Chapter 132

Gu Xian'er said it was an understatement.

Especially with this indifferent expression, it seemed quite affable.

Of course, only Gu Xian'er was the only one who knew the truth and couldn't help shaking her head in her heart, a little bit disappointed.

She also hoped that the facts would be the same as she said.

It's just that Gu Changge is so pitted, it's strange that he cares about himself.

And Gu Changge doesn't know where it is now, the ancient continent is so big, he may be vying for an opportunity somewhere.

For him, own life and death are not important at all.

Thinking of this, Gu Xian'er became colder and colder, instead she looked at each other like "Princess Seven, you are finished."

"You are really looking for death. If you let Gu Changge know that you are chasing me like this, everyone in the room will be dead, and no one can escape."

"Do you think you are very strong? But it's the pinnacle of the Conferred King Realm. It's okay to bully me. But in front of my Big Brother, even the ants are not as good as the ants. He only needs to slap you in the face."

Gu Xian'er still said lightly.

In words, it seems to be stating something, and it seems to be telling everyone how powerful Gu Changge is

At the same time, she shows how much she admires Gu Changge as a Little Sister

But in reality, she just guessed in her heart when she would use a forbidden device to break the blockade, sneak away, and fill Gu Changge with hatred by the way.

If the seventh princess casts her anger on Gu Changge at that time, she will not feel guilty.

She knew that Gu Changge was very strong, and it was no problem to deal with the Seventh Princess.

Of course it is not as exaggerated as she said.

And as soon as these words came out, it caused a great sensation in an instant, and many young Tianjiao's complexions changed slightly, and they were a little surprised.

Especially some disciples of Celestial Immortals Palace

In the Celestial Immortals Palace, the relationship between Gu Xian'er and Gu Changge was indeed very complicated.

They are also really unclear.

"Is it really as I saw at the beginning, brothers, friends and sisters respectful?" Some disciples couldn't help but feel a strange feeling at this time.

Gu Xianer's words were too easy and natural, and it was hard to doubt the truth or falseness of her words.

"Like ants? I'll really want to see you then.

The Seventh Princess had planned to torture Gu Xian'er for a while, but at this time, she hadn't considered it at all.

Her eyes were extremely cold and filled with anger.

She, who had been invincible since she was a child, was actually reprimanded by Gu Xian'er as an ant?

This makes her unbearable, and she can't wait to slap her lips, but she is still a little girl who is indifferent!

"If you want to die today, then it will fulfill you!"

Qi Gong took the initiative to kill, and controlled the golden horse at his feet to kill Gu Xian'er.


The golden war horse stepped on the sky again and headed towards Gu Xian'er.

This momentum is monstrous, if thousands of troops are galloping, Jin Ge kills and kills, terrifying boundless.

The clouds were broken open, and the sea clan array was enveloped. In the thick white fog, the rune shone, and it was also divided into a Tongtian Avenue.

The golden flames bloomed. At this time, everyone could see the sight clearly.

The golden light is shining, and the horizon is horizontal.

The seventh princess is like an invincible woman God of War-like figure.


-Now, the place is boiling, almost all cultivators are shocked.

Unexpectedly, under the full strength of the Seventh Princess, that kind of power would be so tyrannical.

"not good

Gu Xian'er's face changed slightly, even pale.

She shot it, but it was an exercise of the strongest magical powers.

The immortal breath by the body turned into a giant clock, shook the sky, slightly shook, and the sound was loud, as if it had crushed everything.


However, this place exploded at once, and the mountain peaks were destroyed, turned into powder and dust, and flooded the world.

"It's too strong, it's the power of the true god!"

"The Seventh Princess is among the young supreme. I'm afraid I won't find a few rivals. This kind of strength, sweeping all the peers in the Ancient Immortal Continent, there is absolutely no problem."

Everyone was stunned, frightened silly, and terrifying spatial ripples spread in the virtual space.

"Wow …"

The next moment, the giant clock broke, and Gu Xian'er's figure flew upside down like a broken kite, and a series of blood fell in the air.

She is very powerful with the secret technique, but the strength of the Seventh Princess is much stronger than her.

This is no longer in the category of her enemies, especially the seventh princess this strike comes with anger and destroys the mountain and the ground!


The seventh princess sat on the mount, looking down at her with a sneer, the spear gleaming, containing peerless edge.

"no solution anymore "

Gu Xian'er's face turned pale, his blood was rolling, his throat was sweet again, and blood gushed out.

She didn't expect that the seven princesses would suddenly kill her. Such a direct action was simply frantic.


At this time, the seventh princess acted again, looking at Gu Xian'er with murderous eyes, coldly said, "Go to hell! It's such a scourge, you can't keep you.

The misty golden light appeared on her spear, the rune was dazzling, the metal murderous intent came out mightily, and blasted down to Gu Xian'er.


Large tracts of mountains were turned into child fans under this strike, and many cultivators in the distance were even affected, spurting out blood.

Gu Xian'er's face was even more pale, and she was about to use her trump card, suddenly her eyes widened, and she froze in place.

She seemed silly, she couldn't believe it, and murmured, "Gu Changge, how is it possible?"

When she reacted, she couldn't help but open her eyes, feeling that the scene before her was so incredible, it was almost dreamlike.

Suddenly, in the high sky ahead, the void became blurred, and a young figure in white walked out.

His eyes were indifferent and plain, and then the terrifying wind raged, and the waves formed by the golden light seemed to soar into the sky.


Between the heaven and the earth, a golden palm appeared, extremely solid, and patted downward, like the palm of the gods.

Huge and full of power, it is daunting and hard to resist.

This is an evolution of spells.

