Chapter 185

On this day, in front of Daotian Ancient City, all the powerhouses in the Sea King's Palace were destroyed here.

There are only a few scattered wrecks of ancient warships scattered around the world, and some remaining terrifying aura, narrating the horror of the war at that time.

The news spread quickly, like a boulder hitting the deep sea, setting off a huge wave.

The cultivator who had witnessed everything at that time was shocked to the scalp tingling these days. In retrospect, I still felt cold all over.

As powerful as the Sea King Palace, it did not take any advantage in the end. On the contrary, it completely offended the Changsheng Gu family, and even tore his face in some ways.

Many cultivators even foresee that the situation in Wuliangtian will change terribly.

On that day, the golden decree enveloped the sky, and the power of God was as vast as the sky and the punishment was cast down.

The Sea King Xuying of the Sea King Palace showed up in person, and it was difficult to change anything. In the end, even his decree was also beaten to ashes by the ancestors of the Gu family.

The Changsheng Gu family let everyone know its horror and strength.

No humiliation is allowed!

And in the next period of time, this matter quickly fermented and spread to various places through Daotian Ancient City.

Regardless of any cultivator and orthodoxy, they couldn't sit still and were deeply shocked.

No one thought that such a secret past would be involved in the end.

No matter what Gu Changge said on that day, or Gu Xian'er's origins and tragic childhood experiences, many people were shocked.

The sensation caused by this incident was no less than the fact that the inheritor of magic power appeared in the world some time ago and killed many young supreme.

Some people even feel that Gu Changge's ruthless methods in some aspects are even comparable to those of the inheritors of magic power.

It's just such a statement, and soon drowned in all kinds of noises.

After digging his bones at an early age, Gu Changge's reputation has indeed dropped a lot, and the perfect image in the hearts of many younger generations has also been stained.

This makes many younger generations unbelievable and unacceptable, but this is the truth. Gu Changge did it himself, said it himself, and finally dug out the bones, the vision shook all directions.

However, Gu Changge's courage to confess the past in front of the whole world has been admired by many people. On the other hand, his actions are, in many people's eyes, even reasonable.

Is there really a perfect person in this world?


No one is perfect, even true sages can't do that.

Gu Changge has stains that are difficult to erase. Isn't it normal?

From this point of view, many young women who have admired Gu Changge so much, even feel that such Gu Changge is more real, and their admiration is not reduced.

This Gu Changge, unlike before, Transcendent is refined, just like a fairy above Nine Heavens, without a trace of dust.

This made them feel that the "four zero seven" distance between such Gu Changge and them is no longer so far away.

Moreover, whoever is not a sage can do nothing, Gu Changge is already calm in front of the whole world.

Isn't this a manifestation of his guilt compensation? He will make up for the debt to Gu Xian'er for his previous mistakes.

Why can't you choose to forgive him?

After all, those words were spoken by Gu Changge in front of the whole world.Isn't this convincing?

For a while, there were more praises, and I felt that Gu Changge was calm and unspeakable this time.

May I ask who can do like him, admit what he did wrong in the past, and dig his own bones before the whole sky, in order to pay back the enemies of the year.

During this period of time, there were all kinds of discussion voices, such as praise, scolding, emotion, and sarcasm.

Especially the younger generation, the voice of such discussions never ceases.

It was because of this incident that many young princes who witnessed everything in Daotian Ancient City were deeply shocked.

Even if Gu Changge digs the bones of the avenue, his strength is still tyrannical and unaffected at all.

They want to catch up with Gu Changge. It's impossible. Gu Changge's Cultivation Base is already in the late stage of the Void God Realm.

Like the rest of the young supreme, they only started to touch the doorstop of the virtual god realm. The gap was so great that many people were desperate.

This is a big mountain weighing down on the same generation. It is insurmountable and difficult to overcome.

At least until now, I haven't seen a young existence who can be called a young taboo like Gu Changge.

Ye Ling, the mysterious and fierce magician inheritor, has disappeared now, but all cultivators have not forgotten its power. After all, he is a tyrannical generation who can escape from Gu Changge.

