Chapter 148

Yuemingkong sat quietly in the white jade car.

The green snail hair bun, the fairy face is picturesque, and the beauty is thrilling.

The black jewel-like phoenix eyes showed calmness and depth.

But at this moment, she couldn't help showing some slight blush on her face.

The expression seemed to be joyful, but also a surprise.

I have to say that Gu Changge's words disturbed her mood.

Bi This was spoken by Gu Changge himself, which was completely different from what others said.

When others said that, she would just not take it seriously and carelessly.

But Gu Changge said it means something different.

Yue Mingkong suddenly felt that Gu Changge had suddenly opened up.

He also knows that he looks good?

Yue Mingkong has always been very confident about her own charm, asking herself how many women in the world can compare with her?

But Gu Changge just doesn't like her

Whether it was in the previous life or now, Yue Mingkong was a little frustrated.

"Long Teng moved her thoughts that she shouldn't have moved. It's cheaper for him to die like this."

Gu Changge said with a faint smile, still saying casually, not knowing that Yue Mingkong's heart's mood has changed now.

After all, it doesn't cost much to say something nice and beautiful.

And he was right.

Hearing that, Yue Mingkong stared at him unblinkingly, and seemed to show him through.

"Long Teng is looking for death, no wonder someone else."

She said calmly, although she was happy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

He showed a look that didn't care.

It's just that Gu Changge knows that she loves to hear such words and doesn't care.

He also smiled faintly, "I really don't blame others, even if I don't kill him, Mingkong, you will probably do it."

No one else here.

Gu Changge simply talked to Yuemingkong when he opened the skylight.

As a rebirth, Yue Mingkong should know what Long Teng's personality is, but he has to calculate himself in such a small way.

This shows that even she hates Longteng and wants to get rid of Longteng by her own hand.

Gu Changge has always indulged in Yue Mingkong, and he didn't bother to care about her.

"What do you mean?"

Yue Mingkong didn't understand Gu Changge's words, staring at him coldly with a clear expression.

Gu Changge didn't expose her, just laughed and said, "Long Teng's body is in my hands. What are you trying to do with him? Tell your husband, maybe I will give you his body. "

"You" Yueming paused in the air.

Gu Changge did speak of her heart.

She has been thinking of ways to plan Longteng recently.

The one I miss most is that drop of colorful real dragon blood from Longteng, which is said to have been obtained by chance. The origin is very mysterious and ancient.

If she refines that drop of colorful real dragon blood, her strength will definitely increase, and it also contains the powerful talent and surging vitality of the dragon race.

Yue Mingkong didn't expect Gu Changge to show her careful thoughts to 387 so soon.

I can't help but feel a little annoyed and frustrated.

Why is she always in a weak position in front of Gu Changge?

"I said you will give me Longteng's body?" Yue Mingkong calmed himself down and asked.

"Why have you been so distrustful as your husband?" Gu Changge said regretfully.

His look really made it difficult for Yue Mingkong to guess what he was thinking.

After hearing this, Yue Mingkong said, "I heard that there is a drop of real dragon blood in Longteng, that is very useful for me."

She didn't know if Gu Changge would go back after telling this to Gu Changge and not follow what she said.

After all, his cultivation of Immortal Swallowing Devil Skill is even more frightening for the needs of various physical origins.

The blood of Longteng's true dragon came from the ancient mysterious first dragon.

According to Gu Changge's selfish character, he will definitely not let go of this good thing.

Even if she didn't say it, Gu Changge would be able to refine it.

"The blood of a true dragon?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge was stunned for a while, remembering whether the drop of colorful real dragon blood he had merged was the real dragon blood that Yuemingkong said.

But since it was an extra Heavenly Dao treasure chest obtained after killing Dragon Teng, it should be a reward related to Dragon Teng.

This reward comes from the system.

Otherwise, it won't be dropped until after the luck point is cleared.

In other words, there should be a drop of true dragon blood in Longteng's body.

To be honest, Gu Changge's first reaction was to take back what he had just said.

This good thing contains powerful Spirit Power and tyrannical defense attributes, so naturally you have to keep it for yourself.

The more the better.

But after thinking about it, he has already integrated a drop, and the effect is estimated to be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Gu Changge has already felt Yuemingkong's little bitter resentment.

Although she couldn't tell anything from her flat expression through the curtain.

But how could this be hidden from him.

At the moment, Gu Changge couldn't help but smiled and said, "First you are plotting Ye Ling's inheritance, and now you are plotting the Dragon's blood."

"Mingkong, what have you been thinking about all day? It's really a lot of bad water, but these abacus are played well.

It's okay not to listen, as soon as I heard Yue Mingkong, I felt annoyed. At this moment, I just wanted to choke Gu Changge to death.

She was actually a little pleased with Gu Changge's compliments just now. Really hell.

What does it mean that she has been thinking about it all day?

Bad water in her stomach?

Before saying this, can he think about himself first?

