Chapter 180

"I vented my anger, but I was still puzzled. When I thought that the old man was calculated by the bastard Gu Changge, he was completely using him as a gunman, and there was no room for rejection."

"This is getting angry!"

"How come there are such unscrupulous children and grandchildren, and mad at the ancestors, what good is it for him?"

Looking at Gu Xian'er's smile, although Gu Nan didn't show anything on the mountain, in fact, his heart is full of aggrieved.

The big Elder on the side could not help but shook his head and laughed.

As for sympathy? That's not, and it's not necessary.

When he was pissed off by Gu Changge, it was not exactly what he looked like.

Gu Changge is such a guy who can't get in, so that no one can get any benefits in his hands.

This kind of thing appeared to a junior, and he could only sigh. Such a scheming method is really amazing.

Even if he has lived for so long, it is impossible for him to do this step.

The interlocking links make it impossible for people to find the slightest way to crack them.

"Well, the experience of Xiangu Continent is almost over. Then Xian'er, you will go back to the family with your ancestors. Many things should be explained to you."

Soon, Gu Nanshan looked solemn, and it was rare to be cautious.

As the ancestor of Gu Xian'er's line, he naturally had to find a way to rectify their line and restore their past glory.

Before that, I was seeking justice for Gu Xian'er.

"Ancestor, is this true?" Gu Xian'er was also taken aback after hearing this.

She didn't doubt that Gu Nanshan's words were true or false, but felt that this kind of thing was unrealistic.

Let me first talk about whether the rest of the Gu family will agree. After all, this kind of thing involves the face of the Changsheng Gu family.

Nowadays, Gu Changge is the young master of the longevity Gu family. How can such an indescribable identity be stained by the descendants of the Celestial Immortals palace.

Most of the elders of the Gu family, in order to take care of the overall situation, obviously will not favor her in this matter.

Otherwise, for so many years, why should she wander away, away from the family.

Although Gu Nanshan is an ancestor and the Cultivation Base is strong, his right to speak in the Gu family is actually not as good as the owner of the family.

After all, behind every vein, who doesn't have many ancestors?

If the ancestors show up for the "four zero three" love, then this family doesn't need to be made by the head of the family.

In addition, it is also the most important point.

How did Gu Changge react to this? His character, would he do such things for the benefit of others? Even if there are any difficulties and secrets, it is impossible to easily reveal it.

In fact, Gu Xian'er had already considered all these.

So when Gu Nanshan first spoke out, she shook her head slightly, thinking it was impossible.

Her current strength is still not up to the point where Gu's family values ​​it, or even rivals Gu Changge.

Although Gu's family style is very good, on this basis, everything must be considered for the family's long-term interests. Gu Nanshan's decisions and actions are no exception.

"Xian'er, don't worry, there is an ancestor here, and I will definitely be able to seek justice for you for what happened back then.

Gu Nanshan's face was stagnant, but Gu Xian'er's reaction was so calm.

In this way, his confidence seems to be insufficient.

He also knows that with Gu Xian'er's current strength, it is still difficult for the whole family to pay attention to it. At most, he oppresses Gu Changge and cannot let Gu Changge murder her.

But this seems useless.

Judging from Gu Changge's various actions now, it seems that he really has no intention of killing Gu Xian'er, which confuses Gu Nanshan.

Otherwise, how could he bludgeon Gu Changge's troubles?

"Really? Since your ancestor said that, then I believe it." Gu Xian'er said seriously at this time.

In his beautiful eyes, there is a strange look of a bad old man who believes in you.

Gu Nanshan was a little chattered for a while.

For this granddaughter, he really likes and feels guilty in his heart. He really wants to make up for the hardship she has suffered over the years.

"Gu Changge has difficulties, Xian'er, you have to believe that the family has never been malicious to you…" Gu Nanshan said again.

"What is Gu Changge's hardship?" Gu Xian'er asked.

"Gu Nanshan shut up.

He also wants to ask Gu Changge what he has troubles, he also wants to know!

But he really didn't expect that Gu Xian'er was not skeptical of this, but felt very puzzled and asked seriously.

Gu Nanshan did not answer.

Gu Xian'er didn't ask anymore.

