Chapter 117

The night breeze is slightly cold, the moonlight is mottled, and the bamboo shadows are even colder.

Watching this scene before me.

At this moment, Bai Lie's whole body was stupid, as if his skull was lifted, a basin of cold water poured in directly from it, and he froze in place, and his whole body was cold.

He was still holding the last glimmer of fantasy just now, thinking that Yin Mei was joking with him.

But now, watching his great enemy Gu Changge suddenly appeared here, he naturally picked up the warm wine on the stone table and drank it in one go.

Bai Lie actually thought that this wine was prepared for him just now.

And based on Yin Mei's attitude and words

From beginning to end, he was kept in the dark by Yin Mei, playing as a monkey.

This made Bai Lie's body tremble, his eyes flushed, and a terrifying Killing intent appeared on his forehead.

The king character seemed to be revived, and in the void behind him, a huge White Tiger phantom appeared.

He wasn't really stupid, but he had been deceived by Yin Mei before, and now he suddenly reacted.

"Gu Changge you"

He stared at the two of them, his eyes were almost split, and his eyes were filled with anger!

From Gu Changge's appearance to talking to Bai Lie, it was actually just a moment.

He smiled faintly to himself, as if he didn't care about Bai Lie's angry expression in front of him.

"Brother Bai doesn't have a drink, do you look down on Gu?"

Gu Changge sat down behind the stone table, moonlight wine on his handsome face, there was a kind of white jade god-like cold and dust.

However, with such a scenario.

But Bai Lie's heart kept sinking, sinking to the bottom of the valley, chilling with cold hands and feet.

"Yin Mei, Brother Bai is your fiancé anyway. Pour him a glass. It's a bit embarrassing for him to run here in the middle of the night." Gu Changge smiled lightly, drinking and drinking, not caring that Bai Lie would breathe fire. Look.

For him, everything tonight is under control.

Bai Lie walked away from his protector and others, and went to capture Ye Ling.

But at this moment, Ye Ling is being chased by Ming Lao, trying to escape, perhaps no longer in this ancient city.

Bai Lie's people would have to spend a lot of time trying to find Ye Ling.

In this way, it gave Gu Changge a neutral time from which to operate.

During this period of time, there were so many things he could do, and no one saw him except Bai Lie.

As for Ye Ling, he had never seen Gu Changge's face.

Just now Gu Changge took a moment to look at his Back Pot Man. He was quite satisfied with that. Ye Ling is worthy of being a son of luck. His strength and reflexes are very good. Besides, Ye Ling's life-saving There are many means.

Gu Changge felt a devastating aura on the black rune in Ye Ling's hands. It must be the life-saving rune left by Samsara Gu Tianzun to Ye Ling.

So Gu Changge told Ming Lao not to push Ye Ling too tight, and it was enough to look after him.

He knew that Ye Ling would not spend such precious life-saving things in such a place.

It is too wasteful to deal with the existence of a god king realm.

There is no need for Ming Lao to die in such trivial matters.

When his thoughts came back, the reason Gu Changge asked Yin Mei to hint that Bai Lie was here during the night was naturally not to pretend to be a showdown against Bai Lie.

Although this feeling is really cool.

But Gu Changge still has things to do. Bai Lie is not dead, how could he throw the pot on Ye Ling's head?

Bai Lie in front of him should also play his greatest role.

"It's the master."

Hearing this, Yin Meilian step by step.

She came to Bai Lie, who was stiff, angry, and staring at her, filled the white jade glass in front of him, and said lightly, "Master, don't you appreciate the master for giving wine?"

There is no gentleness in the words that I saw him before, but indifference and disgust.

This caused Bai Lie to tremble all over, and he couldn't help but slap her to death.

But if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes tonight, he would have been concealed by Yin Mei in the future and played with her in the palm of his hand.

"You are so cruel! Yin Mei, I asked myself if I was very good to you and treated you politely, why did you treat me like this?"

Bai Lie couldn't help snarling, but his voice couldn't be heard.

Yin Mei glanced at him without saying a word, feeling that there was no need to tell him this.


