Chapter 145

Just when everyone was shocked and enviously watching Gu Changge and Yue Mingkong "eyebrows".


The mountains and many ruins below exploded suddenly, becoming dust and ashes in the sky.

"Really good"

A roar, accompanied by a voice of cold killing intent came.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying figure surrounded by a golden rune turned into a divine rainbow from below to kill.

At this moment, Long Teng was surging with blood, and even the position of Tianling Gai was spraying a terrifying sea of ​​blood.

It was like a piece of Wang Yang, the turbulent waves and the horror.

The Cultivation Base at the peak of the Void God Realm is undoubtedly revealed.

He is extremely strong, but it matches his current appearance of a wolf fox.

This makes many cultivator eyes reveal weird colors.

Even the immortal creatures are the same, and they can't bear to look straight.

After all, in the scene just now, Long Teng's face was really stomped under his feet.

The strong, indifferent and domineering force he deliberately created before collapsed directly.

"Gu Changge, you dare to attack, you really want to die!"

Long Teng spoke coldly.

He was really angry.

Never expected that Gu Changge would suddenly appear, and then kick him directly to the ground.

This scene is really embarrassing and embarrassing, it is simply to make Long Teng hate and mad. There has never been a moment like today, wanting to kill.

Looking at Long Teng's desperate, extremely cold eyes.

Gu Changge's expression was natural, but he still didn't care, as if the person who just shot was not him.

At this time, he stared at Long Teng a little bit medically, and said to himself, "It seems that I really didn't guess wrong. It is really Long Aotian's template. It's a pity, this method is even better than the waste. ."

"It really surprised me that "March 8″ could be encountered on you."

Having said that, he was not surprised at all on his face.

At this moment, the voice of the system was appearing in his mind at this moment.

"Ding, son of luck dragon appears and triggers the following mission."

"One, kill Longteng, get 3,000 Qi Luck Points, and 15,000 Destiny Points. Additional rewards will be settled separately."

"Two, conquer Dragon, get 3,000 Qi Luck Points and 15,000 Destiny Points. Additional rewards will be settled separately.

For these two tasks.

Gu Changge naturally didn't even think about it, so he chose the first one.

This kind of brain-dead, fearless thing, why did he conquer it? It didn't work at all.

Not to mention that Long Teng also moved his thoughts that he shouldn't.

Gu Changge felt that killing him casually would be regarded as merciful and cheap to him.

So there is no second possibility at all.

Having said that, Long Teng has four thousand points of luck.

This reminded Gu Changge of the few luck plundering cards that he threw in the system mall, and the grass was about to accumulate dust.

The original price was five thousand destiny points.

But if it is used on Longteng, it does not seem to suffer at all.

When the plunder is successful, it will directly trigger the son of luck point clearing and kill the drop rule.

Maybe this Long Teng could explode something good for him.

In Gu Changge's eyes, Long Teng didn't even have the qualifications to be a leek, at most it was considered a strange experience.

For example, Ye Ling still has a long mind, knowing what to do when.

This Long Teng is really fearless, and he was buried all the way.

However, according to normal routines, the opponents Longteng encountered were weaker than him, and it was normal for him to despise and look down upon him.

Where will you encounter a final boss-level character like Gu Changge?

"Gu Changge, what do you mean by this?" Long Teng's expression was extremely cold.

He didn't understand what Gu Changge was talking about, but he knew Gu Changge's contemptuous and dismissive attitude.

This made Long Teng's anger and killing intent even stronger.

After all, from his birth to the present, he really hasn't encountered Gu Changge, who dares to insult such a person who ignores him.

"It doesn't mean anything, it just means calling you stupid."

In this regard, Gu Changge has no conscious of bullying.

This kind of curse appeared in his mouth, but it seemed very natural and casual.

So many cultivators feel that he is stating a fact.

All the young creatures in Xiangu Continent were stunned.

This is to humiliate first, and then scold again.

It happened that all of them found it difficult to refute.

This Gu Changge is really strong, he is even more difficult than Long Teng.

What I saw today really shocked them.

There was nothing to say for a while.

"Is this guy sincerely trying to get angry?"

Among the crowd, many people looked stunned.

Gu Xian'er was also stunned, looking at Gu Changge's familiar figure, she didn't know what to say for a while.

