Chapter 134


The seven princesses with disheveled heads, covered in blood, and a face like a ghost, were sealed by Gu Changge at the Cultivation Base and threw them directly in front of Gu Xian'er.

This scene caused the surrounding area that was fighting to die suddenly.

"The Seventh Princess is defeated"

All the sea races shuddered and their faces were terrified. At this moment, it felt like the sky was falling~normal.

They couldn't believe it, their fear was extreme.

The seven princesses with invincible resources can't find an opponent among the sea clan, and their talent is terrifying to the point that few people can match them.

But this was just born and walked in the world, so he was so defeated? Suffered the first miserable defeat in life.

It may even fall here.

After all, the number of young supreme who died in the hands of Gu Changge is already quite large.

It is impossible for him to let go of the Seventh Princess.

Everyone knows that Gu Changge will be very strong, because of his record, all the way out.

But I really didn't expect Gu Changge to be so strong that it frightened them and even despaired.

"The master is the capital of the true immortal. In the future, he is destined to eat the top and overlook the existence of billions of realms in the sea. How can a Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace be the opponent of the master?"

Among the cultivator that was fighting, a Yaksha-looking creature smiled coldly.

When the words were over, he tore the Sea Clan creatures in front of him directly in half, and the blood poured down, looking extremely cruel.

His words even made the faces of all the creatures of the Sea Clan turn pale, all bloodless, their teeth clenched and trembling.

The sea clan formation that was shrouded in the sky, at this time, also dissipated, and a strong smell of blood wafted.

It looked extremely tragic here, with corpses all over the field, most of which were the corpses of the Sea Clan, making all the cultivators who watched the battle shudder.

There is no doubt that things here today will cause a big sensation, a big earthquake.

Aroused the shock of the entire Immortal Continent, making many young supreme fearful.

Strong and indifferent like the Seven Princesses of the Sea King Palace, chasing and killing Gu Changge Little Sister. At the critical moment, Gu Changge appeared, strong and indifferent, and killed a lot of sea creatures.

Even the seventh princess was invincible, and she was directly defeated on the spot!

No one knows what Gu Changge's true strength has reached.

Even the seventh princess was easily crushed by him, raised his hand to kill, and was extremely strong. From beginning to end, no one saw his real means.

This is what shocked all the younger generations the most, because they couldn't guess the true strength of Gu Changge.

"He is afraid that he has already entered the list of taboos. Since ancient times, the existence of young supreme surpassing the most upstream, the existence of the other side can be called the young taboo."

"Young Taboo! What a heavy four words!"

A cultivator couldn't help but tremble in an authentic voice. For Gu Changge, he was awe-inspiring to the extreme.

Young taboos need to be proved by combat power, and in the future they will definitely come into the ranks of taboos.

Among the many supreme orthodoxy in the upper realm, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, may only see such a one!

And there is no doubt that the surface of Gu Changge now makes all the cultivators tremble, whispering those four words in their mouths.

Young taboo!

This is not something that a strong talent can become a young taboo. It needs proof of tyrannical strength.

What's more, keep the combat power at the level where the two Realms fight.

In the face of Young Taboo, Young Supreme is nothing but a building ant that can be destroyed by raising his hand!

In this battle of Gu Changge, isn't the horror power he displayed is the performance of young taboo?

This makes all the cultivator's scalp numb, and even the mouth becomes dry and speechless.

"Youth Taboo, I haven't heard such a word for many years. Now the young master of the Gu family seems to have entered this Realm.

Many cultivator voices tremble, which is entirely caused by awe and horror.

Once this news comes out, what kind of major earthquakes and waves will it cause?

They had expected it.

Unless there are other young people who enter the taboo Realm, Gu Changge is a terrifying mountain that traverses everyone's head.

"Gu Changge, will you leave her to me?"

At this moment, in front of Gu Changge, Gu Xian'er, who still had a shocking expression, couldn't help asking, with a trace of disbelief.

The seventh princess who had been sealed in the Cultivation Base was so casually discarded in front of her by Gu Changge, as if she had lost a rag.

Without the Cultivation Base, it was like a poisonous snake with its fangs pulled out.

At this moment, Gu Xian'er's beautiful eyes couldn't help blinking, the more suspicious became.

