Chapter 186

Yuemingkong sat on the throne and closed the memorial quietly after hearing the words.

Since the return of Xiangu Continent, her Cultivation Base has gotten a large Ascension.

In particular, Gu Changge got many benefits that she never dared to imagine before.

A drop of colorful real dragon blood, a pot of fairy that has only been refined until now.

These two good fortunes can be said to be the most precious things in Immortal Ancient Continent, and they have the greatest effect on her.

Not to mention her, even the deadly old antiques who are now fighting in the Ancient Immortal Continent will be hotly jealous.

"Retreat all," Yue Mingkong said lightly.

Now she already has the kind of majesty, terrifying and intriguing female emperor who controls the life and death of hundreds of millions of lives.

The indifference in the phoenix eyes is even more heart-shaking.

Just one action made the many ministers of the fairy dynasty below, sweating and not daring to gasp loudly.

"Yes, Emperor Chu.

After getting the order, everyone in the Great Hall retreated, leaving only a few female officials whom Yuemingkong trusted.

"The rumors are correct, right?" Yue Mingkong asked faintly, and in her calm expression concealed emotions that only she knew.

"Returning to the Emperor, the rumors are correct. Young Master Changge dug out the bone by himself in front of the Sea King Palace and various Taoist priests," the female officer replied.

"Young Master Changge also said that whoever dares to fight Gu Xian'er's idea in the future, he will destroy his whole family.

At this point, she couldn't help trembling.

From these simple words, you can hear a terrifying blood pounce.

"You still said this? Changge, what are you thinking about? I can never figure out your heart."

Yue Mingkong waved his hand to make all the female officials retreat.

She was startled slightly, then closed her eyes and muttered.

In her original memory, Gu Xian'er had a tragic ending in her last life.

Gu Changge don't talk about restoring the bones and confessing what happened back then. From the beginning, he has never stopped chasing Gu Xian'er 24.

Even the members of the family that brought her were driven to extinction by Gu Changge by various means.

So at the beginning, Yue Mingkong was trying to change Gu Xian'er's ending, thinking that Gu Xian'er would have one more chance of survival when he encountered Gu Changge.

But when she first met with Gu Xian'er, Yue Mingkong discovered that Gu Xian'er hated Gu Changge and it didn't seem to be a big deal.

This surprised her very much.

Then she went to investigate and found out that it was Gu Changge who picked up Gu Xian'er's family and released those who were detained.

According to Yue Mingkong, this approach is the most appropriate and at the same time the most correct.

In fact, this was the very beginning of her rebirth, and she most wanted to persuade Gu Changge to do this, so as not to end up on the road of betrayal.

It's just that Gu Changge actually did this before her, and eased the relationship with Gu Xian'er first.

At the time, Yue Mingkong even suspected that Gu Changge was the same as her, who was born again.

It was just then discovered that Gu Changge was not actually. He didn't know many things that would happen in the future, and he didn't seem to be a rebirth at all.

Unless Gu Changge has been pretending to be stupid and intends to hide it from everyone. In terms of Gu Changge's strength at the time, he didn't have that need.

If he is a rebirth, he knows everything that is going to happen, it will be desperate.

Therefore, Yue Mingkong knew that it was all she had been worrying about.

Since that incident, Yue Mingkong has always been puzzled.

She discovered Gu Changge and the Gu Changge she had known in the past. Although there is no change in her personality, she has a rare human touch.

Although this human touch is very weak, for Gu Changge, it is already a big change!

However, Yue Mingkong felt that this was what Gu Changge had deliberately pretended, in order to confuse her.

But a series of things that happened next broke Yuemingkong's cognition one by one.

By now, she couldn't completely believe the memory of rebirth.

It was because of that memory that she was preconceived and misunderstood the Gu Changge in this life. She felt that he had another purpose and had no good intentions.

It is precisely because of this that the relationship between the two who were already transforming and can go closer suddenly dropped to a freezing point.

If there is no preconceived idea, Gu Changge would be considered unkind.

In the Baiheng Mountains, how could she say that to Gu Changge?

Yue Mingkong also understood that it was no wonder her memory.

If there is no memory of returning from rebirth, she is still the pure and kind-hearted fourth princess, and she doesn't even have the qualifications to enter Gu Changge's true eyes.

It is even more impossible to control the entire Wushuang Immortal Dynasty.

"Changge, he should be disappointed and chilling with me now, he has always been wary of me for his kindness to me.

Yue Mingkong sighed deeply. Gu Changge dug her bones to return to her younger sister and made it public. It can be said that it completely slapped her in the face.

All her previous suspicions about Gu Changge were overturned.

She has a complicated mood, regrets, sorrow, and guilt

Gu Changge even told her the biggest secret that he was the inheritor of magic power, and did not have any means of guard against her.

Doesn't this explain everything?

"Changge, after all, is a man of emotion and anger. If you want to know what he thinks, you can actually tell from his behavior."

After thinking about all of this, Yue Mingkong's emotions were half-worried and half-happy, mixed with sourness.

The good news is that Gu Changge always has her place in his heart.

Otherwise, Gu Changge is definitely thinking about ways to deal with her, instead of giving her a pot of faeries during the parting.

He just has a stiff mouth, he doesn't want to tell the true thoughts in his heart, and his personality is as cold as him, and he will not easily show his emotions.

What worries about is this position, the proportion is too small, so small that it will disappear at any time.

"I'm so stupid. I realized at this time that Changge has me in his heart." Yue Mingkong was still a little satisfied when he thought of this.

Just like the words in front of Yin Meimei that day.

Blocking is worse than sparse.

Since she can't stop Gu Changge, why not go with him and help him rule the heavens as a rebirth.

Who knows that it will be tragedy in the end?