She originally thought that Gu Changge would choose to shoot directly, and she quickly solved Longteng.

But how can someone kick someone down when they come up, and then curse someone so calmly as a fool?

"It's really Gu Changge's temperament, this mouth is poisonous, and it almost fills up people's hatred in an instant."

She remembered that when she was hurt by Gu Changge's anger, perhaps she was in the same mood as Long Teng now.

"Gu Changge what did you say?"

Long Teng's expression froze, and he was regretted by Gu Changge's words for a moment.

Before this, he had never encountered such a thing.

Moreover, with Gu Changge's self-assured appearance, it is simply full of hatred.


Rage value rises all the way!

After reacting, Longteng's eyes were cold and icy, and his complexion was even a little red, and the whole body was surging with mist and runes.

The terrible breath was rising, and it was extremely cold.

"Didn't I tell you to stand still and I'll kill you? What anxious, it's really disobedient."

Gu Changge is poised and authentic, his eyes are playful.

It seemed that it was a bit helpless for Long Teng to die.

He stood in the void, standing with his hands in his hands. The moon-white feather coat seemed to be embroidered with thousands of stars, with a hazy fairy and charm circulating.

At this moment, in the eyes of many people, he was even stronger than Long Teng just now.

"Come on, bring up the gift that the young master prepared for Long Teng."

Then Gu Changge continued to speak, and several followers immediately came forward behind him, and amidst the slurping sound of the knife, dazzling blood splashed out.

"Long Teng-sama, help!"

"Long Teng-sama, please help us, we don't want to die."

A large group of creatures, all natives of the ancient continent, are now suppressed and Cultivation Base is sealed.

Frightened and desperate, his complexion was pale, he shouted.

They hope that Long Teng in front of them will be able to save them.

After all, they were all working for Longteng, and they were ordered by Longteng to look for Gu Changge.

But Gu Changge was not found. Instead, Gu Changge found him and directly killed him.


However, before Long Teng could speak, the light of the knife had fallen, and it was easy to let a strong smell of blood permeate here.

There are crowds of people on all the peaks.

For a while, all the cultivators and creatures watched this scene, and their backs were slightly chilly.

It has nothing to do with Cultivation Base, it is purely in one sentence, giving people a strong fright.

Compared with Longteng's domineering, Gu Changge's methods are much colder and stronger.

"All killed, including the dragon girl." Gu Changge's faint smile finally converged at this time.

He indifferently ordered.

Long Teng, who turned violently in front of him, acted.


Gu Changge moved his figure and took the lead directly.

The sleeves were shaking, and the void suddenly became blurred.

The terrifying and vast aura suddenly appeared.

With a big hand sticking out, the universe revolves, the brilliance is gorgeous, and the world seems to be dimmed.

"In the sleeve of the Changsheng Gu family."

Many young supreme faces changed.

They recognized Gu Changge's style, and compared to the moves they were familiar with, the moves shown in Gu Changge's hands were much more terrifying.

This is a qualitative change.

"And Gu Changge Cultivation Base seems to have broken through to the Void God Realm. Judging from the pressure just now, I am afraid it is far more than that.

"It's really unfathomable, and it's hard to palpitations."

Even the top ten young masters among the immortal creatures, at this time, their expressions were solemn, showing fear.

As soon as a master makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Gu Changge is definitely an enemy!

Just now they thought he would only sneak attack, but now it seemed that he was just trying to embarrass Long Teng.

"How dare you attack me first, and I will kill you today."

Long Teng's discoloration changed suddenly, and he was planning to save the group of creatures.

But Gu Changge's sudden shot broke his plan completely.


He is also shooting, the strength of the peak of the Void God Realm is almost overwhelming.

Accompanied by a loud dragon chant.

There is a powerful divine light shining in it, golden, like a dragon's claw cast in gold, covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand miles.

At the same time, the golden rune came out beside him, turning into golden spears, with a terrifying and invincible edge.

"No matter how presumptuous you are today, you can't change the situation of being killed by me."

"Even if the world is shattered and the era is over, I will leave the name of dragon in the world!"

At this moment, Long Teng regained his indifference and dominance, and his voice blasted like thunder in the sky and the earth.

I didn't use any magical powers, but it caused countless cultivator ears to ache, almost bursting!

Countless people were shocked, their eyes widened.

