Chapter 130


In the dimly lit ancestral tomb.

An old and mutilated corpse was up and down, as if crawling out of the grave, vomiting Essence of the Sun and Moon.

This scene looks very scary.

If someone comes here at this time, you will definitely be shocked.

Strands of green-like rays of sunlight continued to fall down like a waterfall.

-Luo Dao Aquarius, floating in the middle, taking on those glowing rays, and then turning into dark avenue runes, falling into the body of the young man below.

The hair was dancing and the robes were bulging.

Under the shroud of light, it looked dazzling and mysterious, deep and terrifying.

Gu Changge is sitting here, his skin is like immortal jade, with lustre and a sense of translucency, and it looks even more terrifying and devilish.

A whirlpool appeared behind Gu Changge, and every hole contained glow.

There seem to be many gods and demons sitting cross-legged, singing, and making a magnificent world voice.


At the same time, Gu Changge's breath is constantly rising, and the various tempered energies seem to open the floodgates for his body!

In the void, weird and fascinating flowers took root, with fairy meaning, but even more evil.

Bo Bo

These flowers are blooming, and the rich essence is sprayed out of them, which is absorbed by Gu Changge's mouth and nose.

This is the power of the primordial spirit that has been tempered by the secret technique, and contains the "three-eighty-zero" primordial spirit level of insight and understanding.


In the sea of ​​knowledge.

The Xiantian deity's mind is growing, becoming more and more shining and firm, like immortal gold that has been tempered by various types, faintly shining with brilliance.

Finally, the horror here has disappeared.

Gu Changge's real Realm has already made a breakthrough to the peak of the Celestial God Realm in one fell swoop.

He opened his eyes, and all the divinity and essence of these ancient corpses in front of him disappeared in smoke and fell to the ground, appearing more and more shriveled.

Gu Changge looked a bit regretful.

In his opinion, these essence energies were enough for him to break through to the Divine King Realm, but later it was discovered that many ancient corpses were actually killed in battle, and their divinity was almost destroyed.

"It's a bit overestimated the power of the essence of these ancient corpses. Although there are two Quasi-Supreme corpses, they were obviously killed in battle. It is a pity that many essences have already been lost."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly and got up, not in a hurry to leave here.

The aboriginal gathering area he chose is actually not too big, and the radius is only a few thousand miles.

For the aboriginal people of the entire Celestial Continent, they are at best a small tribe.

Gu Changge didn't worry that this matter would contact him at all.

For a while, no one will notice that something is wrong with their ancestral tomb.

After all, who is all right, will run to see if the ancestral grave has been planed?

Even if it is discovered at that time, who can confirm when the real time happened.

After all, he is not only the younger generation dangling in the aboriginal gathering area.

The ultimate goal of Gu Changge has always been the Great Mausoleum, the places where the corpses may be buried.

This kind of small tomb is just a handy, accumulating some experience of "digging the ancestral grave" by the way.

He was discovered by then, and at least he had built several mausoleums.

So Gu Changge had enough time and means to buckle the pot on Ye Ling's head.

Who told Ye Ling to run to the Ancient Ancient Continent by himself.

At that time, even if the people around Ye Ling can prove that all of this was not done by Ye Ling, what use is it?

For most cultivators, they would only think that all this was done by the inheritors of magic arts, and Ye Ling happened to mix in, maybe they would think that the inheritors of magic arts had accomplices.

So Ye Ling doesn't carry this pot, who will carry it?

Thinking of this, Gu Changge's expression became more intriguing.

Then, he stepped to avoid these formation patterns, glanced at the door of the ancestral tomb at random, and handled the two corpses smoothly.

Anyway, it is the quasi-saint's strength, and it is shameful to waste it.

Afterwards, Gu Changge was in a void in front of him, and he stepped into it, following the path he had come, preparing to leave here.

With the experience of the coming time, it is safer to return to nature, and no one is aware of it at all.

Before long, Gu Changge's figure reappeared on the mountain peak outside the ruins of the city.


A crowd of followers hidden here showed up one after another to meet Dao.

"What happened recently?" Gu Changge asked, taking the lead in turning into a rainbow to leave here.

If he guessed right, Gu Xian'er should not have had a good time during this period.

Offended the huge power of Sea King Palace, except for Yue Mingkong, it is estimated that no one will help her.

Calculate time.

His Big Brother, it's almost time to show up, after all, he has been in the ancient continent for a while, and he Gu hasn't pretended to be forced.

Otherwise, someone in the younger generation would dare to ignore him.

No, Little Sister is in trouble now. As the Big Brother, I go to support her. Can this be called pretense?

And it just happens to take the opportunity to beat the younger generation, so that some people who do not know how to live or die will jump out and get in the way.

"Enlighten the master, during this period of time, wars broke out in many areas, and many gods were born, causing local creatures to compete with the outside world. In addition, Xian'er Miss was chased and killed by the seven princesses of the Sea King Palace, and many young sages chased and killed them. She. It doesn't seem to be so good now"

"I heard that the Sea Clan has already used a large formation to securely lock the world and all directions. It is difficult to escape with a radius of nearly ten thousand miles.

Behind him, Yaksha-like followers suddenly followed quickly and reported to Gu Changge.

