Chapter 91

Said Celestial Immortals Palace, Supreme Peak.

The palaces and pavilions are full, shrouded in the afterglow, as if a piece of ancient heaven is located here.

Halfway to the mountain peak, there are many Immortal Caves, which spray thin glow, fairy mist, and clouds of smoke, which are colorful and gorgeous.

This is the mountain where Gu Changge is located.

In the entire Tao Celestial Immortals Palace, it belongs to the extremely rich blessing of Spiritual Qi, and the cultivation conditions are much better than other mountain peaks.

Only those Elder and others who are unfathomable can have a better practice residence and Immortal Cave.

The area of ​​Celestial Immortals Palace is extremely vast, and there are tens of thousands of mountain islands only for disciples to practice, not to mention the mysterious areas in the deeper parts.

There are almost too many ancient sacred mountains and ancient stone platforms. Occasionally, there are disciples who find opportunities in such places. The Cultivation Base soars and the strength soars.

"Roar "

Kowloon pull carts come across each other!

Nowadays, many young Tianjiao on the mountainside of the Supreme Peak have appeared. There are males and females, as well as the rest of the Primordial creatures. They have powerful bloodlines, and their battles are amazing.


"Welcome master!

Seeing Nine Dragons pulling a cart and coming, all the young Tianjiao came out to worship Dao, with awe and admiration in their expressions.

They are all followers of Gu Changge who had been subdued before, and they are regarded as small-known geniuses in the outside world.

Today, the strongest people in Cultivation Base have broken through to the middle stage of the Fenghou realm, and they are the young masters of an ancient clan.

Gu Changge walked out with a flat expression, and said slightly to them, "Get up, did anything happen during the time I was not there?"

After leaving the gate, he didn't care about Gu Xian'er anymore, and went straight back to the mountain where he was.

As far as Gu Changge is concerned, Gu Xian'er can't have much influence on him now, her strength is too far behind him, she is willing to take revenge, and she doesn't have the ability.

His main plan is still on the rest of the true biography.

The Supreme Peak is the name given by the Lord of the Celestial Immortals Palace today.

The names of the other mountain peaks of the true disciples are the same, with different meanings.

"Enlighten the master, in the past six months, except for a few true stories and Elder sent someone to ask about the master's whereabouts, nothing major has happened to Wushangfeng." One person replied respectfully.

"What can happen to Sect?"

Gu Changge nodded and asked again.

"Cultivation Base has now broken through to the peak of the Fenghou Realm after returning from the Tomb of Yun, and is faintly the first of the remaining true biography."

"In addition, Yin Zhenchuan asked me to wait and tell the master that she has important matters to discuss with the master. If the master comes back, she will come back to the master again."

The man replied after hearing the words.

The Chu Zhen biography in his mouth, named Chu Wuji, is the great prince of an immortal dynasty. He is extremely talented and has shown terrifying strength since he was a child.

As for the legend of Yin Zhen, Yin Mei is the goddess of the nine-tailed celestial fox clan. The nine-tailed celestial fox clan is also an extremely ancient royal family in the upper realm, and is extremely powerful.

Hearing this, Gu Changge's eyes flashed by a different color, and he nodded, "I see."

Afterwards, he went straight back to the palace where he practiced on weekdays.

"The master's strength is even more unfathomable!"

"I have heard the rumors just now. The master in front of the mountain gate slapped Jin Yu's servant of the Void God Realm to death. It seems that the master should have broken through to the Kingship Realm."

"I haven't heard the news of the other young Tianjiao breaking through the King Realm.

After Gu Changge left, the followers discussed in a low voice with reverence, and they were even more in awe of Gu Changge.

When Gu Changge subdued them before, no matter how good or not they were, at least now they are convinced.

The rest of the truth must be united to compete against Gu Changge. This is the biggest proof.

The situation in the Celestial Immortals Palace was almost the same as he expected.

Behind the five true biography all represent different behemoths.

Among them, the most powerful were the Changsheng Gu family behind him and the Da Chu Xian Dynasty behind Chu Wuji.

