Chapter 116

In a quiet and elegant other courtyard, Gu Changge stood by the window with his hands up and down, with a smile on his face.

"Ding, the random mission of the son of luck relationship line has been completed and is being settled."

"Settled and evaluated the perfect level, obtained 1,000 luck points, 5,000 destiny points, and an extra bonus of 40%."

"In the final reward settlement, I got 1,400 points of luck and 7,000 destiny points.

In his mind, the system prompt sounded, everything was just as Gu Changge had expected, and it was just as he planned.

The relationship between Bai Lie and Ye Ling, the young master of the White Tiger clan, has broken.

"What's the use of this deep brotherhood? Even this little temptation of beauty can't hold on to it, huh."

Gu Changge looked a little interested.

Brothers are like brothers and feet, and women are like clothes. This sentence is naturally just a saying. When they really meet, how many people can really do it?

Let the brother wear his own clothes?

Gu Changge just sneered at this.

He just took advantage of the weaknesses of the two. Ye Ling was lustful and passionate, Bai Lie was infatuated and stupid, and a Yin Mei could provoke the relationship between the two in just a few words.

She actually didn't do anything. Gu Changge just used her as a medium to enlarge the gap between Ye Ling and Bai Lie infinitely.

According to the system's prompt sound, the effect is quite good, at least what Yin Mei did did not disappoint him.

And then, it's time for Gu Changge to take the shot.

Bai Lie's last residual heat should also be burned out.

"Go out for your husband, you wait in the courtyard for your husband to come back."

Then, Gu Changge smiled softly at the moonlight in the yard, his white clothes looked aloof in the moonlight.

He didn't wait for Yue Mingkong's answer. He finished speaking and leaped lightly, standing on the courtyard wall like a panic, and disappeared all at once.

"Gu Changge, what is he going to do?"

Yue Mingkong walked out of the courtyard, her eyebrows frowned, her face with doubts.

From the 24th Celestial Immortals Palace, she has followed Gu Changge all the way, so that he can't get rid of herself, just want to know some hidden methods and secrets of Gu Changge.

But after Gu Changge brought her here, he didn't tell her anything or let her follow.

After saying this, he disappeared all at once.

This made Yue Mingkong feel a little annoyed, knowing that he couldn't keep up.

Of course she also knew that if Gu Changge really didn't want her to know where she was, she would definitely not be able to keep up with her current ability.

Gu Changge's strength, it is too easy to avoid her stalking.

"So, is he going to kill Ye Ling now? That's why he didn't let me follow. This guy really ran to eat alone, and he didn't even want to keep the soup for me."

Yue Mingkong was a bit gritted his teeth at this moment.

She was worried that Gu Changge would suffer a loss in Ye Ling's hands, so she informed Gu Changge of a lot of Ye Ling's information she knew on the grounds of investigation.

I thought Gu Changge would consider giving her some benefits.

As a result, now Gu Changge just ran away alone, and asked her to wait in the courtyard without moving.

This made Yue Mingkong tickled with hate, and her good husband really didn't plan to keep anything for her. She was very selfish and dark in her heart.

However, she was also curious, how Gu Changge planned to deal with Ye Ling, and how to buckle the black pot of magic power on Ye Ling's head?

Now Gu Changge is dark, Ye Ling is bright.

Ye Ling may not know that he himself has been targeted by Gu Changge.

At this moment, Yue Mingkong suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"As the descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun, Ye Ling has a lot of life-saving cards in his hand. If Gu Changge wants to kill him, unless his secret is revealed, the possibility is unlikely now. Maybe Ye Ling will also escape."

"So Gu Changge is unlikely to attack Ye Ling now, he will do something on Bai Lie."

"After all, in terms of Gu Changge's temperament, Ye Ling still has a lot of usefulness, and can help him carry the pot for a period of time. During this period of time, Gu Changge can cultivation with taboo magic skills, and no one will doubt it. Come to him"

"On the contrary, Ye Ling would also help him carry on his back, become a rat crossing the street and everyone shouts, so that it is difficult to move in the upper bound."

Yuemingkong figured out this purpose of Gu Changge.

Because in the last life, Gu Changge developed and strengthened his strength secretly, not once or twice.

This time Ye Ling took the initiative to send it to the door, Gu Changge is absolutely impossible to waste, and will make good use of it.