There is weird.

Although I am touched that Gu Changge will come to rescue her, for Gu Changge as a person, there may be a problem here.

"Gu Xian'er, is this attitude toward your savior?" Gu Changge looked at her and couldn't help but smile and asked.

The white porcelain-like delicate and flawless face was still very pale, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and looked a little embarrassed.

"Gu Changge, do you think I will thank you? Don't think about it, I can be safe without you, hum.

Gu Xian'er returned to her cold and arrogant expression again, as if she was too awkward to be beaten and cleaned up.

Before that, I was so happy and excited.

Even the disappointment of so many days was wiped out.

But in front of Gu Changge, she still refused to admit defeat, even to say thank you.

After all, who calls Gu Changge her big enemy?

And she was telling the truth, even if Gu Changge did not come, she still had the means to leave safely.

"It's really owed, Gu Xian'er, are you afraid that you forgot the lesson that day?"

Gu Changge narrowed his smile, glanced at her casually, and threw her to the bottom of the Maokeng to suppress the thoughts of three or five years, which grew stronger.

It's okay not to mention this matter, Gu Xian'er feels ashamed and angry when he mentions it.

Although only her, Yue Mingkong and Gu Changge were present that day, Gu Changge was the only one who dared to beat her like this since childhood.

"Less proud, I will rub you on the ground someday, so that you can understand the taste."

There was a burst of indignation on her little face, and she whispered softly.

For Gu Changge, she no longer had the kind of hatred she felt when she left Taocun, and now this complex emotion makes her worry.

It's not that Gu Xian'er doesn't understand what emotion this is.

Sure enough, the three masters were right. All the good-looking men are tigers.

"Gu Xian'er, you have itchy skin, right? Just your three-legged cat is able to endure, and you want to rub your brother on the ground?"

Although Gu Xian'er said this sentence very quietly, how could it be hidden from Gu Changge's ears.

He mocked that his skills were always full, and even the mood of Celestial Immortals, Elder, was almost smoked by his anger.

A simple girl, still can't make her jump wildly with anger?

At the moment, Gu Changge spoke with an unrelenting and indifferent blow in his words, "If you want revenge, then you prove it to me, don't let me look down on you. Otherwise, I will be a follower behind my ass as before. No chance"

When Gu Xian'er heard this, the expression on her little face froze.

She remembered how she used to follow Gu Changge when she was a child, and she was so sticky.

At that time, Gu Changge was very indifferent and didn't even want to talk to her.

This hurt her very much, but she followed up again.

Thinking of this, Gu Xian'er fell silent.

If she heard this before leaving Tao Village, she would definitely be angry and murderous, but now she didn't have much hatred.

On the contrary, she was very calm, and her calmness made her feel very unbelievable.

Combining with some of Gu Changge's enumeration, the past events absolutely hide some hidden secrets.

All the Gu family members liked her very much.

But Gu Changge looked indifferent and alienated.

Now Gu Xian'er thinks about it, and it feels even more weird.

It is possible that Gu Changge actually did it on purpose? Just to be cruel and successful when digging his own bones later.

So why did he do this at the time? He didn't kill himself directly, but gave himself a glimmer of life.

Now I have to make this look of deliberately angering myself and wanting myself to hate him.

I have to say that Gu Xian'er's brain is amazing.

She is conducting various analyses.

When talking about Celestial Immortals Palace Supreme Peak, Gu Changge almost died because of that knife. He was so powerful that he could easily escape the block.

Afterwards, Gu Changge's behavior was alienated and indifferent, seeing himself as if looking at a stranger.

But why did he show up again when he was in danger?

Is not this contradictory?

"Gu Changge, don't think about being able to hide it from me for the rest of your life, I will investigate what happened back then to the bottom.."

"Then revenge and defeat you upright."

At this moment, Gu Xian'er stared at Gu Changge without blinking her eyes.

"Gu Xian'er, you think too much."

Hearing that, Gu Changge just glanced at her lightly.

However, Gu Changge's appearance made Gu Xian'er more certain.

Gu Changge looked natural on his face, but couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

He could guess Gu Xian'er's thoughts, after all, all this was in his expectation and plan.

