Chapter 181

Gu Xian'er was puzzled. Gu Changge didn't want to stay on his supreme peak. What would he do when he came here?

He planted a hornet's nest in Xiangu Continent, and now he throws the mess down, don't care?

"Gu Changge, why are you here?"

He reacted quickly, and then the big Elder stepped forward, walked out of the void, flicked his sleeve, and asked.

For Gu Changge, he has never looked good, whether it was before or now.

Appreciation is appreciation, but he can't agree with Gu Changge's many practices.

The two people's practice concepts are completely different!

Gu Nanshan's expression is not very beautiful, but because Gu Xian'er is next to him, he has to make a look that he admires Gu Changge very much.

This made him feel even more depressed.

"Naturally, I am here waiting for the return of Elder and the ancestors. By the way, see if Xian'er has been lazy during this time."

Gu Changge smiled and said, slender figure, full of spirits like jade, wide robe, and there is noble and natural in the speech.

"Xian'er hasn't seen him for a while, Cultivation Base has made a lot of effort, but I am very pleased for my brother."

As he said, he looked at Gu Xian'er who had moved back secretly.

If you are not familiar with him, you will definitely be bewildered by his handsome smiling face.

But Gu Xian'er didn't.

Her performance was very cold and indifferent, and she rolled her eyes slightly in her heart by the way.

She didn't believe that Gu Changge would come to see him so kindly. He might have some conspiracy in his heart, and he was calculating it quietly.

Gu Xian'er can still remember clearly that she kindly went to visit Gu Changge's injury.

But not only did he not appreciate it, but he also humiliated himself severely, and by the way, cheated himself so that she was forced to be involved in the assault of the feather people.

Gu Xian'er's notebook, but remember the account clearly, and wait for the day to come back to Gu Changge with the interest.

"Why, I'm still complaining about being a brother because of what happened that day? I'm doing this for your own good. At a young age, if I lack training, the future will be difficult for me."

"Brother, when he was your age, he was already alone in the immeasurable sea."

"It's like you, I can't deal with it when I meet a princess in the Sea King's Palace."

Seeing Gu Xian'er's expression, how could Gu Changge couldn't guess what she was thinking.

Immediately, he smiled and said, his expression was kind and natural.

As he said, he shook his head.

In the words, he was quite sincere and serious, and looked like a elder brother considering Gu Xian'er.

Hear 24 to these words.

At this time, Gu Nanshan, an ancestor, was a little stunned.

He thought that Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er were obviously big enemies.

Why does it still look good now?

Did he really make a mistake? Or is it that Gu Changge has solved the problem?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little stunned.

No wonder Gu Xian'er no longer has any hatred and killing intent towards Gu Changge, and Gu Changge's dare to deal with it.

For a while, Gu Nanshan was still a little bit sorrowful and relieved.

The anger towards Gu Changge and the desire to teach him have also faded a lot.

This younger generation still has some means, so it is actually quite possible.

"Gu Changge, don't pretend to be less."

Gu Changge didn't say that it was okay, but Gu Xian'er got angry when he said it.

It's just a pot that doesn't open and which pot is raised, he really just deliberately pissed himself off

Gu Xian'er was itching with hatred, and she couldn't help it.

At the moment, she bit her silver teeth secretly and stared at Gu Changge.

In the beautiful crystal clear eyes, there is a hurricane chill.

It's like an ice blade with a handle, going to pierce him!

Just now, she was still smiling like a good mood. This trip to the Ancient Immortal Continent can be said to have returned with a rewarding experience.

But in a blink of an eye, the little face was already densely covered with ice, like an iceberg that never melted.

"For your brother's good work, you don't understand it now."

Gu Changge shook his head and said with some regret and disappointment.

"Ancestor, can you suppress Gu Changge's Cultivation Base? I will fight him upright and tear his mouth!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Xian'er said coldly.

I felt that Gu Changge was sincere to her.

"Xian'er didn't think that there was an ancestor behind to support you, and it swelled again?"

