Chapter 141

For Heiming, Gu Changge still has a lot of expectations.

Since ancient times, there has been a miracle of waste wood, if Hei Ming really ignited the fire, wouldn't it be wonderful?

Of course, there are prerequisites. Don't encounter such a big villain like him. Then again, even if Heiming fails, it will not affect Gu Changge in the slightest.


Afterwards, he faced Heiming who was kneeling there, and suddenly a ripple spread in front of his eyes!

Hei Ming, who was falling into excitement and excitement, suddenly turned black, as if he was being overstocked by a world-like majestic power, and instantly launched this space.

At The next moment, his figure has returned to that private room.

Seeing this familiar sight, I looked at my trembling hands again.

It's like a dream.

It was only a moment, but it seemed like a world away.

The pair of black wings behind Heiming couldn't help but slap, and they were so excited that they couldn't restrain themselves.

"This is simply an unpredictable method of ghosts and gods! What level of existence is the supreme existence, I am afraid that it surpasses the immortal

Heiming's voice trembled, forcing himself to calm down.

Even he had no idea. In his eyes, there was a tiny silver brilliance like lines, slowly disappearing.

"Wedding clothes immortal skill, it seems that the supreme being specially prepared for me the immortal skill, he knows that my Cultivation Base talent is mediocre.

"This turned out to be a Cultivation Technique that can ignore the talents of cultivation. As long as I can successfully learn the wedding dress part of it, I can have part of that person's talents, and even his cultivation results, I can share."

"It's incredible!"

"This is too heaven-defying!"

Heiming's voice trembled slightly and his eyes widened.

He carefully studied the power of the marrying clothes immortal skill again, and his whole person trembled again, and his soul was trembling.

What a terrifying and heaven-defying magical skill this is!

Once known, it will definitely cause unimaginable terrible consequences.

Heiming believes that only the supreme being can bestow this kind of Celestial Immortals on own believers.

Thinking of this, Heiming's whole body was a little bit scared, and his back was chilling.

Such an effect simply subverted his cognition of practice all the time.

"If I had had such a heaven-defying thing earlier, He worry would only have 24 supernatural powers in Cultivation Base now."

But soon, after taking a few deep breaths, Heiming finally calmed down.

He swears in his heart that this kind of marrying clothes immortal skill must not be exposed.

Fortunately, the wedding dress part of the wedding dress fairy power does not involve the risk of exposing its original role.

This made Heiming take his heart out.

"But first think of a way to try it. There is no abnormality in the immortal power of the wedding dress. It is similar to the normal Cultivation Technique, but it is extremely sophisticated and very obscure."

Heiming frowned, thinking hard, walking back and forth in this elegant room.

He quickly targeted several of his followers, planning to try this effect first.

And Heiming didn't pay attention at all, and the void behind him became blurred, and a slightly playful gaze was paying attention to him.

Then, the space here trembled slightly.

This line of sight soon disappeared again.

Gu Changge left.

He used his hands and feet in the light group that gave Heiming, as long as he wanted, he could get insight into everything he saw through Heiming's eyes.

He always likes to keep a few more hands when doing things, even if it is of no use, it doesn't matter.

This does not get in the way.

And Heiming left the room with excitement at this moment, greeted the acceptance outside the pavilion, and prepared to return to the Hei Tianying clan.

In fact, his main goal is still his Big sis, Hei Yanyu.

He is ambitious.

After all, his talent for Big sis is recognized as the best among the five immortal ancient races, and few people can match it.

The bloodline returned to the ancestors, without the slightest appearance of the black sky eagles.

Among the immortal ancient races in the ancient continent, it is enough to rank in the forefront.

Today's Cultivation Base has reached the middle stage of the Void God Realm.

"If the role of marrying clothes is really heaven-defying, I can let Big sis also learn it, after all, there is no loss."

Heiming doesn't have much malice towards his Big sis now.

Since he was a child, Life was under the aura and brilliance of the genius Big sis. He was just a waste, and he was very resentful at the beginning.

I don't want to admit that I am her Little Brother at all.

For him, this is not something to be fortunate and happy, but a humiliating thing.

But now that he has a wedding dress immortal skill, he is sure that he will soon surpass the Big sis black Yanyu.

After all, behind him, there is still a supreme existence!

He is the faithful believer of supreme existence!

"Recite his real name and you will have eternal life

Thinking of this sentence, Heiming's heart was full of excitement and excitement.

Afterwards, Gu Changge put aside the planning of the five major groups of the Black Skyhawks for the time being.

After all, he has laid out the chess pieces and arranged everything properly.


