Chapter 179

After all, Gu Xian'er is the daughter of luck, and she also shoulders two powerful protagonist templates. Whether it is the peach tree in Taocun or the group of peak powerhouses behind her, they are not fuel-efficient lamps.

And from the very beginning, Gu Changge didn't intend to kill Gu Xian'er. With this purpose, he arranged a lot of methods.

Now, under his "successful temptation", this simple girl has fallen into the hands of his magic claws, and it will probably not be long before he finds that he is working hard.

So Gu Changge is very sure, it is impossible for Gu Xian'er to kill him now.

At most, he jumped his feet with anger and wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate and get back the losses he had suffered.

Gu Changge didn't care about this tickling method of revenge. He changed hands and suppressed the girl.

After all, from the attitude of the ancestor to Gu Xian'er, Gu Changge also knew that he was absolutely guilty of Gu Xian'er, and many things would depend on Gu Xian'er.

The purpose of Gu Changge is actually very simple.

Gu Nanshan, as the ancestor of Gu Xian'er's line, is definitely not willing to watch his line decay~ retreat.

What's more, what Gu Changge is doing now is no problem in terms of the interests of the whole family, and it will even get the praise of many clan elders.

As for the reason?

You must know that after Gu Changge strongly inserted a piece of cake the size of the entire Xiangu Continent, Gu's family naturally ate the largest piece.

Compared with the rest of the younger generation, Gu Changge's strategizing was enough to make them amazed. At the same time, he understood that Gu's family was in his hands and would not just go downhill as they thought.

On the contrary, in the hands of Gu Changge, it will carry forward and become more brilliant.

With this prerequisite, even if Gu Nanshan wanted to teach him, he would have to find a place where there was no one.

Gu Xian'er's identity is actually very embarrassing now. As Little Princess of the Changsheng Gu family, no one dared to admit her identity for fear of offending Gu Changge and the line behind him.

Gu Changge's current status and status in the Gu family is almost as high as the sky. Those tribesmen who want to vindicate Gu Xian'er even dare not speak, and are very afraid of Gu Changge.

The seven princesses who added the Shanghai Palace were finally killed by Gu Xian'er.

This matter deserves Gu Changge's hands and feet.

"It just so happens that the Xiangulong clan, this most difficult bone to gnaw, is still a bit tricky."

"This is a wonderful opportunity.

Gu Changge squinted his eyes.


Soon, many majestic auras descended from the Immortal Continent, leaving from it, shaking the sky, attracting the eyes of many Elders and disciples of the Celestial Immortals Palace.

An ancient and huge copper ancient warship, exuding an ancient and tyrannical atmosphere, stayed on the supreme peak horizontally.

"Meet Young Master!"

Many strong men of the religious religion from the beginning, with respectful expressions, gathered here.

Gu Changge's forehead slightly, let them reorganize and rest on the supreme peak.

The other powerful masters stationed in the gate of Celestial Immortals Palace.

This kind of thing can even be tried as a provocation.

But now in the Celestial Immortals Palace, no one dared to say a word.

Gu Changge's power has reached an unprecedented peak.

"How are things going?" Gu Changge asked.

"Young Master Qiqi, now the remnants of the Yuren clan scattered all over, have been resolved." A group of strong spiritualists from the beginning replied respectfully.

They got the order, rushed to Wuliangtian, obeyed Gu Changge's dispatch, and cleared the obstacles in Immortal Ancient Continent for him.

The Yu people bear the brunt, but after the fall of the clan, there are still many people scattered outside.

"very good.

Gu Changge nodded and said with satisfaction, adhering to the purpose of cutting the grass to remove the roots, naturally did not intend to let them go.

But now, he has deterred the entire Immortal Ancient Continent, naturally, there is no need for the powerful group of Gods to show up at any time, causing unnecessary trouble.

Stationed at the Supreme Peak, you can also listen to him at any time.

At the time when the powerhouses of God Sect returned in the early days, there was a mighty rushing sound from the other sky, like a thousand horses, rushing through the sky and the earth.

A terrifying fairy army also returned to the Supreme Peak.

"Thanks." Looking at them, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile.

"I don't want to be pointed, I'll wait for the edge…"

"Waiting for the day when the young master really takes over the Gu family, I am willing to open up new frontiers for the Gu family for generations, and go through all fire and water.

