Chapter 99

In the hall, Gu Changge looked at his current property interface and fell into thinking about paying.

Owner: Gu Changge.

Halo: Destiny villain.

Weapon: Eight Desolate Demon Halberd.

Identity: Dao Celestial Immortals Palace Zhenzhu disciple, young master of the longevity Gu family.

Physique Bloodline: Demon Heart Dao Bone.

Cultivation Base: The middle stage of Fengwang.

Cultivation Technique supernatural powers: Dao Celestial Immortals (the eighth level progress is 60%), Wanhua Demon Body (talent), Xiantian Divine Mind (talent), Void Power (talent), Swallowing Immortals, and Infinite Immortals Decide

Destiny value: 10,000.

Lucky point: two thousand (black).

System Mall: Has been opened.

Warehouse: incomplete one-third of the world seed *3 (can be synthesized), luck plunder card *3.

During this period of time, there has been a destiny value of about 10,000, which is almost a huge amount, but Gu Changge is not in a hurry to breakthrough Realm.

He began to search in the system mall, and finally found something in the inventory, the hidden talisman.

The price is eight thousand destiny value.

Function introduction: Hide all breath fluctuations for half an hour.

It sounds like a tasteless function, but Gu Changge couldn't help showing a touch of satisfaction.

Since it is a system product, it is natural to believe that it can hide all the fluctuations of one's own breath, and when the time comes to cooperate with his void talent, where can't he go?

Soon, Gu Changge exchanged a divine hidden talisman, not feeling distressed at all, after all, he wanted to seek the supreme chance, but it was said that even the Supreme would be alarmed by the immortal road.

In addition, he exchanged a thousand Qi Luck Points, once again got 10,000 Destiny Points, exchanged for a Forbidden Talisman and a Territory-Breaking Talisman.

Forbidden symbols, as the name suggests, can crack Restrictions. As for the Territory Breaking Talisman, it is used to escape from the situation at the critical moment.

This is the so-called one more layer of protection.

Then, Gu Changge began to synthesize the world seed, and a blurry scene appeared before his eyes.

Three seeds of different shapes appeared.

There are all kinds of complicated patterns on it, the world is prehistoric, the sun and the moon, the mountains and rivers, the ancient sea, and the 347 Taichu has evolved extremely endlessly and extensively.


A hazy light emerged.

The three seeds began to fuse, turning into a gushing glow.

Gu Changge felt a world-like majestic breath, which fell towards his chest, and suddenly he seemed to become a vast and boundless chaos.

Soon, the chaos parted, the clear air floated up, and the muddy air sank.

Heaven and earth began to evolve, and a mysterious and extensive world was conceived and born within him!

In the world!

In the middle of the sun and the moon, the Stars are running, and the ground Feng Shui is replaced by the steamer, forming a cycle of its own.

It is still very small now, but it has a complete embryonic form of the world.

"The fusion of the seeds of the world has been successful, and by the way, it has also been successfully refined."

"It feels good, I can throw things into it in this world."

"When you encounter a strong enemy, it's okay to hide inside, but don't encounter an existence who is extremely proficient in the world's good fortune."

Gu Changge glanced at the thousands of destiny points consumed in this process, and didn't care.

Then, he pondered for a while.


There was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and the next moment his whole person disappeared directly from the place, leaving only a small spatial fluctuation.

If anyone is here at the moment, it will definitely be shocked and it feels incredible.

Gu Changge simply disappeared out of thin air.

This method is simply appalling.

However, if you study the existence of the world's good fortune very deeply, you will still find some strange fluctuations.

Gu Changge did not disappear, but opened the space channel in an instant and went to another world.

In the world, on a mountain top, Gu Changge's figure reappeared.

He looked at the scene in the world, from the perspective of scope, in fact, the radius is only a thousand miles (cedh), mountains and rivers, ancient trees, everything, there are some ordinary creatures, but there is no Spiritual Qi.

But far away is a chaos, still in an undeveloped state.

This made him ponder, the world seed given by the system is naturally the most advanced kind.