This Longteng's strength is really not a boast, he has real capabilities and skills!

For a time, there were powerful fluctuations that were shocking to the sky.

The terrifying dragon chants resounded throughout the heavens and the earth, the clouds burst, the universe turned upside down, and a real dragon appeared, as if a claw could destroy the heavens!

This is Longteng's true dragon treasure technique, which is showing its invincible power at this moment, and its attacking aura is tyrannical to the extreme.

"The world is long and long, Samsara, how many arrogances are buried. You are just a small building ant that I am about to trample to death, also worthy of leaving a name?"

Gu Changge replied unhurriedly with a slight mockery, and shot at the same time.

The Cultivation Base he showed was only in the early stage of the Void God Realm, but the sleeves were stretched out.

But there is an invincible and transcendent posture, surrounded by endless fairy light, like a young fairy, eating the void!

Hanging down with a galaxy-like magical power.

Among them is the sun and moon sinking scene, terrible, emerging from his hands, killing the dragon in front of him.

Long Teng was full of golden flames, crushing the sky, and at this moment, he was offering all kinds of terrifying supernatural powers.


There is a blazing and dazzling light here, like an endless star bursting, making all cultivators unable to help but close their eyes.


"Are you worthy to kill me?" Long Teng roared, killing intently.

"The avenue is vast, the red dust is rolling, and all beings are all ants."

"I'll kill you, but I'll hold my palm.

Gu Changge's expression was very indifferent at this moment, and his voice was despised to the extreme.

Long Teng was about to be mad by the ants who opened his mouth and closed his mouth. He always regarded others as ants. When did he become the ants in others' mouths!

Suddenly, Long Teng's color changed.

Gu Changge is really raising his palm!

An immeasurable light emerged behind him, it was the breath of the avenue.

The bones of the avenue are glowing!

The avenues of hair are condensed, as if standing in the universe of the universe, a hanging Galaxy Cluster is hanging down!

One after another big stars turned, majestic and majestic, like an ancient Universe starry sky descending, floating above Gu Changge.

It seems to have come to the end of the universe all at once.

"What kind of magical power is this

"It should be Gu Changge's talented treasure!" Many young sages couldn't help but breathe in the air, and felt a deep horror from them.

"This is my Dao Dharma Body, Gu Xian'er couldn't help squeezing her hand tightly.

She sensed the breath of the same origin.

Dao Fa was in the hands of Gu Changge, exerting unparalleled power, as if it had bloomed its brilliance.

This kind of power even made her feel a bit of the rules of the road.

The next moment, the world behind Gu Changge seemed to be his Realm, and the shape of the avenue emerged, as if the sky was transformed.

As he lifted his palm, covering the sky and the sun.


Gu Changge indifferently 3.7 overlooks Longteng.

On the giant palm transformed by the blue sky, Star fell, covering it down!

In just an instant, everyone saw the shocking scene.

Some people even tremble all over, including their souls are frozen, can't help but want to kneel on the ground and worship.

"Smell of Avenue"

Long Teng's complexion changed, knowing that this palm could not resist.

A terrible breath rushed, and amidst his muffled sound, the figure retreated extremely quickly, as if to escape from Wuzhi Mountain!

But the speed of Gu Changge's palm is too fast, it directly covers the sky and the earth, and he must be refined in it!

"It's arrogant!"

Long Teng wanted to resist and threw his fist.

The ancient true dragon manifests in the blood, and the blood runs through the sky spirit cover!

However, with the clicking sound, his face was shocked, shocked, and unbelievable, and then he was struck by lightning.

His arms bleed, as if colliding with a rock.

In everyone's eyes, this is more like an egg hitting a stone!

"How is it possible, I have true dragon blood!"

Long Teng couldn't believe it, a low growl, a spasm in his arms, and he fell weakly, as if he was about to break in pain.

He was defeated at the moment of the first confrontation.

This is simply unimaginable for him!

Long Teng's back grew cold,

"Let you stay still, don't you understand?"

Gu Changge's understated voice fell in Long Teng's ears, and there was an astonishing chill at this time!

This palm continued to cover, with a puff, he let out a scream, and then his arms shattered and exploded directly!

The world's mighty force fell, it was like a piece of heaven falling down, and the horror was endless!

This kind of power cannot be resisted by the cultivator and the flesh of creatures.