Chapter 100


In the sky, several horrible figures appeared, with Sage-level coercion, drowning down like a vast expanse.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"Sage actually appeared there, and there are still so many!"

The entire cultivator of the ancient city of Blackstone was shocked. At this moment, they all looked in that direction, shocked.

Large areas of palace buildings collapsed and turned into ruins.

A hazy mist appeared, like a flowing sun, the gushing mist turned into a long dragon, the runes were intertwined, and it was drowning towards Ye Ling.

He suddenly saw his eyes split.

"No grievances, no enmity, why do you count on me?"

Ye Ling's complexion changed drastically, and his heart was frightened for a while.

Seeing the beautiful woman walking out of the mansion slowly, her eyes were deep and indifferent, looking down at him as if looking at an ant.

"Having something that doesn't belong to you, naturally damn it."

Yue Mingkong said indifferently, not planning to talk nonsense with him.

After speaking, Yueming Kong waved his hand, and several Sage powerhouses in the air immediately shot, preparing to kill Ye Lingzhen here.

In order to deal with this Ye Ling, Yue Mingkong has mobilized the strongest force she can mobilize now.

Four Sages were dispatched, which shows how much her murderous intentions are.

The lion catches the rabbit with all its strength.

She understands that Ye Ling, as the descendant of Gu Tianzun, absolutely has a powerful means of life-saving, "three, five, zero."

At the same time, she was also making a move, waving her sleeves.

The wind in front of him was strong, and the waves formed by Gwanghua rushed into the sky.

A flawless slap like white jade appeared, and patted forward to kill Ye Lingzhen.

This palm, with the terrifying power of the emperor, is extremely huge, intimidating, and irresistible.

At the same time, she sacrificed a crystal-clear jade sword, in which there was a surging Sword Qi, which was pervasive, terrifying to the extreme, and turned into a Galaxy Cluster-like divine power, possessing the most holy power!

The four Sages in the air shot, and Yue Mingkong in front of him also shot. This is a mortal situation.

In exchange, it is any young supreme, unless she has such an ability, otherwise she will definitely fall here today, there will be no possibility.

Yue Mingkong already felt that there would be no surprises.

After all, this kind of fluctuation is absolutely no problem to destroy this ancient city of Blackstone, but now she is using it to kill Ye Ling.

"Smelly boy, use that thing as soon as possible, or you will definitely die."

At this moment, among the pendants on Ye Ling's neck, the old tortoise's complexion changed drastically, and he was suddenly frightened when he was urging frantically.

Why did this princess of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty set up such a big picture here and designed to kill Ye Ling?

Who on earth leaked the news that Ye Ling was inherited by Samsara Gu Tianzun?

Hearing this, Ye Ling's face was pale, with an expression of incomparable hatred, coldly staring at the moonlight sky in front of him, no longer the mood when he came.

"Today Ye Mou survived a catastrophe, he will be refunded a hundred times in the future!" He shouted coldly.


As he said, he showed a very painful expression, and took out a black Wang Yufu from the ring.

There was a buzzing from above, and there was an aura of horror, Samsara's meaning intertwined.

Once this breath was revealed, it had already surpassed the Holy Realm and even reached the Great Holy Realm!

All the cultivators in the entire ancient city were so shocked that they almost knelt down under this aura, the great cultivator of the holy realm, that was about to be enshrined.

In some ancient families, they have also reached the point where they are called ancestors.

You can't see it at all on weekdays.

What happened there? How could there be such a terrifying fluctuation?

They were trembling and horrified at the moment.



The moment he saw this jade symbol, Yue Mingkong's always indifferent expression finally changed a little.

She really did not expect that Ye Ling would have a jade charm of the Great Sacred Realm level, and she had never heard of him using it in her previous life.

You must know that as the Emperor of Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, she just has this level of protection.

She couldn't even come up with the attacking Wang Yufu at the Great Sacred Realm level.

No, he killed everyone who knew Ye Ling's cards in the previous life.

Thinking of this, her expression darkened.

"Damn it, this Ye Ling deserves to be someone who can escape from her husband, so he can survive

The four Sages in the air quickly backed away, not daring to accept Ye Ling's jade charm.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Ling carried hatred, and soon disappeared.

"It will be more difficult to kill him next time."

Yue Mingkong looked very ugly, and his jade hand clenched tightly.

Unexpectedly, as a rebirth, she couldn't kill such a little ant in her eyes.


At this time, Yue Mingkong suddenly felt a terrifying high temperature coming, it was like a terrible sea of ​​fire transformed by a rune, and suddenly drowned toward the front.

The jade talisman played by Ye Ling was instantly swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, and the powerful offensive of the Great Sage level was easily erased.

A beautiful woman in a red dress walked out of the void and appeared in front of her.

"Who are you?"

Yuemingkong's eyebrows wrinkled immediately, her face was cold and deep, and she felt a subtle breath.

Ye Ling escaped and let Yue Mingkong put it down temporarily.

Obviously she has arranged so seamlessly that the vast majority of young supreme encounters are bound to die.

In the end, Ye Ling escaped.

In this regard, besides lamenting Ye Ling's luck, what else can she say?