In her opinion, this matter definitely involves a lot of secrets, so big that even the ancestors can't easily say it, everything needs to be solved by her herself.

"Gu Changge, one day I will reveal your secret. Gu Xian'er clenched the jade fist and swears in her heart.

After that, the three of them did not stay. The main purpose of Elder and Gu Nanshan's coming here was to protect Gu Xian'er, fearing that she would have an accident.

As soon as the experience is over, all the great traditions flood in, and it will be very dangerous for any younger generation to stay here.

Soon, the big Elder waved his sleeves, the void in front of him became blurred, and a passage appeared. He took the two of them to leave the ancient continent and return to the Celestial Immortals Palace.

Gu Nanshan is also an ancestor of the Gu family.

The space not far away from hundreds of millions of miles came, and now that the matter is resolved, he naturally has to entertain him.

It's just that when the three of them left the ancient continent and returned to the top of the mountain where Elder was submerged on weekdays, their expressions were all stiff.

A young man in white with a natural look and shiny black hair, bound by a black hair band, with a gentle smile on his face and aloof demeanor. He had already been waiting there.

"Princess Mingkong, what do you intend to let people stop the slave family?"

At the same time, Wuliangtian is a magnificent ancient city 80,000 miles away from the Celestial Immortals Palace.

In the high altitude, a radiant car stopped here, surrounded by several powerful silhouettes.

In the car, a coquettish and soft voice came.

A woman in a red dress was sitting in the middle, nine fluffy snow-white foxtails, swaggering in the void, were held in the arms of the two maids.

It is Yin Mei.

At this moment, she had a strange and enchanting smile on her face, and at the same time there was a sense of inexplicability and inexplicability.

The coachman outside the car was a strong man in the heavenly god realm, but now his face was also solemn.

"Miss, these people are very strong!"

"It's okay, I think Princess Mingkong is reasonable and will not embarrass a weak woman like me."

Yin Mei's voice had a faint smile, as if she was not worried at all.

In the void outside, there are horror waves that are like the vast sea, which is terrifying to the extreme.

In all directions, there were many powerful people who showed up and surrounded the chariots.

Their spirits swept across all directions, extremely powerful.


The world trembles, and the void bursts with ripples, so that the cultivators who are preparing to watch the lively in the distance can't help but let out a muffled grunt, and the blood is rolling, extremely shocked.

Afterwards, how far he retreated, he didn't dare to approach at all.

This group of people is terrifying!

They can't imagine.

"You have passed, you shouldn't be so close to him."

A transcendent and beautiful woman, stepping into the void, her voice is calm and indifferent.

Between every step of her step, the dazzling lotus of the avenue emerged in the void, blooming one after another.

This seems to have silver light, turned into immortal text, imprinted in the void, and revealed here, terrifying.

It was the moonlight sky after leaving the ancient continent.

At this moment, she was shrouded in celestial glory.

His face was fuzzy, his eyes were deep and calm, his coat sleeves fluttered, and his expression did not fluctuate.

A pair of eyes are like gems, beautiful and indispensable, it can be called peerless elegance.

The words spoken also carried a sense of indifference and nobility like a supreme empress.

In the car, Yin Meiduan did not seem to be surprised by Yuemingkong's purpose.

When she saw Yuemingkong in the Baiheng Mountains, she knew her relationship with Gu Changge and would be aware of it.

In Yin Mei's view, this kind of trivial matter may be nothing to Gu Changge.

Gu Changge doesn't care at all.

After all, he was just a piece of his chess piece, and his position in his mind was far from comparable to Yuemingkong.

In terms of Yuemingkong's cleverness, how could it be impossible to discover all this.

Therefore, Yin Mei had known for a long time that Yue Mingkong would take the initiative to come to the door.

It's just that she didn't expect that Yue Mingkong's speed would be so fast. She had just left the Ancient Immortal Continent, and Yue Mingkong came directly to stop her afterwards.

Such a strong and decisive approach is in line with rumors.

Yin Mei also knew that this future female emperor was extremely possessive of Gu Changge and would not allow other women to approach Gu Changge for a half-step.

Now all this is the best proof.

