Chapter 140

Hearing this, Heiming's eyes suddenly widened, with a hint of disbelief, he stood up abruptly.

Even the beautiful foreign woman with him in his arms fell to the ground, looking terrified.

"Who is talking?"

"who is it?"

Hei Ming suddenly shouted, looking around in shock, scanning this private room.

However, in the misty fairy mist, everyone except him was shocked and puzzled, as if they hadn't heard this sentence.

It's more like the sentence just now, it's his illusion.

"Brother Heiming, what's wrong with you?"

The rest of the young creatures couldn't help being shocked, and then asked with a concerned expression.

At this time, Heiming stood up suddenly and shouted such words, and they were all scared.

But at this time, I still have to show my own concern.

Heiming was silent, then sat back and said, "It's okay."

He also thought that he was too longing for strength and becoming stronger recently, so that at this time, there was an auditory hallucination.

That voice was too vague and hard to trace.

As if speaking out his heart.

Seeing Heiming's worrisome and dazed expression, the rest of the people also knew they were boring. After a few words, they hurriedly retreated.

There seems to be something wrong with Heiming today. At this time, it's better to take a step first.

Soon, Heiming was the only one sitting here in the private room.

His expression was still a bit dazed and dazed, as if he hadn't recovered.

The departure of the others did not affect him.

For Heiming, this was the first time he heard the greatest desire in his heart in "Three Eight Three."

He wants to become stronger, and he wants to be the supreme being admired by hundreds of millions of people.

At this moment, Heiming's mind suddenly heard such a vague voice again.

"Juvenile, do you want to become stronger? Do you become an existence admired by hundreds of millions of people?"

Cooling down the ancient Olympics makes it difficult to distinguish ages, but without the slightest emotions, if the Nine Heavens overlooks the master of all living beings.

This voice, without knowing its source, seemed to have a bewitching power, which made Heiming's eyes widen again, with an unbelievable and unbelievable feeling.

"Who is it?" His voice trembled.

The whole person is fascinated.

Hei clearly believed that he had indeed heard such a sentence just now, and he had no hallucinations.

This surprised him, excited, excited, and a little bit of fear.

Since ancient times, there have been many rumors about travels, and when life is unpleasant, more than nine out of ten meetings will turn around.

What he has been eager to fantasize about, will it finally be realized today?

Could it be that he knew that he was finally going to hit his luck today?

Same as the protagonist in the rumored travel notes.

By chance, I met a mysterious and powerful senior.

Worship him as a master, and thus reach the pinnacle?

At this moment, Heiming only felt that this was a god-given opportunity, and only the unfathomable senior of the Cultivation Base could pass the words to his heart in this way and understand his aspirations.

Heiming didn't doubt the other possibilities.

After all, in the Black Sky Eagle family, he is a dispensable and transparent person. Except for Grandpa and Big Sis, he will pay attention to him, and the rest of the clan will not look at him more.

A Cultivation Base is an ordinary creature with mediocre talent and no strengths.

Why would a senior be blinded to have an attempt at him?

So Heiming was very excited and excited now, and felt that he was hit by luck. Without even thinking about it, he knelt on the ground with a thump.

He was very excited, and said with a vibrato, "Senior, I think, I think

Heiming said a few "I want" one after another, showing the trembling and excitement in his heart at this time.

The longer this ambition is suppressed, the more amazing the power will be when it breaks out.

In the void, Gu Changge watched this scene with interest, but did not show up.

He learned many things through the memory of the gods and souls that existed in the Heavenly God Realm.

Hei Ming, the "waste wood" Young Master of the Hei Tianying family, naturally knows something.

Moreover, combined with Heiming's unwillingness and inner suffocation, coupled with his tragic situation in the family, Gu Changge can easily guess Heiming's thoughts in his heart.

There is a shining Big sis, but he is a Cultivation Base with mediocre talent.

Who can stand that huge gap?

It's just that Gu Changge didn't intend to play a grandfather or something this time.

This Heiming Qi luck is ordinary, and it happens to be a chess piece that he can use.

After all, a transparent person who doesn't pay attention to anyone can just minimize his attention and make things easier for him.

The Black Sky Eagle family is a tribe that has been passed down since the ancient immortal period, and Gu Changge doesn't have much in his heart to see how powerful the hidden background is today.

After all, what he wants to plan now is not just the creation and existence of Samsara Gu Tianzun, but the Black Sky Eagle clan, and even the other four major races.

It sounds crazy, but it's not impossible.

Now Gu Changge has two choices. One is to directly control Heiming and act for him.

But the magic bottle is very precious, the refining process is complicated and troublesome, he doesn't want to waste it on such a waste as Heiming.

So Gu Changge chose another approach.

After all, just a few words can make him confused between east and west.

Of course, if Heiming becomes more useful in the future, Gu Changge doesn't mind planting a magic bottle on him.

"In this door, immortals will be separated forever."

"Yellow Springs is forever, Samsara is hard to overcome

At the moment, Gu Changge's voice sounded again, still carrying the immortal meaning that is difficult to find, and it was mixed with a bit of deceptive magic.

Even if Heiming's mind is several times firmer, it is difficult to resist this temptation at this time.

Strength and status have always been pursued by all creatures in this world.


In his shock, an incomparably mysterious portal opened in front of his eyes, the brilliance was radiant, and it seemed to contain endless miracles.

"This this "

After reacting, he was so ecstatic that he didn't hesitate at all and stepped directly into this portal.


Afterwards, the shocking sight that he saw immediately made Heiming's eyes widen, and he sucked in a breath of air-conditioning, which was unimaginable.

The magnificent and solemn fairy palace stands on the top of the cloud, and one of the pillars alone seems to be able to hold everything!

He saw himself in the middle of the surging Chaos Sea.