Yue Mingkong didn't know where Ye Ling went during this time, Gu Changge must have been staring, and she couldn't fight Ye Ling's idea.

Now it seems.

(cedh) Gu Changge said, this drop of true dragon blood, I am afraid she doesn't even have to think about it.

After that, Yue Mingkong didn't speak anymore, as if he didn't want to pay attention to Gu Changge at all.

Seems to be angry.

"Look at you, it's like I'm bullying you."

Gu Changge was still laughing. When he said this, he didn't realize it at all.

Whoosh whoosh!

Hearing this, Yue Mingkong suddenly raised her head, her hair fluttered, her beautiful and picturesque face, her silver teeth bitten her, she looked angry.

The look in his eyes was like ice skates, almost stab him to death.

"Gu Changge, you are really shameless! ーYou know you bullied me! What else can you do besides these?"

She almost got out of the car and couldn't bear it. She was so angry at Gu Changge's words that she wanted to kill.

A little wronged again.

What does it mean to be like bullying her?

Is this something unclear?

Seeing this, Gu Changge also saw that the momentum had been reduced to tease her, and smiled lightly, "You can also give you Longteng's body, but before that, you have to call your husband to listen to me."


Yuemingkong was shocked when he heard the words.

Bright eyes even widened slightly.

She doubted her own ears again, and Gu Changge really planned to give Longteng's body to her.

That drop of true dragon blood, he doesn't covet at all? So willing?

Yue Mingkong doubted that he had seen a fake Gu Changge today.


But soon, afraid of Gu Changge's repentance, Yue Mingkong immediately shouted coldly.

The face is not red and the heart is not beating.

As for this sentence, why is she embarrassed to speak.

The average woman may be coy, but she won't.

She and Gu Changge have become relatives in the previous life, and in this life they have become a husband and wife.

The shouting of these two words is almost logical.

Gu Changge smiled, "I didn't expect Mingkong to be so good."

Yue Mingkong suddenly felt that he had been tricked by him.

Just talk.

In Gu Changge's ring space, Guanghua flickered, and then the huge dragon corpse appeared in the void.

Long Teng died, and the corpse turned into its original form, looking extremely large.

But he is not the heir of the true dragon, just part of the blood of the true dragon.

On the huge corpse, the vitality dissipated, but it still gave people a huge sense of coercion and strength.

If it is made of green and black molten iron, Longlin Hanguang Yeye, extremely tough and full of tyrannical aura.

Yue Mingkong also stared at this huge dragon corpse.

In the death meeting, the vitality has long been dissipated, but Gu Changge has not used any of his hands or feet.

There is no trace of refining.

This made her feel relieved.

But soon, Yue Mingkong was a little suspicious again, his eyes fell on Gu Changge's face and asked, "You really don't plan to refine and swallow this dragon corpse?'


After all, Gu Changge possesses the power of swallowing immortals.

Naturally, there is a shortage of various physical origins.

Would he be so kind to give her the blood of Longteng's true dragon?

Gu Changge doesn't covet? Is he really willing?

One question after another came to Yue Mingkong's mind.

Hearing this, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile, "I naturally intend to refine and swallow the origin of Longteng, but since it's Mingkong you want it, I can give it to you as a husband. What's more to ask."

Of course, the main reason is that there are more cultivation resources waiting for him in the clan of the Hei Tianying clan. Gu Changge does not lack such a dragon corpse.

If Yue Mingkong wants it, then give it to her.

Hearing that Yue Mingkong was stunned again.

Gu Changge's answer made her suddenly at a loss.

It stands to reason that based on Gu Changge's previous character, it is impossible to agree to such a thing.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be looking for cultivation resources everywhere, and even quietly started on some young Tianjiao.

The origin of Longteng is still very precious, at least many young supreme beings are far behind.

But Gu Changge was willing to give it to her? There was no hesitation yet.

This touched Yuemingkong's heart. The anger towards Gu Changge just now had almost disappeared.

"Since the dragon corpse is very important to you, then you can keep it for your own use." Then, Yuemingkong spoke in a ghostly manner.

But as soon as the words came out, she was stunned.

She never expected that she would say this suddenly.

After finally being able to buckle something out of Gu Changge's hands, just return it like this?

I have failed too much!

If you say something, pour out the water.

Even if Yue Mingkong regrets it again, she can only bear it without revealing the slightest abnormality, so as not to be jokes by Gu Changge.

"Since I said I want to give it to you, then I will give it to you.

Gu Changge was a little stunned when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but laughed, "Mingkong, you think so for your husband, but you are a little touched by your husband."

At this time, Yue Mingkong also calmed down, and his face recovered naturally and said, "It's not too late for you to see it at this time."

In the words, there is quite a dissatisfaction and resentment towards Gu Changge.

Gu Changge shook his head and sighed, as if he had something to say.

However, he still didn't say anything.

Of course he was laughing in his heart at this time.