The mighty fairy light in the sky was filling, Gu's Xianjiawei, with a huge voice echoing, finished speaking.

Then the murderous spirit shook the sky, rushed into a channel, and disappeared.

The terrifying murderous aura even remained in the air, causing the disciples among the peaks to be astonished.

Gu Changge stood on the top of the mountain, watching them leave with a strange expression on his face.

This is an invincible sharp weapon.

It's a pity that it hasn't been the day when he can fully control and command Xianjiawei.

On weekdays, they all cultivate in the rest of the world.

Only by getting the call of the family, will the space channel break open and come.

This time, he obeyed Gu Changge's instructions and came to conquer the Yuren clan and slay the forces that disrespect the Changsheng Gu family.

After the task is completed, they will leave.

Unless Gu Changge becomes the real Patriarch, he is qualified to truly control this terrifying and sharp force.

This time, it can be said that it is completely an exception.

After all, there are other Taoist traditions and Dajiao who are all staring at the cake of the Ancient Immortal Continent. The Changsheng Gu family crusades against the Yuren clan, the teacher is famous, and no one can say anything.

What about them?

They didn't have any excuses, they sent strong men to the Ancient Immortal Continent, verbally saying that they wanted to protect the younger generation.

Lest juniors get hurt or die here.

However, the various tribes of Xiangu were not stupid, watching the Yuren tribe being suppressed and subdued by Gu Changge.

They will definitely not go the old way again, so every ethnic group will honestly shrink and stay away from the ethnic land.

Don't provoke right and wrong, be a tortoise with a shrunken head.

In this matter, they acted very quickly, making all the major forces helpless, and they couldn't find any good excuses for a while.

Even in this world, all things on the bright side have to pay attention to a word of truth.

Otherwise, the family is dominant, and it is easy to attract the counterattack and siege of the other major forces, which is not conducive to long-term stability.

Unless it is really strong enough to stand alone against all orthodox forces.

But if that's the case, why not dominate the entire upper realm?

"Is the son going well during this period?" Afterwards, the vicinity of Wushang Peak became quiet, and a cold voice sounded in the void.

The figure of Yan Ji appeared, with picturesque facial features and cold and touching.

During this time, she has been practicing on the Supreme Peak, waiting for the return of Gu Changge.

During the trip to Xiangu Continent, Gu Changge did not take her with her, and did not let her reveal her whereabouts.

"It's going well." Gu Changge smiled, then remembered another thing, and said to Yan Ji, "I happen to have something here and I need you to take a trip."

"My son, please give orders." Yan Ji replied, with doubts in her eyes.

She hasn't seen it for a while, and she can't see through Gu Changge anymore, and she could still feel some dangers in him before.

Now I can't even notice the danger, and I feel like facing the calm and vast deep sea.

This does not mean that she has become stronger, or that Gu Changge has become weaker.

It means that Gu Changge has become more powerful and terrifying.

Yan Ji could only sigh in her heart about this. She deserves to be Gu Gongzi, she is so talented that she is rare in the ages.

"It's not a big deal. In fact, it is to take people to help me find the whereabouts of a few people. They have disappeared in the world of one plane for more than ten years." Gu Changge said with a smile.

At the same time, in the palm of his hand, a burst of brilliance passed by, exchanged a few Boundary Breaking Talisman from the system mall, and handed it to Yan Ji.

"The son is looking for someone?" Yan Ji was confused, but didn't ask much. As a follower, she didn't need to know much about things.

"Yes, find a few people. I will ask someone to collect their information and give it to you. If you encounter danger in that plane world, it is important to escape first. If you accidentally lose your life, I But it will be sad for a long time."

Gu Changge smiled, his words revealed sincerity and worry about Yan Ji.

"Don't worry, son, I will be careful." A warm current in Yan Ji's heart passed, obviously moved by Gu Changge's worry.

Boundary Breaking Talisman is many times more precious than Realm Breaking.

In the lower realm, the world-breaking talisman is a god that can forcefully blast through the barrier and then escape for life.

Gu Changge did not hesitate to take out such a few photos, leaving her as a life-saving use.

Yan Ji was still very confident about the strength of her Great Sacred Realm.

In her opinion, Gu Changge did this because he was worried about her safety and wanted to give her more protection.

