Chapter 150

In the pavilion, the gold-winged middle-aged woman was shivering all over, and even her soul was trembling at this moment.

She didn't even dare to turn her head away, for fear that the young creatures behind her would instantly lose their blood-colored face.

Gu Changge!

How could he find own?

And when did he walk in? Why are so many immortal creatures outside not aware of it?

The gold-winged middle-aged woman was cold all over her body.

She comes from the Golden Crow family, and of course it is only a part of the Golden Crow bloodline that has disappeared, not the real Golden Crow.

Although the strength is only in the Celestial Realm, it can be regarded as the best among Realm.

Facing Gu Changge, she really only had heart palpitations and fear.

This young man is powerful and terrifying.

Especially just now, she was still carrying Gu Changge and saying something defaming him.

Gu Changge absolutely heard these words.

The gold-winged middle-aged woman was extremely desperate at this moment.

"Why don't you continue talking, I'm still curious?"

Gu Changge asked.

Then he found a place to sit down casually, with a faint smile on his face, as if he had returned to his own home.

There is nothing unnatural or embarrassed.

The young creatures in the pavilion are still a little confused at the moment.

They haven't reacted yet, why would they suddenly walk in a human race.

Most of them have only heard of Gu Changge's name, but no one has actually seen him in his true color.

Many people also speculate that Gu Changge is a person who purifies the ugly, and he does not even think of the young man with a grace and fairy appearance in front of him.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" At the moment, the woman with wings and a beautiful face frowned and asked with dissatisfaction.

She has never had a good impression of Humans.

For them who have always attached importance to the inheritance of blood, the human race is so despicable that it can't be compared with the ancient and noble them.

But with the opening of Immortal Ancient Continent, a large number of human races poured in, making them disgusted and disgusted to the extreme.

"I naturally walked in, the door was there, and no one stopped me." Gu Changge replied naturally.

After all, who can stop him who is walking through the void at will?

Unless the Holy Land exists to block the space.

But how many sacred realms can there be in such a small city like this "three eight seven"? Here he does whatever he wants.

I heard that no one intercepted Gu Changge, and many young creatures were still frowning, a little unbelieving.

This small gathering, if there is no invitation letter, it is impossible to come here.

But in a human race, where did the invitation letter come from, or the person at the door, dizzy?

"Gu" At this moment, the golden-winged middle-aged woman who reacted to her voice trembled slightly, and she was about to speak, but was interrupted by Gu Changge with a smile.

"I've been an old friend for so many days, so I don't need to say more about these things."

After chasing the gold-winged middle-aged woman for so many days, it is not wrong to say that she is an old friend.

Upon hearing this, she smiled at Gu Changge that was uglier than crying.

"My son, you are joking

Her back was full of chills, and she had a fear of facing a peerless beast, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

Gu Changge is absolutely capable and can kill all of them here.

At this moment, their lives were held in Gu Changge's hands, and she did not dare to tell the true identity of Gu Changge.

She doesn't know what Gu Changge's purpose is, but it's for sure if she isn't kind.

"Auntie, who is he?"

A young woman with the same golden wings asked, but she was also very dissatisfied, so she didn't directly open her mouth to push Gu Changge out.


The middle-aged woman smiled bitterly on her face, not knowing what to say at this time, her heart was full of fear.

Gu Changge didn't seem to see the expressions of these creatures hating him.

He poured himself a glass of wine, raised a glass to his mouth, and took a sip.

He couldn't help but exclaimed with a smile, "This wine is not bad, it contains many kinds of fairy fruits."

Hearing that, someone suddenly showed a look of contempt, "This is the wine that we only have on the ancient continent. Don't even want to drink it in the outside world. You can't see it if you want to see it."

Gu Changge nodded approvingly, "Yes, but it doesn't matter, I will drink it later."

Everyone could not understand the meaning of his words.

At this moment, for some reason, I felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

This young man had an aura that made them frightened.

"Who are you? What are you doing at our banquet?" someone couldn't help shouting.

They couldn't see the strength of Gu Changge, but they were about the same age, so they probably shouldn't be much better.

After all, the external cultivator is not as well-known as Cultivation Base.

Even Longteng-sama, at that time, was a big Realm bigger than his opponent. If it weren't for the opponent's despicable means, how could he be killed.

This is the eternal pain in their hearts.

For the strange man in front of him, they didn't have the slightest affection, and they couldn't wait to kill him directly.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What is important is what you said just now makes me very interested." Gu Changge smiled casually.

He glanced at everyone in front of him with interest.

This cat and mouse game is also really interesting.

At the same time, he glanced at the gold-winged middle-aged woman, with inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

That meant that the middle-aged woman understood it, and her complexion was even paler.

If you dare to tell me who I am, all of you here will die.

This is the meaning of Gu Changge.

She was trembling all over, and she couldn't restrain her fear.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?""

The woman who spoke just now noticed her anomaly and couldn't help asking.

Hearing that the middle-aged woman trembled in a hurry, shook her head and said, "I'm okay."

The young creatures present are not stupid either, they have clearly sensed the anomaly from here.