Xiangu Continent can be said to be the best hotbed for the inheritors of magic arts. Who knows how far Cultivation Base has advanced by leaps and bounds with him in there?

On the other hand, there are quite a few cultivators who discovered this hidden contradiction at the beginning.

Why did Gu Changge choose to dig the bones of his cousin back then? What is he like? The talent of Gu Xian'er makes him stronger?

Now why in front of Gu Xian'er, in front of everyone, dug out the bones of Dao and return them to her?

Is it because the bone of the avenue has no effect on Gu Changge?

This kind of thing seems too strange, it is simply dubious.

Some people speculate that this incident was due to the oppression of the Changsheng Gu family. As the young master of the Changsheng Gu family, Gu Changge's words and deeds all represent the current Changsheng Gu family.

If this matter is not resolved, it will be exposed sooner or later, so Gu Changge finally had to do this and admitted Gu Xian'er's identity.

But more people feel that what is hidden by this secret is just the tip of the iceberg.

When this matter spread quickly.

At the same time, there is no peak.

The mountain breeze blows, and clouds and mist surround it like a jade belt.

The scene that was so beautiful is now more like a fairyland.

The fairy flowers are blooming, the sacred flowers are gorgeous, the clear springs and running water are ding-dong.

"If you have anything, just say it quickly."

Gu Changge stood on the top of the mountain with his hands in his hands, his robe fluttered, and he looked quiet.

He said calmly, with his back facing Gu Xian'er, whose expression was complicated and tangled, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Now Gu Changge, there is no trace of injury on his body, and even his breath has not changed at all.

Excavating the bones of the avenue has no effect on Gu Changge.

However, in order to match this scene, his face still looked a little pale.

This is the third day he will make the truth public.

After Gu Nanshan wiped out all the creatures in the Sea King Palace that day, Gu Changge instructed a group of early gods to clean up the battlefield.

And he returned to the Supreme Peak. He didn't say a word to Gu Xian'er during this period, and naturally he didn't have any intersection with her.

He and Gu Xian'er seemed to have become strangers who didn't know each other in an instant.

The cyan skirt was fluttering.

Three thousand green silks were scattered and blown by the mountain breeze.

Gu Xian'er's little face was startled, looking at Gu Changge, all kinds of thoughts were rolling in her heart.

She pinched the corner of her skirt, her heart was not as calm as the surface, her bones were a little white at the moment.

These three days, just as Gu Changge showed.

At first Gu Xian'er thought that Gu Changge would explain to her what happened back then, and she was full of expectations.

In her opinion, since Gu Changge was in front of the whole world, he explained clearly what happened back then, and said that he wanted to compensate her.

Isn't this the manifestation of Gu Changge's attitude of apology?

Moreover, he also made damage to the source, dug out the bones of the bones to return to her, and said words that would not allow others to hurt her.

In front of many Taoist masters, speaking like this really shocked everyone.

This kind of strong and cold attitude made Gu Xian'er's head buzzing at the time, feeling unprecedented peace of mind.

Although Gu Changge is so black-hearted and bad-handed, having such a Big Brother seems pretty good.

So she decided to forgive Gu Changge reluctantly, not for what he did more than ten years ago.

From now on, the grievances between the two have been wiped out, and no one owes anyone else.

But Gu Xian'er didn't expect that after that day, Gu Changge seemed to have forgotten her, let alone explain to her, and even ignored her.

The indifferent attitude was like when she didn't want to talk to Gu Changge at first.

This made her feel sorry, and she couldn't understand it at all.

She feels that Gu Changge is really guilty of digging bones back then, and wants to make up for it, but Gu Changge hasn't said the secret thing that is unknown.

But why is there a big gap between what is happening now and what she thinks?

It seems that Gu Changge appeared to block the revenge of the Sea King Palace for her, doing all this just to recognize her identity, just to return her fairness back then.

Or maybe just to withstand the tone of the tribe.

After returning the bone to her, there seemed to be no relationship between the two.

The two people's grievances were resolved together, like strangers.

That kind of superficial sibling relationship, naturally, does not seem to be necessary to maintain it.

Regarding this result, Gu Xian'er didn't believe it, and she didn't want to just accept it.

