Chapter 187

The origin of absolutely cloudy sky, this has always been a mystery in the upper realm, no one knows why it was born, and no one knows its true location.

But the creatures who walked out of the cloudy sky are full of terrifying atmosphere.

It is a weird and terrifying aura that will corrode the cultivator's soul and spirit sea.

Even if it is a powerful existence, it is unwilling to be easily contaminated. Whether it is Cultivation Base or True Spirit, it is difficult to get rid of it, just like a maggot attached to a bone.

As far as Yue Mingkong knew, when the absolutely cloudy day of the last life came, it had swallowed many lower realms.

The scale is terrifying, and the upper realm is turbulent and uneasy during the rumbling.

It is precisely because of this that the great lords and great religions are uneasy, and they have sent the strongest existence to build a true immortal academy, exhaust all ethnic resources, and cultivate a true immortal in this life.

There is no immortal in the upper realm now.

If there is, it is also the ancestor figure in the oldest family, who has not been awakened for many years.

Yue Mingkong's story about Renzu was actually heard from Gu Changge's mouth in the previous life.

Renzu has been walking among Samsara. Some people say that he is one of the former practitioners of the heavens and the world, and he is also one of the first former sages of the human race.

This group of former sages pioneered the inheritance of the human race and made Immortal achievements.

Renzu is the most prestigious one among them.

Every time an overcast sky appears, Samsara, the reincarnation of the human ancestor, will wake up from Samsara, turn the tide and stop the chaos.

Even in the past, a magician inheritor who nearly overwhelmed half of the upper realm was once the last human ancestor appeared and killed it!

The disasters he has prevented are countless.

Such a great accomplishment deserves the praise of future generations for hundreds of millions of years!

Over the past countless years, Renzu has become a faith-like existence in the upper realm.

Even the old antiquities of Immortal Great Master and the Supreme Orthodoxy, as long as the human ancestor is mentioned, they will definitely stand in awe!

The younger generation knows very little about this, and may not think there is anything.

But once Renzu's reincarnation awakens, his terrifying speed of practice will make all his peers desperate.

That is an unattainable speed, in the shortest time, to reach the strongest summit.

For Tianjiao of all races and traditions, no matter how dazzling.

As long as the human ancestor's reincarnation is in front of him, he will look eclipsed and lose all his light.

The tyrannical reincarnation of the human ancestors is by no means comparable to the geniuses of the same era. This is an unquestionable thing in every era.

Many people speculate that Renzu was practicing a Taoism.

In comprehension of Samsara, walking in the world, comprehend that the red dust is billowing, and the heavens are full of states.

In the end, Renzu will be detached and become an unspeakable existence.

And the orthodoxy left by the ancestors, the palace of the ancestors, has become one of the most detached forces in the upper realm.

There are very few cultivators in the Ancestral Hall, but every one who walks out can cause a great sensation in the outside world, and is treated as a guest, and no one dares to be disrespectful.

Of course, the transcendent status of the Ancestral Hall does not mean that its foundation must be richer than those of the immortal family and Immortal Great Sect.

However, the status of Renzu Temple in the eyes of the upper realm cultivator is no different from that of a shrine, and it takes time to worship.

"According to the memory of the previous life, the reincarnation of the human ancestor in this life should come from that side of the lower realm."

Yuemingkong's eyes became very deep.

Because once the human ancestor's reincarnation is awakened, it is bound to have the means of human ancestor Samsara a few times before.

At that time, Gu Changge's identity as the inheritor of magic skills is likely to be exposed.

What happened in this life has exceeded her expectations in many respects, and many things even happened ahead of time.

She also doesn't know when the Daoist ancestor's reincarnation will appear.

But the only certainty is that Renzu has the means to detect the identity of the inheritor of magic power, which has already happened in the last life.

It's just that Gu Changge was so powerful at that time.

According to such a development trajectory, the ancestors of this world are likely to be born early, and Gu Changge is only now in its infancy, which is far from the terror power of his previous life.

In the face of human ancestors, Gu Changge will be at a great disadvantage, even facing the scene of universal enemies.

This is a big hidden danger for Gu Changge.

"Ren 々"" Yue Mingkong whispered softly, and his eyes were shockingly cold and murderous at this moment.

All kinds of thoughts flashed quickly in my mind.

She is recalling the many characteristics of the ancestors of the previous life to determine where the ancestors are.

