Chapter 171

In the palace of Celestial Immortals, the big Elder's white robe fluttered, and many scenes appeared in his eyes, which looked like a fairy.

At this moment, he was standing on the top of the mountain, his gaze penetrated the layers of gray fog and saw many scenes in the Ancient Immortal Continent.

He already knew everything that happened in the ancient continent.

After understanding the cause and effect, he couldn't help but give birth to a chill.

"Gu Changge's method is to push all the immortal survivors on the road to death. It is really mutual poison. The old man still underestimated him."

Elder said with complicated eyes.

Beside him, stood an old man of medium build.

The old man was dressed in dirty clothes, his face looked very ordinary and dark, even like a mortal farmer, with big yellow teeth.

A rusty kitchen knife was pinned to the waist of the old man, and a few holes were broken.

It's mediocre, without any characteristics.

But what is shocking is that such an old farmer-like person, standing side by side with the most noble Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace, still looks like a familiar conversation.

Hearing what Elder said, the old farmer couldn't help but grinned and said, "After all, it's Qilin son of my Gu family. What's so surprising about this trick?"

"Gu Changge is a junior, although the old man has not seen him, but during this period of time, he has heard a lot of things about him in the clan."

"It's not surprising to do such a thing."

Having said that, the look on his face is a bit intriguing.

"Brother Dao has made this decision?" Elder was silent for a moment, then stared into the eyes of the old slave and asked.

"There is nothing indecisive. Now my clan young master has been bullied in the ancient Continent, and almost killed. The old man wants to go in, shouldn't it be right? Or, do you want to stop me like this? "

The old farmer smiled, grinning with big yellow teeth, but there was a sense of "If you dare to stop me, then I will do it."

The strength of the Changsheng Gu family is well-known throughout the upper world.

Elder smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "Brother Dao, don't you understand this? Or you did it deliberately. This matter is obviously Gu Changge's calculation of the entire immortal ancient race.

"I don't care, my Young Master Gu's experience in the Ancient Continent, unexpectedly encountered the race holding a holy weapon assaulted and killed. This incident has aroused my clan's anger, and it is not bad that the Ancient Continent has not been lifted."

The old farmer smiled and said, "The rest of the traditions and forces have strong people who have come to it. Why are you stopping me? Do you have an opinion on my longevity Gu family?"

Dachang 24 is silent, he is not easy to answer these words.

Have an opinion on the Changsheng Gu family?

Who knows what zombies and ghosts will emerge from the Changsheng Gu family.

"Are you going to stop me?" the old farmer still smiled and asked.

Big Elder frowned.

If he said yes, the old farmer-like ancestor of the Gu family in front of him would definitely act on him immediately.

He has no doubt about this.

Although he is not afraid, there are a lot of things in Xiangu Continent, and there are many Daoist sects that have descended.

Once he fights against this old peasant, it is bound to give the rest of the orthodox forces a chance.

Back then, he made an agreement with others that if the ethnic groups in the ancient continent cannot escape from the world, he needs to provide a certain amount of shelter.

This agreement has continued to the present.

But now Gu Changge's action has given many outsiders a chance to intervene in it, making Elder a little caught off guard.

Putting Gu Changge in is a complete evil!

"Brother Dao, with your strength, are you planning to lift off the various races of Xiangu?"

After a while, Elder asked in a deep voice, looking more cautious.

"And, if I remember well, you are not the ancestor of Gu Changge's line, but Xian'er's line."

With that, a different color flashed in Big Elder's eyes.

He knew about Gu Changge's digging of bones, and he must have known the Gu family ancestor in front of him.

The ancestor of the Gu family hasn't regained consciousness over the years.

I have recently felt that when he walked out of his own clan, his line of status in Gu's family is much lower than before.

How could this matter not attract his attention?

What happened to Gu's family back then, as long as you ask, no one dared to hide it from him.

Therefore, his purpose in coming to Immortal Ancient Continent is definitely not to help Gu Changge and seek justice for him.

