Chapter 142

At the same time, outside the Realm of the Black Skyhawk clan.

Hidden in the ruins, Gu Changge, who was refining and devouring the essence of an ancient corpse in the holy realm, moved his ears slightly and noticed the sound of creatures approaching outside.

And he was mentioned in it.


Gu Changge stepped forward and suddenly appeared, covered with a palm, directly suppressing several young creatures who were talking about things.

"Spare, forgive me"

Their faces were full of horror and horror, and some of them were even scared to pee.

Gu Changge was too lazy to talk nonsense and searched for his soul directly.

And soon, he also got the news he wanted to know from these people's minds.

During this time, he was equivalent to living in seclusion, so he didn't know what was happening in the rest of the area.

"Long Teng, the descendant of the Dragon clan, wants to challenge me?" He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a little inexplicable.

He also wondered how he hadn't seen this Dragon Teng before, why he caught his attention inexplicably, and even said that he would kill him and threatened to take everything from him.

Gu Changge's first reaction was to encounter a mentally handicapped.

Then combined with the news of the ancient creatures about Longteng, he quickly came to a conclusion.

I must have been pitted by Yue Mingkong.

After Gu Xianer's pit was finished, the moon and the empty pit were changed.

Gu Changge felt that he was too kind to them, and both of them angered him.

"But it's true that Longteng's brain has a problem."

"Long Aotian is not so arrogant. He is really a treasure of the dragon. He wants to take everything from me. I am afraid that he will not take the initiative to come to my door to give me warmth."

Gu Changge couldn't help but sneered, and didn't take this trivial matter too seriously.

He already knew Long Teng's purpose, nothing more than a fancy to Yue Mingkong, intending to grab his fiancée.

If Yue Mingkong didn't say anything else, this appearance and figure was absolutely nothing to say.

Otherwise, Gu Changge would not "put it down".

No man will not be tempted after watching it.

Longteng's stallion template is no exception.

After all, no matter when and where, it depends on the face.

If Yue Mingkong is an ugly woman, Gu Changge would not be so troubled, so indulge her.

After all the useful values ​​are squeezed dry, they are definitely left aside.

Although he Gu is not a superficial person, he is a face dog.

And he also felt that he was good enough for Yuemingkong now, and he didn't have so much patience for ordinary women.

But this guy even dared to count him secretly.

This made Gu Changge's eyes narrow.

"Finally, it shouldn't be difficult for her because of her good performance a few days ago. But this Long Teng wants to die.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge couldn't help but laugh.

It's always been something of other people, but this dragon is not good, and it's so courageous to such an extent.

Gu Changge also felt that he was a bit low-key during this period. These immortal creatures dared to step on his face.

Right now, he closed his eyes slightly, and according to Marry Yixian Jue, the scene of Heiming of the Hei Tianying clan appeared in his mind, and he took a look at his current progress.

He was thinking that if the time is too late, he would first solve the eye-catching thing Longteng.

In the Heitianying clan, on a mountain peak.

This is a dimly lit courtyard.

Behind Heiming, a pair of black wings spread out, and the black light gleamed with a bright and dark light.

He was cultivation, and his expression was a bit fanatically muttered to himself at this time, "This has brought him such a large income to the three people who are married. Now even if he is cultivation, his speed is several times faster than usual. more than."

"Too heaven-defying this Cultivation Technique, and soon I will be able to surpass everyone and become an existence above all else!

His incomparable excitement has verified the powerful and terrifying point of the marrying clothes immortal skill.

He just taught the Cultivation Technique of the wedding dress to three attendants.

The next day, I found my cultivation talent, which was much stronger, and Cultivation Base made a breakthrough in a small Realm.

In this way, it won't take long before he can raise the Cultivation Base, break through the great power realm, and even the above Holy Lord, Fenghou will catch up with his Big sis, and become the first person in the younger generation of the ethnic group.

These are just minor obstacles.

So now, Heiming has greater ambitions.

Dong dong

At this time, outside the courtyard, there was a knock on the door.

Heiming flashed with brilliance, and hurriedly received his own fluctuations, with a happy face, and strode directly to open the door.

"Big sis, here you are

He said.