The look on his face was a little cautious.

He could see that although the master had always been indifferent to Gu Xian'er, he hadn't missed all the news about Gu Xian'er.

So I am worried that Gu Changge will get angry when he hears this news.

However, Gu Changge has always been happy and angry, and he couldn't guess what Gu Changge was thinking.

After reporting the matter, he quietly retreated behind him.

"There are many opportunities for son of luck, but the ability to offend others is also top-notch."

"But this time it really surprised me a bit. This Sea King Palace has even set up a large sea clan formation, and sent several young supreme to chase and kill it.

"Gu Xian'er is now strong enough to deal with one or two, but it's absolutely choking with more."

"Although this is not a small training experience for her, but according to the character of this silly girl, I am afraid that she will not use those hole cards until the critical moment."

"This is extremely stupid. There is no such thing as using the powerful Magical Item to let yourself be bullied.

"The Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace has always been my bully. This guy is very courageous and seems to want to die.

Hearing this, Gu Changge's eyes couldn't help but wink.

The look on his face was slightly intriguing.

Afterwards, the void around Gu Changge's body became more blurred, and his speed was much faster.

After all, Gu Xian'er is his bag of anger. Which round of bullying is such a reason?

What kind of thing are these seven princesses?

At the same time, in the mountains covered by the vast white mist.

The thunder light flickered, the electric light raged, and it crackled like an ancient giant hammering a war drum here.

Gu Xian'er's dress was fluttering, standing in the mountains, looking forward with cold expression.

"In order to chase me, sending so many people is embarrassing for you.

She spoke lightly.

At this time, although I was a little injured, my breath gradually stabilized and calmed down.

The surrounding mountains are full of sea creatures, and even the young supreme has several digits, all of them are the princes of the early or middle stage.

If Gu Xian'er faced them, she wouldn't be afraid at all, and even said she had plans to overcome.

But if a Seventh Princess is added, the battle will be very suspended and there is no possibility of victory at all.

Her strength is no more than the middle stage of the Feng Hou realm, and it is not difficult to leapfrog, but facing the young supreme, it is not so easy.

Because the gap will be significantly reduced.

Since the other party dared to be called Young Supreme, he naturally had a powerful talent and many terrifying magical powers.

Gu Xian'er has a lot of hole cards.

But that is what she intends to keep to deal with Gu Changge, or only intends to use it when she encounters some powerful opponents and is life-threatening.

Now she doesn't want to waste these hole cards in this kind of place. Although it seems that it has reached a very dangerous level, Gu Xian'er still sees a glimmer of hope.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill for life!"

At this time, a young supreme full of blond hair shouted, and he had already taken the lead to act on her. The body was a big golden fish with a keel.

The body is like pouring gold, with fine scales and brilliant light.

He raised his hand and shot out a rune, like a rain of light, powerful and terrifying, flooding the front, as if it could shoot down Star.


A mountain peak exploded in an instant and became a child fan, including all the ancient wood creatures in it, all shattered by this strike!

"So powerful!

This kind of volatility makes many younger generations look disillusioned, asking themselves in the same Realm, they can't stop it at all.

This is the power of the young supreme. Among the peers, only the young supreme can play against them.

On the other side, there is also a young supreme, a female young supreme, from the dumpling dragon family, with fish webs on his arms, and a small half of fish scales on his face.

She emitted a burst of sound waves, extremely tricky, like divine lights of various colors, interwoven and deduced in the void, can penetrate clouds and crack rocks, break up everything, and even hurt people and souls.

"If you bully the less, you will be able to do so.

Gu Xian'er glanced at the people in front of her, although she was besieged, her expression was still cold, and she showed an unyielding arrogance.

If it weren't for the lack of Cultivation Base, she was confident that she could suppress these so-called young 3.7 supreme with one palm.

In other words, she is confident that Realm is invincible, and perhaps only Gu Changge can be her opponent.

She is not blindly self-confident, but a clear understanding of her own strength.

At the moment the words fall.


A rich colorful light emerged from all over her body, especially the rebirth of Nirvana's fairy bone was gushing out the bright fairy meaning.

The fairy light is dazzling.

Among them, there seems to be a true immortal sitting cross-legged, wanting to recover and step out and suppress the world.

At this moment, Gu Xian'er stood in the air with a sense of transcendence, shaking her fingers at the two.

At the same time, when Gu Xian'er raised her hand, a chain of divine light was struck out, densely packed, and it was the evolution of various supernatural powers.

This kind of incomparable vastness, permeating the sky, is enough to blast everything in front of you, and defeat all the attacks in front of you.

She was taught by the old monsters in Taocun anyway. She has high abilities, and now she has the Celestial Immortals to lead the way personally. It is impossible for her to be low in combat power.

At the moment, it seemed as if there was an immortal bell blooming in the virtual space.

The terrifying sound waves, as gorgeous as fireworks, disappeared in front of Gu Xian'er's eyebrows.

In her knowledge of the sea, a phantom of a peach tree emerged, with brilliance and dazzling light rain, one flower and one world, containing great primordial power.

This is Taotian's primordial spirit, powerful and mysterious, as hard as possible, indestructible.

The supernatural power of the young female supreme sea clan was broken. ,