In Elder's opinion, the ancestor of the Gu family in front of him is likely to protect Gu Xian'er, worrying that Gu Xian'er will suffer from Gu Changge's poisonous hand.


Now Gu Changge is the heir of the Tao Celestial Immortals, at least in the journey of experience, representing the face of the Tao Celestial Immortals.

Even if he has no affection for the guy Gu Changge, he still has to find a way to delay him at this time.

"Gu Changge is the young master of my Gu family. You are too worried, how could the old man attack him? The same-ethnic cannibalism is totally forbidden in my Gu family."

Hearing that, the old farmer still smiled, as if he didn't care about it the same.

But there was still a flash of light in his eyes.

The big Elder's face remained unchanged, and he knew what he meant.

Isn't this the matter of the same race that Gu Changge started with Gu Xian'er?

This already means it's obvious.

Obviously, the ancestor of the Gu family said that he didn't care, but in fact he was still dissatisfied with this matter.

Only with his guarantee, Elder also feels relieved.

Gu Changge shouldn't be dangerous.

But if it loses a layer of skin, it is estimated that it will not run away.

Having said that, Big Elder's eyes were slightly narrow, and then he also chose a compromise.

"This time the old man will accompany Brother Dao on a trip."

The old farmer-like ancestor of the Gu family didn't seem surprised when he heard this, but he smiled meaningfully and said, "It looks like Brother Dao is better than my Gu family. Does he care about Gu Changge?"

Elder snorted coldly, "No matter what, that guy is also the heir of my Celestial Immortals Palace, and the next palace lord's choice is my disciple of Celestial Immortals Palace."

For him, who has always been upright, principles are more important.

Gu Changge hates and hates him, but after all, he is just a Junior who plays tricks and likes to irritate people.

In addition, he actually has a lot of appreciation for Gu Changge.

"Ha ha

The old farmer gave a noncommittal smile, then waved his tattered sleeves.

Elder's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the void behind the old peasant, a powerful coercion suddenly appeared, and then a vague passage appeared, which seemed to penetrate the Universe and Xingyu.


An incomparably bright light penetrated through the door.

Immediately afterwards, there were waves of fairy sounds spreading, and a strong fairy aura permeated, as if in another world.

A Divine Armament rode out an ancient pure-blooded fierce beast, with a murderous intent that shook the sky, and had a cold breath.

Everyone is a battle armor with dazzling celestial light, seeming to have experienced countless wars, and the light in his eyes is like a heavenly sword, making the void turbulent.

There is no doubt.

This is an invincible team of the Changsheng Gu family.

The moment they appeared, it was as if thousands of troops were rushing from all over the world, and the world was full of terrible sounds of wind and thunder.

So much so that the rest of the Daoist forces that were coming to the Ancient Immortal Continent were all startled.

"Even this kind of team was dispatched. It seems that the Changsheng Gu family attaches great importance to this matter to this extent. Elder could not help but be stunned, a little shocked.

In this team, everyone's strength is in the Divine King Realm!

And it is clear that he is still indestructible, and he is indestructible.

"This is not sent by the old man, but Gu Changge is here at the order of the young master."

"This time, they don't listen to the old man's orders.

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Gu family, an old farmer, shook his head and said.

Gu Changge is coming?

What does he want to do?

At this moment, Elder was even more stunned, completely unable to figure out Gu Changge's intentions.

"Brother Dao, let's go." Immediately, the old slave took the lead, and in one step, the thick fog and frost that enveloped the ancient Continent was gone.

With this tyrannical and terrifying team.

Elder sighed slightly and followed.

All ethnic groups in the ancient continent, this time he was afraid that I would not be able to protect them.

And now things like this are still happening all over the Celestial Immortals Palace.


At every moment, one can see warships descending in the sky.

Wuliangtian rushed to the place with many Taoist masters.

After Gu Changge's calculations, this cup of Xiangu continent has attracted countless people.

There are justified excuses.

Before, it was hidden, relying on the younger generation under the guise.

Now they all came directly with the strong, and it can be said that they have torn through the skin.