Now feel at ease to be an "honest person" behind the scenes, and participate in everything without showing up. Isn't it not fragrant to pick ripe fruits directly at that time?

Of course, Gu Changge doesn't care about everything.

He is also starting to think about Ye Ling's affairs, compared with Heiming's heaven-defying rising routine that he personally created.

Gu Changge still wants to know what son of luck Ye Ling is going to do next.

Of course, before that, he had to find an opportunity to squeeze a wave first, otherwise the methods he arranged on Chi Ling, the descendant of the Vermillion Bird clan, would be in vain.

As for what means? Naturally, it is still provocative.

People's hearts are the easiest to mess up.

In this regard, Gu Changge has long been familiar with the road and knows it well.

Just as Yue Mingkong said, the bad water in Gu Changge's belly is so much that it can't stop. Ye Ling offended him, and didn't know it was a blood vessel that lasted a lifetime.

"At this time, you can create an accident for Ye Ling, and Yin Mei's role should also be played.

Gu Changge narrowed his eyes.


His figure flickered, left here, rushed to the rest of the area.

The scope of this relic is very large. Except for the city in the middle, the rest are mountains and ruins, as well as many collapsed mountains and lakes.

Who knows where Samsara Gu Tianzun hid the so-called Immortal Cave.

Gu Changge didn't plan to look for it, and didn't have the effort.

Taking advantage of this time, it is more important to go to the ancestral tombs and break through the Cultivation Base to the holy realm as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Gu Changge began to search this gathering place. In fact, there are more tombs hidden among the thick mountains.

After all, this is a gathering place. From the ancient times to the present, it has experienced at least several epochs, and the time span is extremely scary.

The strength of some ancient corpses was astonishing, and they even entered the Quasi-Supreme realm.

Quasi-Supreme and Supreme, in fact, can be called supreme state existence, but there are still many differences in essence.

Between the two, across the Ninth Stage!

Because the Quasi-Supreme Realm is different from the rest of Realm, it is not divided into the four stages of the first, middle and back peaks, but divided into the Ninth Stage days!

The Ninth Stage of the quasi-extreme state is complete, and the cultivator can be called the true supreme!

At this time, it is truly possible to overlook the birth and death of eternity, the lifespan exceeds a million years, and it is almost immortal.

Like Tian Yuangu Supreme, his body was pierced by the Eight Desolate Demon Halberds, which had long been broken, and the essence and divinity had been lost.

Even if Gu Changge swallowed, he didn't actually swallow much.

Moreover, some quasi-supreme corpses are likely to undergo abnormal changes, giving birth to all kinds of weird things.

Old age is ominous and red hair is normal.

Just when Gu Changge, Ye Ling and others were walking around the ruins, each busy with their own affairs.

The center of Immortal Ancient Continent was also not peaceful, because the intrusion of the younger generation from the outside world caused huge waves.

The true dragon clan among the immortal relics, self-proclaimed as the royal family, dominates many immortal races.

But the name of the true dragon is not true.

They only have part of the blood of the true dragon, not the heirs of the true dragon.

But even so, this clan has become the absolute overlord of the Ancient Immortal Continent, and only a small part of the clan can be compared with it.

At this time, just listen to a bang!

A barren mountain range where no one is in, many mountains suddenly exploded from it.

The terrible energy raged, and the divine light was surging.

Under the Heavenly Palace, some creatures and fierce beasts passing by were too late to react and were blown into a cloud of blood.

Then, a very terrifying young figure, in a blue robe, looked handsome and extraordinary, and was walking out of it.

At this moment, he seemed to be standing under the sky.

The scene behind him is amazing, evolving, the universe is dying, and the four directions are exhausted!

A golden and real dragon shadow hovered in the heaven and earth, breaking into the wild.

He appeared like a real dragon!

The light in the eyes is even more terrifying, as if there are stars in it rotating, which can easily crush everything.

Two shining dragon horns grow on the forehead, covering the pale blue dragon scales, with terrible power that can break through the sky and penetrate all nothingness.

Just looking at it makes people palpitate and distraught!

"Congratulations, my lord for leaving the customs!"

At this time, a large number of creatures also appeared near the mountains, congratulating the front.

There are males and females, all with tyrannical auras, revealing ancient and surging.

For these young girls, the weakest Cultivation Base is also in the Conferred King Realm. Many of them are in the early stage of the Void God Realm, and even the Cultivation Base in the middle stage.

Of course, there is the most important point.

They are all born with flowers and moon appearances, very moving, and they have a frown and a smile, which seems to be sultry.

"All get up.

Long Teng said calmly, looking different from the rumors.

But those who are familiar with him know it.

This is his self-confidence, seeing the world as nothing, no one can see him.

