Chapter 131


Gu Xian'er's eyes were cold, light wings appeared behind her, and she quickly approached.

The small white hands like white jade, clenched into fists, shocking blood, directly blasted down.

The pale golden blood runs through everything, it is like a terrifying beast!

"what "

The young and supreme female of the Dragon Clan was a little shocked, but she didn't expect Gu Xian'er to come to her suddenly. This speed was too scary, it seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.


She quickly urged her magical powers to resist, and the webbed fish on her arms turned into sharp heavenly swords, which could cut everything apart, and had to contend with Gu Xian'er's punch.

But The next moment, the sound of bone fracture suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by screams, she flew out, her expression full of deep horror and disbelief.

The arms that resisted just now were smashed by Gu Xian'er with a punch. The small fist fell on her, almost blasting half of her body.

This scene caused many cultivators in the distance to take a breath. Although the girl in Tsing Yi looked very thin, her power was simply amazing.

"It's a bit tricky.

The young supreme who shot the shot frowned and couldn't help but stepped back a few steps. His Cultivation Base was stronger than Gu Xian'er, but this strike did not take any advantage.

This shocked him and felt frustrated.

As a young supreme, still at the upper and middle level, he was invincible against a little girl in Tsing Yi.

The young female supreme who shot with him was penetrated even more, and the blood was dripping.

Gu Xian'er shook the two back with a single blow, but their expressions weren't the slightest good-looking, on the contrary, they became more solemn.

Because the white mist is too dense, like endless.

It contains the ancient array patterns arranged by these sea races, which obscures the sky in all directions.

For the sea people, the area here has become more suitable for their fighting.

"What a waste!"

In the air, the blue figure riding on the golden war horse rushed towards the sky, standing proudly on the horizon, with indifferent eyes and spleen. Seeing this scene, he spoke coldly.

Her breath is too strong.

Although the figure didn't look tall, it was even more amazing than those sea tribes standing on the horizon like a hill.

In her hands, a long spear flowed 24 times, with a breathtaking breath, and the breath of the peak of the sealed king realm was undoubtedly revealed!

The seventh princess didn't end up personally, she just sat on the horizon like a hunter, her eyes indifferent and joking, and she wanted to witness a cat-and-mouse drama.

"Get her down for me!"

The seventh princess ordered again that she still didn't do anything. If she didn't torture and despair to the other party, it would be difficult for her to calm down the pain of being killed in Little Brother.

If you don't kill the girl in front of you, her Little Brother's revenge will be hard to quell.

"Damn it, dare to ruin my body."

The young female supreme of the Dragon Clan was extremely angry, and she also had a trace of fear. Her body almost burst, and then healed in the distance, wanting to be reshaped.

She underestimated the strength of Gu Xian'er, but she didn't expect to be like this, physically inferior to her opponent.

So I suffered a big loss directly.

Soon, her face was ugly, and she rushed towards Gu Xian'er again.

At the same time, the other young supreme also manifested his true body and killed him. The fish body rumblingly crushed the sky, making a terrifying sound.

For an instant, there were densely packed brilliance, thousands of them, all turned into blue runes, into thunder, rain and fog, covering Gu Xian'er.

The war broke out, and the violent energy vented wildly, like Stars exploded.

Under such fluctuations, many younger generations can't stand it and can only avoid them far away.

"With one enemy and two, and even gaining the upper hand, the strength of this Tsing Yi girl is too strong, no wonder she can kill waves after waves of Sea Clan people."

"It's a pity, she offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

This shocked many young people nearby.

But some people regret it, and naturally some people gloat.


Finally, under the siege of the two young supreme together, plus the attack of the rest of the sea race.

Gu Xian'er's face turned pale, blood spurted out with a wow, and her slender body fell directly toward the mountains behind her, like a kite with a broken string.


"She is injured, this is the opportunity!"

A group of sea clan powerhouses looked overjoyed, even the two young supreme eyes reveal brilliantly, using the strongest means, ready to take down Gu Xian'er.


