the existence of the Great Sacred Realm, and almost many members of the Gu family have been staring at their whereabouts.

He sent people to the land of immortality? What's the purpose of this?

I believe many elders will think of Gu Xian'er.

Gu Changge didn't want the prestige he had built so quickly to be broken by himself.

"The land of immortality? I see, please don't worry, son.

Hearing this, Yan Ji nodded and took this Territory Breaking Talisman.

Since Gu Changge ordered it, she will definitely do it.