Chapter 93

Chu Wuji was tall, dressed in a golden armor and godly clothes, with a hearty smile on his face, giving people a very positive look of integrity.

When he came to the mountain, he noticed Gu Xian'er at first sight, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

But his good education and deep scheming didn't make him show a different color.

He saw a lot of beauty and beauty, but he was still surprised for a moment.

"I have seen the big Elder."

Instead, he bowed slightly to Elder.

Even in the entire Celestial Immortals Palace, few people know that Chu Wuji is actually the grandson of Elder.

Because Chu Wuji's father, the emperor of the Great Chu Immortal Dynasty, was once a named disciple of Big Elder, but because of his status, he could not become a disciple of the chamber.

Only a few people know this.

"Chu Wuji is here, and it happens." Big Elder slightly foreheads, and his attitude towards Chu Wuji is not bad.

For Elder, the Celestial Immortals palace congregation.

Regardless of the aspects of life and spiritual talent, Chu Wuji is very calm and outstanding, making it difficult to find flaws.

And he has no purpose like Gu Changge.

Among the true disciples of the Tao Celestial Immortals Palace today, Chu Wuji is also the only one who can compete with Gu Changge.

Many Elders value him very much and think that Chu Wuji can be worthy of the task, not as impure as Gu Changge.

Gu Xian'er took a look at Chu Wuji. After all, she was a young supreme who could compete with Gu Changge. She couldn't help but be a little curious.

She is imperial, and between the steps of the dragon and tiger, there is a calm atmosphere. The Cultivation Base is unfathomable, making it difficult for her to see clearly.

"Is this the little junior girl who has been going viral recently?"


"At first sight, I found that the rumors were true. It was really a fairy-like figure with outstanding demeanor."

Chu Wuji also smiled at Gu Xian'er at this time, cupped hands said.

"I have seen Brother Wuji."

Gu Xian'er nodded, her expression was calm, but she couldn't guess the purpose of Chu Wuji showing her good intentions.

When I first arrived, even Elder hadn't accepted her as a disciple.

She is not even as good as an ordinary disciple in the Celestial Immortals Palace.

Logically, how could Chu Wuji be kind to her?

Could it be the reason for Gu Changge?

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

"Just now, I was still thinking about finding someone to take Xian'er along the road to heaven. Chu Wuji, you just came here, so you can take Xian'er."

At this time, the big Elder spoke calmly.

"Daotian Road?"

"It seems that Xiaojunmei is very ambitious, but Daotian Road is very dangerous. If it is supported, it is likely to cause unimaginable damage, even Dao heart damage, and Realm stop."

"Little Junior Sister, do you want to think clearly?"

Chu Wuji was stunned. He was actually here for Gu Xian'er. He had already inquired about her before.

To put it bluntly, Gu Xian'er held the evidence that made Changsheng Gu's face scandal in her hands.

Once it is made public, the Changsheng Gu family will be ridiculed by many forces in the upper realm.

An old ancestor of the Dachu Xian Dynasty was seriously injured by the Changsheng Gu family, which also caused him to have no good feelings for the Changsheng Gu family.

Naturally, he longed to see such a situation.

But in front of Elder, he naturally had to look good for Gu Xian'er.

Elder glanced at him, shook his head slightly in his heart, and said nothing.

Gu Xian'er looked calm and said, "I'm sure about this, so I won't worry about Brother Lai Wuji."

Hearing that, Chu Wuji still had a hearty, careless look on his face.

But I sneered in my heart, and I was curious, how far this so-called Nirvana young supreme could go, so confident?

"Okay, that brother will wait and see."

Chu Wuji said, and then turned into a rainbow, leading Gu Xian'er in front to the area where Daotian Road was located.

Gu Xian'er followed suit.

She always feels that Chu Wuji uses other purposes. This is her instinct. Over the years, she has been very accurate.


Soon, a group of followers in front of Chu Wuji appeared and glanced at Gu Xian'er, a little surprised.

"Go to Daotian Road.

Chu Wuji ordered to be authentic.

At the same time, he did not forget to turn around and sigh to Gu Xian'er, with regret, and a little shame, "Little Junior Sister, I actually know how much your affairs are, and Gu Changge is really cruel. What I did is just amazing. People are shocked and chilled. It's not like something Big Brother can do. It's nothing more than fierce beasts…"

Gu Xian'er, who was following behind, heard these words, her eyebrows frowned, and she said nothing.

Although she knew that the other party was scolding Gu Changge, she felt uncomfortable for some reason.

Gu Changge was really too much to her, but it was not comparable to this kind of villain who chewed his tongue behind his back.

Although Gu Changge's methods are cruel and ruthless, they are brighter than him.

And it was between her and Gu Changge, she didn't want the others to interfere.

"Senior Brother Wuji, you should lead the way. I didn't expect that as a true disciple, you would say that to other people behind you… Gu Xian'er said with a calm face.

The implication is that you have the patience to go to him and say, what is the use of saying this in front of me.

She could see that this so-called Chu Zhen biography was just trying to win her over, join his camp, and deal with Gu Changge.

Hearing that, Chu Wuji's face finally changed a little, faintly ugly, but it quickly recovered.

After all, it's a person of joy, anger, and ignorance.

However, Gu Xian'er's words really made him feel a little angry and cold.Is this mocking him for not daring to go and shout in front of Gu Changge?