Even if the upper realm is worshipped by countless cultivators and has unimaginable heritage, as long as it is against Gu Changge, it is her enemy!

No matter before or now, she will not let the others hurt Gu Changge.

Even if she wanted revenge before, she had to do it herself.

"After a period of time in the Renzu Temple, the descendants are bound to walk the world, and at the same time look for the reincarnation of Renzu."

Yuemingkong has made a decision in his heart.

The descendants of the Ancestral Hall are extremely mysterious. Even in the previous life, no one has seen his true face, and no one knows whether it is a male or a female.

And the inheritance of the Ancestral Hall is more mysterious and famous for all parties, you can borrow Dao Fruit!

In other words, the descendants of the predecessors of the Renzu Temple can borrow the Taoist fruit from the descendants of the Renzu Temple of this life.

The descendants of the Ancestral Hall, shoulder the task of assisting the reincarnation of the Ancestor. Before the Ancestor has grown up, he will definitely be Gu Changge's hidden enemy at that time!

"It is said that the human ancestor possesses the pure nirvana of the Qinglian, which seems to be transformed by a pure green lotus. The first step for the human ancestor of this world is to reverse Xiantian and reshape the roots and bones, so this pure Qinglian is right It's important to him."

"As long as I snatch this Jingshi Qinglian, the time for the return of the ancestors should be greatly delayed.

Many thoughts flashed in Yue Mingkong's heart, carefully planning, compared to the last time he suffered a big loss in Ye Ling's hands, he escaped.

Now she is more cautious. Although the identity of the rebirth represents the foresight, it does not necessarily mean that she can plan and control everything.

After all, she still doesn't have the thoughtful city like Gu Changge.

"Before Gu Changge came into contact with Human Ancestor, he took the opportunity to grow stronger. I can only help him drag here…"

Yueming Kong's Phoenix Eyes are very calm, and there are many scenes ups and downs at this moment.

Although she was confident, she didn't go to the blind destination. She felt that with her ability, she could solve the big trouble of human ancestors.

If it were not for the destiny that Renzu would stand on the opposite side of Gu Changge, she would never have taken the initiative to provoke Renzu.

That kind of old monster that Samsara didn't know how many times had a lot more methods than Gu Changge, and it was heart-palpiting to think about it. At most, he could only calculate and snatch it when his Samsara's memory was not awakened.

Killing the reincarnation of human ancestors? In her opinion, this is simply unrealistic.

In addition, Yue Mingkong did not intend to disclose this matter to Gu Changge, so as to avoid contact between Gu Changge and his ancestors. This can be regarded as another protection for Gu Changge.

"Come and pass the will of this palace. Starting today, the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty wants to build Wushuang Guards, and those with powerful talents from all corners of the world can come from here.

After that, Yue Mingkong ordered, Yu held a pen in his hand and began to write a series of edicts.

In terms of her current status and the power of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, once this news comes out, it will definitely attract countless creatures and cultivators.

Wushuangwei, this is the ultimate killer that Gu Changge asked her to build in her last life.

What's more, it is said that this is the first killer of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty.

Yue Mingkong still remembers the secret technique Gu Changge taught her in her previous life.

How to train and control this unparalleled guard.

The effect of these secret methods is terrifying, and it is even more obvious in this kind of killing army.

It can even share the damage, and at the critical moment, share the vitality

At that time, Yue Mingkong felt incredible, Gu Changge was really omnipotent, but now that I think about it, this secret method is obviously a terrifying evil.

Shengsheng good fortune great skill.

Taking soldiers as the origin of good fortune, endless life, can indeed form a powerful and unparalleled power, to Pima.

But this kind of secret method is used too much, and it is obvious that it will cause irreversible damage to the body and the soul.

In the end, a robot puppet that only knows about killing is formed.

And this is exactly what Gu Changge wanted.

He intends to establish the world's first immortal dynasty, the unparalleled immortal dynasty of the previous life seems to be controlled by Yue Mingkong.

But in fact, all decisions, and even the victory of the throne, were made by Gu Changge behind the scenes, making suggestions, and controlling everything.

"In this life, I will form Wushuangwei first, and Wushuang Xian Dynasty should also be renamed the first Xian Dynasty.

"Heaven and earth, be the only one!"

At this moment, the divine light appeared in Yuemingkong's phoenix eyes, and the majestic majesty was revealed on the beautiful fairy face.