Xiangu Continent, the land of the Heitianying clan.

After searching this place completely, Gu Changge left with some satisfaction.

He did not let the Black Skyhawks spread any news about him.

This matter is very important. At least until his plan is completed, Gu Changge will not allow the Black Sky Eagles to have a relationship with him.

This is a small arrangement of his, and soon, it can play a very deadly effect.

After all, the Black Sky Eagle Clan is still a top power among the entire Immortal Ancient Clan.

So he controlled it effortlessly.

At a critical moment, counterattack in secret will definitely cause great harm to the rest of the ethnic groups.

"Ye Ling's matter has been processed, and the next thing is mine. The immortal spirit's birth must be in these few days, so I have to find where Yue Mingkong is hiding."

After Gu Changge returned to the palace, he sent his followers to find the exact location of Yuemingkong.

He didn't know when the fairy would be born, or where he would be born.

But for him, it was enough to find Yuemingkong.

As a rebirth, Yue Mingkong absolutely knows his ultimate goal, so according to her character, she will definitely find a way to snatch and block her.

During this time, Yuemingkong just disappeared.

Gu Changge smiled a little at the corner of his mouth, no need to think that she must have gone to find where the fairy was.

At this time, Gu Changge didn't feel guilty about using his fiancee as a treasure hunter.

Of course, after Yue Mingkong knew it, he would definitely be so angry that he couldn't help but want to kill.

She was already avoiding Gu Changge very carefully, not intending to attract his attention.

But she had no idea that all her behaviors were actually in Gu Changge's expectations.

And soon, the followers sent by Gu Changge also came back with news about Yuemingkong.

It is estimated that Yue Mingkong himself did not expect that Gu Changge had actually planted him around her.

Wisdom is like Gu Changge, and one step is ten steps.

What's more, he has always known that Yue Mingkong is a rebirth, how could he not make ideas on her.

Gu Changge is even more unlikely to miss such an opportunity.

When he knew that Yue Mingkong was also coming to Immortal Ancient Continent, he made this preparation.

"Hundred Hundred Mountains?"

In the palace, he was pacing with his hands in his hand, and the message of this mountain range appeared in his mind.

Since Yuemingkong is there, it is very likely that the immortal gate will manifest there.

The place where the fairy was finally born is determined in this way.

"If there is no Yuemingkong, I want to know where the fairy was born, I am afraid that I will have to wait for it to emerge. So, Yuemingkong, this guy, is really my lucky star, walk all the way and solve it for me. How much trouble has been lost, so much effort has been saved"

Thinking of this, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile with interest.

actually is not he really wants to calculate the moonlight sky.

It's just that some things have become a habit.

Afterwards, Gu Changge squinted his eyes to prevent Yue Mingkong from doubting him.

He had better think of an excuse to create a situation where he happened to meet her in the Baiheng Mountains.

"Come on!"

He called.

At this time, the puppets Gu Changge got from Samsara Gu Tianzun can come in handy.

Soon, several divine rainbows rose into the sky from within this relic.

"Uncle Clan!

At the same time, in a vast mountain range.

A group of young Tianjiao, headed by Ye Langtian and Ye Liuli, were waiting here with respectful expressions.

A rumbling voice came from the void.

Cars and warships rolled across the sky and came here.

Standing on it stood a proud middle-aged man with bright eyes, and Cultivation Base had already reached the Quasi-Holy Realm.

Behind him are a group of powerful Ye clan members from Cultivation Base.

The middle-aged man's name is Ye Miao, he is the uncle of the Ye Langtian clan.

At the same time, after receiving their news, they came to support from the outside world to seek justice for Ye Langtian and others.

This represents the attitude of the ancient immortals.

"This matter is already known to the clan. The Ancient Immortal Continent will become a place for all parties to play in the next time. No one will be spared."

Ye Miao nodded, scanned the Ye Clan Tianjiao in front of him, and said with a smile.

"So our next experience is over, right?" Ye Langtian asked.