A mere yellow girl, but the Holy Lord Realm Cultivation Base, dare to say that to him.

It seemed that Elder really gave her confidence.

If it weren't for Elder, Chu Wuji would want to let her know what is the truth in the Celestial Immortals Palace.

But he was also a little puzzled. According to the news he had learned, the hatred between Gu Xian'er and Gu Changge was so deep that it was unimaginable.

How could Gu Xian'er speak for Gu Changge?

Soon, the entire Celestial Immortals Palace was shocked, and learned that the girl in Tsing Yi next to Elder was going to break the road to heaven, intending to break Gu Changge's record.

This news was naturally spread by Chu Wuji, causing a huge sensation, and even the other true disciples were alarmed and wanted to come and take a look.

The identity of the girl in Tsing Yi is very mysterious. It is said that she is a member of the Changsheng family.

Now there is another big Elder who is very optimistic about her and plans to accept her as an apprentice.

Let alone disciples, even many Elders are curious and want to take a look.

In Tao Celestial Immortals Palace, Tao Tianlu contains indescribable meaning, and even a springboard for carp to transform into dragon. After all, for Tianjiao, talent has a great effect.

The strength of talent is sometimes destined for future achievements.

For a time, there was a rainbow in the sky, colorful clouds filled the sky, and Magical Items intertwined.

Many disciples went to the area where Daotian Road was located. There were silhouettes of people on each mountain, which was extremely lively.

Many people also noticed the appearance of Elder and his disciples.

"Daotianlu's record of nearly 100,000 years was broken by Gu Zhenchuan that year, and so far has not been able to surpass him."

"After all, he is a young supreme who possesses the capital of a true immortal. Recently, I heard that he has already broken through to the realm of the king.

"This kind of cultivation speed is simply incredible. My peers haven't heard of anyone breaking through to the Conquering Realm. Even Chu Zhenzhuan seems to be stuck at that step."

"I want to break the record of Gu Zhenzhuan, how simple is it? I see the girl in Tsing Yi, but it's just a dream."

All over the mountain, there are disciples discussing and discussing this matter.

Daotian Road is a white jade stairway surrounded by fairy mist, which is extremely mysterious.

Each step is intertwined with Dao patterns, and Dao Yun is permeated. As Tianjiao walks up, different visions will appear.

This road leads all the way to heaven, and no one knows how many steps it has.

Every 100,000 years, Daotian Road will manifest here, and there will be different Tianjiao who come here to make this road.

That is, the record will be refreshed every 100,000 years.

For one hundred thousand years, all Tianjiao were people of the same era. Naturally, they were unwilling to be left behind and wanted to leave their footprints on them, so as to shock the world and make them famous.

During these 100,000 years, among the disciples who worshipped the Celestial Immortals Palace, Gu Changge was the only one who had the most dazzling light, overwhelming the rest of his peers.

True fairy capital, this is not just talking.

At this moment, there are many disciples and cultivators gathered under this road, all to watch the excitement.

Gu Xian'er's face was calm, and her body was more slender.

"Little Junior Sister, don't support it. The pressure on Daotian Road is very 343. Chu Wuji persuaded her with kindness.

Gu Xian'er glanced at him, there was no change in the slightest, and he did not speak.

In a short period of time, almost the entire Celestial Immortals Palace knew about this, and it was obviously passed on by Chu Wuji.

As for the purpose, I definitely want to see her make a fool of myself.

Thinking carefully about this, naturally I can't hide it from her.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, Xian'er will have a suitor so soon? How about letting Brother Wei give you a check?"

At this moment, a slightly ridiculous chuckle came, and the calm on Gu Xian'er's face was broken.

She suddenly turned her head, her eyes were cold, and she looked in the direction of the voice.

Gu Changge smiled, dressed in snow white clothes, clean and dust-free, and came slowly.

Behind him was a large group of powerful followers, and the disciples nearby retreated one after another as the discoloration of the nearby disciples changed.

After the cultivation was completed, after leaving the ancient city of Daotian, he returned to the mountain gate.

But I didn't expect to encounter Gu Xian'er going to the sky, which immediately made him a little interested and came here.

"Hey, this Little Sister turned out to be the disciple that Elder was planning to accept recently? It's really a rare pair of beauty embryos. It's not bad when he grows up?"

In the other direction, there was also a chuckle.

A stunning woman with a white gauze mask appeared, and a few foxtails behind her were held in her arms by her maid so as not to be dragged on the ground.

It is the Taoist Celestial Immortals Gongzhen Yin Mei, in front of outsiders, no one knows her relationship with Gu Changge.

After Gu Changge left Daotian Ancient City, she also returned to the mountain gate.

Moreover, because the cultivation resources prepared in the past six months are particularly sufficient, and Gu Changge seems to be very interested in her foxtail, she deliberately gave her a few more antidote.

This makes Yin Mei feel a little good.


"This incident shocked Gu Zhenzhuan, and even the mysterious Yin Zhenzhuan appeared. I didn't expect it."

"It seems that there will be a good show to watch in a while."

On the peaks, everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. Unexpectedly, there would be so many true stories appearing in a moment.

Moreover, even Gu Changge came here. On weekdays, he is a dragon without seeing the end. It is difficult to see each other. .