To be honest, Gu Changge didn't expect Yue Mingkong to say this suddenly, which surprised him a bit.

The good things have been brought to her, and in the end, I have to think about it for myself.

It's stupid.

Gu Changge didn't know what to say to her.

But he was sure of one thing, even if he didn't do anything.

In the end, Yue Mingkong's strength surpassed him, and even strong enough to kill her at Cultivation Base, it is estimated that he would be unable to get rid of it.

At most, like an angry little wife, step on the foot, throw the sword on the ground and turn around and leave.

Obviously in front of the world, she is the iron-blooded and indifferent future empress.

But what revenge for her like this?

However, Gu Changge also knows that the change in Yue Mingkong's attitude is the result of his behavior during this period of time. It is not unexpected.

This is entirely reasonable.

Immediately, Gu Changge did not procrastinate, and directly gave the dragon corpse to Yuemingkong.

Since he has promised something, he will not repent easily.

Yue Mingkong looked at him silently, and didn't know what to say for a while.

She seemed to have caught something from Gu Changge's sigh just now.

It's just that Gu Changge's silence now makes her feel a little bored.

"I am leaving."

In the end, Gu Changge didn't say much, looked at the direction of the horizon, and summoned his followers, turning them into a rainbow.

Immediately afterwards, they left here with everyone.

When he fought Long Teng just now, if I remember correctly, there was a wave of Cultivation Base fluctuations.

Long Teng was killed, but some things still needed to be resolved.

The immortal remnant clan didn't dare to do anything on the face, but he certainly wouldn't be reconciled in his heart.

Bi Longteng is a descendant of their hard work.

He died before leaving the school.

Talking about the truth of Longteng.

"Long Teng's corpse is now in Yuemingkong's hands, and the surviving clan of the ancient immortal may take a shot and snatch it."

"It's unavoidable that she is a little troublesome, so let's solve it for her."

Gu Changge pondered slightly.

Moreover, in view of today's situation, Gu Changge left Yue Mingkong to play with her in a short time.

He has done so much.

Next, with Yue Mingkong's ingenuity, plus her identity as a reborn, she would definitely act as Gu Changge had speculated.

Regarding this, Gu Changge did not worry at all.

"Ye Ling's Samsara Gu Tianzun Immortal Cave can also be released first. According to the normal routine, it is impossible for him to find the mysterious Immortal Cave in a short time, and it will not be so easy."

"On the way, you may have to make a breakthrough in the Cultivation Base, or pick up an artifact.

"Married Yixian Jue to infiltrate the entire Hei Tianying clan, and it will take time, but I can't be anxious."

Gu Changge led many followers, looking for that breath, and chasing it all the way.

And many cultivators near the mountain peaks were already gone by this time, only a few people stayed and wanted to say hello to Gu Changge.

But obviously, Gu Changge ignored them at all.

Looking at the direction where Gu Changge disappeared.

In the white jade car, Yuemingkong looked complicated.

Afterwards, she rubbed her eyebrows, feeling very tired.

It was mainly Gu Changge's actions today, which made her feel even more confused.

At that time, Gu Changge's fleeting emotions obviously meant something to say, which was clearly captured by Yue Mingkong.

It is for this reason that she feels that Gu Changge may have some reason.

No matter in her previous life or in this life, she has never seen Gu Changge like it is now.

According to the character of Gu Changge's last life, this is too weird, but it seems like a sudden change because of something happened.

"But in any case, Gu Changge's demon nature is deeply rooted. Although he is not malicious to me now, he is not sure that he will be like this in the future."

"In order to prevent the tragedy from repeating, I have to become stronger. Now Gu Changge's Cultivation Base is even more unfathomable. If his current performance is actually to confuse me, it would be too scary."

For the last possibility, Yuemingkong is just casual guessing.

After all, it is impossible.

Why did Gu Changge confuse her? No need to think about it, because it is not necessary at all.

However, this also strengthened her previous plan. After leaving Xiangu Continent, she had to investigate everything before Gu Changge.

Yue Mingkong didn't want to sit still.

Since meeting Gu Changge at Gu's last time, she has discovered that Gu Changge has changed a lot compared to before.

The same is true of Gu Xian'er's attitude.

Afterwards, he was slapped and rescued Gu Xian'er. It seemed that they were planning to make up for the hurt to Gu Xian'er.

And today he gave her the blood of Dragon's True Dragon for the first time.

Yue Mingkong has always believed that Gu Changge is an absolutely indifferent and profit-oriented person.

It is her misfortune that she fell in love with such a person.

Not to mention that she still loves so deeply, this is not something that can be described as unfortunate.

But now, in Gu Changge, she saw his transformation.

This made Yue Mingkong feel hope.

"Go to the Baiheng Mountains to the east.

Subsequently, Yue Mingkong ordered that he planned to go to that place to decorate it first.

Because according to the memory of previous lives, near the Baiheng Mountain Range is the place where the fairy was born. .