Gu Changge chuckled lightly, not putting Gu Xian'er in his eyes at all.

The tone was casual.

This look made Gu Xian'er ticklish with hatred, and she remembered the scenes of Gu Changge's repression in the past few times.

"Xian'er, cough cough, you are afraid that you have misunderstood Changge's good intentions."

At this time, Gu Nanshan also coughed slightly. Judging from the current situation, the grievances between Gu Xian'er and Gu Changge have been resolved a lot.

As an ancestor, he naturally wanted to see such a situation.

Even if you don't wait to see Gu Changge, you can't really let the two fight at this time.

So I quickly stopped Gu Xian'er.

To be honest, how strong Gu Changge is, even his ancestor can't see it thoroughly.

Who knows how much Gu Changge owns.

If Gu Xian'er really played against Gu Changge, with her current ability, she would definitely not take advantage of it.

"Ancestor, aren't you in my line? Why do you favor Gu Changge everywhere?" Gu Xian'er was a little angry, and in front of Gu Changge, she couldn't be as indifferent as usual.

"The ancestor is also for your own good." Gu Nanshan said helplessly.

Hearing what the two said, Gu Changge's smile remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to raise his glass and put the wine to the corner of his mouth.

He also felt a little clear in his heart. As he expected, even if Gu Nanshan was angry at him now, it was impossible to shoot him.

After all, Gu Nanshan is not stupid, should he tell the truth to Gu Xian'er at this time and destroy the current situation?

On the contrary, in order to maintain the current situation, Gu Nanshan might have to find a way to give Gu Changge some assists.

Like now

"If Xian'er doesn't believe in her brother, you can go outside to inquire now, what exactly is Haiwang Palace doing now?"

Thinking of this, Gu Changge flashed a different color in his eyes, and then said with a slight headache.

"Sea King Palace"

Gu Xian'er was stunned, and many pictures flashed in his mind at that time.

Many of them are actually blurred, only one scene is particularly clear.

It was dark and murderous, Gu Changge descended from the sky and stood in front of her.

Gu Xian'er only realized at this time that he personally killed the Seventh Princess of the Sea King Palace in the Ancient Immortal Continent.

Although it was Gu Changge who suppressed the Seventh Princess at the time, she was the one who killed the people.

She can't shirk the blame.

Sea King Palace will not let it go.

Now if Sea King Palace wants revenge, it will definitely come to her. Gu Changge is not stupid. He didn't kill anyone at the time, and threw the baggage on her, and then drew away.

"You are right, the Sea King Palace will definitely find me revenge."

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er nodded. In terms of her current status, Sea King Palace would not put her in one's eyes.

However, if Gu Changge killed the Seventh Princess, the situation would be different, and the Sea King Palace would not dare to retaliate against Gu Changge easily.

So why did Gu Changge do this?

What is his purpose.

"At this time, the Sea King Palace, I am afraid that it has already been killed, Xian'er, don't let down your brother's hard work." Gu Changge said again.

"Could it be that what he said is true?" Gu Xian'er said nothing, a little puzzled.

With that said, it seems that Gu Changge intends to cheat her.

But why did he not help showing up to save her when he saw her life in danger?

But in the end, let her kill the seventh princess herself again? Gu Changge didn't do anything.

In Gu Xian'er's view, there are two possibilities.

One is that Gu Changge just wanted to watch her lively, not too much trouble, and wanted her to offend the Sea King Palace, but also did not want to offend the Dead Sea King Palace.

But in terms of Gu Changge's temperament, is there any force in this world that he dare not offend?

So another possibility is that Gu Changge is too arrogant. He is obviously worried about her safety, so he still has to look high.

And all of this, as Gu Changge said, is the grind that Gu Changge deliberately arranged for her.

She shook her head and brought all these thoughts into her mind. Gu Changge's good intentions? Why did he sharpen himself?

He helps him become strong, and then he can defeat him, even kill him, and avenge him?

As long as it is a normal person, he would not do this.

