Chapter 188

"Gu Changge of Damn it

"One day, you will be suppressed by me in Maokeng, so you will never get out of it!"


A stream of light passed from the foot of Wushangfeng Mountain.

It was Gu Xian'er who passed by here, she hummed coldly toward the palace on the mountain peak.

Then he turned around and left for the place where he usually dived.

This scene made some of the followers behind Gu Xian'er a little helpless and grinning.

Every time he came back from the outside, Gu Xian'er never forgot to come under the Supreme Peak and scold Gu Changge in it.

At the very beginning, Gu Changge would frown and show up, slap Gu Xian'er to the ground with a slap, letting her understand the consequences of being owed.

At the back, Gu Xian'er seemed to be really used to the feeling of being picked up by Gu Changge every once in a while.

After being beaten, she felt that her own Cultivation Base had a faint sign of breakthrough.

Gu Changge's current strength is still as unfathomable as before, and can easily suppress her.

When Gu Xian'er confronted Gu Changge, she found that this kind of resistance was even more effective than her practice alone.

This discovery made Gu Xian'er pleasantly surprised.

So she used Gu Changge as a sandbag. Although every time she was beaten to make her butt hurt, Gu Changge was cruel and unrelenting. She slapped her with pain.

However, Gu Changge seemed to be bored with Gu Xian'er, and soon disregarded her provocation.

No matter how provocative Gu Xian'er was, she was indifferent and did not show up at all.

This makes Gu Xian'er very unaccustomed and angry.

Gu Changge's attitude towards her is becoming more and more indifferent.

The more so, the more Gu Xian'er intends to provoke him.

However, these days, her status is undergoing a heaven-defying change.

So many young and powerful people came to find her and planned to follow.

Gu Xian'er, who was accustomed to practice alone on weekdays, suddenly had more followers.

This also made her somewhat dare not to imagine and difficult to adapt.

Some of these followers came for Gu Changge, wanting to borrow her identity to visit Gu Changge.

There are still some arrogant women of heaven, who are considering making good opportunities with her and getting close, but from time to time they inquire about various news of Gu Changge.

These behaviors of hiding ears and stealing bells made Gu Xian'er extremely angry and confused.

The proud women of these days do not take pictures of themselves without peeing. Even in their appearance, they dare to inquire about Gu Changge?

She didn't say such words, but Du Yi's emotions were already obvious.

Gu Xian'er also knew that all these changes were brought about by Gu Changge in front of the Celestial Immortals Palace that day.

Otherwise, before this, she was still an unknown girl. When many people mentioned her, they immediately thought of the dazzling Gu Changge.

But now, many people still forget that the distance Gu Xian'er walked on Daotian Road is actually not much worse than Gu Changge.

Her talent is no weaker than Gu Changge.

Especially for all of this, after she lost the bones of the avenue, she came to Nirvana for painstaking cultivation.

This courage and perseverance is worthy of admiration by all cultivators.

But under the aura of Gu Changge, it still makes people involuntarily ignore Gu Xian'er.

On the contrary, Gu Changge, who was frankly when things went wrong in 407, became more dazzling, and his prestige reached a high level again.

If Gu Xian'er knew a word called "hype", she would definitely curse Gu Changge so much.

In a blink of an eye, time passed, and half a month passed.

"The Sea King Palace, the affairs of Ancient Immortal Continent, should also be finished."

"This time is really coincidental."

Noticing something, Gu Changge, who was writing a letter in the palace, couldn't help but smile strangely.

The silver brilliance flashed in the eyes, and many scenes in the Ancient Immortal Continent appeared in the eyes.

In the vast Heitianying clan, there is a sense of prosperity.

As if the arrival of Gu Changge that day was just a dream, it did not affect them at all.

At the beginning, the Black Skyhawks thought that Gu Changge would send them to fight with the rest of the Xiangu tribe, to compete for resources and territory for them, and to further expand their strength.

However, Gu Changge didn't do this, and he didn't even reveal anything about him, hidden deep behind the scenes.

This matter puzzled the entire Hei Tianying tribe, but at the same time, they were relieved. They already had a slave mark in their bodies, and surrendering to another person was not unacceptable.

Moreover, this person should still be a shopkeeper, regardless of them.

This kind of good thing naturally surprised them, and slowly they didn't care about Gu Changge's control over them.

"I think it's pretty good. I'll keep you guys out of it, so what are you waiting for?"

Gu Changge understood their thoughts and couldn't help but sneered.

It's just that it hasn't been used yet.

As his servants, the Hei Tianying clan is still ambushing in the ancient continent, and no one has discovered the slightest abnormality.

After all, as an extremely famous and powerful ethnic group in Immortal Ancient Continent, the background of the Hei Tianying clan is still very terrifying.

The feather tribe that has been destroyed is far behind.

Without marrying Yixianjue, it would be very difficult for Gu Changge to control this clan.

During this period of time, the terrifying giant net he laid was spreading quickly.

In just half a month, all kinds of creatures have been enveloped, and the area swept by it is extremely terrifying.

The main reason is that the wedding dress fairy has never been exposed.

The strength of the Black Sky Eagle clan is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and surpasses the other clan.