The forces behind the other three are even worse than them.

It is precisely because of this that the Elders of the Celestial Immortals Palace can't intervene in the fight for the position of the truth, because they are not pleased with the forces behind them, and they may be offended.

After all, no one has brain problems and will do thankless things.

"The position of the descendant should almost be decided, but if I want to plan the Celestial Immortals Palace, even if I become the descendant, there are still many Elders who have to find a way to deal with it, especially the few people headed by the Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace. Known as one of the most terrifying existence in the upper realm

Gu Changge frowned.

According to the plan of him and his father, the first step in the Celestial Immortals Palace of Changsheng Gu's esophagus was to let him win the position of heir.

But even after success, there is still a long way to go.

Dao Celestial Immortals Palace has changed a lot of palace owners in the past, and it is not that other forces have served.

But only Elder has never changed, no matter what rebellion occurs, he can be suppressed.

The lord of the flowing water, the unchanging big Elder.

That is the foundation that supports the Celestial Immortals Palace to be able to stand up to Immortal, and apart from that, none of the other Elders are fuel-efficient lamps.

Many Tianjiao worshipped Celestial Immortals in the Celestial Immortals Palace, thinking that they could learn a lot of magical powers here, as well as many celestial scriptures, and obtain opportunities and cultivation resources.

Of course, if they can get the support of Elder behind the Celestial Immortals Palace, it will be of great benefit for them to fight for their status after returning to their own forces.

However, Gu Changge had the intention of encroaching Celestial Immortals from the very beginning.

Moreover, the fact that he has a devilish heart seems to have been faintly noticed.

This is something that I remembered before, so many Elders have always been wary of him. Compared with other true stories, Gu Changge's motives are too impure.

Of course, the Celestial Immortals Palace has a lot of strong inheritance, and since ancient times, it has also cultivated many amazing talents, and has become famous in the upper realm.

Gu Changge himself has no shortage of strong inheritance. The most important thing is that he has a forbidden magic. With this cultivation system, he is naturally not bad.

Of course, if it is some powerful magical secret technique, then talk about it separately.

On the one hand, the system mall can be exchanged, but that will cost destiny.

If there is a ready-made strong god-tier in front of him, how could Gu Changge not want it.

After returning to the palace, Gu Changge rejected everyone.

He called out the attribute interface.

Owner: Gu Changge.

Halo: Destiny villain.

Weapon: Eight Desolate Demon Halberd.

Identity: Dao Celestial Immortals Palace Zhenzhu disciple, young master of the longevity Gu family.

Physique Bloodline: Demon Heart Dao Bone.

Cultivation Base: The early stage of Sealing King Realm.

Cultivation Technique supernatural powers: Dao Celestial Immortals (the eighth level progress is 30%), Wanhua Demon Body (talent), Xiantian Divine Mind (talent), Void Power (talent), Swallowing Immortals, and Infinite Immortals Decide

Destiny value: four thousand.

Lucky points: two thousand one hundred points (black).

System Mall: Has been opened.

Warehouse: incomplete one-third of the world seed*3 (can be synthesized), luck plunder card*3.

Among them, the luck point automatically increased by one hundred points, and another five hundred points came from the fiancee Yue Mingkong.

Then, Gu Changge pondered for a while and exchanged one thousand luck points again.

The destiny value reached 14,000 points.

He directly consumed 8,000 points to break through to the middle stage of the Conferred King Realm.

A strange refreshing breath flowed through the limbs for a week, and then gathered in the spirit sea.


The progress of Celestial Immortals Palace has also advanced to 60%.

Many memories of sentiment and control, like a series of golden characters, flashed through Gu Changge's mind, and gradually fell silent.


"The strength of the middle stage of the Conferred King Realm is actually enough to cover up for the outside world." Gu Changge pondered slightly.

A long time ago, he had two different cultivation systems, one is the Celestial Immortals, which can be ascensioned as he adds points or practices.

This is the strength he showed to the world.

The other is the swallowing route of the magic power of swallowing immortals, swallowing the source of the kings, and containing the heaven and the earth.