"Yes, your safety will be protected by us. The ancient immortals deceive people too much and don't put us in their eyes. Today is the time to let them know the power of the ancient immortals." Ye Miao said with a flash of eyes.

This is also the ethical attitude of all parties outside, no matter what, we must first ensure the safety of all ethnic groups and religions.

Life and death are a matter of life and death during the experience, and the Tianjiao of all races died in the midst, they have nothing to say.

But under the slaughter deliberately stepped on the bottom line by the various tribes of Xiangu, the meaning is different.

"Uncle Clan, this time, the various races of Xiangu are actually aimed at Young Master Gu. We people are actually good to say, they don't dare to be too presumptuous.

Ye 397 Liuli also spoke at this moment, with anger on her pretty and white face.

Gu Changge fighting against the inheritors of magic arts is a great virtue for all living beings.

The Yu human race's methods were too shameless, which aroused public outrage.

In her opinion, Gu Changge did this for the sake of the world.

This made her, who had been bullied by Gu Changge several times, couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

He has no good feelings about the Feather Clan.

Hearing that, Ye Miao flashed a different color in his eyes instead, and shook his head, "If this matter was not calculated by Gu Changge, I am afraid we can't find an excuse to intervene in this matter. You underestimate the terribleness of that guy too much."

"And you don't have to worry about Gu Changge's safety. The Changsheng Gu family reacted very quickly to this matter. It is said to be very angry. They have sent a very powerful force to support. The Yu people are afraid that they will suffer this time.

His words shocked Ye Langtian, Ye Liuli and others.

In their opinion, what Gu Changge did was forced to be helpless, and never expected to go to such a deep place.

"Brother Gu's method is breathtaking."

Ye Langtian also reacted at this time, a strong sense of frustration arose.

The Cultivation Base is far inferior to Gu Changge, but in terms of means and calculations, it was even rubbed against the ground.

If there was no reminder from the clan uncle, he probably wouldn't have reacted to this.

"Thanks to Gu Changge's blessing, we Ye Clan can also get a share of this pie," Ye Miao said, looking cold.

He looked into the depths of the Ancient Immortal Continent, where all the powerful clans gathered, and soon the most terrifying battle would erupt in that place.

The water in Xiangu Continent is already muddy.

Similar scenes like this are still being staged in other places.

The Golden-winged Great Peng tribe, the Undead Lake, the King of Longevity and many other supreme great religions and orthodoxy are all discussing because of this matter.

And outside of Xiangu Continent, among the ancient bronze warships, ancient flying boats and magic mountains, they were rumbling down.

In it, a figure with a strong devilish energy stood up, and a majestic spirit swept away, like a vast Wang Yang, shrouded for thousands of miles.

"The Demon Cult of the Beginning!"

"How come this cruel stubble is here to join in the fun." Many cultivators were shocked, their complexions were a little pale, and they were very frightened, so they quickly retreated.

In the early days of the magic sect, it was called by many cultivators and orthodoxy.

Although the Demon Cult of the Early Beginning claims to be the cult of the First Beginning of God, it has always acted hard and strong, and the most important thing is that it is very short-sighted.

Always uphold the purpose of killing me by others and destroying the whole family.

This also led to the fact that no one in the early Demon Cult dared to provoke easily.

This is a group of cruel and powerful lunatics.

"The matriarchal force behind the young master of the Gu family seems to be the Demon Cult of the Beginning

Said Celestial Immortals outside the palace, someone's voice trembled slightly, saying so, and reacted.

In fact, everyone in the outside world has always been aware of what happened in Xiangu Continent.

Because there is a specific way, it can be passed out.

During this period of time, the "deception" of all ethnic groups in Xiangu naturally made a lot of noise.

"Thinking about it this way, this ancient immortal race is so miserable."

"It's not good to offend anyone, but offend Young Master Gu."

For a time, many cultivators shuddered, and suddenly felt a little sympathy for the ancient tribes.

According to the usual behavior style of the Demon Sect in the early days, this time Xiangu Continent will definitely be turned upside down. .