Chapter 133

"Is the injury okay?"

Gu Changge spoke casually, and asked Gu Xian'er behind him, and his expression didn't seem very concerned.

But at this time, Gu Xian'er's mind was really messed up.

Hearing this, he just hummed softly.

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly, he naturally knew that Gu Xian'er was actually fine, at most it was just a small injury.

But at this time, even if there is no injury, she must be injured.

Gu Xian'er heard Gu Changge's words, she was not stupid enough, her voice was cold, but she was a bit low and aggrieved. No, I guess I will die here today, alone, no one collects the body

Speaking of this, she had a sad and weeping look on her face, and those who heard it were sad and tearful.

Many young men nearby couldn't help feeling pity.

"It was so badly hurt, Sea King Palace is deceiving people too much."

The expression on Gu Changge's face did not change, but his eyes gradually deepened, and he said lightly, "My Little Sister of Gu Changge, I have never been bullied."

Having said that, he secretly praised his wit in his heart. This girl is not very stupid, knowing to cooperate with him at this time.

"Go ahead, how do you want to die?"

Then, Gu Changge looked at the creatures in the Sea King Palace in front of him, and asked indifferently.

When all the cultivators heard this, they couldn't help but shudder. At this time, they felt frightened.

How to die.

This sentence came out of Gu Changge's mouth, but it was so natural and contained endless blood.

They already have a hunch, and it is estimated that there will be a bloody storm here for a while.

Hearing this, the faces of the creatures in the Sea King Palace couldn't help changing, and they turned pale.

The two young masters who shot Gu Xian'er before were even more pale, a little frightened, and couldn't help but take a few steps towards retreated.

After all, this person is Gu Changge!

As soon as he took the shot, the Seven Princesses were hit hard, and even the mount was shattered by the aftermath.

The strength is absolutely formidable.

Before this, they hadn't heard that Gu Changge would stand up for Gu Xian'er, and even the Seventh Princess hadn't expected such a thing.

"Gu Changge, don't go too far. If you have to support Gu Xian'er, 380" At this time, the seventh princess also had a slightly gloomy expression.

However, she was interrupted by Gu Changge before she finished speaking. He looked a little playful and said, "The Sea King Palace hurt my Little Sister, but now I blame me for supporting her. What is the reason? In addition, the question just now, Princess Seven, you haven't answered me yet."

"Then I will ask you again, how do you want to die?"

The seventh princess was irritated by Gu Changge's aggressive attitude. Her face was so ugly that she couldn't help but said, "Gu Changge, don't look like you're cheap and behaved."

"At any rate, he is also a well-known young supreme, who has always been a true immortal, but you are so deceitful and so deceitful. Is it true that I am so bullied by the Sea King Palace?,

In her opinion, no matter how strong Gu Changge is, there is only one person now. Even if the disciples of the Dao Celestial Immortals are summoned nearby, they cannot be her opponent in the Sea King's Palace.

It is very likely that both lose and lose, leaving the rest of the young supreme to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

So at this time, she actually didn't want to confront Gu Changge directly.

Her Little Brother's hatred, she will find a way to avenge it again sooner or later.

However, Gu Changge didn't mention the matter at all, nor did she ask her why she pursued Gu Xian'er, and asked her how to die?

Repeated it twice.

This kind of contemptuous, casual and overbearing attitude made the Seventh Princess couldn't help but get angry.

Anyway, she is also the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace, dominating the many Tianjiao and Young Supremes of the Sea Clan. In terms of identity, she will not be weaker than Gu Changge.

And the most important point is that Gu Changge is too confident, and he is determined by their attitude.

As a young supreme, how could it be possible to endure such a humiliating treatment.

"Too much bullying?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge couldn't help laughing, and then his expression on his face fell indifferent, "Bullying you, what about you?"

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er behind him suddenly couldn't help but make a face.

She lowered her head slightly. The Seventh Princess also had such a domineering attitude when the people in the Sea King Palace were chasing her down.

Sea King Palace is better than her, then bully her.

And now, Gu Changge said similar words in front of all the creatures in the Sea King Palace, making her heart full of strange and unspeakable emotions.

Having Gu Changge in front of her really made her feel at ease, and she felt like she wanted to rely on it.