At this moment, upon hearing this, Yin Mei couldn't help but smile and said, "Princess Mingkong, you are too overbearing. If the master knew all this, would you say he would be angry?"

"My palace doesn't care about these.

Yue Mingkong said lightly, she knows Gu Changge very well, knowing that Gu Changge can't be tempted by Yin Leak, at best it is just using it.

But before that, she had to let Yin Mei be clear first, and she didn't use any unnecessary crooked thoughts.

In addition, she hopes that Gu Changge will be angry with her, which at least shows that she still has a certain place in Gu Changge's heart.

Yue Mingkong was worried that Gu Changge would disregard this matter.

Neither blame nor question.

"E, it seems that Princess Mingkong quarreled with her master? A conflict?"

Hearing this, Yin Mei smiled a little weird, and noticed a trace of loneliness and accountability in Yue Mingkong's words.

She has a natural talent for controlling these small emotions.

Therefore, in terms of acting, it can be seamless.

At this moment, Yin Mei noticed Yue Mingkong's hidden emotions, and felt a little surprised.

No wonder Gu Changge didn't follow Yuemingkong when he left Xiangu Continent.

It seems that the two are probably having a conflict in the Baiheng Mountains.

And the problem is likely to appear on Yuemingkong.

Yin Mei was very ginger about Yuemingkong from the beginning. Yuemingkong is definitely the first woman in this world who can be treated like this by Gu Changge.

But now she seemed to see a faint hope in it.

She doesn't want to be a chess tool in Gu Changge's hands all the time, and she also hopes that Gu Changge can really take a look at her.

"How do you know?" In Yuemingkong's eyes, a terrible divine light suddenly appeared, turning into a round of bright moon prints, containing terrifying power.

"Naturally you can see it." Yin Mei said with a smile.

At this time, it's not like just now, there is much fear of Yuemingkong.

What if the power and strength are not as good as Yue Mingkong?

Her role in Gu Changge now is absolutely nothing more than Yueming's replacement.

At this juncture, as long as Yue Mingkong was not stupid, he would not dare to kill her.

Yuemingkong is also afraid of being disgusted by Gu Changge.

And this is exactly the opportunity she can take advantage of.

"Are you not afraid that this palace will kill you?" Yue Mingkong said indifferently. As a rebirth, she would not put Yin Mei in her eyes.

He showed up just to warn her.

"Don't be afraid, kill me, the master may not blame you, but Princess Mingkong, you have to think about it. From now on, you may never get into the master's heart."

"Do you have to think about the consequences?"

Yin Mei said with a smile, across the chariot, at this moment, choose to be in front of Yuemingkong.

"Are you threatening this palace?" Yue Mingkong's eyes suddenly became extremely cold and indifferent. With his breath surging, it seemed that he could destroy thousands of miles of mountains and rivers at his fingertips.

A Fox Spirit dared to threaten her head provocatively. This was something she had never expected.

The most important thing is that what Yin Mei said is the thing that Yuemingkong has always worried about the most.

"No, I'm just explaining all this for Princess Mingkong." Yin Mei shook his head and said.

"Of course, if you don't kill me, you have to be careful about Princess Mingkong in the future. I can help the master with many things, but you can't.

"Master's heart, see who gets it first?"

Yin Mei didn't care about Yuemingkong's indifference and murderousness, and said to herself.

Her own methods are not weak at all.

Now that Yuemingkong's weakness is grasped, it is natural to make good use of it.

In her opinion, these remarks just hit Yue Mingkong's mind.

"Oh, ridiculous."

However, what surprised Yin Mei was that Yue Mingkong did not show an angry look at this, but in his eyes, it was more of a mockery.

"Just because you want to get Gu Changge's heart?"

Yue Mingkong's voice was very calm, but it showed Ruoyouruowu's mockery and contempt, and did not take Yin Mei's words to heart.

She never worried that Gu Changge would be tempted by other women.

Just watching him have women besides her, I felt sour and uncomfortable.

Even if she knew those appearances, Gu Changge pretended to be, not his real appearance.

She will do the same.

No one knows Gu Changge better than Yue Mingkong.