At this time, in his mind, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding, the attitude of Gu Xian'er, the girl of luck, has changed. The luck point increases by one thousand, and the destiny value increases by five thousand."

…For flowers…

This makes Gu Changge's smile a bit intriguing.

Tiehanhan is still a Tiehanhan.

With a little trick, she became confused and dizzy.

I really don't know how her masters can be assured that she will come out to take revenge?

"Gu Changge, what is she going to do?" Gu Xian'er looked at the embarrassed Seventh Princess and asked, intending to follow Gu Changge's advice.

She thinks she has "thought" these things, and her views on Gu Changge have changed a lot.

While speaking, there was no such strong hostility.

"What should you call me?" Gu Changge glanced at her after hearing this.

He did retreat to Gu Xian'er on weekdays, but he also had a certain bottom line, and he had not yet allowed Gu Xian'er to ride on his head to shit and urinate.

At this time, it was also the time to let her know that she was in order.

However, what makes Gu Changge a little irritable now is that Gu Xian'er is being chased and killed, and his luck is still rising.

Could it be that this arrogant and arrogant guy actually has the talent to explode in blood.

Maybe his sudden appearance interrupted Gu Xian'er's good time to make breakthrough.

Gu Changge naturally has a cultivated mind for Gu Xian'er.

It's just that from the current situation, it's best for her to develop herself, and it's not a bad thing to be more tempered.

Of course, bullying her is also an interesting thing.

Obviously he was very angry, but he looked helpless to himself.


Gu Changge thought about whether to artificially arrange some "opportunities" for her in the future.

For example, put the pot on her head? Help her make enemies or something.

At that time, she really can't beat it, and she reappears as a hero to save the beauty?

"Gu Changge, just dream, you don't want me to call you Big Brother.

Gu Xian'er heard the words and looked indifferent, with a feeling of grasping Gu Changge's fate in an instant.

But inexplicably, it was a bit cold.

Is someone secretly preparing to harm her?

Gu Changge didn't care, and looked at her playfully, "It's up to you to kill or not to kill. I will leave her to you and naturally I won't care about it anymore."

What he said is very simple, but in fact there are several considerations.

These seven princesses, at first glance, are the upgraded experience points specially prepared for Gu Xian'er.

So no matter what, Gu Xian'er will face today's situation.

He threw the question to her, and also wanted to spot the anger of the Sea King Palace on her.

The masters behind her would not sit back and watch.

And who told this girl to use his tiger skin as a banner before, and gave him such a wave of hatred.

It was already the result of Gu Changge's magnanimity that she didn't take the initiative to teach her a lesson.

Is there any reason for Gu Xian'er to cheat him?

"Hmph, you know you didn't mean to save me."

Gu Xian'er let out a hum from her nose.

She also understood what Gu Changge meant. The Sea King Palace could be regarded as the supreme power that governs countless sea tribes. Gu Changge definitely didn't intend to let him take care of the matter of killing the Seventh Princess.

He is equivalent to having done his utmost benevolence.

Therefore, when the Sea King Palace takes revenge, she will have to trouble her.

Gu Changge is still very bad-minded.

"Brother came all the way to save you, but you disliked it. Gu Xian'er, you really make brother feel chilled.

At this time, Gu Changge was leisurely teasing her, his expression was not embarrassed by her.

Sometimes it's very naive, but sometimes it's very ghostly.

It really makes people want to bully her.

"Princess Seventh, do you think I was right? If you dare to touch me, all of you will die."

At this time, Gu Xian'er looked at the seventh princess who was pale, frightened, and even desperate in front of him, with a self-confident expression and a ray of smile.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender." The seventh princess was unwilling and desperate, and kept begging for mercy.

At this time, she did not have the kind of lofty expression that she had when she came. She has been knocked off the altar by Gu Changge, and Dao heart collapsed.

Although she still has the last thing to save her life, Cultivation Base is blocked and there is no possibility of using it at all.

Now it's a dead end.

The immortal continent is open, the younger generation fights, the winner will naturally live, and the loser will die.

"It's late, when you want to kill me, you should think of now.

Gu Xian'er's expression did not change, the black broadsword appeared, the blade's light broke through the air, and it was cut directly.


Blood spattered!

The Seventh Princess of the Sea King's Palace has fallen!