Around this inner courtyard, brilliance emerged at this moment, and layers of hazy light and shadow were rising, like a mist flowing, turning into a terrible chaotic fog, blocking the sky.

When Bai Lie stepped into this place, he triggered the formation pattern arranged here, the aura enveloped all directions, and no momentum would be heard!

And what made Bai Lie whole body cold was that he didn't bring anyone, even the followers who had always been hidden in the dark were sent away by him and sent to capture Ye Ling.

This made Bai Lie secretly hated, how could he have such a stupid day.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shudder. Why did Yin Mei behave and talk like this before? It was not to divorce the relationship between him and Ye Ling.

And she was extremely successful, successfully separating the two of their brothers.

He even sent everyone around him to arrest Ye Ling, which caused him to be alone and helpless.

Then hint that he is here.

Bai Lie figured it out, his scalp was numb and his body was chilly.

From beginning to end, his every move was expected and controlled by others. He had dug a hole for him, just waiting for him to jump in.

This Yin Mei's acting skills are really terrible!

Fortunately, he always thought she was a kind and gentle person!

Yin Mei, who had finished pouring the wine, went back to Gu Changge respectfully and filled the empty white jade glass for him.

"Brother Bai Lie has anything to say now?"

"I heard that you always wanted to kill me, now I'm right in front of you, why don't you do it?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and smoothly put a snow-white fluffy foxtail in his hand, and his expression was also relaxed and relaxed.

Villain died of talking a lot since ancient times, it was because of the mistakes in the arrangement and plan, and it was not enough to renew the secret.

Now even if Bai Lie is given another night, he cannot escape from here.

So he is not in a hurry.

And the most important thing is that Gu Changge wants to know how Bai Lie feels now, after all, this guy has always wanted to kill him.

Regarding his enemy, Gu Changge naturally used all kinds of cruel methods to kill him.

He actually has a distorted personality, but at this time, he just has this time.

"Yin Mei, why did you deceive me? What good is Gu Changge, or what good is he promising you? If he threatens you, then you tell me, I can help you!"

Bai Lie stared at Yin Mei ferociously, as if he were about to swallow her.

"It's so stupid."

"The master is not what you can compare.

Yin Mei glanced at him with disgust and indifference. From the beginning to the end, she had the same attitude towards Bai Lie.

The gentle appearance before, if it weren't for Gu Changge's order, she would have been unable to bear it.

And if you want to ask what is better between Gu Changge and Bai Lie?

Except for the indifference and ruthlessness of the methods, what is Bai Lie comparable to? He doesn't even deserve to carry shoes.

"Gu Changge, have you always arranged all of this, right? In fact, you have always been in control of all this, right? Yin Mei has been listening to your instructions from beginning to end?"

Bai Lie roared, at this moment he was about to split his eyes, hate and mad.

Yin Mei, who has always kept a distance of three feet from him, is now so cute and affectionate in front of Gu Changge.

This made him mad with hate, surging blood rushing through his veins, turning into a horrible White Tiger phantom, he couldn't hate to slap the two to death!

Why hasn't he seen it before?

What Gu Changge hides is so deep! Who would have thought that he has been secretly pushing and controlling all this?

No one has ever thought of this. After all, before this, he didn't know that Yin Mei was actually from Gu Changge?

No, it's not just him, it is estimated that the disciples of Celestial Immortals Palace, Elder, may not know.

When did this start?

At this moment, Bai Lie's spirits were chilling from the beginning to the end.

Gu Changge is the scariest person!

He has been hiding in the dark and dominating everything? What is his purpose? Or is he a conspiracy? Behind the scenes?

"It seems that you are not too stupid, and finally reacted, otherwise I would doubt if this reaction time is wrong for you?"

At this moment, Gu Changge chuckled, raised his hand to toast, took a leisurely drink, and then continued, "Brother Bai should drink this glass, Yellow Springs is a long way away, and you are on the road."

"What did Gu Changge say are you going to kill me?"

Hearing this, Bai Lie couldn't believe it. His whole body was chilly, and it was too late to scold the two people in front of him.

Behind him is the White Tiger clan of the Taikoo royal family. How dare he Gu Changge?