The girl outside the courtyard, although Heming's Big sis, looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in white, with clouds and mist all over her body, and delicate features.

The black hair is like a cloud, with nine phoenix hairpins inserted on it, wearing a splendid river and mountain jade dress, as holy as a divine lotus, with unparalleled beauty.

It is Heiyanyu, the proud girl of the Heavenly Eagle of the Hei Tianying clan, who has reached a very high level of Cultivation Base.

"Hei Ming, what do you want me to do?" Hei Yanyu asked softly.

There is no extra emotion for this little brother of his own waste.

After all, it is Little Brother, who is a female compatriot, and will give him some care to prevent him from being bullied by other people.

It's just that Heiming's cultivation talent is really not good. After so many years, it will be difficult to make progress with so many resources.

This made her useless, and she didn't even bother to care about it anymore, letting him be a dandy kid.

Today Hei Ming said that he had something to look for, so Hei Yanyu took some time to see what he had done.

"Big sis, come in quickly, I have an important thing to tell you 々 "."

Hei Ming's complexion was a bit serious. He glanced around and found that no one was following Hei Yanyu behind him, and asked him to put down his snack.

According to the records, there is no danger in the Cultivation Technique part of the Cultivation Technique of the Wedding Dress Immortal Gong, and it will not cause any damage to the cultivator.

On the contrary, some opinions are very profound and involve the mystery of Tao.

He is planning to pass this part of Cultivation Technique to him Big sis.

For himself and Hei Yanyu, it is also a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

Hearing this, Hei Yanyu followed Hei Ming to the courtyard with doubts.

She asked, "Heiming, is there something wrong with you? Could it be that you have caused trouble again?"

She subconsciously thought that Heiming had encountered something again and needed her Big sis to come forward and solve it.

"Big sis, this is not the reason. This time I am looking for you, I intend to show you a good thing.

Hei Ming said with a slight excitement, took out the manuscript of the wedding dress part from his arms, and made an excuse at random, saying that he had found it at a stall by accident.

"What is this? Ancient magical powers?" Hei Yanyu frowned, disapproving.

At first, she didn't believe it very much.

But with the second and third eyes falling on this Cultivation Technique, he couldn't move his eyes soon, and his expression was even a little surprised and shocked.

"It's such a profound ancient method. You are so lucky. Hei Yanyu was shocked, and her face was shocked and delighted.

At the same time she was also a little relieved.

Bai is not so good to Heiming, and he told her the first time he got such a mysterious ancient method.

"Big sis, please remember this Cultivation Technique. If it is really useful, you can pass it to your father and Elder.

Heiming also calmed down at this time, suppressing his inner excitement, and don't let himself be strange.

"Hei Ming, you are really interested! The family treats you this way, you get this ancient law, it turned out to be the first reaction to the family."

Hei Yanyu also sighed a little at this time, and the look in Hei Ming's eyes was even more gentle.

Heiming's behavior today really makes her a Big sis and she can't help but admire her.

"Big sis, you also know, I'm just a waste material with mediocre cultivation talents. This Cultivation Technique stays by my side, and it's a complete waste. It's better to give the family and make the family stronger so that I can be a nagant. The second generation has also lived better!"

Hei Ming said with a smile when he heard the words, seeming to be a little calm, but more self-deprecating.

This scene made Hei Yanyu silent, and then sighed, "These years, it's really hard for you, but Hey Ming, don't worry, I will tell my father and grandpa about this matter. The family should give you the credit. Nothing will be missing."

"With the words Big sis, I'm relieved." Hei Ming nodded when he heard the words, also very happy and satisfied.

Then, the two said something again.

Hei Yanyu expressed his concern for Heiming, and then left the courtyard, planning to discuss the matter with the clan elder.

After all, the overall strength of the family is involved and should not be ignored.

She faintly felt that this ancient law involved immortals!

So Hei Yanyu was also a little excited.


After seeing Hei Yanyu leave, Hei Ming in the courtyard finally couldn't help it, showing a surprised expression, shaking all over!

He only needs to pass the hands of his Big sis, and then teach this ancient law to the family.

The rest of the cultivation people will become his wedding dress

Heiming couldn't help smiling excitedly when he thought of this.

