Chapter 172

The Baiheng Mountains are vast and vast, with various ancient trees and vines growing, which are extremely old.

The peaks here are endless, and the Spiritual Qi is like a tide, and it looks extremely lush.

At this moment, in the depths of this hidden relic, in front of an ancient stone gate, a graceful and noble figure sits cross-legged.

The fairy rain wine fell, through this stone gate, faintly revealing brilliance.

This figure is dressed in a wide plain white jade robes with Star Guhai dotted on it. It looks very ethereal and lofty, with a deep and calm breath, and super dusty and refined.

Three thousand green silks fluttered, with a face like an immortal, and one fairy rune in the eyes of a shining jade.

It is the moonlight sky.

She has been practicing here for almost a month.

With her current means, it is still difficult to open this door.

But I went to Gu Changge for help, and I was afraid that Gu Changge would be unkind and cheat her in secret.

So in the end, Yue Mingkong chose to break such a path here.

Not to mention, perhaps it was the ill-fated relationship that made her obtain a mysterious fairy tale scripture from this portal.

"This immortal scripture can help me achieve Houtian flawless true immortal body."

As Yuemingkong muttered to himself, there was a hazy light and rain, filled with a fairy intent, from the crack of the door.

These fairy rains contain the fairy rune, which is being refined into the body by her.

Fairy bones, but so.

The temperament of the whole person has even become indifferent to the fireworks in the world, and everything in the world will be dimmed in front of her.

But soon, Yuemingkong felt something.

She frowned.

Then she stood up and restored her former temperament, like a high emperor, strong and confident, indifferent but in control of everything.

"Someone touched the formation pattern I arranged here. Restrictions

With that, she turned into a rainbow soaring into the sky, and then left and came into the sky.

At the same time, many subordinates and followers hiding everywhere also appeared.

During this time, with her own powerful strength, she controlled the life and death of many people and made them surrender to her.

There are even many immortal creatures among them.

Yuemingkong also has a secret method to control others. In order to target Gu Changge's magic swallowing magic skills, she searched a lot of classics.

From those classics, I got a God-controlling tactic.

Most of the people around her are her confidantes, who can control their life and death with a single thought, but they are not afraid of their betrayal.

"Within three thousand miles of the Baiheng Mountain Range, every inch of void has been arranged by me."

"This fluctuation just now can't be wrong. There are several powerful auras coming here."

Yue Mingkong appeared on the top of the mountain, with cold eyes and terrifying fluctuations in her palms.

Watching the direction of the wave just now.

Faintly, something bad happened in Yuemingkong's heart.

In fact, the person she worries the most is Gu Changge.

Except Gu Changge, no one knows about the fact that the fairy is about to be born.

She doesn't know where Gu Changge learned the news.

In her mind, Gu Changge is almost omnipotent and has almost countless methods.

She was never the only one who couldn't think of it, and there was nothing Gu Changge couldn't do.

Including this time calculating the entire Xiangu ethnic group and dragging them into the water.

She couldn't think of this method anyway.

Poor as that Ye Ling, who is dead and still giving Gu Changge back.

There is no need to say more about these kinds of things.

Therefore, Yue Mingkong is very worried now that Gu Changge actually knows that there will be a fairy born in the Baiheng Mountains.

When Gu Changge came here, how did she explain what she did?

Perhaps because of the fairy, Gu Changge would doubt her again.

The relationship between the two of them finally eased and got a lot closer, and it is likely to drop to the freezing point again.

At this time, when various thoughts flashed in Yuemingkong's heart.


In the distant sky, suddenly many divine rainbows came in this direction.

The headed young man, with wide-sleeved feather robes, abundance of gods like jade, and no legend of pure handsomeness, seemed to be transcendent, like a young banished immortal walking in the world.

Isn't it the Gu Changge that she doesn't want to see the most, who is it?

"He really came .."

At this moment, the indifference on Yue Mingkong's face suddenly froze.

The worst possibility she envisioned, this time actually became a reality.

Gu Changge not only came, but also brought a large number of followers, even Yin Mei's fox Meizi.

This makes Yuemingkong even worse.

In the cold eyes, the expression is even more cold like an eternal iceberg, with a forcing chill and murderous aura.

