Chapter 149

In the depths of Immortal Ancient Continent, among a vast expanse of primitive mountain ranges, towering and tall sacred mountains stand tall, and there are endless mists and frosts, celestial light lingering, and sacred light rushing into the sky.

It can be seen that many tyrannical fluctuations of qi and blood appeared on the horizon, causing the mountains to rumbling and sending out earthquake-like fluctuations.

At this moment, there is a bleak scene here, and many people cannot help but mourn and mourn.

"Young Master Longteng was killed!"

"No one took back the corpse!"

A group of dragon creatures knelt down in front of an ancient palace, their complexions pale, without the slightest blood, and even their souls were shaking.

This was a terrible event that caused a sensation throughout the Xiangulong clan.

Longteng is the hope of this generation.

Many clan elders feel that Longteng possesses the resources of a true dragon, and in the future can hold the destiny, sweep everything, the world is invincible.

But now, Long Teng was actually killed!

This angered the entire Xiangulong clan, and many people in the clan were frightened,-it felt unbelievable.

Because it is as powerful as a dragon, how can it be killed by the same generation?

But the fact is like this.

If the person who killed Longteng had an ordinary identity, it would be good, but the other party was the young master of the immortal family from outside, and he was also the preacher of the Immortal Great Sect.

With this level of identity, the Xiangulong clan had absolutely nothing to do with each other.

If you really touch the bottom line,

At that time, they are definitely not only facing one or two orthodoxy, but many external forces.

It is estimated that the entire Immortal Ancient Continent will be turned upside down!

"This matter, if you can't bear it, you have to bear it! The dragon's skills are not as good as others, and it is defeated by the peers. My clan has no complaints!"

Inside the palace, a terrifying old man with dragon horns, his face was full of grief, and he said in a desperate manner.

"However, we must get his body after his death. This is our biggest step backward!"

If after the battle died, even the corpse could not be retrieved, this would be ashamed of the royal family for the Xiangulong clan.

After Long Teng's death, the spirit of the sky can hardly rest.

The most important thing is that the blood of the true dragon in Longteng's body must not be lost, and they can use this to create another heir!

"Three Elder, what if Young Master Gu doesn't agree?"

In the palace, someone couldn't help asking, worried that Gu Changge would not return Longteng's body.

"He will return it, if not."

"Then I will use the Dragon Emperor Order to unite with the rest of the races to clean up the younger generation of the outside world!

3. The grief on Elder's face disappeared, coldly said.

He didn't believe that Gu Changge could withstand this kind of oppression.

As soon as the Dragon Emperor's order was issued, the survivors of the entire Immortal Ancient Continent had to obey them.

Just in order not to touch that bottom line, all the young creatures in the Ancient Continent will unite at that time.

In this way, even if the outside world is angry, they can't find a reason to do it.

After all, before this, both parties had agreed, and the older generation were not allowed to interfere!

In his opinion, no matter how strong Gu Changge is, he will have to retreat in the face of pressure from a group of immortal survivors.

Their request is not excessive, they just return Long Teng's body.


at the same time.

Among the mountains and ruins, streams of light passed between the sky and the earth, passing by in the distance.

The many cultivators and creatures who saw this scene changed their faces and retreated everywhere.

For fear of accidentally bumping into this group of people.

The young man in the lead, I'm afraid no one doesn't know him now.

Long Teng, a leader who was as powerful as the ancient clan, was killed by him.

This incident caused a sensation in the ancient land of Immortals, which moved thousands of times.

To put it bluntly, there are no young creatures and young cultivators. After seeing Gu Changge, he doesn't detour.

"This is a true young taboo. His strength is boundless."

"When you see him in the future, you have to stay away.

On a mountain peak, there is a young Tianjiao who is sternly spreading this truth to his juniors and sisters.

"Brother, what's going on? He is not a young creature who killed the ancient clan, and shocked a group of ancient creatures. Why should we avoid him?

There was a relatively innocent and innocent girl who looked at the fairy-like young man far away, her face blushing, puzzled.

"Don't think of him as a good-looking person, you don't think he is a good person. You must know that the young supreme who died in his hands is not a lot!"

The senior said with a hateful expression on his face.

During this period of time, everywhere in the Ancient Immortal Continent where there was a divine light rushing into the sky, you could see Gu Changge's followers rushing away.

He himself does not show up.

No one dared to snatch it just for the followers to show up, and was stopped abruptly.

Some people do not believe in evil, but still want to take action to snatch the gods, but they are directly blown up on the spot.

This incident caused many young Tianjiao's backs to chill.

There are many opportunities on the ancient continent. If they are hit by Gu Changge, they have no choice but to avoid it.

So after encountering something good, I can only pray not to be bumped by Gu Changge.

After all, in terms of strength, Gu Changge can really do whatever he wants.

Not to mention the other young talents, even Gu Changge also grabbed the chance of Celestial Immortals' disciple.