"All of this is really the supreme existence!" He was so emotional, he was even more in awe of the supreme existence who had only seen one side!

But Gu Changge, who was tens of thousands of miles away, was witnessing all this with Heiming's eyes, and his smile was a bit deep.

"This acting is really good!

"It seems that sometimes waste wood is still useful. Hei Ming has this plan and ambition, and he really didn't let me down."

Gu Changge couldn't help laughing, very satisfied.

All this is a pleasant surprise.

Heiming played supernormally.

After all, he was the source of Marry Yixian Jue, and even Hei Ming was just one of the branches.

The branch line that branches out with Heiming will also be under his control when the time comes. The wedding dress does not contain the slightest danger, and it will not affect the cultivator.

On the contrary, it contains a lot of mystery, and the truth of Tao is the best bait.

But the wedding dress is also the line that controls their life and death.

As long as Gu Changge's thoughts move, this thread can be cut instantly.

The line was destroyed.

After all, all this is in his plan!

"When all the high-ranking members of the Hei Tianying family become wedding dresses, it is also time for me to show up. The benefits at that time will be far greater than looking for ancestral tombs everywhere now!

Gu Changge smiled.

However, this process will take some time.

So afterwards, Gu Changge got up and left here, preparing to trouble Longteng first.

At this time, the news of Long Teng's departure quickly swept through, causing a huge sensation among the many immortal groups in the ancient continent.

The outside cultivator may not know it, but for the ethnic groups of the ancient continent, Longteng is the most powerful representative and symbol of the same generation.

Even if it is listed among the top ten young masters, it is a shame to talk about Longteng, and it is extremely jealous, asking himself that he can't be Longteng's opponent.

Now that Longteng has moved out, it naturally caused the immortal creatures to be shocked, even if some of the older generations existed, they were shocked. Endless.

"Long Teng speaks out and will suppress the young man named Gu Changge from the outside world."

"He will take everything!"

There are immortal creatures, and the spread of such words has caused many young people in the outside world to be shocked and shocked.

The immortal creatures know very little about Gu Changge.

But for the young Tianjiao outside, it couldn't be more clear. Gu Changge's strength, even the realm of the young taboo.

If he is the leader of the younger generation in the Immortal Ancient Continent today, there is nothing wrong with it.

"What kind of brain-dead thing is Dragon Teng? How dare you threaten to kill Young Master Changge, it's simply a horror of the world." At the moment, the young Tianjiao has ridiculed in all areas.

"Hahaha, I almost laughed off my head. If he says he wants to suppress the rest of the young supreme, I still think the possibility is still very high."

"It happened that he wanted to kill Young Master Changge. He didn't know what Young Taboo was!

"I'm crazy, I'm crazy. Finally I have the opportunity to see what is the most pretending to be the most violent, and I will wait to see how this guy named Long Teng was beaten in the face at that time."

Many young Tianjiao who heard the news were almost laughing crazy, and even tears were almost bursting out of laughter.

The size of the upper bound is indescribable simply.

In terms of vastness, they all seem unqualified.

But in the inner domain, it can be famous for all parties, and is known as the young taboo of the true fairy.

How can a cat and a dog bark?

That's right, in their opinion, this young man named Long Teng is a bouncing beam clown.

After all, what record of Gu Changge's record was not killed by his terrifying power?

Some time ago, even the seven princesses who had invincible assets in the Sea King Palace were easily killed by Gu Changge.

With such a record, no one dared to say anything lightly.

Of course, the main reason is that Gu Changge is also an outsider anyway, not a local creature.

They naturally couldn't be angry when they encountered the local creatures being so called.

Although the ancient creatures Cultivation Base is very strong, it is just a cheap place to stand in the right time and place.

"~ Brother Changge's strength is unfathomable, but this dragon is a tricky figure."

"I just don't know how much he can force Brother Changge to show some truth."

Among a mountain peak, raising his palm to shatter a terrifying python in front of him, and plucking a strange flower, Ye Langtian couldn't help but shook his head and said.

Thinking of these news, he didn't care.

Anyway, he couldn't see through Gu Changge more and more.

On the contrary, Long Teng, who had a terrifying reputation in the Ancient Immortal Continent, seemed to him nothing to worry about.