Why did this young man come in, the expert of the Golden Crow clan, was frightened?

"This is the territory of my various races in Xiangu, even if this person is arrogant, what would he dare to do?"

Some people are disdainful and think that even if the man in front of him is terrible, he still dare to make trouble on their turf?

"What are you talking about? We were just talking about that despicable guy named Gu Changge. We will kill him and avenge Lord Longteng!"

At the moment, a beautiful woman with feathers said bitterly, full of murderous intent and anger.

"He is the young arrogant of your human race. In a fair fight, he used the next three indiscriminate methods to kill Lord Longteng. We will remember this hatred!

The rest of the creatures are also talking.

At this moment, it seemed that all hatred was spread on Gu Changge, and everyone wanted to crusade him.

None of them noticed. Upon hearing this, the golden-winged middle-aged woman was shaking like chaff, her face turned away from them.

"Oh? Then what is Gu Changge's shameless method?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge did not change at all, but asked with interest.

He has no consciousness of being a great villain.

"Hmph, when the guy fought, he attacked first, and then threatened the creatures of my ancient immortal races and told Master Longteng not to resist, otherwise he would kill."

"Master Longteng did not resist in order to take care of the overall situation. Otherwise, with his small cultivator, how could he hurt Master Longteng?"

Upon hearing this, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, as if ignited with anger, extremely angry and murderous.

The whole building was filled with their anger and hatred at this time.

"Oh, so to speak, Gu Changge is really a despicable villain."

Hearing this, Gu Changge still toasted and drank, then nodded, with a look of approval.

Hearing what he said, everyone was suddenly a little stunned, thinking that he, as a human race, would justify this.

But I didn't expect to agree so.

They didn't know what to say for a while.

Some people even eased their attitude.

"It seems that Gu Changge is not a good product among the human race. I really don't know where it came from as a young taboo. He is not worthy of this statement!"

However, the woman with feathers was still bitterly honest, and she could hardly wish to smash Gu Changge's body into pieces and bones.

At this time, the gold-winged middle-aged woman was ashamed.

She felt that Gu Changge's breath had locked her, as long as she moved slightly, she would face a thunderous blow from Gu Changge.

So she didn't even dare to speak.

"However, I think you are still making a mistake."

Gu Changge smiled and spoke.

The expression on the face even made them feel like spring breeze.

"Which point is wrong?" Someone was taken aback for a moment, and then asked.

"Gu Changge is indeed shameless when he is humble, but he actually likes to kill innocent people most.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and replied.


With that said, he also asked the gold-winged middle-aged woman behind him.

The middle-aged woman was shocked when she heard the words. She quickly turned her head and squeezed out a smile.

"These rumors are actually false, but they were maliciously spread out and slandered. At that time, Long Teng had no resistance at all."

She continued to talk.

However, these words instantly widened the eyes of the young creatures in front of them, and they wondered if they had heard it wrong.

Someone even blushed and shouted, "What are you talking about? How could Lord Longteng be defeated head-on?"

How is this possible? It is simply a fantasy! It is impossible to happen!

"Long Teng was born invincible and is destined to push the world. He is the young leader of the ancient races! He cannot be defeated, especially in the hands of the human race!"

Many people yelled, feeling that their own faith has been insulted.

These words made the golden-winged middle-aged woman tremble uncontrollably.

She wanted to stop calling them, but it was too late.

"Yeah, what are you talking about? Gu Changge is nothing but a despicable villain. How can I be as strong as you say."

At this time, Gu Changge also stared at her and said.

The smile on his face is not diminished, and it is even more interesting.


These words immediately stunned the young creatures in front of them, and then dumbfounded.

Some people haven't even reacted yet.

The woman who hated Gu Changge so much and was angry was also stupid and sluggish. She stretched out her finger at him and was speechless for a while.

"What are you talking about?" She was so shocked that she couldn't believe it.

Did they hear me wrong?

This young man in front of me is Gu Changge?

After reacting, these creatures immediately opened their eyes wide, and their whole body was icy, froze in place, like a falling ice cellar.

Especially just now they actually cursed Gu Changge in front of Gu Changge?

Their scalp is numb, unbelievable.

"Didn't you just say that you want to kill me to avenge Longteng? Now I am right in front of you?"

Gu Changge said, with a cat-and-mouse look.

As the words fell, he waved his sleeves, and the whole building rumbling, as if a thick fog and frost, the rune flickered, as if being included in the world.

"Do not "

The winged woman who scolded him in front of him was horrified, horrified, and desperate.

The rest of the people reacted and knew that today's deadly battle was inevitable.

"what "

"Fight with him! Revenge for Lord Longteng!"


These young creatures were furious and frightened at the same time, and found that the world was sealed off.

Their only way is to kill Gu Changge in front of them, otherwise they can't escape at all!


All kinds of divine light emerged on them one after another.

Covering all directions, dim and fuzzy, some people offered Magical Item, and some tearing runes, some yelled, showing the strongest means, and wanted to rush out.

At this moment, they seemed to be soldiers who went to death generously, desperately fighting against the villain Gu Changge!