Of course, Gu Xian'er also understands that this is what Gu Changge looks like in front of outsiders.

He rushed to save himself, probably just to make up for what happened back then.

Gu Xian'er feels very complicated. Speaking of it, Gu Changge actually owes her nothing after paying her back.

She also had the means to get away safely, but Gu Changge showed up at a critical moment to support her.

And she also said the previous hate for Gu Changge

Gu Xian'er suddenly regretted and felt guilty.

At that time, she actually had a little emotion towards Gu Changge. After all, she had been expecting him to show up, but she didn't see him behind.

"Gu Changge, since you want to say that, how about your Little Sister killing me Little Brother?"

Hearing that, the seventh princess's face was sinking like water, her teeth biting slightly, said coldly.

She no longer intends to be with Gu Changge. She squeezed the golden spear, the brilliance appeared on it, and the metal edge flowed!

Gu Changge's words are obviously not showing the slightest face, just a non-stop attitude.

"Then what do you plan to do? Go and accompany him?"

Gu Changge said lightly, the figure stepped out of the virtual space and disappeared in place. When it appeared, it had fallen in front of the seventh princess.

Seven princesses and the others couldn't help but shrink their pupils, and an astonishing chill came out of their backs.

The complexion of the many followers around her changed drastically, and they were taken aback. They didn't feel the slightest spatial fluctuation at all, and Gu Changge came to them.

What is this amazing speed method?

Is it close to the end of the world, or is it shrinking to an inch?

The next moment, they felt terrifying before they could react, and suddenly burst out of the virtual space in front of them, as if a bright sun fell down.

"Xian'er kills him, it is his honor, if you dare to move Xian'er, then you go to accompany you Little Brother.


Following Gu Changge's understatement fell.

Suddenly a bright Sword Qi appeared in the virtual space, clanging, and even splashing out sparks. The terrible edge of the air was like a fairy sword that shattered the world.

He also pointed like a sword, with a terrifying Sword Ray, blooming continuously between his fingers, hanging down, as if it could dominate the world ups and downs, a strand of Sword Qi that could tear the world apart.

Although the Unfinished Immortal Jue is the supreme attacking secret technique of the primordial spirit, Gu Changge uses his current methods to display its immense power.

This does not involve Magic power, just the use of rules.

After all, under the blessing of detachment talent, he has undergone a qualitative change in his control of many supernatural powers!

This is the Sword Ray of rules and order, which can destroy many magical powers, unless there are rules of the same level to resist.

Under the premise of not revealing the true strength, it is not too easy to use against the so-called Young Supreme.

That's nothing more than cutting melons and vegetables.

At this time, around the mountain peak, many followers of Gu Changge also appeared and began to besiege from all directions, killing many sea creatures.

A big dogfight broke out.


Gu Changge walked like a stroll in the courtyard, looking casual and natural.

The sword fingers fell flat, the void in front of my eyes became blurred, clank clank, as if there were really fairy swords unsheathed, and the Sword Qi strands fell down like a large Galaxy Cluster.


"Do not…

Void space blood (cedh) splashed all over, the young supreme who was a big golden fish, his face was pale with fear, and his expression was hopeless and regretful, and wanted to ask for mercy.

His whole body was cold, including the soul, all trembling.

At this moment, he was shrouded in a terrifying murderous intent!

He wanted to resist, he was offering his most powerful Magical Item, and all the Magic power was surging in it.

This Magical Item divine light surging, kills down, can wipe out all the existence of the virtual god realm.

But it didn't work at all. A strand of Sword Ray, like a chain of rules, penetrated from his eyebrows.

The protection brilliance that appeared on the soul was also instantly shattered and directly turned into powder!

"If resistance is useful, what do you need to crush?" "Gu Changge looked complacent.

The Realm he showed was still the strength of the Conferred King Realm, but the moves he displayed had obviously surpassed what he should have at this level.

Of course he did not act too shockingly.

Power control is enough to exist in the real god realm in spikes.

"Is this Gu Changge's true strength?"

Gu Xian'er was stunned by this scene. She always wanted to surpass Gu Changge and set another goal.

But I really didn't expect that Gu Changge's strength has reached this point.

What kind of swordsmanship is this? The power is so terrifying, it seems that it was born specifically for killing.