After all, judging from the endless chaotic evolution scene, it is no different from the prehistoric world he knew well in the previous life.

In this way, his current inner world is actually just beginning to take shape. If you want to go further, you have to continue to expand.

Now that he is here, it is just the equivalent of his foothold.

In Gu Changge's consideration, the world can further evolve to the highest in the future.

It is not impossible to transform into the Supreme Inner Universe until the advent of this world.

Of course, the world nowadays has many functions, projecting and suppressing the enemy, descending into the world, and even devouring the original world.

At this moment, many myths familiar to Gu Changge appeared in his heart.

From the beginning of Hongmeng to the birth of chaos;

From the appearance of three thousand demon gods to the arrival of Pangu;

Open the world from Pangu god-tier;

Hongjun preached, Sanqing appeared; then Nuwa made people, Suiren turned wood to make fire

Of course, it is not impossible for him to realize these things in the inner world.

Then, Gu Changge thought about it and asked, "The system, if I deduct the inner world, does it also need to consume Mandate Points?"

The system replied, "Destiny has a universal attribute, as long as there are enough, it can naturally evolve everything.

Gu Changge nodded, following his thoughts, he directly turned on the creator mode.


Soon, a group of magnificent and majestic palaces rose from the ground behind him, like a Tianque pavilion, simple and grand, towering in the sky, in line with the sky.

The magnificent pillar alone is enough to support the heaven and the earth, just like the Heaven Court in the oldest period.

Gu Changge's figure appeared in it. At this moment, it was like the co-lord of Heaven Court, in charge of the heavens and ten thousand domains.

He nodded slightly satisfied.

"It's so compelling, wouldn't it be more comfortable to wait until the day it comes to this world."

Establishing Heaven Court, it didn't cost him much fate.

Because Minor World originally belonged to him, creating in it is even easier.

Afterwards, Gu Changge moved back to the original world and began to fall into contemplation in the palace.

For the time being, I put things aside from the world, and it's time to consider the Xianlu thing.

The so-called, everything is ready only owes east wind.

It's just that when this fairy road will be opened, he is actually not very clear.

So soon, Gu Changge thought of someone.

His wife, no, his future wife.

Moonlight sky.

As a rebirth, she will definitely know about this, but it takes a little effort to get her to speak.

Moreover, if Gu Changge guessed correctly, during this time, Yue Mingkong will definitely come to the boundless sky, after all, in the timeline of her previous life, she is her biggest enemy.

If she has tried her best to think about revenge, this opportunity will certainly not be let go.

As for the opportunity to grab his future wife, Gu Changge has nothing to feel guilty about.

Everyone belongs to him.

The chance is naturally his.

In addition, if you grab your wife's chance, can it be called grabbing?

Gu Changge also knows that wanting to change Yue Mingkong's deep-rooted hatred of him is not something that can be done in a day or two.

Perhaps bullying, she should almost get used to giving up.

Gu Changge didn't consider killing her. In fact, it was considered the greatest kindness. In the end, although he was bad, he was not bad enough to be frantic.

Regardless of Gu Xian'er or Yue Mingkong, Gu Changge didn't choose the task of killing them directly.

It's not that he can't do it, it's just that it's too boring, and what is the difference between him who is dominated by demons?

"Yan Ji

Afterwards, Gu Changge's expression returned to calm, and he called out with a summoning amulet.

Yan Ji naturally followed him to Wuliangtian, but she was hidden in the dark on weekdays and would not show up easily.

So at present, few people in Wuliangtian knew that there was a subordinate of the Great Sacred Realm beside him.

You must know that even many Elders in the Celestial Immortals Palace have not arrived at this Realm.

Soon, there were fluctuations in the void, and Yan Ji in a red dress walked out of it, with a respectful expression on her extremely beautiful and unparalleled face, "Master."

She has been recovering since returning from Xiancai, and was seriously injured by the mysterious peach tree and a peach blossom.

At that time, if it hadn't reacted very quickly, opening the channel with the domain-breaking talisman and ran away, maybe it would be there to explain it.