Before that, he had never seen anyone who could understate like Gu Changge, even with a faint smile on his face, but said such murderous and awe-inspiring words.

He even felt the monstrous blood rushing towards him, almost drowning him!

Gu Changge was far more terrifying than what he showed on the surface.

They always thought that Gu Changge was just a young and advanced Cultivation Base, but they never expected him to have such a side.

"Brother Bai still can't see the situation clearly? I won't kill you, why are you here? Do you have a long conversation at night?" Gu Changge let out a light laugh, it seemed that there was no smoke, let alone the slightest murderousness.


But when the words fell, the white jade wine glass in his hand suddenly burst out, and all of a sudden blooming, it was like a dazzling fairy flower taking root in the virtual space, to absorb the nourishment of sentient beings.


Bai Lie has been paying attention to Gu Changge, beware of him suddenly making a move, but he never expected that he would do it while he was speaking, and he had no resistance at all and was directly blown into the air.

The White Tiger phantom that emerged behind him was directly blasted into ashes!

The chest exploded, and there was a fairy flower that actually took root down, and the sparkling and bright flowers swayed out showers of light and rain, like a peerless fairy flower.

The terrible pain, as if coming from the depths of the soul, made Bai Lie roar in pain.

All the means of resistance disintegrated in an instant, and the White Tiger phantom he unfolded disappeared and turned into a child's fan just now!

The gap between the two is too big!

"~Your strength is definitely not only the Sealed King Realm, but what are you hiding?

Bai Lie got up, his eyes widened, he coughed up blood, and he was covered in blood. He couldn't believe this.

Because Gu Changge just broke through his White Tiger magical powers with a random shot just now, this can only show that Gu Changge's magical power has exceeded the level that his current Realm can resist!

This shocked Bai Lie, and couldn't help but feel shocked.How many secrets did Gu Changge hide?

It's terrible!

"The origin of Geng Jin, used in Brother Bai's hands, is a treasure of heaven."

Gu Changge did not answer him, but stared at the dark golden rune that gradually emerged from Bai Lie's hand, with a satisfied look in his eyes.

If Bai Lie says there is anything he is more interested in, then it is definitely the origin of the Geng Jin.

The top three offensive forces in the upper realm are extremely sharp and can evolve all the strongest attack methods.

It's just that Bai Lie's current Realm is too far apart from him, and he simply can't exert the power of the Gengjin origin.


At this time, Bai Lie suddenly burst into a dark golden flame (good Zhao's), and the terrifying king character became bright, with the coercion of the surrender of the beasts, he was burning Blood Essence, ready to fight to the death.

However, what made him couldn't believe it was that the dazzling fairy flower had no trace of disappearance.

Bo Bo Bo Bo

Pieces of flowers bloom, beautiful and moving, but with blood.

Gu Changge sat behind the stone table with an expression of interest, without any movement.

But Bai Lie knew that at this time, if he didn't work hard, he would definitely die.

Gu Changge's eyes are exactly like looking at prey, or little ants that can be pinched to death at will.

"I fought with you, Gu Changge!"

At the same time, Bai Lie's spiritual sea glowed, and a misty brilliance appeared in it.

He sacrificed a page of brilliant gold, with many golden words flowing on it, and turned into a White Tiger that swept across Nine Heavens with terrible pressure!

This is his life-saving method, and he will only use it until his life is closed!

"Kill!" Bai Lie yelled and turned into a dark golden shadow. He wanted to rush to Gu Changge and fight him. If it weren't covered by formations, this courtyard would definitely explode in the first place!

Suddenly, Tao Heavenly Demon gas appeared.

A dark, crimson halberd ran across the air and was held by Gu Changge.

He didn't move, his expression was plain, and he swept straight down.

With a puff, that unusually bright gold paper burst directly into the void, and even the White Tiger void collapsed instantly!

"You turned out to be a heavenly god" Bai Lie's eyes were filled with despair and disbelief.

"Isn't it good to wait for death? Have to learn to resist?"

Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, and his other hand quickly reached out, and immediately strangled Bai Lie's neck, causing all his attacking aura to dissipate in an instant!