This is extremely heaven-defying, and it can't be exposed at all. Once exposed, Gu's family will not be able to keep him.

As for why heaven-defying?

In fact, the current Gu Changge is not clear, he just remembers his strongest hole card, which is the magic power of swallowing immortals.

...For flowers...…

However, it is absolutely impossible to expose until the most critical moment.

Why is it not clear, because most of Gu Changge's memories about this point were sealed by him.

He only controls many secret techniques of Swallowing Immortal Demon Art.

After all, if you want to hide it from others, you have to hide it from yourself first.


With a wave of his arm, Gu Changge shot a series of gray flags from his sleeves. The runes were intertwined, breaking the void and sealing the palace.

This is a set of deception flags that he refined at a great cost, with terrible concealment effects.


A piece of something like chaotic fog quickly enveloped this place.

In this way, no one can spy here at will.

Even if God's thoughts fell, Gu Changge would be aware of it for the first time.

He was sitting in the Lotus Position, and the breath of the whole person began to change.

But now, strange black runes are beginning to emerge from him, one by one up and down, simple and mysterious, like the birth of evolution in the early days, and the development of the universe.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the Xiantian god Nian transformed by the primordial spirit has a faint seal pattern.

But at this moment, the seal lines became pitch black.

Finally cracked!


The memory seal is broken!

Gu Changge's aura became dark and deep, and his demon intent was overwhelming, like a demon master of the world. Fortunately, he blocked the place with the deceiving formation pattern, and no one could find the abnormality.

One by one, the dark road runes appeared in his hand, and then turned into a black gleaming avenue bottle, floating above his head, dangling hundreds of millions of divine light.

A terrifying and majestic coercion spread from him.

The primordial spirit is transformed, and the flesh is filled with black magic light!

Sealed King Realm middle stage!

late stage!


The early stage of the virtual god realm!

middle stage!

True God Realm!


middle stage!


Half a step in the Heavenly God Realm!

At this moment, the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd felt the breath of Gu Changge, and couldn't help but tremble, cheering and cheering.

Gu Changge absorbed this part of the memory he had sealed.

The look couldn't help but become a little strange.

"So this is my biggest trump card, the real Cultivation Base of the Half-Step Heavenly God Realm? Sure enough, once exposed, don't say anything, just my cultivation speed that shocks the world, I'm afraid it will make everyone want to kill. It's me"

"Take sentient beings as nourishment to swallow and strengthen yourself. This method is more addictive than adding a bit.

"It's not an exaggeration to be enemies all over the world."

Gu Changge closed his eyes.

No wonder this part of the memory will be sealed, and the heaven-defying place of the Devouring Immortal Magic Skill is indeed enough for him to break the balance of the world of cultivation, and it is the enemy of the world!

At this time, people of the same age can hardly cultivate at the stage of concluding the marquis and kings.

But his true Cultivation Base has already reached the half-step Celestial Realm.

What kind of concept is this? He can't even drive to this extent.

Once it is known to the world, it will definitely be crazy to the point of unimaginable.

"Villain route? Why do I doubt that I have become the final boss?"

Soon, Gu Changge condensed the aura of own swallowing magic power. As for that part of the memory, he pondered, and there was no seal.

This kind of matter is of great importance. Although we must be cautious, he does not think it is necessary to seal it.

Immortal swallowing magic power has been traced for a long time, and the world knows its horror and heaven-defying place, which should have disappeared in the long river of time.

Now, even if he seals things about his true Cultivation Base, it is not necessary.

After all, he still has many secret techniques related to the devil swallowing magic arts, is this also sealed together?

In fact, it is not necessary at all.

Now on the surface, he is still Taoist Celestial Immortals Palace, Young Master of the Longevity Gu Family, and Cultivation Base of the Crown Realm.

Soon, Gu Changge's breath disappeared and his calm was restored. Nothing abnormal was noticed.

Unless he takes the initiative to expose himself, no one will be able to discover his true Cultivation Base, but he is not worried. superior,