Gu Changge glanced at her, nodded slightly, and asked, "How is the injury?"

"Thank you son for your concern, Medicine Pill with son is almost done."

Yan Ji replied respectfully after hearing the words.

Gu Changge is naturally very good to her. After being injured, she has been giving her all kinds of excellent healing Medicine Pill. During this time, she has not arranged anything for her, so that she can heal her in peace.

Now that she was called out, I was also very sympathetic to asking how her injury was.

Although she didn't show anything on the face, she was still very touched in her heart.How many people can do such a delicate point?

"It's so good, there just happens to be something to leave to you." Gu Changge nodded and said.

"My son, please give instructions." Yan Ji said.

"In Wuliangtian, help me find the whereabouts of the four princesses of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, but don't say anything, it's best not to be noticed by her." Gu Changge said.

Yue Mingkong will definitely come to Wuliangtian, but she will come quietly, find a place to hide, and don't let herself know.

After taking care of the family last time.

Yue Mingkong has been hiding from Gu Changge.

Gu Changge is naturally clear about this, and now she must be picked out. There is no reason why she came to Wuliangtian and didn't come to see his husband.

How could he not know what calculations Yuemingkong had made.

"If she notices it, you will show up to her and tell her, if you don't come to see me, I will catch her personally." Gu Changge suddenly added, his expression a bit playful.

"Yes, son.

Hearing the order, Yan Ji left.

She naturally knew the relationship between the four princesses of Wushuang Immortal Dynasty and Gu Changge.

The four princesses of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, this is the arrogant daughter of heaven who is well-known in the upper realm, and now she is also named the emperor, with the appearance of a female emperor, and she is very beautiful.

Even with a marriage contract, there are countless suitors like the crucian carp who crosses the river.

Most importantly, she faintly heard from the Gu family that the fourth princesses admired Gu Changge very much, but Gu Gongzi has always been indifferent and cares little about him.

Now it seems that the four princesses have been hiding from Master Gu?

Yan Ji was a little puzzled. According to Gu Gongzi's temperament, it couldn't be like this.

Could it be that he disliked and disliked the four princesses?

But it's useless to think about it, this kind of thing is not something she can easily speculate. .

100 Moon Mingkong calculated the son of luck, the game that must be killed?

(2, subscription)

In a blink of an eye, several days passed.

At noon that day, the sun was shining, as if a fire in the sky.

In the depths of Celestial Immortals Palace, accompanied by a burst of divine light, suddenly there was a loud rumbling sound, like a towering ancient city collapsed.

The terrible sound, like a shocking frenzy, suddenly shook the entire Celestial Immortals Palace.




A series of divine rainbows appeared from among the peaks and divine islands, flying high into the sky, overlooking there in the distance.

Someone noticed that there was a mist coming out of the colorful fairy mist.

But soon, Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace took a shot, squinted it away, and covered all the sights.

Such a scene caused a sensation everywhere in the Celestial Immortals Palace. Many disciples were shocked and spread the news.

For a time, there was a big wave outside the Celestial Immortals palace.

The eye liners of the major religions and orthodoxy of all parties passed the news back in the first time, and the situation in the inner domain was stirred up from day to day.

Many people speculated that something in the depths of Celestial Immortals Palace was born, causing this kind of movement.

Because there are rumors everywhere in the inner realm that the depths of the Celestial Immortals Palace is an ancient continent in the Immortal Age, which was moved by the peak powerhouse.

There are many opportunities, such as ancient immortal inscriptions and true immortal scriptures, which were actually memorized by Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace.

On weekdays, that area is guarded by the Celestial Immortals Palace, and it is impossible to approach it without permission.

But with the divine light rushing into the sky, the Celestial Immortals Palace was pushed to the cusp of the storm for a while, and many great religions and orthodoxy were about to move.

On weekdays, the Celestial Immortals Palace has the exclusive opportunity.

Now that the opportunity is so bright, there is no reason to let it monopolize it.

Many high-level figures of the powers had also practiced in the Celestial Immortals Palace for a period of time, but they were unwilling to say such things under their skin.