The chill was not aimed at Gu Changge, but at Yin Mei, who was in a red dress and nine foxtails swaying in the virtual space behind Gu Changge.

"Emperor Chu!


At this time, the followers and servants of Yuemingkong also looked at Yuemingkong with embarrassed expressions.

After all, it turned out to be Gu Changge.

For Yuemingkong, isn't it the flood that washed the Dragon King Temple?

The two are unmarried couples.

"Stop him for me." Yue Mingkong ordered coldly.

A dazzling brilliance emerged by her body, and a palm-sized silver moon print rose and fell, exuding astonishing pressure.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to face Gu Changge, but now she couldn't bear it at all.

Yin Mei played a big show with Gu Changge.

This is enough to illustrate the relationship between Yin Mei and Gu Changge.

"this "

Hearing this order, all the followers looked at each other, a little helpless.

But Yue Mingkong's order, they could not disobey.

He rushed towards Gu Changge, who was flying here, to stop them.

"Oh? Mingkong is also here? It's a coincidence."

At this time, Gu Changge also noticed Yue Mingkong's expression, slightly surprised.

As soon as he pressed his hand, everyone behind him stopped.

"Young Master Changge, this matter was ordered by the emperor, we."

The followers of Yuemingkong couldn't help but bite the bullet and said.

Go to Gu Changge?

Unless they are looking for death.

During this time, no one knows the strength of Gu Changge, and the younger generation can no longer find any opponents.

And speaking of it, this is my own.

Yue Mingkong probably didn't know why, and was awkward.

The private affairs of the two of them, they are caught in the middle, it is really difficult to handle!

"It's okay, I guess I'm angry again." Gu Changge indifferently filled his hands, asking honestly in his heart.

Yue Mingkong looked at Gu Changge coldly, and did not speak when he heard what he said.

He still knows that he is annoyed?

Gu Changge didn't know why she was angry, and asked with a faint smile, "What's the matter with Mingkong? Isn't it happy to see her husband?

Yue Mingkong glanced at Yin Mei and asked, "Why are you here?"

Yin Mei noticed Yuemingkong's expression, and she was slightly stunned.

I have always heard of this future female emperor, the proud girl of heaven.

The kind of power seen today is indeed amazing.

Generally, the cultivator may lower his head subconsciously in front of her.

It's just that Yin Mei didn't care about it.

She could perceive Yue Mingkong's hostility and killing intent towards her.

This future empress, just saw her for the first time, wanted to kill herself?

It seems that Yue Mingkong already knows the relationship between her and Gu Changge.

Moreover, Yue Mingkong probably knew that Gu Changge was responsible for swallowing immortals.

It seems that the relationship between Yuemingkong and Gu Changge should be complicated.

This makes Yin Mei a little envious.

Anyway, she never dared to treat Gu Changge like Yue Mingkong.

From Gu Changge's words, she even heard a little bit of petting.

Gu Changge, who has always been indifferent and unfeeling, would show this emotion, which made her wonder if she was wrong.

How lucky is this woman?

But she also suspects that this is what Gu Changge deliberately pretended.

But regardless of the possibility, Yin Mei believed that Gu Changge would not let Yuemingkong kill her.

"I'm still curious. Why are you here too, it seems that it has been arranged for a while."

Hearing Yuemingkong's question, Gu Changge couldn't help but smiled and asked.

It's just that when I was talking, my eyes suddenly joined together, seeming to be a little interested.

Regarding this question, I look like I really want to explore it.

Upon seeing this, Yuemingkong's heart shuddered. Gu Changge might have known that the fairy would be born here.

That's why he was surprised and curious that he would appear here.

According to Gu Changge's character, this matter will definitely arouse his suspicion.

Yue Mingkong also knew that this time was not the time to care too much about Yin Mei.

"My purpose is the same as yours." She said coldly, bluntly pointing out Gu Changge's intentions.

"Oh, is it so?"

"That's just right."

Gu Changge smiled, but didn't care about it.

Nor does it doubt that Yuemingkong's words are general.

Then he stepped straight forward, and suddenly came to Yuemingkong in the void.

"Gu Changge, you?"

The moonlight sky was slightly taken aback.

I just don't believe that Gu Changge will act on her because of this at this time.

Those twinkling jewel-like eyes stared at him quietly, calm and moving.