It looks like the palm of the Heavenly Emperor, although it has changed, it is actually a manifestation of rules and order!

This is the celebrity supernatural power of the Changsheng Gu family, the palm of the heavens.

With a bang, it seemed that the sky was falling apart.

The golden spear trembled directly, and the terrifying counter-shock force seemed to shatter the universe, containing infinite power.

Suddenly, the golden war horse screamed like a scream.


In the void, blood bloomed, extremely bright.

"How can it be "

The seventh princess's arm trembled violently, and the terrible power almost made her entire arm explode. The pain made her look distorted.

If it weren't for her talent rune bones to glow and protect her, half of her body would explode at this moment.

This caused the Seventh Princess's face to change drastically, even with horror and a little disbelief.

So that the faint scalp numb.


The golden palm fell, the golden light rolled, the earth smashed into pits, the mountains collapsed, and the smoke rose into the sky.

Many onlookers were hit by the cultivator, and they had no time to escape, and they instantly became fleshy.

"Do you dare to move my things?"

The understatement sounded resounding in the heavens and the earth, but it suddenly silenced all directions.

All the cultivators stared blankly at the figure walking out of the void, and couldn't help being frightened and shocked.

Many people have a faint cold back and tingling scalp.

"I'll wait to see the descendant!"

Around the mountain peaks, many disciples of Celestial Immortals Palace changed drastically, and they hurriedly saw Li Dao and were shocked by this shocking scene.

They naturally recognized that the young man who suddenly shot was the heir of the Celestial Immortals Palace today.

Gu Changge!

The Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace, who was as strong as the pinnacle of the Conferred King Realm, was hit hard under this palm, and the horse exploded.

His right arm was dripping with blood, his complexion was extremely pale, and he lost his blood.

This is too shocking.

Especially with the strong and indifferent kind of sitting high in the sky, aggressive and murderous, overlooking everything, trying to kill Gu Xian'er, it formed a strong contrast, which made the hearts of many cultivators jump.

In an instant, he was knocked down to the top of the cloud, covered with a palm, and fell as Gu Xian'er said. There was no resistance at all, and he was invincible.

This made them couldn't help being shocked, how strong is Gu Changge?

Is it really as Gu Xian'er said?

The expressions of the sea creatures were also undergoing drastic changes. They gathered from all directions to protect the Seventh Princess, and stared at Gu Changge vigilantly.

In the case of the sea clan blockade the world, he can still appear here quietly.

This is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Not to mention the scene just now, it made their minds buzzing, a little blank, and it would be difficult to react for a while.

The seventh princess, who is invincible, has never been so embarrassed.

Especially in the hands of peers, this is simply incredible.

Gu Changge is too strong. The shadow of the famous tree makes them vigilant.

*~Interesting. "

Gu Changge appeared high in the sky, looked at the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace who was so afraid of him not far away, and said lightly, "Gu has appeared now, why does the Seventh Princess still look like this?"

"Or, you only dare to bully Gu's Little Sister."

His expression was very calm, but there was a deep cold indifference, which made the Seventh Princess' complexion change, and the jealousy in his heart became deeper.

Her injury has healed, but the pain has been retained, making her unforgettable.

Although Gu Changge suddenly took action just now, she was caught off guard, but it also suffices to show the strength of Gu Changge.

This made the Seventh Princess couldn't help frowning, her heart was very jealous, and her complexion was uncertain.

During her investigation, there were a lot of enmity between Gu Xian'er and Gu Changge, and it also involved a huge secret of the Changsheng Gu family.

But now, why does Gu Changge show up to help Gu Xian'er?

Is it really as Gu Xian'er said?

"Gu Changge, I admit that you are strong, but don't think that you are invincible. In the battle of life and death, no one will be weak to the other.

At the moment, the seventh princess's face flashed coldly, and she said directly, the golden spear circulated on the rune, and she began to appear peerlessly sharp.

She is showing her own attitude, if you want to fight, then fight, I am not afraid of you.

As a leader among the young supreme, she naturally will not retreat because of this, and choose not to fight.

At that time, whether it is face or Dao heart, it will be a huge blow.

In her opinion, although Gu Changge is strong, she is not without the chance to win.

(Good money) And now, Gu Xian'er, who reacted, flew up from below with a shocked and unbelievable expression.

She never expected that Gu Changge would actually show up.

This made her head buzzing in the seeds, and she didn't know what to say.

Incomprehension, confusion, joy, excitement, joy, and all kinds of emotions filled her together, which made her look very complicated.

It was just that the calm on the face was restored quickly, but the thoughts in his heart were earth-shaking.

She thought that Gu Changge would not care about her anymore, let alone her life and death.

But I didn't expect that at this time, Gu Changge turned out to stand in front of her.

This made Gu Xian'er feel an inexplicable peace of mind, and this emotion made her face a little red.

After all, I said that to all the cultivators before, and madly hated Gu Changge. If Gu Changge was also in the crowd, wouldn't he hear it?

Gu Changge would laugh to death for such words, and he would definitely not let him go by then.

Gu Changge naturally noticed Gu Xian'er behind him.

It's just that I don't have time to talk to her now.

He actually came here for a while, but he didn't show up. He has been hiding in the void, waiting for the right time to show up.

Otherwise, the expected results will not be achieved, and it will be meaningless.

When he heard Gu Xian'er's calm and composed remarks, he was also taken aback. He didn't expect that this foolish girl would actually cheat him in this way of pulling hatred.

Although he didn't put the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace at all to put in one's eyes.

At that time, Gu Changge really only wanted to throw Gu Xian'er at the bottom of Maokeng to suppress it for three or five years. .