"Gu Changge, something is coming to me! You let them go!"

At this time, I have torn my face

The middle-aged woman didn't have the slightest worries, and she tremblingly stood in front of Gu Changge.

A strong breath began to rise from her body.

There is no doubt that the Cultivation Base of the Celestial Realm reveals that the terrifying and surging Celestial Law Body, like a Galaxy Cluster, is so vast that it is about to rush out of this pavilion and appear outside.

"Leave them, who will spare me?" Gu Changge smiled faintly.


Shenguang weighs billions!

As Gu Changge slapped it down, the sky was turned upside down, and the universe shattered, as if hundreds of millions of Stars fell down!


The gold-winged middle-aged woman coughed up blood suddenly, as if she was struck by lightning, she was slapped to the ground with a palm, her body exploded, and she didn't know how many bones were broken.

"How can you be so strong?"

She was full of despair and disbelief.

After all, she is a god, and she is so high on weekdays that she is so powerful that she can easily slaughter a city!

She knew that she might not be Gu Changge's opponent, but that should be after Gu Changge used many methods.

As a result, in front of Gu Changge, can't even hold a slap?

At this moment, her soul was trembling, desperate to the extreme.

It was not an accident that Long Teng would be killed by such a young taboo.

Desperately powerful!

Even the older generation may not be his opponent, who can compete with the younger generation?

"How can this be?

"What?! Even Sanyi is not his opponent?"

"Sanyi is a god realm! Did Lord Longteng really be killed by him head-on?"

Witnessing this scene with my own eyes, all the creatures were desperate, and the most powerful existence around them was almost wiped out by Gu Changge.

What do they do?

"It's a pity, I want to play with you for a while."

Gu Changge looked regretful, but there was not much regret in his words.


He shot quickly and didn't bother to waste time.

The big palm spanned the space in front of him, and instantly passed over, it was almost like splitting the universe.

This space has been sealed off, and the movement here will not be spread out.


The terrible breath emerged, turning into a huge grinding disc, enough to crush everything, so powerful that it made people tremble!

"Do not "

"I don't want to die!"

Accompanied by screams.

A series of blood mists collapsed, and no matter how the young creatures in front of them resisted, it was useless.

The gap is too big!

Except for one person who survived, the rest of the creatures were all destroyed here.

The surviving person was a frightened, pale woman with feathers on her body, looking at Gu Changge in horror.

"Don't kill me." She trembled in horror.

I never expected that everyone added up would not be as random as Gu Changge's casual palm. This person is simply too scary. They are absolutely impossible to be opponents.

Gu Changge looked at her and smiled faintly, "Don't worry, I won't kill you now.

"Why are you doing this?"

On the side, the gold-winged middle-aged woman was obviously desperate to the extreme.

I wanted to sacrifice her magical item, but as Gu Changge shot again, it burst directly into the void with a bang, turning it into ashes!

Slap in a palm!

Her face was pale and bloodless.

"You saw things you shouldn't. Can you blame me?"

Gu Changge smiled casually. After doing this, it was as simple as shooting a group of building ants to death.

"I can swear by Dao heart, I won't say anything, please spare my life!"

The gold-winged middle-aged woman was desperate, but she did not expect to incur such a disaster because of her thoughts at the time.

She couldn't help but knelt on the ground, wanting to ask for 3.7 Rao, wanting to survive.

No one wants to die.

"Compared to Dao heart swearing, I still believe in the dead." Gu Changge smiled faintly, not going to let her go.

He has always acted meticulously and will not leave the slightest hidden danger.

Then he shot and slapped the middle-aged woman to death with a single palm.

Finish these.

He did not choose to leave, but was waiting for an appropriate time.

After all, Gu Changge didn't plan to deal with this scene, otherwise he did such a "good thing", how can people know it?

The woman who was left alive by him was obviously almost frightened and stupefied. She even said before that she would kill Gu Changge to avenge her Lord Longteng.

But now he is almost incontinent on the spot.

"Speaking of which, at this time, someone should have noticed the anomaly here."

Gu Changge estimated the time, and then closed the formations caged nearby, suddenly a strong smell of blood wafted out.

And soon, many creatures on the street were aware of it for the first time.

"What a big smell of blood?"

"What happened?"

"What happened? How could there be such a big smell of blood?"

Someone was shocked and rushed to the direction where the breath came from.

"Damn it!"

-A powerful creature noticed the scene in the pavilion, and immediately became angry and rushed there.

Soon, they saw the sight there.

In the blood mist drifting away, a young man was slowly slapped to death a proud woman of the Feather race.

It seemed a little surprised to notice their arrival.

"Huh, someone noticed it?"

After all, the void in front of the young man's eyes became blurred, and he turned and stepped into it.

Behind him, a large group of powerful people from all ethnic groups rushed forward, but there was no time to stop them, their complexion turned blue, and they roared up to the sky.

"Damn it! Run to our site to kill people! It's just bullying!

They roared, hated and mad, and made amazing roars.

There are even their clansmen here!

This hatred must be avenged!

The most important thing is that they didn't even see who the young man was and what he looked like. .