Chapter 144

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

One after another, the rainbow came from all over the world.

In a short period of time, many people gathered around the mountain peaks, all of them rushed to hear the news, and it was extremely lively.

Some people have even begun to can't help it, there is a quarrel, a fight is happening here, start ~ hands.

For a time, the brilliance is gorgeous, intertwined in the sky, and all kinds of dazzling Magical Items- flash across, which are extremely dazzling.


Large tracts of mountains and ancient trees collapsed, and dust filled the sky.

"What is Longteng? Obediently wash your head and wait for our Young Master Changge to harvest it."

Some young Tianjiao ridiculed and scolded the immortal creatures without fear.

"Long Teng-sama is so powerful that you will never imagine it! The person surnamed Gu will die today!"

There were also ancient creatures who scolded them back, and then the people on both sides began to make their hands, the eyes of the killing were red, all kinds of blood were splashed, and the bones were thrown away.

The two groups of people here are mainly two camps.

To the east are native creatures from the ancient continent of different shapes.

There is a blond girl with growing wings, an old scorpion, a strong man with his arms covered with scales, and a giant with first horns.

They all looked indifferent, with strong energy and blood, rushing out from the deep mountains, coldly looking at the young talents coming from the outside world.

On the west side are the existences headed by the supreme Taoism and Immortal Great Sect Young Supreme.

They also stared at the immortal creatures coldly.

This place is so brilliant that there are more and more people around, and some people talk quietly from time to time.

Even though he knew that he was likely to be implicated, he rushed to this place, wanting to witness a major event that shook the ancient continent with his own eyes.

And more people, their sights were gathered on the mountain top in the distance. The horrible figure shrouded in the thick dragon text, just breath, was so powerful that it made people tremble.


Behind him, the figures of a group of followers were silent and indifferent, like a predator who had gone through thousands of battles.

The breath of the peak of the Void God Realm is undoubtedly revealed, just like a young real dragon.

Everyone feels the oppressiveness of this horror.

Ye Langtian and the others couldn't help but change their expressions slightly, there is a kind of huge pressure.

It's not easy!

Incomparable strength!

They can't be Longteng's opponents. At this time, the gap in Cultivation Base is too big.

"But he doesn't have the unfathomable feeling of Brother Changge." Ye Langtian shook his head slightly.

Not far away, Wang Wushuang, in his eyes, a golden rune flashed.

He also noticed the horror of Longteng.

"I hope I'm not late

In the distance, Gu Xian'er turned into a streamer, crossing the mountains and ridges, at an extremely fast speed, and soon saw this ancient land.

From time to time, divine rainbows pierced through the sky over this primitive ancient land.

Those cultivators and creatures all flew in the same direction, obviously they were all fighting for Gu Changge and Longteng.

She rushed all the way, sneaking up to crowded places, fearing that Gu Changge would recognize it later.

But Gu Xian'er was soon disappointed.

Gu Changge hasn't appeared until now, not even a shadow.

She even suspected that from Gu Changge's bad personality, this dragon was letting pigeons off by him, and that it might not be necessary to behave as a monkey.

Of course, she just guessed casually.

"Hey, that's a white jade climbing car from Mingkong Big sis

Suddenly, Gu Xian'er noticed high above the sky.

Nine wild and ancient animals resembling a divine phoenix pulled a jade scorpion, and then rushed to it.

Stopped high in the sky, the jade car was shining and sparkling, and it was resplendent in the sky, and it was very extraordinary.

A vaguely graceful figure was vaguely visible in it.

She recognized that this was Yuemingkong's means of transportation.

It's just that Gu Xian'er likes to be alone. After coming to Xiangu Continent, she didn't go to Yuemingkong.

She also knew that when she was hunted down by the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace, Yue Mingkong wanted to come to support her, but was dragged down.

Unlike Gu Changge, Yue Mingkong is kind to her, she can feel that it is from the sincerity, not hypocrisy.

In the high altitude, many divine lights can be seen, and this battle has attracted too many eyes.

Although the older generation of Xiangu Continent had discussed with the outside world, they could not intervene in this matter.

But at this time, there are still some older generations watching.

After all, Longteng represents the hope of the Xiangulong clan.

"Is this Gu Changge's fiancée?"

"A woman named Yuemingkong?"

At this time, Long Teng's eyes turned, and there seemed to be many Stars moving in his eyes.

He stared at the white jade car parked on the horizon, and looked at the figure in it slightly fiercely.

It seems to be able to penetrate layers of curtains.

"What about the person who abandoned the surname Gu?"

At this time, Long Teng's indifferent face showed a rare smile and looked at the horizon not far away.

This is Long Teng speaking in front of everyone. This sentence is like thunder, but it also contains a terrible rhyme.