Yan Ji can naturally feel such a delicate point.

Of course, Yan Ji didn't know that the reason why Gu Changge gave her so many breaking charms was purely because she felt that this trip would be extremely dangerous.

Although Yan Ji is powerful, she may also encounter danger.

After all, the person he was looking for was Gu Xian'er's parents and grandfather.

At the beginning, Gu Xian'er's grandfather was trapped in a world because of one thing, and it was difficult to break free.

Afterwards, Gu Xian'er's parents rushed to support with the tribe, but also disappeared, leaving Gu Xian'er in the clan land.

That's why Gu Changge was frantic and started to dig the bones of Gu Xian'er.

It's just that in Gu Changge's opinion, this matter is actually nothing, and there will be no crisis.

According to the heaven-defying luck of taking care of Xian'er, her parents and grandfather will obviously be in peace, maybe they will get a blessing in disguise, and their strength will increase greatly.

This kind of routine is too normal, and Gu Changge knows it well.

But Gu Xian'er definitely didn't know, maybe she was very worried about it.

Therefore, Gu Changge is now starting to punt Gu Xian'er again.

This kind of undesirable goodwill, don't brush it at this time, why do you keep it?

Of course, this kind of thing must be done secretly, not only cannot be known to Gu Xian'er now, nor to the people behind Gu Changge.

To do good deeds, you must keep your name.

Only this name cannot be exposed now.

In Gu Changge's eyes, there is no better candidate than Yan Ji.

Soon, Gu Changge sent someone to find relevant information about Gu Xian'er's parents and her grandfather, and gave it to Yan Ji.

After getting the task, Yan Ji's figure also disappeared, and she left soon.

Over the years, Gu Changge not only let Yin Mei help him collect cultivation resources secretly, but also let her be responsible for training and training some dead men.

Gu Changge will occasionally show up and go to various places to find a talented young girl to train as his secret manpower.

Now he has sent a message to Yin Mei and asked her to send some dead men out to wait in special places and listen to Yan Ji's arrangements.

Gu Changge acted extremely meticulously and would not easily expose the many methods he possessed.

The fewer people know about Yan Ji's existence, the better it is now.

Time passed, and a few days passed in a blink of an eye.

And during this time, it was not just Gu Changge who led the people to leave the ancient continent.

Even the other young supreme beings stopped practicing and were taken away by the elders.

After the birth of the fairy gate, many old monsters have been alarmed to go.

The undercurrent is surging in the ancient continent, it is difficult to continue to experience, it is better to let everyone return.

During this period, many things that happened in the ancient Continent were also spreading quickly throughout the sky, and even spread to the rest of the realm, causing an uproar.

Ye Ling, the inheritor of magic skills, came to the world and fought against Gu Changge. Long Teng, the young leader of the Xiangulong clan, died at the hands of Gu Changge

Gu Changge's prestige among the younger generation has reached an unprecedented height. Whether it is the strength of the young taboo level or what he does, it is admirable.

...For flowers...…

For a while, many ardent admirers of him appeared everywhere.

Of course, many people are also secretly wary of Ye Ling, beware that this powerful inheritor of magic arts can escape his life in the hands of Gu Changge, which has already explained everything.

Ye Ling's strength is definitely not the average young supreme.

The White Tiger clan hated Ye Ling even more for penetrating the bone, and still did not give up tracking Ye Ling's whereabouts.

This incident also caused the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox family to be involved. Yin Mei, as the goddess of the contemporary Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox family, was almost harmed by Ye Ling.

She naturally stood up without hesitation and vowed that she would kill Ye Ling in her life and avenge her long-dead fiance Bai Lie.

Yin Mei's statement made many cultivators and creatures impressed.

Dare to stand up and face the inheritors of magic arts, this courage and courage is really not easy.

It seems that Yin Mei was deceived by Ye Ling, and a deep hatred has been planted in her heart.

Many people thought that when Yin Mei was in dire straits, it was Gu Changge who stood up and went to rescue her.

Such all kinds of things are even more impressive.

Outside the palace of Celestial Immortals, many young cultivators came to visit Gu Changge. Several powerful young cultivators wanted to follow him.

In this regard, Gu Changge did not refuse.

Followers are a symbol of status and status in the younger generation.

Young Supreme is already a leader among his peers, with an invincible Dao heart.