Such robbery behavior makes many young Tianjiao daring not to speak.

And now, Gu Changge was chasing and killing someone, he didn't know that he had been spotted by the dragon clan in the depths of the Ancient Immortal Continent.

Of course, if he knew it, he wouldn't care, maybe he would chuckle slightly, what a coincidence.

Because he is also fighting the idea of ​​the immortal bereaved clan.

Among them, the dragon clan is his main goal, to be honest.

Because Gu Changge knows that in the future, the birth of a fairy will definitely alarm the older generation and even spread to many Taoist forces outside.

At that time, everyone will end up.

The immortal survivors are naturally impossible to be spared. The dragon family is definitely the most profound ethnic group.

"The figure that I spied in the dark at the beginning was chased all the way for so many days, but it didn't even show up, but it was still calm."

Gu Changge closed his eyes slightly.

He handed the body of Long Teng to Yue Mingkong, and the only witness was this person.

Since Dragon's blood is hidden in his body, his corpse is a hidden danger.

Gu Changge didn't know if the rest of the Xiangulong clan knew about this.

If they knew, then they would definitely find a way to snatch back Longteng's body.

After all, that drop of blood is equivalent to the blood of the ancestor. For the immortal people who value blood, the preciousness and importance are self-evident.

So it is very likely that he will become the target of the Xiangulong clan in the next period of time.

Xiangulong thought that Longteng's corpse was in his hands.

I didn't know that he had actually given the dragon corpse to Yue Mingkong.

The only witness is the one he is chasing now.

Gu Changge has already planned to write an article on this matter, and naturally this matter is not allowed to be exposed.

In addition, Long Teng was killed by him. If the Xiangulong clan knew that the dragon corpse was not in his hands by that time, then they would go to Yue Mingkong to trouble and implicate her.

What is this? I count myself as pitting Yuemingkong?

Gu Changge never considered doing this.

Although Yuemingkong occasionally pits him and secretly plans how to deal with him, but Yuemingkong does love him deeply.

Gu Changge is not ruthless in this point, he can feel it naturally.

That's why he was quite indulging in Yue Mingkong.

Now this hidden danger, Gu Changge is planning to solve it to ensure that Yuemingkong will not be implicated in it.

"Of course, you can't do this for nothing, you have to find a way to let Yue Mingkong know."

Gu Changge couldn't help smiling as he thought about it.

He is not going to be an "unsung hero".

Doing good deeds does not let people know, so what is the meaning of doing good deeds?

This kind of active protection of his own woman, he hopes Yuemingkong will know immediately, but you are absolutely touched.

"Well, why didn't you escape?"

Suddenly, Gu Changge's thoughts came back. He noticed that the breath in front of him stopped, and did not continue to go deep.

There are mountains nearby, but there is a relatively remote city in the middle.

The city is not very big, it can only hold a few hundred thousand people.

It's just that most of them are immortal creatures, and there are few outside cultivators.

The breath Gu Changge felt was hiding in the city.

At the moment, he did not hesitate at all, and hurried away with everyone behind him.

"After escaping for so many days, are you planning to find me for a showdown? Or is it that in the city ahead, waiting for my arrival, secretly set a trap?

"Or are you planning to mix in with the truth, cover your breath, and escape?"

Gu Changge squinted his eyes.

Being chased by him for so long, the strength to deal with is absolutely powerful, and it is impossible to be the younger generation.

But he didn't care at all.

The thing that the dragon corpse is not in his hands now cannot be exposed during this time.

"Seal the city in front of me."

"Any suspicious person who comes out will be caught or killed by me."

Gu Changge ordered the followers behind him.

After that, he took the lead in turning into a divine rainbow,

"Yes, master!"

Soon, a group of powerful creatures and cultivators surrounded the ancient city ahead.

The surging light of all colors appeared in all directions, intending to lock all the sky.

At the same time, in the city.

A middle-aged woman with golden wings was walking on the street at this moment and did not continue to flee.

She was frowning thinking, her face was very gloomy. .

"It stands to reason that Long Teng was killed, and the dragon clan was furious. I shouldn't have such a vague anxiety. After all, it's none of my business. Who is chasing me these days?"

She muttered to herself, always feeling that her heart was not at peace.

This is a terrifying intuition, and no one would dare to believe it.

So I have been fleeing, and didn't dare to stop at all.

After the battle between Mu Longteng and Gu Changge, she did not leave, but observed it in secret for a while.

She feels that the Dragon Clan is not so simple. Perhaps she can use this to please the Dragon Clan and improve her status in the clan.

On the ancient continent, the dragon clan is the absolute overlord and royal clan, dominating everything.

"By the way, it should be Gu Changge's young taboo from the outside world. He seemed to notice me at the time."

"If it was him, why did you chase me? Is it because I bet that he gave Long Teng's body to his fiancée?"