"Even if you become an enemy of the heavens in the end, I will stand by your side.

"Who called me so stupid, willing to give everything for you…"

Yue Mingkong muttered to himself, secretly making up his mind.

Her face was calm and deep. At this moment, she had figured out all this.

She actually doesn't care about her final ending.

On the day of rebirth, she secretly vowed to change the ending of those relatives and friends in the previous life.

But now it seems that this oath is no longer useful.

In this life, she does not need to do this. All the actions of Gu Changge have shown that he will not repeat the revocation of the previous life.

Nor will the tragedies that Yuemingkong knows be staged again.

As for the hatred of Gu Changge in the previous life, Yue Mingkong can only choose to accept it silently and hide it in her heart.

She has endured a lot, and it's not so bad.

"According to the development of past lives, the general trend remains the same."

"First, the immortal spirit of Ancient Immortal Continent was born, and many old antiques went there. They found nothing and were picked by Gu Changge first."

"Subsequently, Sea King Palace sent many powerful sea people to seek justice from Xian'er. As a result, Xian'er's ancestor was angry and grumpy, and was wiped out. Then the Gu family ancestor was killed in the territory of Sea King Palace. "

"No one knows what happened during that battle, but in the end the Sea King Palace was closed for 100,000 years, and many sea people were not allowed to leave the Boundless Sea for half a step.

"The things in Xiangu Continent seem to have something to do with Gu Changge, but there is too little information to understand. I only know that the Xiangulong clan will take the lead in the resistance, but in the end it was strongly suppressed by the big Elder.

Yue Mingkong sorted these memories in his mind.

The battle in the Sea King Palace seemed to have alarmed one of Gu Xian'er's masters, and across an endless distance, he cut a jet black sword light.

The terrifying aura of the existence of the two Xeons swept across the entire sea, and finally succumbed to the Sea King Palace.

Everyone also understands that even without Gu Changge, Gu Xian'er's identity is unparalleled, and there will be no accidents of life or death.

Of course, these are innocuous little things that will not affect the final direction of things.

The Sea King Palace has a long history, dominating the immeasurable sea area for many years, but he dare not go to war with the Changsheng Gu family.

So Yue Mingkong never worried about Gu Xian'er.

As long as Gu Changge does not deal with Gu Xian'er, then Gu Xian'er will not be in danger of life.

Gu Xian'er's most dangerous enemy will always be Gu Changge.

"After dealing with the things at hand, I have to go to that girl Xian'er. I still have to talk to her about some things."

Yuemingkong now doesn't plan to think about what it used to be, and he keeps thinking about Gu Changge all day long.

Then go to doubt that Gu Changge has a purpose.

It is exhausting to speculate on Gu Changge's thoughts and thoughts.

She was burdened with immense hatred and too much pressure, and now she is also tired.

Even if Gu Changge had other purposes, she didn't want to care anymore.

Anyway, in the end, no matter how prepared or planned, it is impossible to stop Gu Changge.

The world is moving, the subtleties are changing, the general trajectory can be, but it will not change.

Even if at the end, Gu Changge would kill himself as in the previous life, Yuemingkong doesn't matter.

Then let Gu Changge kill.

Now she knew that Gu Changge actually had her place in her heart, and that was enough.

"The absolutely cloudy sky will soon come to the world again. All the Daoist sects will send the most powerful figures to build the True Immortal Academy, in order to cultivate a true immortal in this era.'

"At that time, many emperors, ancient princes, ancient freaks, and even young kings who are surpassed by the same generation, 407 will appear."

Yue Mingkong began to recall this memory.

For Gu Changge, it would be an excellent hotbed, after all, the countless sources are enough for him to devour cultivation and smelt the avenue bottle.

For the younger generation, this is a gathering of stars, a golden age, and also the beginning of their nightmare.

In the previous life, I don't know how many Tianjiao suffered from Gu Changge's murder in secret.

What about the emperor and the ancient prince, in the eyes of Gu Changge, they are just the difference between rich nourishment or not.

There are absolutely cloudy days outside and there are inheritors of magic skills inside. This world will never be peaceful.

Absolutely cloudy, as the name suggests, is the same as Wuliangtian. It is an area of ​​infinity. When it is formed, it can even be said to be the inclusion of many ancient universes.

The eerie and terrifying degree of Absolute Cloud lies in its covering and devouring nature, which will cover each Minor World, each plane and even each day.

It's like a living world, with self-consciousness, which can swallow the rest of the sky to strengthen itself.

At the very beginning, no one noticed the appearance of a cloudy sky.

When it took shape, it already had the ability to swallow the world.

For many traditions and ethnic groups, absolutely cloudy is the most terrifying thing.

It does not belong to any race and has no life. It is just a world that is constantly evolving and expanding.

But it can swallow and destroy everything.

"Absolutely overcast, the ancestors come out"

Yue Mingkong thought of this matter. She hadn't understood it seriously in the previous life, but only faintly heard of it.

Gu Changge was going to make this idea, but she didn't know if it succeeded in the end. I don't know how Gu Changge is arranged.

Absolutely cloudy sky is a disaster involving the entire upper realm. At this time, human ancestors will appear to save the common people and all souls and all beings in danger.

Because every time there is an overcast sky, there will be many Taoist forces that will be swallowed and buried, and disappear forever in it.

In this world, besides the real immortal, who would dare to shatter the universe and solve the overcast sky? Even the Taoist forces that once gave birth to immortals would feel tricky.

But human ancestors can, possess this method.

The ancestor will never die, and has been trekking among Samsara.

Whenever a cloudy sky descends on the world, all parties and traditions will look for the reincarnation of human ancestors.

The identity of the ancestors is beyond the outside world, and even the oldest existences must be respected.