In other words, Gu Changge is unlikely to kill Ye Ling now.

"The more I know about the world, the more dangerous it will become."

Yue Mingkong frowned and couldn't find a way to break the game. Now he only had to pretend to be confused.

After Ye Ling left the banquet, he returned to the residence where he usually practiced and lived, humming a small tune, and seemed to be in a good mood, chatting with the old turtle in the pendant.

"Laogui, you said my Bailie Dage is too stingy and narrow, didn't I just say a few words with Yin Mei? Look at his face, it is as gloomy as I have done something bad. "Ye Ling said, with a nonchalant look.

The old tortoise in the pendant suddenly rolled his eyes when he heard these words, "You kid's lustful temperament is the same as that of the Tianzun of the year. It is you Dage, can't you respect them?"

"Things that are overwhelmingly hostile are also as natural as what you said. If you don't restrain yourself, sooner or later you will suffer a lot from women's affairs."

"Have you forgotten who was attacked and killed last time?"

It's okay not to say it, but Ye Ling's complexion becomes a bit ugly.

This incident was completely shameful to him, and a precious life-saving jade was wasted.

Although he still had a lot of such jade charms, he would lose one if he used one, so he naturally had a headache.

"Old tortoise, don't talk about this matter. Yuemingkong's revenge of the day, I will ask her to return it sooner or later. Such a woman has a lot of means, and it is a pity that it is not used by me.

"But it's the cheaper Gu Changge, isn't he just from an extraordinary family background? What's so great besides that, so many people are afraid of him." Ye Ling curled his lips in disdain.

He walked all the way, not relying on his family background, but completely based on the inheritance of Samsara Gu Tianzun, fighting from the weak to the strong, and achieving where he is today.

Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, he looked down on Gu Changge, a young supreme who stood at the top since he was born.

When the ancient emperor reincarnated, the capital of the true immortals, when he was struggling with life and death, he had various means to kill them.

This is Ye Ling's confidence!


Suddenly, Ye Ling frowned and felt an unpleasant atmosphere. Under the night, the world seemed to be silent, and some powerful people suddenly came here.

The majestic and terrifying coercion, like the fall of an ancient star, with a disgusting breath.

"who is it?

Ye Ling was alert in his heart and stared at the outside of the mansion.

The wind stopped.

Under the moonlight, he only saw the slender and hazy white figure standing there, without dirt and dust, Transcendent refined.

It seems that it does not exist in this world.

But his face seemed to be shrouded in endless mist, one after another strange runes flowed, the aura was extremely powerful.

There was only a pair of deep eyes, with a sense of indifference and overlooking, watching him there, which he had never noticed before.

That kind of expression, like looking at the prey, made Ye Ling cold all over his body.

"Who is this person? When did he appear, I hadn't even noticed it before?"

At this moment, Ye Ling's heart tightened, his back was full of cold, and his hands and feet were cold!

A feeling of anxiety suddenly enveloped his heart!

His breath surged, and a horrible rune appeared in black with the breath of Samsara. There was destructive power in it. He held it in his palm and was ready to shoot at any time.

Ye Ling was extremely nervous. The person in front of him was definitely the most terrifying person he had ever seen.

It's not Cultivation Base, it's that kind of breath!

However, what made Ye Ling stunned was that the white-clothed man in the distance did not attack.

He just let out a faint smile, his figure gradually blurred and disappeared like nothing.

"Ah "

"We will meet again, little ant."

As the figure of the white-clothed man disappeared, Ye Ling frowned, and even the old tortoise in his pendant sensed something wrong.

The next moment, Ye Ling's complexion changed drastically, "Not good!"


An old man in black suddenly appeared in the void, offering a black weapon in his hand, and directly cut it down, as if to tear everything!

"Who is this person? Why do you want to kill me?"

Ye Ling's complexion changed drastically. This black-clothed old man actually existed in the Divine King Realm, and also had a hidden aura. He appeared out of thin air and wanted to assassinate him.

The black rune in his hand suddenly appeared with a terrible aura, as if it could destroy everything, containing supreme power!

"Run away!"

"He just assassinated you, I must not dare to make a big fuss

The old tortoise in the pendant also hurriedly shouted to Ye Ling, asking him to run for his life, and he could not stay here for long.