This is seen in the eyes of the Guteng Snake, God Crocodile and other ethnic groups, and they are naturally greedy.

In their opinion, the Black Sky Eagle clan definitely got a lot of good things.

The Hei Tianying clan didn't know that Gu Changge's method of controlling them was their wedding dress and fairy decision.

They have always believed that it was the effect of the slave mark.

The Guteng snake clan and the god crocodile clan were also imprinted by Samsara Gu Tianzun as a slave. How could they escape the control of Gu Changge?

Therefore, in the eyes of the Hei Tianying clan, the two big groups are actually the same as them, they are all fish on the chopping board.

Naturally, there is nothing to beware of the two major ethnic groups.

During this process, Heiming, the chess piece, still quietly passed the Cultivation Technique to his cedh friends very "kindly", intending to carry it forward.

This also quickly spread the wedding dress left by Gu Changge.

Gu Changge himself did not expect that the chess piece he placed casually, in the end, would bring him such terrible benefits.

Afterwards, Gu Changge's figure moved and stepped into the void, planning to go to Xiangu Continent for the final finishing touches.

Since the Guteng Snake and Divine Crocodile clan are coveting the Cultivation Technique of the wedding dress part of the Black Skyhawk clan.

Gu Changge will naturally come to the beauty of adults and fulfill them all together.

For Gu Changge, this process and planning is actually very simple. It only requires some coincidental timing and arrangement.

Then wait quietly for a while, it will be fine.

Now that he has been waiting in the Celestial Immortals Palace for half a month, the time for the arrangement is good.

As for how to do it?

It's actually very simple.

For example, a member of the Hei Tianying tribe was unfortunately "drunk" while drinking and chatting with his friends.

Then confided the truth, telling their family's most hidden secret recently, the mysterious Cultivation Technique that seems to be a fairy Scripture!

And this was a coincidence, and I was bumped into by the masters of the ancient brain snake and the god crocodile passing by outside, and just heard these secret words.

These coincidences all collided together, and then it became an inevitable thing that the secrets of the Black Sky Eagle clan were finally discovered by the Guteng Snake and Divine Crocodile clan.

The immortal scriptures they coveted, it is possible to pry out of the population of the Hei Tianying tribe!

As a result, these two ethnic groups took the risk, took away the Hei Tianying tribe, and used various means to interrogate and search in secret.

At this time, by chance, this Black Sky Eagle tribe, unbearable tortured, finally revealed the fairy Scriptures.

The celestial scriptures are so rare, the Black Sky Eagle clan will definitely set up Restrictions in their minds.

And at this time, it will be a coincidence that makes these Restrictions hard to be touched.

Although this approach is far-fetched, it is enough to dispel the worries of the Guteng Snake and God Crocodile tribes.

This kind of luck can only show that they are predestined with this fairy Scripture!

With a celestial scripture in front of them, how could they choose to give up?

In Gu Changge's series of calculations, it happens that the wedding dress can be passed on to these two ethnic groups. Don't take any effort to control their life and death.

Under the effect of the wedding dress, he had not left the hallway Celestial Immortals for half a step during this period, and he controlled the situation a million miles away.

And the method was nothing more than controlling a member of the Black Skyhawk tribe.

Marry Yixianjue is a poison. Once you have been in contact with its cultivator and creatures, you will be infected. Enjoy that kind of practice speed many times faster, even the epiphany is not rare.

They are naturally hard to give up.

And these chess pieces, it's time for Gu Changge to use them.

"Big Elder went to the Xiangulong clan, it is estimated that the Xiangulong clan will not give up for a while, let alone surrender easily, and they may also unite with the rest of the ethnic groups to suppress and kill the various traditions that have descended on the Xiangu continent.

"This counterattack is full of loneliness."

Gu Changge's figure quickly disappeared into the void.

He has been planning the various races of the ancient immortals. The appearance of Elder is only his first plan and an introduction.

Recently, the Xiangu Continent has not been calm at all. Many old antiques rushed to Xianlu, looking for fairy fate, and a stunning war broke out, spreading all over the world.

They will not give up easily.

During this period of time, the various tribes of Xiangu were oppressed, and without the leadership of the dragon tribe, they did not dare to resist at all.

At this time, it is a good time for Gu Changge to take advantage of the fire.

Hei Tian Ying Clan, in the magnificent Great Hall, Hei Ming is cultivating, and his jet-black wings appear extremely large, as if they can cover the sky.

This pair of wings can also tell what his current strength and status are.

It can be said that the spring breeze is proud, and it is not an exaggeration.

But now, his heart throbbed suddenly, and he felt the long-lost breath of supreme existence!

This made him couldn't help but ecstasy, could it be that the supreme existence was about to come again?

Heiming's heart became extremely excited.

"It really is the Supreme Immortal Sutra! The bottleneck that I haven't broken through for a long time is actually loosening

In the clan of the Guteng Snake clan, an old man of very old generation could not help laughing, full of excitement and excitement.

Such a scene is still happening in the crocodile family.

Incidentally, a member of the Black Sky Eagle tribe forced to ask about this immortal scripture. After they let the tribe members try it, they immediately discovered its benefits.