"My husband was injured some time ago, and I didn't see you to visit me, which made me a little sad."

Gu Changge said, and then his expression naturally took hold of her softness.

Slim and flawless, like the best fairy jade, with warmth and coolness.

Just the tone, with a slight regret.

This scene made all the followers retreat wittily, leaving this place for two people.

Yin Mei was envious of this, and then retreated to other places.

"You" Yue Mingkong didn't expect Gu Changge to do this suddenly in front of everyone.

She buzzed her head and didn't respond for a while.

But soon, I remembered that when he was in Gu's Great Hall, he did this in front of both parents.

Yue Mingkong quickly calmed down.

This is Gu Changge's consistent method, how can she be upset because of this?

~ With your strength, how can you be injured and deceive others, but you can't deceive me. "Yue Mingkong replied like this.

She didn't lie.

This is what she really thinks.

Gu Changge shook his head and sighed, "It should be something to be happy to hear you praise me so much, but why can't I be happy?"

Yue Mingkong will not be moved by his nonsense now.

"If I speak with my conscience, would you be happy?" she asked back, feeling sour in her heart.

When did Gu Changge get involved with Yin Mei?

She didn't know about it in the previous life.

I just don't know how to ask Gu Changge.

"Happy, why not, after all, you are my lucky star.

Gu Changge smiled and said something meaningful.

Yue Mingkong looked at him with doubts in her cold eyes.

Why does he always feel that his smile is a little bit ill-intentioned.

"Ye Ling has been killed by you, right?"

She asked suddenly.

"I killed him for you, shouldn't it be a problem?"

Gu Changge did not deny it, saying that his gaze had fallen to the hidden ruins below.

"What does it mean to kill him for me? It's obviously your idea of ​​inheriting Ye Ling."

Yue Mingkong has always learned about Gu Changge's shamelessness, but at this time it is also itchy.

Hearing this, he robbed own prey, so he still has to thank him for a meal?

"You can't say that. Without you, how could I have started against Ye Ling?"

"Speaking of which you are the culprit, don't blame me for everything.

Gu Changge said casually, then he changed his hand and put his hat on her head.

Rao Shi Yue Mingkong has always been cold and gentle, and his teeth are itchy at this time.

If it weren't for Gu Changge, she would probably smash his jade fist in the face.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

"How could my husband forget that benefit of you? This is part of the Samsara Tianzun inheritance from Ye Ling, and the rest is gone." (Hao Nuo Zhao)

Gu Changge smiled, while talking, the enlightening futon made of black and white rattan, intertwined with rich Taoism, appeared in his hands.

The amazing Samsara rune flashed above, faintly and vaguely.

In a trance, the truth of enlightenment pervades.

Food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it.

For Gu Changge, there is no use for this thing. After all, he doesn't need Closed Door Training to enlighten.

Just use it on Yuemingkong.

She should use it too.

It can be regarded as bullying her for so long and giving her a little compensation. After all, Gu Xian'er gave him ten Divine Armaments.

"Enlightenment futon?"

Yue Mingkong was naturally aware of the goods and recognized this futon, and her crystal clear and moving eyes were even more puzzled.

This kind of good thing will covet even the existence of the Holy Realm.

It even mixed with the breath of Samsara, which is even more precious.

Is Gu Changge really willing to give it to her?

But after another thought, she had already refined the colorful real dragon blood in Longteng's corpse last time.

At that time, Gu Changge not only gave her that drop of colorful real dragon blood.

She was also worried that she would be chased and killed by the dragons and retaliated, so she deliberately solved the eyewitnesses at the time and gave her back.

Yue Mingkong actually knew about this matter.

Now, don't even hesitate to give this precious thing like Wudao futon to her?

What is Gu Changge's intention?

Suddenly she felt as if she had really blamed Gu Changge all the time.

Is he actually not as bad to himself as he thought?

"Gu Changge, why do you treat me so well now?"

Yue Mingkong looked into Gu Changge's eyes and asked aloud.

The voice was faint, and it was much softer than before.

At this time, Gu Changge's system prompt sounded again.

"Ding, the girl of air luck, Yue Mingkong, reflects on the change of her own attitude, adds two thousand air points, and ten thousand destiny points.".