Many cultivators felt their ears tremble, their breath rolled, and even almost fell to the ground.

They were shocked.

After hearing Long Teng's words clearly, many people's expressions changed drastically.

What kind of status is Yuemingkong? The future female emperor of the unparalleled immortal dynasty outside, is indescribable.

This Long Teng is so courageous, dare to speak to her like this?

At the moment, many young Tianjiao glared at him.

Of course, some people know that the hatred between Longteng and Gu Changge was caused by the moonlight sky.

The so-called confession is just like that.

"I have seen someone who is looking for death, I have never seen you who want to die like this."

At this time, in the white jade car, there was a cold and indifferent voice, like a natural sound, without the slightest emotion.

As if speaking to a dead person.

However, only Yue Mingkong knew the strange color in her own eyes.

Long Teng's death-seeking character is indeed the case.

Naturally, she also came to the show, but she didn't expect Gu Changge to respond so quickly and set off directly and said that she wanted to kill the dragon.

If she remembered correctly, Long Teng possessed a drop of colorful true dragon blood.

That is the true blood that will only appear after the hardest scales of the true dragon are torn off. It is extremely precious and has many magical uses.

It just so happened that she knew how to condense it, and Gu Changge probably didn't even know about it.

"I like this character!

When Long Teng heard the words, he was not angry at all, but instead appreciates eyes reveal.

He likes women with this personality.

The stronger, the more conquered.

"This really makes my palace disgusting."

However, with an indifferent voice, Yuemingkong's eyebrows in the white jade car suddenly frowned.

She shot.

She had no affection for Long Teng at first, and her words made her greasy and disgusting.

I couldn't help it, I had to attack Longteng before Gu Changge.


The virtual space seems to have Sword Ray heading in, one after another Sword Ray, suddenly like a silver-white vine, killing towards Longteng, cold and dazzling, like a silver long sword!

Everyone was shocked, but suddenly Yue Mingkong would attack Long Teng without a word.

In a single thought, there is a bright light blooming in the void.

This is Yuemingkong's powerful emperor technique.

She has broken through to the Void God Realm, and today's real Cultivation Base is much weaker than Longteng.

But she was not afraid at all.

Of course she also wanted to know how strong Long Teng was, so she tried it out.

Faintly, a group of cultivators saw the light and rain flying around at this moment, and the atmosphere of the great road was permeating.

For the first time, I saw the young sages who Yue Mingkong shot, all their faces were solemn, showing dignity and fear.

So powerful!

It seems that Yue Mingkong's true strength is far more than just what she seems to be.

"How courageous! How dare to shoot at me!"

Being disgusted by Yue Mingkong's words, Long Teng's face suddenly stiffened and his smile disappeared.

No matter how good his mood is, at this time, in front of everyone, when such a beautiful person says something disgusting, he still feels that he can't hang on his face.

Especially the other party even dared to take the initiative to attack him.

Let's forget a Gu Changge, but he didn't expect his fiancee to do the same!

At this moment, Long Teng's good face had disappeared.

"Before me, you didn't have any chance of winning, but nothing more than ants!"

Long Teng's face was very cold, and he directly chose to carry his hands on his back, with a look of contempt.

Facing Yuemingkong's technique, between his forehead, a vast wave came from him, and a golden ocean manifested like a wave.

This is his strong god-tier skill, and it suddenly seems like a sea of ​​anger is raging, exploding in the virtual space!

At this moment, even the True God Realm had to be discolored, and he didn't dare to insist on it. This is too strong and can destroy the flesh!

"No matter how strong Princess Yuemingkong is, she probably won't be the opponent of this dragon. This is a gap that is difficult to make up for on the Cultivation Base.

At the moment, there was a young supreme frowning with a torch-like gaze, staring at Longteng's technique, asking himself that when he faced it, he would definitely not be able to resist it.


However, their expressions were slightly taken aback, and then they were shocked.

Even the indifferent, self-respecting look on Longteng's face suddenly froze.

I saw patches of light and rain exploded, like golden Lotus flowers, tearing the sky one by one, which could pierce the sky.

Bo Bo Bo Bo

Pieces of lotus flower burst, The next moment broke through the golden ocean, and everyone in the faintly saw a peerless female emperor standing in the sky, extremely powerful and graceful.

"I admit that I underestimated you, but this time I won't be merciful."

My own this strike was so blocked by Yue Mingkong, and Long Teng's face was a little ugly and gloomy.

No matter what the result is today, his face has been lost enough.

On weekdays, Xiangu's top ten young masters can hardly hold his palm.

Didn't the Dragon Girl say that Yue Mingkong's strength was about the same as her?

What is going on here?

"Just your ability, where did you have the confidence to provoke Changge?" At this time, Yue Mingkong's response seemed to be an understatement.