So they plan to send young disciples and clansmen of their respective forces to the Celestial Immortals Palace.

For a time, Wuliangtian became extremely lively, and it was obvious that the rainbows, chariots, and warships from all sides came from all sides.

At the same time, Wuliangtian is in the territory, in a relatively remote ancient city.


The nine-headed divine phoenix-like beast pulled a black gold car wheel and rushed past it. It galloped from the sky and landed on this ancient city, attracting the attention of many cultivators for a while.

Such a grand trip, the identity of the people in the car is absolutely noble.

Many cultivators have begun to guess who they will be.

During this period of time, Wuliangtian was very lively, and every day you could see a large number of cultivators rushing from the high space to the ancient city of Daotian.

How can such a noble car come here in such a remote place?

In an attic, a black-clothed man with an ordinary appearance, tall stature, and introverted expression, noticed the movement and suddenly raised his head and glanced outside.

"Why is there such a black gold car suddenly here, judging from the lines, is it a person from the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty?"

"With the nine phoenixes pulling a cart, the identity must be extraordinary. Could it be that which princess failed?"

The man in black seemed to mutter to himself,

But if you look closely, you will find the black pendant hanging on his chest. The mysterious runes are flashing, and they are also shining slightly.

"Speaking of which is not far from Daotian Ancient City, if you want to rush over, it won't take much time."

"I heard that Princess Yue Mingkong, the first beauty of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, has the appearance of a female emperor. Could she be the one among them?"

As he spoke, he suddenly smiled a little strangely.

Looking at the direction where the black gold car fell, he became a little thoughtful.

At this moment, among the black pendants, a desperate voice suddenly sounded.

"Boy, don't forget the important things, saying in the palace of Celestial Immortals, but there is a chance for you.

"Don't see a woman but you won't be able to walk. Even the princess of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty is not what you can think of now.

Hearing this, the black-clothed man was a little disinclined, and said, "It doesn't matter if I look at it, it may not necessarily be the princess. Speaking of being a princess from the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, why would he come to this place?"

As he said, he got up and left the pavilion and headed over there, ignoring the persuasion of the voice in the pendant.

"His Royal Highness, the ancient city of Heishi is here.

Inside the city, outside the chariot, the voice of a respectful old woman in white robe came to remind the Miao Man sitting in the middle.

It was in the slightly fascinated moonlight sky.

These words made her recover from thinking. Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes fell to the outside, and she nodded slightly.

"Heishi Ancient City, according to the memory of previous lives, the place where Ye Ling, the descendant of Samsara Ancient Tianzun's heir, first began to be famous is the Heishi Ancient City."

"In the days that followed, this person became famous in one fell swoop, and even Ye Langtian, the descendant of the Primordial Leaf Clan, suffered a big loss in his hands at first, and after a while, he was defeated even more.

"Ye Ling rose rapidly and became an extremely shining star in the inner realm in every day. His reputation for a while overshadows many husbands. In addition, he has many friends around him, including the young master of the White Tiger clan, The young masters of the Purple Winged Dragon Clan and others have provided him with a lot of power."

Yuemingkong thought so in her heart.

When she came here, she was naturally planning the Samsara ancient talisman, which was the descendant of Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign.

The Samsara ancient talisman contains the true meaning of Samsara, which is an extremely powerful force, and in some respects it can even fight against Gu Changge's forbidden magic.

At first she said she didn't understand these things, but during this period of time, she checked the classics and finally found some records.

So Samsara ancient talisman, she must snatch it.

On the other hand, she also knew that the person named Ye Ling was not simple.

Ye Langtian can be regarded by many cultivators as a young supreme who can be parallel with Gu Changge in the outside world.

From this point, it can be seen that Ye Langtian is indeed extraordinary.

As a descendant of the Ye Clan, he was finally defeated by Ye Ling, and even the position of descendant was taken away by him.

In her previous life, Ye Ling was also one of the few young people she knew who did not survive Gu Changge.