She felt that Gu Changge, there must be some hidden secrets, deliberately pretending to be like this, he is doing this deliberately to her now.

With such an attitude, Gu Changge just doesn't want her to understand him!

Therefore, Gu Xian'er took the initiative to come to Wushang Peak and found Gu Changge, asking him about the cause and effect of the incident.

At this moment, upon hearing Gu Changge's words, Gu Xian'er took a deep breath and calmed down her calm and cold expression.

"Gu Changge, what is the purpose of everything you did three days ago?" Her voice was extremely calm, her face was serious.

Gu Xian'er felt it necessary to tear off the camouflage on Gu Changge's face.

Is there something unspeakable, can't it be said? I have to hide it by myself?

Gu Changge had been so kind to her before, and she didn't believe that all this was what Gu Changge had pretended to be.

Gu Changge is actually a person with cold outside and hot inside.

"What's the purpose? Gu Xian'er, this is what you came to ask me about? I thought it was something big.

"You let me down."

"Rather than wasting this time, isn't it good for you to keep practicing? Or think that from now on, I can't take action to suppress you? There is no motivation to practice?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge seemed to be taken aback.

Then turned around, looked at her, and said with a sneer in her voice.

As if seeing some idiot.

Gu Xian'er was irritated by his casual and contemptuous attitude. Qiong's nose wrinkled and her voice was quiet and said, "Gu Changge, you don't pretend, don't think that you can hide it from me."

For a long time, Gu Changge has been using various means to force her to practice hard in order to surpass him.

Up to now, this purpose has not changed.

Gu Changge really thought she couldn't find such an obvious flaw?

Gu Xian'er stared into Gu Changge's eyes, as if to show him through.

"Oh, pretending, kind of funny.

"Gu Xian'er, do you think that after I said those things, after swearing by Dao heart, I won't act against you? You will be fattened if you haven't beaten you for a long time."

Gu Changge sneered and looked at her, "Don't try to provoke me, otherwise I will really throw you in Maokeng and suppress it for three or five years."

"Gu Changge"

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er's voice suddenly rose, and there was anger in her eyes, and she glared at him, "I have forgiven you already, are you still doing this to me now?"

Although he knew that Gu Changge was deliberately pissing her off.

But Gu Xian'er couldn't help being angry.

Gu Changge said lightly, "You forgive me? The last time I gave my life to you, you didn't want it yourself, so we already owe nothing to each other.

"You Gu Xian'er looked stagnant, and Gu Changge was right. At that time, the grievances between the two had actually cleared up.

But how can it be said that two cleansing can be done with this kind of thing, and all traces of it will be erased?

"But you clearly said those things, and you dug out the bones and gave them back to me."

Gu Xian'er said without giving up, if it wasn't for Gu Changge that she couldn't beat, she really wanted to give this hard-mouthed man a lesson.

At this time, what are you still arrogant about? Are you confessing that everything is not good?

"At this time, you don't really think that what I said, will it be true?"

"Don't you understand the bitterness? As for those words, why are you so stupid and naive, Gu Xian'er? Is it possible that you are really moved, right?"

"That's just for the people of the world to listen to, in order to maintain my image, and at the same time give the family an explanation.

His expression was casual and understated.

It seems to be narrating something that has nothing to do with oneself.

But what he said was deeply indifferent.

Gu Xian'er paled.

The more Gu Changge explained this way, the more she didn't believe it.

There is clearly a ghost in his heart!

Gu Changge, why has it been like this all the time, and doesn't understand the kindness of others?

"Can't you understand my kindness?" Gu Xian'er gritted her teeth and wanted to cut Gu Changge's heart open to see what was going on in him.

Otherwise, she couldn't guess Gu Changge's thoughts at all.

"Good intentions? No, people like me don't need any kindness." Gu Changge shook his head.

"Do you still have no idea about this kind of thing? Do you need to ask again?"

He had a slight mockery on his face, and he didn't have the same expression that he used to protect Gu Xian'er before.

"Gu Changge you" Gu Xian'er was gritted by Gu Changge's words.

Why don't you need to be kind? What kind of bitter and deep hatred you are carrying.