If you claim to be second, no one dares to claim the first.

The true dragon's capital, not everyone can be called, and Longteng is also using his own strength and talent to prove the truth of this sentence.

Today, Cultivation Base is already the pinnacle of the Void God Realm. It can almost ignite the true dragon fire and become the True God Realm.

This Cultivation Base alone is enough to make him proud of the world, no one is an enemy.

Not to mention that he is still carrying the colorful true dragon blood, many powerful talents and supernatural powers and so on.

Since birth, let alone a defeat, you can't even find an enemy in the palm of your hand.

So many Elder dragons suspect that Longteng is the reincarnation of a real dragon.

However, it was later discovered that in addition to the strength and talent, Long Teng was no different from the general Dragon Clan Tianjiao in other aspects.

Now the other races that Long Teng is fond of are already in double digits.

"How about what I ordered?"

Long Teng asked his followers while leaving here.

Born invincible, he now has no interest in looking for some stunning women of heaven.

So I heard that this time when Xiangu Continent was open to the outside world, when many outside arrogances flooded in, Long Teng ordered it to go down.

He wants to look for those young and supreme women.

Not to mention the beauty of the world, but how could he let go of those stunning women.

"My lord, according to your instructions, we have arrested a lot of the beauty of the outside world.

Hearing that, all the followers answered one after another, and at the same time jade charms appeared in their hands, and the brilliance flowed on them, and the faces of those beautiful girls of the sky appeared.

Long Teng looked at him casually, his expression was calm, and he didn't care.

It's like an emperor is choosing three thousand concubines.

Of course, Longteng is indeed such a mentality.

According to the strength of his followers, it should be no problem to win the young talents from the outside world.

Although Xiangu Continent was closed to the outside world, it was not unopened.

But this is the result every time. The strength of the external cultivator is not as good as them.

After all, 383 is the difference between the world and the environment. The Xiangu period will be called the Xiangu period because at that time, the true immortal manifested and will show up in the world.

The rules of heaven and earth at that time were very suitable for cultivator cultivation. The heaven and earth rules of Xiangu Continent have well preserved the environment at that time.

For many reasons, Cultivation Base is not as good as them for the younger generation in the outside world.

Otherwise, they will not care if they have a large number of advantages.

"My lord, this time I have found a peerless woman for you. She has a face that is rare in millions of years."

At this moment, a woman with a flattering face stepped forward and said in front of Long Teng.

It was the dragon girl who chose to retreat after fighting with Yuemingkong.

She kept the scene of the battle with the photo-taking stone, in which there was the face of Yuemingkong.

Hearing that, Long Teng is also a little interested, and said lightly,

"Let me see!"


Seeing this, the dragon girl was even more flattering, and a hazy brilliance appeared on the jade talisman in her hand.

The rest of the creatures also looked curious, and they gathered around, they also wanted to know, what exactly does this dragon girl mean? She was so confident.

Soon, as the picture appeared in the middle, a peerless woman with green silk fluttering appeared. Although only a small half of the fairy face can be seen, it is also breathtakingly beautiful.

Hunting and hunting in clothes and dresses are unparalleled in elegance.

For a while, it fell into silence here.

Even Long Teng's breathing was much quicker, and there was a strong surprise in his eyes.

"What a picturesque fairy face! Who is this woman? Where is she?"

Long Teng asked directly, with a big smile on his face.

The dragon girl's flattering intention disappeared, showing the invitation for credit, and said, "Return to your lord, this girl is called Yue Mingkong, from the outside world, she is the contemporary emperor, and has the appearance of a female emperor."

"She also has a fiancé from the longevity Gu family from the outside world. She is also a descendant of the Celestial Immortals Palace. She has an extraordinary status and is known as a true immortal. She is extremely powerful."

In order to claim credit, she naturally inquired about the origins of Yuemingkong.

With her means, if you want to know this, you only need to catch a few young talents from the outside world and ask about it.

It's just that the information you know is limited after all.

"Well, there are such women in this world. It seems that things have become interesting this time."

When Long Teng heard this, his eyes were blazing, and he was not anxious but rejoiced.

After all, he is too strong, and he rarely has the opportunity to shoot.

It happens that this time I can personally take action to apprehend this beautiful woman.

As for the fiance who sounds a bit bluffing? With his strength, is it necessary to care?

If he wants to stop him, he can slap him to death with a palm.

When you arrive at the Ancient Immortal Continent, don't care what your status is in the outside world, you have to take it well, or you will wait for death!

Long Teng didn't pay any attention to it.

Afterwards, he led a group of followers to the area where the young talents from the outside gathered.

For a time, all parts of this continent also became turbulent.