…For flowers…

Thinking of this, a golden-winged middle-aged woman suddenly flashed across her eyes.

"What is hidden in Long Teng's corpse? Why did it attract him to chase after him?"

"Or is it for other reasons?"

At this time, the anxiety in her heart was even more intense.

The complexion of the gold-winged middle-aged woman suddenly changed, and she felt several powerful auras coming from the horizon, knowing that it was the group of people who had been chasing her.

In this city, there are several young people of her clan, so she intends to inform the clan to come and support.

She had no idea that she would be chased by a young man.

But the opponent's strength was very strong, which made her feel palpitations. As a heavenly god realm, she was also in a daze, and she was not sure that she could win it.

"Auntie, why are you here?"

At this time, in front of a loft, several young creatures, including men and women, some of them recognized the golden-winged woman, and they couldn't help shouting in surprise.

"Xue'er, Yu'er, why are you all here?"

The gold-winged middle-aged woman frowned, and the figure hurriedly went to the pavilion. The faint anxiety in her heart became thicker.

At the same time, the gold-winged middle-aged woman took a look outside the city, but she was relieved without seeing anyone here.

Soon, several young creatures led her into the pavilion.

"Auntie San, I heard that you went to watch that battle this time, did Lord Long Teng really fall?"

On the way, a few young creatures, with a sad and unbelievable look, asked the gold-winged middle-aged woman.

Long Teng, the leader of the younger generation, fell in that battle, making them reluctant to accept and was deeply hit.

Many people do not believe it.

Upon hearing this, the gold-winged middle-aged woman frowned, "What are you asking for? And why are so many people gathering here?"


She noticed that there were many young creatures in the pavilion, all of whom belonged to the young generations of the ancient tribes.

"We are discussing how to avenge Lord Longteng and figure out how to kill the villain named Gu Changge.

Hearing this, a young woman stood up, with good facial features and a pretty long look. She also had a pair of wings behind her.

At this moment, when Gu Changge was mentioned, it was full of hatred and murderous intent.

She is an admirer of Longteng.

This time Long Teng was defeated and died, and his reputation was discredited, causing a big sensation among the various tribes of Xiangu.

Especially for those who admire Longteng very much on weekdays, they were hit harder.

In their hearts, Longteng is an undefeated myth.

Until now, there are still many people who do not want to believe this.

Nowadays, many people are gathering together in the pavilions, discussing this matter, many of them have not even seen Gu Changge, but it does not affect their hatred of Gu Changge.

Among the many young sages who went to the ancient continent from the outside world, they only remembered Gu Changge.

When the gold-winged middle-aged woman heard this, she inhaled slightly, although she also wanted to take down Gu Changge and play for the dragon clan.

But at the time, under the gaze of many people, she didn't dare at all.

And she thinks she owns the strength, and she probably can't do it.

"Don't talk about it, just keep talking about this. Gu Changge is very powerful and can't be solved by negotiation."

She shook her head and poured cold water on the younger generation.

"Impossible, Gu Changge must have used some tricks at the time, otherwise his strength is far inferior to Lord Longteng, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Lord Longteng."

Some young creatures didn't believe it, and their faces were blushing.

"The outsiders are so despicable. In my opinion, Gu Changge is nothing more than a despicable villain. I heard that he was the only one who succeeded in a sneak attack. If you fight dignifiedly with Lord Longteng, he will definitely die!"

The woman who spoke just now also said bitterly, not reconciled at all.

Hearing the words of the gold-winged middle-aged woman, she seemed to ignite explosives all at once.

All the young creatures in the attic yelled unwillingly with righteous indignation.

In words, I think Longteng is so great and invincible, but his opponent is a despicable villain who won by improper means.

Regarding these claims, the golden-winged middle-aged woman's face changed slightly and she felt helpless.

She was on the spot, naturally aware of these rumors, but the ancient tribes in order to discredit Gu Changge, to exalt Longteng.

At this time, she couldn't pour cold water anymore to hit them.

It is also a good thing to unite in this way and fight against external cultivators.

And we need a Gu Changge to serve as a vent for the younger generation of the ancient tribes.

So looking at the indignant and hateful expressions of the young creatures.

She also nodded and said, "What you heard is not wrong. I was there at the time. Lord Longteng was indeed very suffocated. His opponent is very despicable. They are all kinds of bad moves that can't get on the stage. Lord Longteng disdains the shot.

As she was talking, the gold-winged middle-aged woman was suddenly cold, as if she was being stared at by some terrifying existence.

At the entrance of the pavilion.

A young man dressed in a moon-white feather coat with his hands on his back, walked in unhurriedly, smiling confidently, "What are you talking about? It's so lively, it's better for me to listen."

The gold-winged middle-aged woman looked at him, her pupils shrunk, and a terrible chill appeared on her back.

The whole body is cold, like a falling ice cellar. superior,