It's just that she didn't know if she died later, but it was certain that she disappeared for many years.

"In the previous life, Ye Ling had the ancient Samsara talisman and was almost killed by her husband. In this life, I have to be more careful if I get the ancient Samsara talisman."

Soon, Yue Mingkong's complexion returned to calm, her phoenix eyes were deep and indifferent, and she looked out of the car.

She had already secretly arranged a net of heaven and earth, and was waiting for Ye Ling's arrival.

As for why she is sure that Ye Ling will come?

Combined with the memories of previous lives, Yue Mingkong knew that Ye Ling did not know why, and seemed to admire her much. After becoming the descendant of the Ye clan, she threatened to snatch relatives.

She naturally sneered at it.

Because of that threat, Ye Ling was almost killed by Gu Changge, and then disappeared.

At first she thought it was Ye Ling that caused Gu Changge's discomfort.

But now it seems that Gu Changge shot, nine out of ten, it was also for the Samsara ancient talisman.

...For flowers…

Gu Changge has been planning various origins, and he will definitely not give up on Samsara origin.

Consider these.

Yue Mingkong came directly to the ancient city of Heishi.

She believed that if Ye Ling were here, once she saw the mark of Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, she would definitely not help showing up.

There were countless women around Ye Ling in the previous life, and she could guess her temperament since then.

"Now Ye Ling Cultivation Base is the most sealed Hou Realm, and this will definitely be his burial place."

At this time, Yue Mingkong looked extremely cold, revealing indifference, in charge of life and death, just like a supreme empress.

She didn't care what would happen to Ye Ling. To her, it was like trampling an ant to death.

Of course, in order to trample this ant to death, she arranged a lot.

It didn't take long for Yuemingkong to perceive someone coming here.

He was very young, with amazing energy and blood, and had obviously cultivated a certain body-building technique.

She narrowed her phoenix eyes and waved her jade hand forward.


There was a tremor in the void.

Suddenly, a number of horrible auras were instantly hidden in the secret, locking up this world.

"This is the mansion where the car just landed. Why do I feel a little uneasy?"

Ye Ling frowned and stopped in front of this magnificent and quaint mansion.

Although he likes beauties, it does not mean that he is stupid. Sometimes his first sense avoids a lot of risks for him, and a few times it almost involves life.

For some reason, standing here, he always feels a little uneasy.

"Brother Turtle, do you mean to go or not to go here?"

At this time, Ye Ling looked a little confused, and asked about the black pendant on his neck.

It was when he was young, he went up the mountain to search for an elixir, only to stray into an underground cave, in which he accidentally hit the black pendant and got the inheritance of Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign.

There is also the remnant soul of an old tortoise in the black pendant.

This is what he now calls Brother Turtle, claiming to be the mount of Samsara Gu Tianzun back then, looking for suitable heirs for Samsara Gu Tianzun.

Ye Ling didn't believe it at first.

But then I discovered that it seemed to be the case.

It's just that the old tortoise has no other ability. Apart from teaching him some common sense, he has nothing else to tell him.

It was plain and uncharacteristic, and it didn't look like Gu Tianzun's mount at all.

At this moment, the old turtle couldn't help but roll his eyes and said, "It's all at the mansion, why don't you dare? When you hook up with those heavenly girls, isn't it bold?"

Hearing this, Ye Ling felt right.

He had never seen anyone before, so how could it hurt his heart?

Mostly it was his suspicious question.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling became courageous. He had always heard the rumors of the Princess Yuemingkong, and he was yearning for it.

If you can really meet today, then there is more than a word of fate?

As for the princess Yuemingkong who is the fiancee of the young master of the longevity Gu family, he doesn't care about this. Even Ye Langtian is almost no match for him.

Even if it is Gu Changge, who is as famous as Ye Langtian, what about it?


However, in the next instant, when Ye Ling approached the mansion, a voice that seemed like a natural but extremely indifferent came out.

"kill him!

"not good!"

The moment Ye Ling's expression changed when he heard this voice, he never thought that someone really wanted to kill him. superior,