Chapter 92

The entire Celestial Immortals Palace caused quite a stir because of what happened on the day of Gu Changge's return.

There are disciples discussing between the peaks of the god islands. Even many Elders, because of this matter, feel that they need to be persuaded at critical moments.

Many people speculate that Jin Joo will not give up and will avenge his Little Brother.

After all, there was a lot of hatred between him and Gu Changge before.

But everyone did not expect that for the next period of time, Jin Zhou was in the Closed Door Training of Solitary Peak, and no news came out.

As a true disciple of the Celestial Immortals Palace, Jin Joo's every move can be said to have attracted the attention of many people.

But his choice to avoid Closed Door Training in this way still shocked many people.

As a young supreme, Jin Zhou was hit hard when he suppressed Gu Changge at Cultivation Base.

Now that Cultivation Base is overtaken by him, many people feel that he dare not fight and choose to back down.

This matter caused huge waves.

Everyone in Young Supreme can come to this point, they are all arrogant and will not easily give up.

However, what Jin Zhou did is really puzzling. Even with many of his followers, they are also uneasy. Although they are very confident in Jin Zhou, Jin Zhou chose not to send in the face of such a big challenge. A word of Closed Door Training.

Is it really afraid of Gu Changge?

Moreover, during this time, the big Elder, who hadn't appeared in "Three Four Three" for many years, unexpectedly appeared again, with a girl in Tsing Yi next to him.

Many disciples recognized the identity of the girl in Tsing Yi. It was the girl who was in front of the mountain gate that day that caused Jin Yu to be slapped to pieces by Gu Changge. She was suspected of being Gu's family, and she was Gu Changge's Little Sister.

It's just that there seems to be a contradiction between the two.

The appearance of Elder drew the attention of many disciples of Celestial Immortals Palace, and many people even speculated that Elder would accept the girl in Tsing Yi as a disciple.

You know that the big Elder of Celestial Immortals Palace is definitely the highest figure in the upper realm, Cultivation Base is unfathomable.

The disciples he once accepted are now the absolute hegemons of one party outside, who are in power, and a stomping on the foot can cause a sensation in all parties.

If Elder once accepts the Tsing Yi girl, it is very likely that Celestial Immortals will add another true biography. In terms of generation, even many old and antique characters can't compare to her.

Once this incident came out, it caused a big sensation in the Celestial Immortals Palace.

For a time, the identity of the Tsing Yi girl was picked up by many cultivators, named Gu Xian'er, 17 years old, extremely talented, and now it is the Holy Lord Realm Cultivation Base.

As for her origin, few people know.

However, some people have heard that Elder praised Gu Xian'er as the supreme of Nirvana, the darling of the great road, and the deep foundation he laid was unprecedented.

Once this statement came out, it caused a great sensation. You must know that when Gu Changge came to the gate of the mountain back then, the appearance of Elder was just a good compliment.

In this way, is the talent of the Tsing Yi girl stronger than Gu Changge?

In this matter, even another true disciple, Chu Wuji, the prince of the Dachu Immortal Dynasty, was also attracted attention.

Many people saw him take his followers to the Great Elder's usual retreat, preparing to visit.

At the same time, the Taoist ancient city outside the Celestial Immortals Palace.

In a simple and magnificent hall, Gu Changge is coming here, gently tasting the wine in front of him, with a look of interest.

At this moment, in front of him, a woman who was born with a fox and charming face could be called stunning, but she was standing in awe and fear.

The woman's eyes were watery and almost charming.

Behind her, there are still a few snow-white foxtails, which are crystal clear and shiny.

If the strong are here, they will definitely exclaim, this is a powerful descendant of the nine-tailed celestial fox!

Moreover, judging from the foxtail behind the woman, we can also know that her status is definitely not low, and she is also extremely noble in the line of the nine-tailed sky fox.

Of course, if the disciples of the Celestial Immortals Palace were here, they would definitely not help being shocked.

Because this woman is the true disciple of Tao Celestial Immortals Palace, Yin Mei.

She is also the goddess of the nine-tailed celestial fox family, high above and extremely mysterious.

"Owner "

At this moment, Yin Mei was calling to Gu Changge, her snow-white face was full of fear and fear.

A fluffy and soft white foxtail fell on Gu Changge's hand, making her feet soft and almost unsteady on her feet.

"This is the cure for Heart's Demon."

Gu Changge was playing with a fluffy foxtail in his hand, and at the same time threw a weird Medicine Pill to her.

After getting Medicine Pill, Yin Mei didn't hesitate to swallow it, and his face showed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Master."

Gu Changge nodded, the expression on his face made people unable to guess what he was thinking.

Look at it in combination with previous memories.

Yin Mei is the most mysterious of the five true biography of Celestial Immortals Palace. Few disciples see her on weekdays.

A few years ago, during a secret realm trial at the Celestial Immortals Palace, she encountered Gu Changge in an underground grotto.

Coincidentally, she also ran into a scene where Gu Changge swallowed the origin of the rest of the cultivator with the magic power of swallowing immortals.

She was shocked by this encounter.

Unexpectedly, Gu Changge, who has always been a true immortal, is secretly a descendant of taboo magic.

At that time, a battle broke out between the two directly. Yin Mei's strength was very strong, and there were many means to save his life.

Without using the Demon Swallowing Technique, it is not difficult for Gu Changge to defeat her, but it is not easy for Gu Changge to kill her.