In an instant, the place was overwhelmed by the brilliance of the sky. Under such light, all the cultivators couldn't help but close their eyes, feeling extremely dazzling.

"It's now "

However, at this moment, Gu Xian'er, who watched this group of people kill and fly out, suddenly had the intention to wipe out success.

Her castration stopped instantly, a golden rune appeared in her bare hands, and there were surging fluctuations in it.

That is the dazzling Sword Ray, murderous and terrifying.

Although it is not a hole card, it is also a talisman that she once harvested when she knocked the sap, which contained the strength of the true god.

Now it suddenly broke out, and the subjugation caused all the sea creatures in front of them to change their expressions, many of them collapsed directly, and their bodies split apart.

"It's a sly little girl, even more so you can't keep you."

Suddenly, the seventh princess on the golden war horse snorted coldly, staring at the golden sword charm in Gu Xian'er's hand.


She waved, the golden long Ge cut through the sky, tore the sky, and instantly pierced the void.

Gu Xian'er's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly protected her with a magical item, but her body was also shocked, pale and her blood lost.

Even the golden sword charm that was about to be activated in his hand burst into pieces in an instant.

"Hi! This is just a casual blow!"

"It's so powerful, God Tuzhen can definitely exist!"

Facing this strike of the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace, everyone in the distance was shocked.

As the absolute overlord of the endless sea, the sea king's palace dominates many sea races, and this seventh princess is even known to have invincible assets.

Before this, she had never seen her appear.

When I saw it today, it really shocked all cultivators.

This invincible capital is not just talking about it. Looking at the young supreme, who has broken through to the pinnacle of the king at this age?

And with a single blow, it contains true god-level combat power.

Even the Young Master Gu, who is known as the true celestial asset, is not so strong, right?

As the young supreme, he was originally the best among his peers, and the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace was obviously the best among the best.

The slender girl in Tsing Yi in front of her would definitely not be her opponent.

And before that, the girl in Tsing Yi was besieged and killed by many sea people, and Cultivation Base was no longer at its peak.

This is obviously unfair to her.

And among the many young generations, no one came forward to help, alone facing the Seventh Princess with many followers.

How to fight this?

It's a bully!

Nowadays, many young men feel unbearable and pity the girl in Tsing Yi.

Their beautiful faces were stained with blood, and their cold expressions made them concealed.

No matter where you are, you have to look at your face.

"Hey, if I have a stronger strength, it will be fine. At this time, I stepped forward to save the United States and said no," Young Tianjiao couldn't help but shook his head.

"I heard that she is also surnamed Gu, but it seems that the young master of the Gu family hasn't shown up and obviously doesn't want to intervene in this matter."

"This girl in Tsing Yi is said to have a complicated relationship with Young Master Gu. It seems that there is hatred but also no hatred. This has caused many disciples of Celestial Immortals Palace to not dare to help."

"Yes, if it irritates Young Master Gu, it will be really unlucky if the two sides are not pleased by that time."

Around the mountain, many cultivators were discussing in a low voice, and they had different opinions on this matter.

The girl in Tsing Yi is not weak!

She just lacks the time to grow up, otherwise she won't be invincible when facing the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace.

This is a pity in everyone's hearts.

"At a young age, with cunning mind and cruel methods, you can't keep you."

The Seventh Princess of the Sea King's Palace sat on the golden war horse, the golden spear fell back into her hand, pointed at Gu Xian'er there, and said indifferently.

A group of her followers, including the two young princes who came forward, came back with shame.

If it weren't for the seventh princess's sudden move, I'm afraid they would be seriously injured here.

Thinking of this, the eyes that they looked at Gu Xian'er showed weakness.

Today, in front of so many people, catching a girl whose Cultivation Base is far inferior to them, not only did not take it, but also almost suffered serious injuries or even death.

This embarrassed them, and there was an incomparably suffocated fire in their hearts.

"Oh, I can't keep me? I haven't seen you a good thing, but it's just bullying.

At this time, Gu Xian'er also flew from below, her voice very flat.