Gu Changge has always been the ultimate goal, is it really this one?

I have to say that Gu Xian'er was already at a loss at this time.

If this is really the purpose of Gu Changge. It seemed to her to be extremely stupid, not at all what Gu Changge's temperament would do.

Gu Changge saw that his own purpose had been achieved, and smiled slightly, and then said to Elder, "Changge is here this time, in fact, there is still one thing to wait for Elder to come back, and to discuss with Elder."

"When the old man returns, what will happen?" Big Elder asked with a frown.

"Naturally, I will discuss the recent events with the Great Elder. If I remember correctly, the Great Elder once promised to protect the ancient tribes of the ancient people. Now this passage is open, and so many Taoist traditions have come from the outside world, which has already destroyed the ancient continent. Inner peace and stability."

Gu Changge smiled, not caring about it. Elder's face became more gloomy as he listened.

"Don't think that the old man doesn't know, that the culprit who caused all this is you. Now I don't want to pretend to be a good person in front of the old man." Elder interrupted him coldly.

Gu Changge smiled noncommitantly, "Now that these are no longer useful, the immortal gates have emerged, shaking all directions. Is it true that the big Elder really intends to let so many old antiques rush into it, and it is not impossible for the ancient clans of the ancients to be destroyed in the present. "

"The tribes of Xiangu will not be unified for a day, and the disasters of the Xiangu Continent will never stop. For the Celestial Immortals Palace, why is this not an opportunity?"

He persuasively said that even if you know my purpose, what can you do to me?

"Don't think about it, I said that the Celestial Immortals Palace will not intervene in any power struggle. This is a purpose that has been passed down since ancient times and will not be broken."

The big Elder's face sank, Gu Changge's meaning was already obvious, he wanted to take this opportunity to dominate the Ancient Immortal Continent and unify the various tribes of the Ancient Immortal.

It's just that Gu Changge said it very euphemistically.

What is an opportunity in the Celestial Immortals Palace?

Gu Changge is now a descendant of Celestial Immortals Palace anyway. He did this entirely because he intends to use the name of Celestial Immortals Palace to make many immortal ancient tribes surrender, just like the feather clan, for him to use.

Elder lived for countless years, and almost instantly understood the purpose of Gu Changge.

Gu Changge didn't intend to conceal this, he still smiled after hearing this, "Big Elder, don't rush to refuse my request so quickly, do you still owe me a favor? Did you forget."

"Xian'er, this girl is also a member of my family. If Elder really intends to be good for her, he should consider what I said. Changge actually doesn't want to use that favor to force Elder.,

Having said that, it is already obvious.

Everyone present was not a fool, Gu Nanshan couldn't help being a little surprised, he still underestimated Gu Changge's courage!

At least to the person who said that to Elder, Gu Changge was the first!

Gu Xian'er felt bad when she heard Gu Changge involved her.

"Gu Changge, what are you thinking?" She stared at Gu Changge coldly.

Gu Changge ignored her barking, still smiling, Shi Shiran sat down on the stone chair.

"This wine is already cold, it's a pity

He shook his head slightly, thinking that she didn't leave Yin Mei by her side, and she was still able to warm the wine.

Big Elder's expression froze at this moment, and an angry expression was hidden in his eyes, "Are you threatening the old man?"

"No, how dare Changge? Elder don't easily frame this kind of thing." Gu Changge smiled, not admitting this kind of thing at all.

"Huh!" Elder couldn't help but snorted coldly. If Gu Changge didn't have this purpose, why would he mention Gu Xian'er by name.

Moreover, when I mention that favor now, is it not saying that if he doesn't agree, Gu Changge will use that favor.

This is completely a shameful plot that he can hardly refuse!

"Gu Changge is really ruthless. It's just a set of calculations."

Naturally, Gu Nanshan also knew this from Gu Xian'er. At first, Elder and Gu Changge made a bet, but they lost their affection. At the same time, they gave Gu Changge the position of successor.