The real powerful existence is the kind of horror that you can perceive that he is strong, but you don't know how strong he is.

Gu Changge always gave him this feeling.

"When the time comes, if the two meet each other, they can just go and have a look. If you can get a glimpse of Dao Brother Changge's real strength, it would be a worthwhile trip."

Thinking of this, Ye Langtian reversed his head and changed direction, some eagerly hoping that the two would meet as soon as possible.

Scenes like this are still happening everywhere, and the young supreme from the outside world is shaking in their hearts.

The power of Longteng is the powerful talent and advanced Cultivation Base, but the power of Gu Changge is the kind of unknown and unfathomable that they also feel heart palpitations and chills in their younger generations.

No matter who it is, they dare not despise Gu Changge, but want to avoid him.

Now Long Teng's threats made their eyes bright.

"These two stunners didn't even inquire about Gu Changge's situation, so they dared to say so."

"That's right, he did what we always wanted to do but didn't dare to do. Young Taboo, is this Gu Changge's true strength?"

With the young supreme whispering, he planned to challenge Gu Changge very early.

But because there is no bottom in my heart, I have been procrastinating until now.


In front of an emerald-like lake, the divine light was swaying, there was a dim light gleaming, a fairy-like plant, crystal clear, bearing a few fruits.

A shocking battle broke out here, and many people were robbing this fairy flower.

There are young supreme outsiders who shot, and there are also many young immortal creatures.

Finally, in the void, hunting in clothes and dresses, Yueming Kongyu, who was besieged by several people, slashed across the space, slender fingers pointed out, and the heavens and the earth emerged with awe-inspiring vitality, like a majestic empress.

King over the world, I alone dominate.

The magic of horror blooms, like a large expanse of fairy rain, everyone retreats in shock.

She swept away, stepped on the lake, and snatched the fairy flower.

"A fairy fruit containing the breath of the fairy Spiritual Qi"

Yue Mingkong nodded, and finally took the fruits without any effort.

She (good money, good money) is confident, and she can quickly step into the virtual god realm with this.

When the time comes, with the help of the fairy fruit, it will be easy to achieve the flawless fairy base.

"Princess, the threat of the real dragon family Longteng

Later, Yue Mingkong planned to leave this place and find a place to retreat first.

A follower behind her suddenly stepped forward and reported the incident.

Yue Mingkong heard this, as if he had no surprises about this, then his eyes moved slightly, and he asked, "Do you know what Changge is doing?"

She didn't come to Xiangu Continent in the previous life, so she didn't encounter Longteng at that time.

The various opportunities and so on here are all summed up by her from various rumors and news from the previous life.

At that time, Long Teng did not avenge Gu Changge.

She guessed that Gu Changge was planning a major event and chose to ignore Longteng.

But in this life, Long Teng was so arrogant that he even planned to snatch her away.

In terms of Gu Changge's character, it is certain that Longteng will not be let go.

After all, this matter was deliberately guided by her at the time, and she mentioned Gu Changge's sentence smoothly.

Occasionally calculating Gu Changge is a little fun for her.

Gu Changge always likes to tease her.

Of course, this kind of stumbling has no effect on Gu Changge at all, and it is insignificant.

Even if Longteng's talent is strong, he cannot be Gu Changge's opponent.

When encountering Gu Changge, Longteng has a dead end.

Yue Mingkong did not think of the second possibility.

"Pretend to be the most forceful, and change to the most venomous one.

This is what she said in her mind, Long Teng's personality is such that he is invincible and would not put others in his eyes at all.

What she wants to know now is what area Gu Changge is in. After all, it's been a while since she disappeared.

"Return to the princess, we don't know the trace of Young Master Changge during this time."

Then, after getting a reply from his followers, Yue Mingkong was not surprised. It was not Gu Changge who was able to be insightful and know where he was going.

"At that time, with his shrewdness, I am afraid I will easily guess that I calculated him and pushed him to the forefront of the storm.

Yue Mingkong felt that she would do it for a while, and it would be better to avoid Gu Changge. After all, she was also a little cautious.

Gu Changge obviously intends to develop secretly.

As a result, when she came out like this, she cheated him directly. Then Gu Changge will be in a good mood, so she won't have to find her to settle the accounts. ,