Yin Mei's self-confidence, in her opinion, was not a kind of ignorance and dreaming, so that Yue Mingkong didn't bother to care about Yin Mei's words just now.

"However, from what you have said, this palace understands a truth.

"Everything has to find the root, not trying to change everything now."

Yue Mingkong said.

At this moment, I already got the answer I wanted.

She will not give up her own purpose, nor will she do unnecessary things at this time.

Even if she was born again, she would not be able to stop Gu Changge, so why not just change it?

"What does Yuemingkong mean?"

Yin Mei asked, frowning, directly calling Yue Mingkong's name.

She didn't even know why Yue Mingkong was so waiting, she couldn't get Gu Changge's heart?

She doesn't believe it!

However, Yue Mingkong did not answer Yin Mei's question. She left here and waved her hand.

All the strong in front of them turned into divine light and rose to the sky, disappearing here, without further interception.

"If you can really do it, maybe it's a good thing." Yue Mingkong's voice came from afar.

"Why Yin Mei was a little dazed in the chariot.

On the shore of the immeasurable sea.

East from the ancient city.

There used to be an ancient family here, which lasted for millions of years, from the past to the present.

He has experienced prosperity, decline, retreat, and rejuvenation, and is the hegemon of this place.

It's a pity that in the past few years, many powerful people took a strong shot when they offended the Taoism of the First Beginning.

This ancient family was directly wiped out and cleaned.

The original address is now a desolate ruin.

The traces of the fire spread all the way.

The walls are ruined and grass is overgrown.

The broken corners and bricks and tiles show the prosperity of the year.

The scene was very bleak, and the passing cultivator occasionally glanced at it, and there was no lack of sorrow in his eyes.

"Hey, thinking about how powerful the Taikoo Sun Family was back then, no one dared to refute a word in Dongli Ancient City. Every step on the foot would cause an earthquake, and now there are no traces of it."

"The Demon Cult in the early days ravaged all parties, and it was terrifying! These forces are also destroyed if they are destroyed!

Many elderly people said with feelings.

"However, no matter how powerful the family is, when the curtain ends, whoever told him to offend forces that should not be offended, offend people who should not be offended… 3.7" The person next to him also sighed.

"Shhh, keep your voice down, there are some things that you can't say. Have you forgotten the fate of the Feather Clan of the Ancient Immortal Continent during this time?"

"Speak carefully!"

One person immediately shuddered and said.

Thinking of the news, they couldn't help shutting up, their eyes showing horror.

But at this moment, there was a rush, like a sound of a big wave rushing into the sky suddenly came.

The voice was extremely loud and sounded from far away.

From the boundless sea.

The cultivator in the entire ancient city heard this huge sound, and many Daoist shadows broke through the air and looked towards the source of the sound.


Seeing the scene, everyone was shocked and sucked in air.

It was originally the boundless sea, but it was the territory of the sea clan.

Occasionally, sea people came with marine products.

But today is different. There is a rush of warships. There are a large number of them, covering the sky and the sun, the brilliance is soaring, and terrible fluctuations are coming from far away.

A huge blue flag fluttered in the wind.

Sea King Palace!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and the Sea King Palace with many sea races, unexpectedly killed in boundless sea!

Someone instantly thought of what happened in Xiangu Continent.

The Seventh Princess of the Sea King's Palace was killed by a young girl named Gu Xian'er.

Could it be that the Sea King Palace was furious, because of this, was it going to come to avenge and seek justice?

Soon, the news spread quickly, and for a while, the ancient cities of Zi Blessed Sky rang out, causing a huge sensation.

At this time, at the Celestial Immortals Palace, on the top of the mountain, clouds and mist were surging, and the mountain wind was blowing.

Everything looks ethereal and lofty, like a fairyland on earth.

"Oh, big Elder and ancestors are back?"

Gu Changge, who was drinking on the stone table, felt the movement, smiled, and stood up to meet.

The virtual space is blurred and passages appear.

The three Daoist shadows who walked out of it had different expressions, but none of them had the slightest expression on their faces.

Gu Changge, why would he wait here early?

Gu Xian'er had a satisfying smile on her face, and her smile froze.

In the big eyes, for a time, there was anger and confusion.