If it weren't for knowing that he did it on purpose, she would definitely explode at the moment.

She vowed that she would tear off Gu Changge's hypocritical disguise.

"What am I? Don't you know how to grow up?"

Gu Changge looked at her indifferently. Suddenly, with a wave of his sleeves, a big empty palm print appeared, and Gu Xian'er instantly flew out of the mountain.

"Gu Changge, you are too much, I will suppress you in the future!!

"I will reveal your secret and find the truth."

Gu Xian'er's anger and cold voice came from afar, her angry teeth itching, but Gu Changge's slap in an instant could not be seen.

"Brother then wait for you to find the truth."

The mountain breeze was blowing, and the robe was bulging.

The indifference on Gu Changge's face disappeared, and his expression was full of interest.

What he said just now was half true.

It's just enough for Gu Xian'er.

During this time, the atmosphere of the whole Boundless Sky became dignified, and there was a feeling that the mountains and rain were about to come and the wind was all over the building.

Many cultivators and creatures dare not show up outside at will.

And most importantly, the long-lost inheritor of magic skills has once again appeared.

This time it was the most elite powerhouses of all races who suffered this time!

Among the major Immortal orthodoxy and supreme masters outside Wuliangtian, there is no peace at all.

"It's really unexpected that Brother Changge still hides such a past event!

"It's a pity that I didn't see him in person that day, digging bones to return to sisters, palms drinking the Sea King Palace, so courageous, worthy of being the first person in the younger generation!"

Taikoo Ye Clan, inside a palace.

The whole body is shining, and the hair is sparkling like burning, just like the Ye Langtian of the sun god.

Hearing these news, he said in admiration at the moment, his eyes were full of admiration for Gu Changge.

In his mouth, Gu Changge is worthy of the title of the first person of the younger generation. At least from the current look, there is no young supreme who can compare with Gu Changge.

Only when the mysterious Yuemingkong kept the mysterious moonlight, Ye Langtian felt that she might have the ability to fight Gu Changge.

It's just that the two are unmarried couples, how can they fight?

It is impossible for the world to know about the discussions in secret.

"Dao Brother Changge has his own talent, what is it? Since the bones of the avenue did not originally belong to him, could it be a space-type talented supernatural power?"

Ye Langtian's eyes narrowed, thinking that Gu Changge's hidden talent should be related to space.

In the several battles that Gu Changge took, the speed displayed was jaw-dropping and unbelievable.

If it is said to travel through the virtual space, it is also the past.

As for digging bones?

In fact, many young sages including Ye Langtian didn't care.

This is the world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong. It is the law of nature to swallow the weak and strengthen oneself.

He is not a completely good person himself, so he thinks that Gu Changge's excavation behavior in earlier years is completely understandable.

After all, I was ignorant when I was young, and there is nothing to say about making such a choice.

Gu Changge was able to confess everything, which was far beyond his expectations.

It was him who had no guts to do such a thing.

"It turns out that there is such a grudge between Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er. It's just that people like Gu Changge would actually do things like digging the bones and returning to the younger sister. I really didn't expect it."

Beside Ye Langtian, a beautiful girl in purple skirt was also shocked.

It was Ye Liuli.

When talking about Gu Changge, she remembered the scene when Gu Changge forced her to apologize when she was in the lower realm. As for Ye Chen's memory, now there are only some vague pictures.

She only remembered that Ye Chen offended Gu Changge. Although she was willing to help, in the end, it didn't work.

Ye Chen was killed by Gu Changge.

In addition, Ye Chen seemed to her to be an insignificant little person.

Not worth paying attention to.

Instead, she often can't help but think of Gu Changge, which makes her very distressed.

If you feel disrespectful towards Gu Changge, you will feel like facing the majesty of the sky.

"Big Brother, do you think that in the future, the Sea King Palace will really fight the Changsheng Gu family? I feel that the longevity Gu family's background is unfathomable, but the Sea King Palace should not be underestimated. It has ruled the Wuliang Sea Clan for so many years. Sever the inheritance"

Ye Liuli asked, mentioning this matter, in her opinion, it will even affect the situation in the next Wuliangtian.