They surrendered to others without even fighting against each other. This kind of thing only shows that their awe and admiration for Gu Changge is deeply rooted.

As for suspicion of the inheritor of magic arts to Gu Changge, no one has thought about it at all, and will never think about it.

On the contrary, the rest of the young supreme seems to be carrying the shadow of a magician inheritor, which makes many cultivators doubts and suspicions.


the other side.

As soon as Bai Lie died, the White Tiger clan also took the initiative to reject the marriage contract between Bai Lie and Yin Mei, and went further and further on the road to revenge against the inheritors of magic arts.

Unfortunately, no one knew that Ye Ling's bones had already been turned into ashes and were buried in a dry well in the ancient continent.

No one can find Ye Ling.

As a result, it makes people feel that the inheritors of magic power are very mysterious and powerful, causing a lot of panic.

In addition, the many enmity problems accumulated in the Ancient Immortal Continent also broke out for the first time.

For example, the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace was suppressed by Gu Changge in Xiangu, and then killed by a girl named Gu Xian'er herself.

This incident aroused the anger of the Sea King's Palace.

As the overlord who dominates the endless aquarium, the status of the Seven Princesses in the Sea King Palace needless to say, even being cultivated as the next palace lord.

Gu Changge's identity is so noble, they dare not speak insulting lightly.

But Gu Xian'er is different.

Haiwanggong investigated Gu Xian'er's identity, and finally found something wrong. Although she was indeed a member of the Gu family, no one confirmed this.

On the contrary, there was a grudge between her and Gu Changge at the beginning.

This talented person is said to be a Nirvana girl who is comparable to Gu Changge, with a very strange origin.

The immortal abandoned land from the outer realm, and he has survived in the wild since he was a child.

This incident excited all the creatures in the Sea King Palace, and felt that they had discovered a scandal involving the Changsheng Gu family.

Since the Changsheng Gu family does not recognize Gu Xian'er's identity, it is natural for them to take revenge. Who else would dare to say no?

After all, the reason for everything was that Gu Xian'er went directly to the killer and first killed the Little Brother of the Seventh Princess!

Killing pays for life is justified!

At that time, unless the Changsheng Gu family exposes the scandal and admits Gu Xianer's identity, it will cause a sensation in the world and become the object of ridicule by all parties.

Otherwise, who can stand up and support her?

The big Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace? That won't work either!

For a time, many sea clan experts came from the distant endless sea, planning to seek justice from Gu Xian'er.

In the palace of Celestial Immortals, Gu Changge, who received the news, couldn't help but smile.

"This incident really didn't come as I expected, and it's really just time for Sea King Palace to come."

After that, he started to move towards the top of the mountain where Elder was, waiting for Gu Xian'er to return.

at the same time.

In the Immortal Ancient Continent, amidst the vast mountains, the terrifying majesty was revealed, just like the extinction of the world.

The quasi-supreme ancestor of the Yu people ran for his life and went to Long Island where the Xiangulong clan was located, but on the way, he was still overtaken by Gu Nanshan.

He showed his tyrannical strength and quickly annihilated the ancestor of the Feather Race.

Behind, Gu Xian'er was taken by the big Elder and followed.

Gu Xian'er leaped for joy on the brows, and by the way, he cleaned the home of the ancestor of the Feather Race.

"The family of Quasi-Supreme is really rich." "Gu Xian'er's beautiful small face is filled with smiles, and he has no resistance to the treasure.

She didn't even know at the moment that Gu Changge was punishing her.

Although Gu Nanshan is a bit eager for those good things, at this time, he is not embarrassed to snatch in front of his juniors.

The ancestor's demeanor is so good!

"Thank you ancestor." Gu Xian'er naturally saw the ancestor's reluctant expression, and her eyes could not help but bend into a crescent shape, and she hurriedly said with a delicacy.

She didn't believe that she was so behaved, the ancestor was embarrassed to snatch things from her.

Gu Xian'er looks like this.

Gu Nanshan still doesn't know where, this girl looked cold and quiet, but she was really ghostly in her heart.

He couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said, "You little girl, what do you see with my ancestor?"

"Old ancestors, you are so kind.

Gu Xian'er smiled sweetly, revealing a pair of shallow pear vortices, which looked very cute and well-behaved. superior,