However, the woman in the red dress who suddenly appeared in front of her, Cultivation Base turned out to be the Great Sacred Realm, giving Yuemingkong a weird feeling.

No matter it was in the previous life or in this life, she had never seen this person before, but she suddenly appeared today to help her block Ye Ling's jade charm.

This puzzled her.

"I am the son of the son, and I have seen Princess Mingkong."

The person who showed up was naturally Yan Ji.

Upon hearing this, she replied softly.

At Gu Changge's order, after leaving the Celestial Immortals Palace, she began to explore the whereabouts of the moon and the sky in the ancient cities of Wuliangtian.

Finally found out that she had come here.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the ancient city of Blackstone, I saw this scene just now, so I took the shot to block the blow for Yuemingkong.

Of course, Yan Ji also knew that as the Emperor of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, Yue Mingkong must have the means to block this strike.

But since it is Gu Gongzi's fiancée, it is very likely that she will also be her mistress in the future.

She shot it.

She also wanted to stop the man in black, but she didn't want his escape method to be extremely rich, so she immediately suppressed her breath and escaped without a trace.

This makes Yan Ji very helpless.

"My son, which son?"

Hearing this, Yue Mingkong looked at Yan Ji and asked, with a calm and indifferent expression, a bit unsightly.

The first thing she thought was whether she would be any of her followers.

This kind of thing makes her very disgusted and annoyed. Like brown sugar, she can't get rid of it.

She didn't think about Gu Changge.

After all, she was a woman next to Gu Changge in her previous life, but in the end she was even cruelly killed by Gu Changge.

There can be no other women around Gu Changge.

So Yue Mingkong eliminated Gu Changge in his mind for the first time.

"Of course it is Gu Changge, Gu Changge. Why does Princess Mingkong say such a thing?"

Hearing this, Yan Ji is a little puzzled.

According to the rumors, Yue Mingkong is a shrewd and capable person who has been in charge of life and death for a long time.How does it look a little silly now?

I have to ask which son she is?

Isn't this obvious? Apart from Gu Gongzi, who would pay attention to her whereabouts.

"Impossible, how could there be a woman besides me beside him."

Hearing this, Yue Mingkong immediately shook his head, and subconsciously denied Dao. Feng's eyes showed an expression of unbelief.

Although her Cultivation Base is not as high as Yan Ji, the moment she said this, Yan Ji couldn't help but feel a little trembling.

This is the inherent power of the emperor.

And hearing this, Yan Ji immediately understood.

Then she explained, "Yan Ji was brought up by Young Master Gu from the Lower Realm. At that time, there was only a ray of remnant soul. Thanks to the help of Young Master Gu, I was able to condense the body."

She briefly recounted the experience she encountered with Gu Changge.

After listening, the indifferent and suspicious look in Yue Mingkong's eyes disappeared, and then she became a little shocked.

Did she hear me right?

People like Gu Changge will help the others?

It stands to reason that he likes to swallow the remnants of such a strong man the most?

Then why would he help this woman?

At this moment, Yue Mingkong was full of doubts, and she had forgotten about Ye Ling's escape.

Now Yan Ji's affairs are more important to her than anything else.

Why would Gu Changge help her? What are his intentions?

Subconsciously, Yue Mingkong's eyes fell on Yan Ji's face and figure.

It is indeed very beautiful, rarely seen by anyone, and it is not yet a human identity.

Is it because of this?

At this time, Yue Mingkong suddenly got a little taste, and his heart was sour, wronged and unwilling.

Regardless of her face or figure, she is worse than the woman in front of her.

Why is Gu Changge not interested in her, but wants to help the woman in front of her to condense her body?

There was no woman beside Gu Changge in the previous life except her.

But now Gu Changge has such a powerful and beautiful woman by her side.

Yan Ji didn't know the various thoughts in Yue Mingkong's mind at this moment.

She remembered what Gu Changge had ordered, and said, "Princess Mingkong, the son told me to tell you that if you don't see him, he will arrest you by himself.

"I see."

Yuemingkong heard the words and said indifferently.

Suddenly, I felt a little discouraged, and also a little helpless and unwilling, but it was more of a feeling of powerlessness and even despair.

She also didn't expect Gu Changge to notice it shortly after arriving at Wuliangtian.

A great cultivator came to "catch" her, can she escape?

As a rebirth, she should take the lead step by step and keep everything under control, but once she encounters Gu Changge-related matters, there is no way at all.

She wants to avenge her previous life, I am afraid that there is no chance, and in this life, she is very likely to be unable to escape the tragic ending of the previous life.

Although Gu Changge's behavior is somewhat different from his previous life, his temperament has not changed at all.

Thinking of this, Yue Mingkong only felt that there was a vast expanse in front of her eyes. What is the meaning of her rebirth? Nothing can stop it.

Watching the tragedy of the previous life repeat itself?

In the end, was he killed by Gu Changge?

She clasped her hands tightly, thinking of what happened at Changshenggu's house some time ago, and was a little confused again.

What is Gu Changge's purpose?

Afterwards, Yue Mingkong calmed down and avoided Gu Changge for so many days, this time he couldn't avoid it anyway.

But looking at Yan Ji in front of her, she always felt sour in her heart.