"This battle is impossible to fight, Sea King Palace dare not." Ye Lang said with a strange smile on the sky.

At the same time, at the end of a large area, there is a dark blue ocean.

In this sea, a black warship with bones is floating, and a huge golden sun can also be seen sinking in the depths of the sea.

At this moment, the killing sound shook the sky, as well as the roar.

A large number of sea creatures came from all directions, all of them were the commanders and many subsidiary forces dispatched by the Sea King Palace in various places.

A great leader, tens of thousands of sea people, and even a decree of the current sea king who was sent to the Celestial Immortals Palace to seek justice, was destroyed by the ancestor of the longevity Gu family.

This incident naturally aroused the anger of all the sea clan forces in Boundless Sea, and it was bound to wash away the humiliation.

At this moment, the thick fog is overwhelming.

The Sea King Palace is built on the bottom of the sea.

Where fairy gas, xenon, fluorine and Xiarui are intertwined, an ancient tree that supports the sky opens up all the sea water, forming an endless world.

Here, there are sun, moon and stars, and the rules of heaven and earth are intact.

Looking at it, the mountains and rivers, the pavilions and buildings, and the city and palaces are lined up in rows, like a complete world.

In the ancient palace in the center, the sea king wearing the fairy gold crown and holding the royal sword, the face is gloomy, and he shouts, "The Changsheng Gu family deceived people too much! My Sea King Palace has been in countless years for 3.7. This is the first time I have suffered this great humiliation!

He still clearly remembered that not long after the figure appeared, a rusty kitchen knife slashed on his forehead.

If it hadn't been for that phantom shadow was extremely solid and had been refined by him for a long time, otherwise it would definitely become ashes under the knife.

The thing that Neptune couldn't stand the most was the strong attitude of the Changsheng Gu family.

It looks as if the Sea King Palace is afraid of Changsheng Gu's family!

"My lord, we still can't fight in this battle. If we want to fight, I will gather all the elite of the sea clan now and kill the Changsheng Gu family together to let them know that we are not easy to provoke.

At the moment, a creature with a tortoise shell rolled his mung bean-like eyes and said so.

In his view, given the endless number of Hai Clan, even if the longevity Gu family has a strong foundation, it cannot be exhausted.

After all, the most expansive area of ​​the Upper Realm is still the ocean!

Although the sea clan is powerful, although they don't open their branches and leaves like the ancient Wan clan, and each become a clan, they are better than the number!

When Hai Wang heard this, his expression was also changing rapidly.

But at the end, he couldn't help feeling slumped.

"This king is not the opponent of the ancestor of the Gu family. If it is really worth fighting against the Gu family for this matter, the Changsheng Gu family has survived countless wars and has always stood firm. Unless we can also have reinforcements."

"Gu Changge is just a junior, why can he have such a large amount of energy."

Aquaman roared, very unwilling, but he was only able to vent his anger here.

The high-levels of the Sea King Palace below were even more silent, not daring to speak softly.

However, at this moment, all of them changed their expressions, and felt a sense of horror coming in the high sky outside the underwater palace.

The sea is mighty, and the sky is trembling!

"It's the ancestor of the Gu family!"

Hai Wang's face changed suddenly, and he didn't expect to be chased here by Gu Nanshan.

Soon, he took a step forward, his breath was overwhelming, and the chain of rules soared to the sky, instantly killing towards the palace outside.

At this time, naturally you can't shrink back!


Unparalleled immortal dynasty, immortal dynasty.

In a splendid, ancient and magnificent Great Hall.

Since Xiangu Continent left, intercepting Yin Mei on the way by the way, and after intimidating Yue Mingkong, he is now sitting on the throne.

She was dressed in a broad Emperor's robe, and she was looking through the memorials, her eyebrows wrinkled from time to time.

Various emotions flashed through the indifferent and deep phoenix eyes, and finally returned to peace.

"Emperor Chu, what happened that day in Daotian Ancient City is like this.

Below her, a female officer replied respectfully.

PS: I fell in the bath and sprained my wrist. I just came back after applying the medicine. It is estimated to be late, sorry.