Hearing this, Ye Ling didn't hesitate and immediately began to evade trial.

But what puzzled him was that the mysterious black-clothed old man behind him seemed to be jealous of him, and did not use the real Divine King Realm means.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have only this kind of power.

Ye Ling couldn't figure it out at all, but he didn't dare to stop, so he could only escape for his life.

He also didn't want to use extremely precious life-saving means because of the existence of a Divine King Realm. After all, that thing was used once less than once, and it was a waste to use it in the hands of the Divine King Realm cultivator.

"What is the purpose of the son? I knew I could not kill this kid, so let me not rush him too much.

The black-clothed old man who chased Ye Ling behind was naturally old.

He frowned and couldn't figure out why Gu Changge had ordered this.

He did feel a terrible breath in the hands of the man in front just now, as long as it broke out, he could be destroyed.

He noticed that it was a jet black rune.

Don't dare to get too close for a while.

Gu Changge's original words were asking him to hunt down this man, but don't push him in a hurry.

Even though Ming Lao was confused, he did what he instructed.

Gu Changge's thoughts are not what he can describe.

On the other side, when Bai Lie sent his followers and fellows to catch Ye Ling, he himself quickly found the remote courtyard that Yin Mei told him.

There are two white jade Guardian Lions at the door, which look mighty and magnificent.

"Yin Mei must have been waiting in it, right?

With a smile on Bai Lie's face, he felt Yin Mei's breath here, and pushed the door directly away.

The courtyard was very quiet. After passing through the corridors, he finally saw a place with candles lit in the depths.

The moonlight is hazy, the clear springs are flowing, and the bamboo shadows are mottled.

On the stone table, there was a pot of warm wine long ago, and the fragrance of wine was wafting.

Beside, there was a curvaceous figure in a red dress waiting to sit there, the snow-white fluffy foxtail with 370 gloss, was held in her arms.

Ying Bai Qiao's face, with a charming smile, as if waiting for someone.

"Yin Mei is really waiting for me, and even the wine has warmed up for me."

When Bai Lie saw this, his face was overjoyed, thinking that he had not guessed wrong, Yin Mei's words were hinting to him.

"Yin Mei, here I am!"

Bai Lie yelled and strode towards the inner courtyard. The bamboo shadow was mottled, making a rustling sound, which made him feel a little excited and excited.

With a horrible qi and blood, he made a rumbling sound in his blood vessels.

At this time, when he heard this, Tian Yinmei, who was sitting by the stone table, looked up at him with a strange look, and then smiled unchangingly, "It seems that the master is right, you are really here."

"Huh? Yin Mei, what do you mean by this? Aren't you waiting for me?"

"Master? What master?"

At this moment, the smile on Bai Lie's face was slightly stagnant, and it seemed that Yin Mei was not surprised or surprised by his arrival, as if there was a little coldness and mockery that he didn't understand.

And he felt that he had misheard Yin Mei's words?


What owner?

Whose master is his fiancé Yin Meimei calling for?

"Master will be here soon, and you will be able to see him soon."

Hearing this, Yin Mei didn't bother to talk to him again.

The expression on his face has long since lost the gentleness that Bai Lie had seen before. He was full of boredom and indifference, and said lightly.


Hearing this, Bai Lie was stunned at this moment, as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt, and he was stupid.

He couldn't believe how gentle he was to him on weekdays. Yin Mei, who even helped him see Ye Ling's nature before, would suddenly be like this, as if he changed his face.

He didn't know him, it was strange!

"Brother Bai, you heard that right, Yin Mei is naturally waiting for you."

At this moment, a voice with a faint smile sounded, and outside the inner courtyard, a figure in white clothes stepped on the moonlight.

Seeing the visitor, Yin Leu showed a respectful and flattering expression on his face, "Yin Mei has seen the master!

Gu Changge nodded and landed.

He casually raised the wine glass made of white jade on the stone table, raised his hand to his mouth, "Well, it's okay, it came in time, and the wine is not cold yet."

He drank it in one sip and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Your warming technique is getting better and better."

"Thank you for the compliment, the host." Yin Mei suddenly smiled sweetly and looked super happy after hearing this.

"Why does Brother Bai keep standing without a drink?,

At this time, Gu Changge looked at the petrified and unbelievable Bai Lie in front of him, and couldn't help but chuckle and asked.