"died "

"A young supreme was killed so many creatures of the Sea Clan were stunned, and when they reacted, they became extremely frightened.

After all, the young supreme in front of him, but the existence of the middle stage of the Conferred King Realm.

But in the hands of Gu Changge, he was killed in an instant, and even the soul was annihilated. This method really scared them.

As a young supreme, there are many ways to save his life, but he didn't even have the opportunity to use it, so he was killed by Gu Changge!

What does this show? It shows that Gu Changge's current strength has actually surpassed the level of resistance they can currently resist!

With such a terrifying sword art in hand, who dares to approach it easily?

The falling Sword Qi is endless, almost like it can drown everything.

"It turned out to be a sword test that can borrow the power of rules."

The Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace couldn't help being horrified at this moment. The power of rules, something that can only be touched by the existence of the holy realm, is now displayed in the hands of Gu Changge.

This made her feel chilly, and her soul shuddered slightly.

Young Supreme has many cards, but she really can't imagine that Gu Changge also hides this incredible method.

In her opinion, Gu Changge absolutely mastered an extremely terrifying sword art. With such power, they were no longer able to fight against it.

At this time, unless she uses the same force, she can't resist.

It is estimated that the existence of ordinary true gods will be killed by Gu Changge randomly with Sword Qi.

"To support this terrifying sword art, the consumption of Gu Changge's body is absolutely huge, and he won't be able to hold on for long!"

"I still have a chance! I can take the opportunity to kill him!"

Seeing the young and supreme female of the Dragon Clan, resisting for a moment, it didn't make any difference at all.

Soon, in despair, Gu Changge was pierced by Sword Ray with a wisp of Sword Ray, his eyes were dim and lifeless.

At this moment, the seventh princess had nothing to do, and her expression gradually became healed.

If you don't kill Gu Changge, Gu Changge will kill her!



Her figure turned into a golden divine flame, swept across the radiance, swept across the spear, and faintly transformed into a huge golden light hole, which can kill everything!

This is her powerful way!

at the same time.

She sacrificed a red-colored small furnace, and the moment when the furnace mouth was opened, there was a sky of fire rushing out, and there were also strands of regular power, which turned into a chain of gods, which could burn everything!

"Imitation of Chiyang Furnace?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows and recognized that this stove was a very famous replica of the supreme instrument in the Sea King Palace.

Which bred sacred fire, containing strands of regular power.

But he didn't care.

It's just an imitation, no matter how powerful it is, in the hands of the seventh princess, it can display the true god level at most.

Soon, in the shocking eyes of many cultivators.

The battle between Gu Changge and the Seven Princesses broke out. All of a sudden there was a bright brilliance. The peaks collapsed and became dusty, more like a lot of stars exploded.

The glare of brilliance makes all cultivators close their eyes!

The next moment, accompanied by the sound of clicking, the imitation of the Red Sun Furnace was blasted out, and a blue-haired figure covered in blood flew out, and the incomparable wolf fox, half of its body was broken.

She was full of disbelief and horror.


The look of the Seventh Princess at this time was even a little frightened, she couldn't believe it.

Just now, she and Gu Changge fought hard. With her strong physique, she couldn't hold it, and half of her body exploded.

Moreover, even the Red Sun Furnace was finally blasted off by Gu Changge's vast Sword Qi, and the power of the rules contained in it could hardly resist him!

She thought that Gu Changge Magic power was almost drained by that terrifying sword art, but it didn't.

Not even the slightest impact!

This made her horrified.

"Because I am much better than you."

Gu Changge's expression was slightly playful. When the figure reappeared, he had fallen in front of the distorted face of Princess Seven.


He lifted it up, and his originally beautiful face looked like a ghost at this time.

"Gu Changge, if you dare to kill me"

She has lost her previous princess posture, and now she is extremely afraid of death. The moment Dao Heart lost to Gu Changge, she completely collapsed.

"I won't kill you."

Gu Changge interrupted at will, and then sealed the Cultivation Base of the Seventh Princess, and threw it directly in front of Gu Xian'er, who was still in shock, with a thought-provoking smile, "Xian'er, I will give her to you for my brother. Kill or not, it's up to you."

He directly threw this question to Gu Xian'er. .