The breath there is vast and terrifying, a ray of chaos is enough to suppress all time and space.

Has he ever seen such a shocking and astonishing sight?

The whole person was stunned, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Heiming saw the top of this fairy palace.

There was a vague and hazy figure sitting cross-legged, the real dragon and the fairy phoenix entangled, the White Tiger and the mysterious turtle crawling, seeming to overlook the eternal age, sitting on top of Samsara.

The long river of time is surging, rushing under its feet, as if it can converge in the heavens and the world!

"Youth, do you want to become stronger?"

At this moment, Heiming heard the vague figure in front of him and looked at him.

The light in the eyes is very vicissitudes of life and profound, and it is so vast that it seems to contain the birth and death of eternity.

There are endless scenes emerging, the universe is shattering, the sky is falling, and the emperor's death is weeping thousands of kinds, reflecting the years.

At this moment, Heiming was almost blessed to the soul, he knelt down and shouted excitedly, "I want to become stronger! Junior Heiming pays respects to senior!"

He has determined that the senior in front of him is an incredible existence.

He casually brought him to a world where he didn't know where he was.

Magnificent and Sacred, full of supreme majesty, even the immortal seemed to lose its brilliance in front of him!

At a glance, it is an absolute peak powerhouse.

Of course, Gu Changge spent a lot of fate in order to create a full look.

Of course, this also coincides with his idea of ​​creating Heaven Court in the inner world.

So by the way, I used it to deceive the idiot in front of me.

With this effect, he didn't believe that Heiming in front of him would not be fooled.

"Get up, I know everything about you."

At the moment, Gu Changge spoke with a slightly playful voice, but he used the power of rules to create a feeling of reverberation and broken time.

Heiming was even more shocked, the whole person's feet were soft, and he seemed to be unable to stand up.

In the face of such a great and supreme existence, he is far inferior to ants.

How can he meet such an existence?


Heiming spoke with a trembling voice, intending to say that he wanted to worship Gu Changge as a teacher, and wanted to become stronger.

However, Gu Changge interrupted him with an indifferent voice without the slightest emotion.

"I know everything about you."

"It's all in my thoughts, ancient and modern, you are a descendant of the Hei Tianying clan, and your parents are."

At the moment, Gu Changge repeated what he had learned, and even analyzed Heiming's heart again.

Hearing these words, Heming was immediately stunned, and he couldn't help but sucked in the air-conditioning, shocked to the extreme.

This senior only saw him for the first time, so he knew everything about him?

He did not dare to doubt that the senior had investigated him in advance.

After all, he is a trash, what is there to investigate.

All this is absolutely due to senior's omniscience.

"Dare to ask senior, how can I become stronger, please give me some advice."

Afterwards, Heiming spoke excitedly and asked Gu Changge for advice, hoping that he could be accepted as an apprentice by this powerful mysterious senior.

"I am the emperor, good fortune

At this time, Gu Changge also ridiculed a name that he believed to be full of characters. Anyway, the longer the better, the more it can bluff people.

Of course, his rhetoric was full of loopholes and was not worthy of scrutiny.

How can such a supreme existence explain to the ants, and also say this kind of self-destroying force full of introductions.

But in order to meet Heiming's illusion, he didn't mind doing this once.

"Become my believer, recite my real name, eternal life can be seen in Samsara, even if the world is shattered, Hanoi can still leave a true spirit for a long time."

At this time, Gu Changge said something like this in a thought-provoking expression.

I have to say that it is indeed very interesting to pretend to be so coercive.

"Recite his real name to see eternal life"

Heiming's eyes stared, and the whole person was almost silly, shocked to the extreme, to the point that it was difficult to add.

Real immortals dare not say that they can see eternal life.

But as long as you become a believer of this senior, you can see eternal life?

This is so big and terrifying.

His mind was filled with this emotion, and he couldn't help kneeling down.

"I want to be a believer in the supreme being."

At this moment, even the title of senior has become the supreme existence.

After all, he had nothing but a life, so Heiming didn't worry about what this supreme being might do against him.

At this time, kneeling and licking are enough!

"For my believers, we must teach the Fa!

At this time, Gu Changge saw that the time was about to come, and finally saw him.

This is his ultimate goal.


With that said, he handed a little.

A group of hazy 3.7 brilliance suddenly appeared in front of him, shining to the extreme, like a fairy book on Nine Heavens.

Seeing this scene, Heiming was even more excited, his face flushed, and his whole body was trembling.

"Thank you for the supreme existence! I would like to offer everything for the supreme existence!"

Shaking his hands, he took the hazy brilliance, and suddenly, one by one, ancient and mysterious words, golden, like pound and phosphorus stars.

It was printed into Heiming's sea of ​​consciousness.

Finally, there appeared four big characters as vast as the common people.

Marry clothes immortal skill!

He looked at Heiming's expression that he was so excited that he almost went crazy.

Under Gu Changge's seemingly calm look, in fact, the more interested.

The full name of Marry Yixian Gong is Marry Yixian Jue, which is not a Cultivation Technique, but a secret magical power in Immortal Swallowing Magic Technique.

To put it simply, the specific role is to let others make wedding dresses for others.

With him as the sole source, many lines radiate out, and each of these lines can be divided into many branches through the marrying clothes immortal skill, forming a cobweb-like trajectory.

And he can control all branch lines.

Now Heiming has become one of the lines.

Gu Changge believes that with Heiming's ambition, he will quickly discover the power and horror of this marry clothes immortal art.

Once the ambition swells, it is difficult to withdraw it.

And this is exactly the little hope he gave Heiming.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

If it succeeds, it won't be long before he cannibalize these five ancient immortal races.

After all, compared to the remains of Samsara Ancient Tianzun, these five immortal ancient tribes are not inferior at all. .