So he used the last resort to expose the real Cultivation Base, which directly made Yin Mei desperate.

She didn't want to die, so she chose to surrender Gu Changge.

But Gu Changge didn't believe her, so Heart's Demon Gu cooperated with the Demon Bottle to control it.

Heart's Demon Gu has an attack once every six months, and he must have his antidote to untie it, otherwise he will suffer from Heart's Demon gnawing the heart.

As for planting the magic bottle, naturally it is also an extra layer of precautions.

Now Gu Changge no longer has Heart's Demon Gu, it needs a variety of things to refine, and the process is extremely complicated.

So he asked Lin Qiuhan to help him refine it after thinking about it.

Of course, the most important process must have him, after all, it involves magic power.

"How is the collection?"

At this time, when his thoughts came back, Gu Changge let go of the foxtail in his hand and asked quietly.

This feeling of fluttering the tail of a fox reminded him of flirting a cat in his previous life.

Of course, he was the only one who dared to treat the nine-tailed celestial fox clan as a cat this year.

When most people touch their tails, they will definitely blow up their hair and chop off their hands.

"Enlighten Master, in the past six months, I have collected a lot of geniuses with special physiques. I have no problem with their identity and background. They are now being imprisoned in the dungeon."

"In addition, there are many powerful ancient corpses of various races that have been stolen, and the essence is still preserved, and you also keep it for your master." Yin Mei replied after hearing the words, not daring to ask more.

For Gu Changge, she knows more than many people, so she is even more afraid and afraid.

Moreover, she also knew that the reason Gu Changge kept her was largely because the business industry of the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox family spread all over the upper bounds.

Not only can help him find out a lot of news, on the other hand, it can also help him collect cultivation resources.

Yes, it is cultivation resources.

This cultivation resource is naturally the source of the various physiques required by Gu Changge's magic swallowing skills.

The number of upper bound cultivators and creatures is simply innumerable, and those geniuses with special physique origins are even more numerous.

Gu Changge's Cultivation Base of Swallowing Immortal Magic Skill can break through to half a step into the heavenly divine realm, which is a great contribution to Yin Mei.

Can be regarded as his confidant.

But seriously, it doesn't count, after all, surrender is out of fear of him.

"Good job."

Gu Changge praised her.

Afterwards, he went to the dungeon below the hall.

With this resource, it won't take long for him to truly Cultivation Base breakthrough to the Celestial God Realm.

Of course, in front of everyone, he still had to rely on the Cultivation Base of Celestial Immortals to cover up.

To the depths of Celestial Immortals Palace.

A lonely mountain, located in the void, is one hundred thousand feet high, with immortal flowers and sacred beasts haunting, it looks peaceful and aloof.

An old man with kind eyebrows, kind eyes, fluttering white robe, and fairy style is fishing on a lonely mountain.

The old man's eyes were extremely deep, as if they could reflect the eternal sky.

This person is the Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace, an ancient figure who has lived for an unknown period of time.

Beside him, a young girl in Tsing Yi looked confused and was watching curiously.

Clouds rolled below, and Elder dropped a straight hook, but didn't know what to catch.

"Big Elder, what are you going to catch?" Gu Xian'er couldn't help asking.

She came to visit the Celestial Immortals Palace, and Elder did intend to accept her as a disciple.

But before that, she has to finish one thing first.

"Naturally, it is fishing for a person." Big Elder said cheerfully.

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er couldn't help but curled her lips secretly. She was used to this kind of inexplicable dumb riddle.

"Come here, you want to defeat your Big Brother and get your things back?" Suddenly, Big Elder asked, his eyes seemed to have insight into everything.

"I already have a new bone. I don't need to retrieve anything."

After hearing this, Gu Xian'er was silent for a moment, and said firmly, "But I will recover the justice and pain of these years and avenge my previous revenge."

"Okay. You're so ambitious at a young age! You deserve to be the disciple that the old monster fancy."

Elder still smiled and said, "Gu Changge is too devilish. I smelled it on the first day of getting started. I wanted to hide his devil with Dao 3.7 bones. This kind of thing is also out of the Gu family's thinking."

"I said, the heir position of Celestial Immortals Palace can't be handed over to him."

"Xian'er, there is no problem if I accept you as a disciple, but you have to prove to me that you can surpass Gu Changge."

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er clasped her small hand tightly and asked, "Big Elder, how can I prove it?"

"Taotian Road, just surpass Gu Changge's original record. Can you do it?" Big Elder said with a smile.

Gu Xian'er was taken aback for a moment and said to the heavenly road of the Celestial Immortals Palace. She naturally knew that it was said to be one of the most difficult roads in the upper realm, and it was extremely mysterious.

For the Tianjiao who worshipped the Celestial Immortals Palace, taking one more step on this road is something worth celebrating and ecstasy. It represents talent and recognition, and is enough to make a name for everyone.

"I can do it.

Thinking of this, Gu Xian'er suddenly resolutely said.

Elder smiled, "So confident? You know that Gu Changge overpowered all his peers back then, setting the first record of Celestial Immortals Palace in nearly 100,000 years."

"Hey, people have taken the bait!"

As he said, he suddenly pulled the hook, and among the clouds and mist in front of him, a golden real dragon with a dazzling body and dignified light suddenly burst out of the clouds.

"I have seen the big Elder!"

The golden real dragon landed and turned into a mighty and brave man with golden armor. He was another true disciple of the Tao Celestial Immortals Palace, Chu Wuji.