Today's scene, let him not admire.

Who is the big Elder, but Gu Changge was eaten to death, there is no room for rebuttal at all.

For a moment, he felt a lot of balance in his heart. Gu Changge calculated it. It didn't seem to be unacceptable.


"Big Elder, please think about it again. Xian'er's status is very embarrassing now. As a master, even if you don't think about her, you have to think about Celestial Immortals. After all, you don't dare to unify the ancient tribes, but I Dare.

Gu Changge still smiled, continuing to speak, and at the same time he also revealed his final purpose.

"Gu Changge, you don't use me to threaten Master. It's useless."

Gu Xian'er raised her eyebrows, her little face was full of cold, and she wanted to rush forward and kill Gu Changge hundreds of times.

Saying this in front of her is not equivalent to threatening Elder with her?

She is not stupid, she can hear the meaning of Gu Changge's words.

In Gu Xian'er's opinion, she has already figured out Gu Changge's thoughts, but I don't believe Gu Changge will treat her like 403.

"It's the first time this old man has seen threatening others so elegant and refined, Gu Changge, you are very capable."

Big Elder's eyes were very deep, and he said in a deep voice, faintly in his eyes, there was a scene of turmoil in the universe and the world's disintegration.

He was really angry.

"Big Elder, even if you are angry, it's useless. After all, you still owe me a favor. If you plan to bully the little one, I guess the ancestor wouldn't sit idly by, right?"

Gu Changge still said calmly, but when he got to the back, he looked at Gu Nanshan with a smile on his face.

Before he was sure, he would naturally not say such a thing.

Now that you know Gu Nanshan's attitude, what else does he care about?

"Your tone is too loud, depending on how you, a young man, dominate all the races of Xiangu. Even with your identity, it won't work." Elder fell silent, then sighed.

"It's not important." Gu Changge smiled faintly, "This is not something you have to consider, Elder.

"The old man agreed, but you can swear by your Dao heart that from today onwards, you will not harm Xian'er by any means. In addition, you must acknowledge Xian'er's identity."

There was a long silence before Elder spoke, and a clear struggling expression flashed across his face.

It can be seen that he hesitated for a long time in this decision.

After all, he had promised the ancestors of the various races of Xiangu to protect their tribes, but now the general trend has been trending, coupled with the persecution of Gu Changge.

Elder had no choice but to make a choice.

But before that, he must get Gu Changge's guarantee, and this guarantee is naturally Gu Xian'er's safety.

Gu Xian'er will most likely be his last disciple.

Elder is generous and upright, Gu Xian'er's greatest enemy is Gu Changge.

But Gu Changge's attitude is not clear now, and even he doesn't know what purpose Gu Changge has.

"Master" Gu Xian'er was stunned for a while when she heard this, and she forgot to glared at Gu Changge.

She didn't expect that Elder would compromise to Gu Changge for her.

This moved her heart, and a wave of warmth flowed through.

In fact, she didn't think it was necessary, Gu Changge was very likely, but just talked about her casually.

"Why do you always have deep malice against me?"

Hearing what Elder said, Gu Changge couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and said so with a look of helplessness on his face.

To be honest, what Elder said was right in his arms.

After all, Gu Changge had no intention of killing Gu Xian'er from beginning to end.

Elder and the others are simply too guarded and vigilant towards him.

Such a request is the same as a free one.

However, Gu Changge won't explain anything. His behavior will give people such a feeling, which is actually normal.

"Gu Changge, do you agree or disagree?"

Seeing that Gu Changge was silent, Elder also looked down and asked again.

If Gu Changge does not agree to this matter, then he certainly cannot agree to Gu Changge's request.

At this time, Gu Xian'er also looked at Gu Changge.

In the eyes of flawless colored glaze, there were ripples, hiding some small emotions that she only knew.

In fact, she also wants to know Gu Changge's attitude towards her all the time.

Big Elder's words are not a temptation to Gu Changge.

Gu Xian'er became a little nervous. .