Standing in the air, she wins the snow barefoot, her hair is fluttering, and the group is flying, just like the most perfect elf created by the sky.

She is still young, but her face is beautiful and beautiful, like a peerless fairy, standing in the void.

Many cultivator talks all around fell in her ears.

At this time, she looked very calm, although there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, she was not afraid at all.

She remembered the words of her masters, all kinds of thoughts flashed in her mind, but calmed down.

It really didn't work, she had to use those extremely precious Magical Items.

The thought that it was possible to do this made her painful, who has always made money and is like a small money addict.

Gu Xian'er calculated this account, and inexplicably deducted Gu Changge's head.

"To bully? It's interesting.

At this time, the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace was also calm and relaxed. She looked as if Gu Xian'er was taken up. She did not rush to kill her, but said with joking and mockery in her eyes.

"If it weren't because the Cultivation Base was higher than me, what would you do?" Gu Xian'er said lightly.

"Because Cultivation Base is higher than you, I will kill you. Is this a problem?"

The Seventh Princess of the Sea King's Palace couldn't help but sneered, as if she had heard a big joke.

"No problem, don't let my Cultivation Base surpass you one day." Gu Xian'er also looked at her calmly.

"You have no chance. No one can save you today. Did you think about this when you killed me Little Brother, little girl?"

Hearing that, the seventh princess had cold eyes, and she remembered the scenes she saw when she searched for the murderous beast soul.

Her Little Brother was brutally killed by the little girl in front of her, her body collapsed, and even the soul was wiped out in the screams.

This method is cruel.

"He deserves to die." Gu Xian'er said lightly.

I had some regrets before, and I was a little bit 380 impulsive because of this incident. Now I am very calm.

A Little Brother with that kind of Big sis will be killed by others sooner or later.

"you wanna die "

Hearing this, the seventh princess's complexion became cold, and the light in her eyes became more gloomy. On the indifferent her, she seemed very weak and even distorted.

Followers who know her know how much she loves own Little Brother.

I wanted to take him to the Ancient Continent to find a chance, but I didn't want to be killed by someone carelessly.

This made the seventh princess angry, but it wouldn't make Gu Xian'er die so easily, and would make her suffer all the time.

"Hunted me for so long, now I am standing here, do you dare to kill me?"

At this time, Gu Xian'er asked instead with a slight mockery in her eyes.

"I know your last name is Gu, and I know you are a disciple of Celestial Immortals Palace Elder, but what about it? I want to kill you, who can stop me?"

The seventh princess sneered, looking at Gu Xian'er as if looking at an idiot. She couldn't understand why she was so calm and calm at this time.

Is there still other confidence?

He is the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace, it is even easier to kill her.

Killing pays for life, in this experience of Xiangu Continent, it is even more justified.

"If you kill me, I, Big Brother Gu Changge, will not let you go, you will die worse than me." At this time, Gu Xian'er became more calm, and simply pulled Gu Changge's skin. Come.

By the way, bring some hatred to Gu Changge.

It didn't work for a while, she directly broke the space here with the secret treasure and left.

Anyway, Gu Changge, she will not feel guilty.

And she also knew that Gu Changge wouldn't care about her. It was this time and she didn't have any expectations.

"Gu Changge"

"You actually said him?"

Seventh princess didn't expect that at this time, Gu Xian'er would say such a thing, and she couldn't help but sneer.

"Don't think that I don't know that there is a deep hatred between you and Gu Changge. He will take care of your life and death? Even if Gu Changge shows up, you think I will be afraid of him, but you want to see this so-called true fairy. Capital, how true is it in the end?"

The seventh princess had cold eyes, and she had completely seen Gu Xian'er in her words. If she didn't want her to despair slowly, she would say so much nonsense.

Gu Xian'er sneered when she heard the words, and then said lightly, "You are nothing but an outsider, so how can I be confident about my relationship with Gu Changge."

"If you dare to touch me, you will definitely be killed by my good Big Brother. If you don't believe me, you can try it. He is only being held back by one incident, otherwise he would have come here early."

She couldn't help but want to give own wit a compliment.