Just when Yue Mingkong was planning the affairs of the ancestors, he was in the Celestial Immortals Palace, in the Supreme Peak.

The light is surging, and the rune is like the sea.

Gu Changge was sitting side by side, a sealed jade jar, with faeries dripping, like a glow, looked extremely magnificent.

Between his mouth and nose, he was exhaling a chain of order and rules, like a small piece of galaxy cluster.

Gu Changge is devouring and refining these things, Ascension own strength.

During this period of time, his superficial Dao Celestial Immortals Cultivation Base has reached the late stage level of the Void God Realm.

Magic Cultivation Base, it is the trend that Ascension has reached the late stage of the quasi-sacred realm and is approaching its peak.

In the past few days, he occasionally saw Hunter Xinxi, and went out hunting as the inheritor of magic power, but found many Tianjiao with special physique.

However, on the other hand, Yin Mei has provided him with a lot of cultivation resources, but he also seems to be slow to enter.

Gu Changge was not in a hurry either.

When he arrived at the Realm behind, his Ascension speed was not too slow. Those older generations of Closed Door Training had only had a chance to understand it for decades or hundreds of years.


Above his head, the aquarium on the road of Luo Dao rises and falls, and the five-color fairy light and chaotic energy all gush out from it and fall onto his body.

Not moving like a mountain, like an ancient god, majestic and overwhelming.

A secret spell in Immortal Swallowing Magic Skill was quickly refined by Gu Changge.

"~ Gu Nanshan really ran to find the Sea King Palace to settle the bill. After hitting a wall here so many times, I should find a chance to vent my anger.

"The Sea King Palace matter can be regarded as a warning to the rest of the races.

Soon, Gu Changge opened his eyes, and a different color flashed past them.

Everything is developing in the direction he wants.

Neither Gu Xian'er nor Gu Nanshan disappointed him.

Gu Nanshan's temperament is just like that, facing the provocation of the Sea King Palace, it is impossible to bear it.

"Gu Xian'er's ancestors have one of the best practice times in the entire Gu family. Even if Gu Nanshan is not at the forefront, it can't be weak."

These days, Gu Changge has sent his confidant to the Gu's family to inquire about Gu Nanshan and learn about his many pasts.

After knowing this, he can make better use of this peak powerhouse to do things for him.

And he only needs to be at the back, waiting to pick up the benefits.

There are many ancestors of the Changsheng Gu family, but it does not mean that ancestors will often wake up.

It's not common for ancestors like Gu Nanshan who have been in Closed Door Training for a long time to come out to relax and relax.

Gu Nanshan's current strength, in Gu Changge's view, is still very strong, at least now that the Changsheng Gu family is at its peak.

Dealing with a sea king's palace is not going to suffer.

(Ma's Zhao) Gu Changge felt that even his father, who stood at the top of the upper realm, would have difficulty defeating the ancestor of Gu Nanshan.

The disparity in practice time is really too big.

Gu Changge announced the world, telling the secret that many people of the tribe, including Gu Nanshan, will definitely change their attitude towards him.

Gu Nanshan made the lead for Gu Xian'er, which is not a manifestation of the attitude of the Changsheng Gu family.

The Gu family of Longevity stands Immortal, overlooking the birth and death of the upper realm, how much offends the Daoist forces of the Gu family of Longevity, it disappears, and the inheritance is cut off.

The tyrannical horror of the Changsheng Gu family is evident.

Therefore, in Gu Changge's view, the Sea King Palace is an experience package for Gu Xian'er, not to mention that there are several terrifying masters standing behind that girl.

So even if Gu Changge does not stand up and do all this, Gu Xian'er will not have any life in danger.

He just took advantage of it.

Of course, Gu Changge can't really make Gu Xian'er feel wronged. That girl is a little silly, but it is always his Little Sister.

It is enough for him to bully. If other people dare to bully, then Gu Changge will not be able to destroy his clan.

After all, he usually bullies and bullies Gu Xian'er, but now he is one of the few pleasures.

If Little Sister is not used to bully, what is the point?

On the other hand, Gu Xian'er can bring him a lot of luck points and destiny points, and the energy behind her is even more difficult to estimate.

Saying that the Celestial Immortals palace has been dealt with, Gu Changge is considering that he should set off to bring Gu Xian'er back to his family, so as to draw out the big guys behind her.

If used properly, this will be another horrible boost for him.

The mysterious master in Tao Village, and the peach tree.

Gu Changge is looking forward to meeting them.