She never showed up from start to finish, just in the white jade car.

But the gang attack was already amazing enough, and shocked many immortal creatures.

...For flowers...…

Even the young supreme faces were shocked.

"I am waiting for the strength, not the opponent of Princess Mingkong." Although they are unwilling, they can only admit this fact.

It's just that hearing Yue Mingkong's words makes many people look weird, how do they feel as if they have heard it?

When Gu Xian'er was hunted down by the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace, she seemed to tell the Seventh Princess the same way.

Now that Yue Mingkong said this, doesn't it mean the same thing?

For Gu Changge, they all seem extremely confident.

"You really succeeded in angering me." Long Teng's face was gloomy as a waterway.

He thinks he needs to show some powerful means, otherwise this woman doesn't know good or bad.

He tried to irritate him again and again.

The followers behind him were full of energy and blood, like dark clouds, surging.

At this time, eyes reveal cold light, staring at the direction of Yuemingkong.

There was a big disagreement in this posture, and everyone directly went to work together and took down the appearance of Yuemingkong's suppression.

"You irritated me too, little ant"

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly rang from the sky and the earth, and Long Teng and all the cultivators changed their complexions slightly and looked towards the sky.

Needless to say, everyone feels that the Lord is coming!


There was a mighty sound from there, and rainbows swept across the horizon, causing many cultivators to take a breath of air-conditioning.

This scale is really scary!

"Not right"

However, Long Teng's reaction was quick, and he perceives the changes in the space.

The complexion changed slightly, and the horrible rune was flowing, turning into a dazzling dragon armor, and it was necessary to resist!

However, with the void in front of him, there was a twist and blur.

A young man walked out of it, with a faint expression, looking casual.

Divine light is looming, and it seems that there is endless gravity between the feet, and it becomes the power of heaven and earth!


The void shuddered, as if to be broken by this force.

Long Teng was too late to react, he was kicked on his stomach, coughed up blood, and his internal organs were torn apart.

With a trace of unwillingness on his face, he was suddenly kicked into the ground!

Smoke and dust splashed everywhere, mountains collapsed, and huge cracks appeared.

Gu Changge arrived.

"Let you wait, I'm here to kill you, it's really obedient." He let out a laugh that didn't know whether it was mocking or playfulness.

At the same time, he raised his palm, and various runes appeared in it, densely packed like raindrops, but they were dazzlingly bright Sword Qi!

A terrifying force was revealed in the void, bursting with endless power.

The rune is like a sea, a vast expanse, in which there is a sturdy Sword Qi falling like a star, like a red sun sinking.


The large mountain range in front burst instantly, becoming a dust of children!

All of Longteng's followers vomited blood and flew upside down. Some people couldn't resist and exploded directly in the virtual space.

The blood was splattered.

For a while, everyone who planned to watch this shocking battle was stunned.

I didn't expect that Gu Changge would take Longteng to the bottom of the earth as soon as he appeared.

Sure enough, that sentence was confirmed. The cooler you pretended to be, the more painful it would be when you slap your face.

Gu Changge finally encountered an opportunity to be able to slap her face, so she should cherish it.

"Go ahead, how do you want to die?

He was condescending, overlooking the dragon buried by the mountains, and asked casually.

It seems to be asking something like "Have you eaten?"

"Master, what are they going to do.

At this moment, behind Gu Changge, a group of followers escorted Dragon's people, and among them was the dragon girl who Yue Mingkong was familiar with.

After all, she had deliberately let go, intending to pit Gu Changge.

But now the Dragon Goddess is frightened, she's covered in blood, and her tongue has been cut.

Obviously, Gu Changge sent no one tortured along the way.

"This gift is naturally killed in front of Longteng." Gu Changge said lightly.

At this time, he still glanced at Yue Mingkong.

"Take care of this guy first, and I'll find you to settle the account later."

Yue Mingkong guessed the meaning of his eyes and looked calm.

As if I didn't notice it.

She didn't believe what Gu Changge could do with her.

Of course she really misunderstood Gu Changge.

Gu Changge glanced at her, just to make sure whether she was injured.

However, he didn't see anything, so he asked, "Is it all right?"

For Gu Changge to care about herself, Yue Mingkong felt flattered for a while.

But I thought that this was probably what Gu Changge did in front of everyone.

At the moment, he shook his head and said coldly and naturally, "Changge, don't worry, I'll be fine."

A little touch in my heart quickly returned to peace.

She couldn't tell what Gu Changge said, whether it was true or not, and she was really all right.

Although Long Teng is strong, she is not weak at all.

And soon, many cultivators around the mountain reacted, watching this scene, I can only sigh in my heart, it is really a husband and wife!