No wonder the Black Sky Eagle clan's recent strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and they have faintly thrown them away.

Now that this immortal scripture is in hand, are you still afraid that you will not be able to catch up?

The depths of the ancient continent.

The light is surging, Xianrui soars into the sky.

Among the dragon islands, many dragon tribe people kneeled on the ground, extremely enthusiastic, screaming in their mouths, worshipping the terrifying phantom in the sky.

A magnificent ancient statue is glowing with their prayers.

One by one avenue rune, bright and dazzling, floating in the void, wanting to reflect.

An extremely vague and stalwart figure appeared. Just standing there affected the rules of heaven and earth. Time reversed chaos and space collapsed.

This is an unspeakable figure, just standing there, there is an aura to dominate the world and be invincible!

He has dragon horns, and his arms are densely covered with dragon scales, as if he has woken up, his eyes are shining golden and glowing.

"My friend, could you interrupt and tear up our old agreement?"

This world-famous figure was shrouded in a thick gray mist, but its breath was strong and shocked.

In the vicinity of Long Island, the powerful people of many ethnic groups and orthodoxy are all gathered here.

They have different expressions. Some have their eyes flickering and are thinking of ideas, while others are sweeping around, planning to fish in troubled waters.

"Today's matter seems unavoidable."

The big Elder said calmly, the aura on his body was obviously not terrifying, but it seemed as if a person was holding down the whole world.

"You promised to protect my family back then. Now how many years have passed. This agreement seems to have no effect at all." This vague existence, extremely furious, and his eyes are very cold.

He is not the true dragon of the year, but only the few heirs of the true dragon, and he is the true spirit shadow of the true dragon heirs, not an entity.

That's why he was jealous and felt that he couldn't beat Elder.

"Is there no room for relaxation?" This vague existence asked, and now, he still doesn't plan to fight against Elder, knowing its horror.

"No, the old man has already promised a younger generation. Now the Xiangulong clan must surrender to him and provide for his trend." Elder said lightly. He already knows what Gu Changge did on that day, so he will definitely abide by it. Agreed.

The words of Big Elder shocked many surrounding cultivators and were unbelievable.

At the beginning, they all felt puzzled about the appearance of Elder, especially when he was planning to persecute the ancient tribes, it made many strong immortal survivors puzzled, shocked, and unacceptable.

At this moment, when they heard this, they all understood.

Obviously, the younger generation that Elder said was Gu Changge!

Gu Changge actually forced the great Elder, who had always defended the various ethnic groups of the Ancient Immortal Continent, to this point, shocking and horrified them.

The ancient dragon clan with a long history is now being forced to such a point.

If it hadn't been said by Elder himself, who would dare to believe it?

How did Gu Changge do it?

It's just terrible, it doesn't look like a young man at all!

Many people couldn't help but shudder in their hearts.

"Is that the young man who killed the Tianjiao of my race?" Fuzzy Existence snorted coldly, apparently also aware of this matter.

"It's not important." Big Elder said lightly.

He shot, and slapped forward.

At the beginning, this palm was only the size of a millstone, and it quickly stretched out, and billions of gods bloomed, like the Galaxy Cluster hanging down, like the world smashed down, suppressed and fell forward!


"Coming to fight!

"Even if my enlightenment time is later than you, my emperor is invincible at the same level!

While speaking, this vague existence has a terrible aura, but it rises up into the heavens and turns into a thousand red clouds, running through the sky.

He stepped out one step at a time, carrying ten thousand ways, like the lord of the heaven and the earth, and the king over all directions.

He did not hesitate and directly used own's strongest means.

All the creatures and cultivators looked terrified and evaded, but there are still many people, under this palm, they all burst into pieces, turned into animal powder, and disappeared!

A world-shattering battle broke out again, no matter what the outcome, this ancient Celestial Immortals continent was in chaos after all!

On the way to Xiangu Continent, Gu Changge was seriously thinking about the next plan by the way.

Ye Ling solves this son of luck. According to the previous routine, a new son of luck is bound to appear for him to harvest.

The so-called son of luck, Gu Changge, is not such a reason.

However, the system has not yet prompted, which means that he has not yet come into contact with son of luck.

This requires Gu Changge to take the initiative to find it.

But how many people of luck exist in the vast upper realm? Among these people of luck, how many sons of luck are there?

The quantity is too much. In Gu Changge's eyes, they are all leeks waiting to be harvested.

If the lower realm is broken down by hundreds of millions of people, there will be countless people who will be transported by the atmosphere.

How many can he meet?

"Perhaps I can rely on the almighty destiny to build a mysterious kingdom, just like the main temple I know in the previous life, otherwise I can rely on myself to harvest these leeks, and I don't know when to wait."

Gu Changge thinks about it again.

After all, his power alone is limited, and the non-vegetables waiting for him to harvest are unlimited.

He also didn't want to rely on himself, cultivate the so-called clones, and go to those in the lower realms to find great luck.

This is too much trouble, and I don't know how long it will take.

The Heiming of the Hei Tianying clan gave Gu Changge a good inspiration.

Since he can pretend to be the supreme existence, why can't he spread the scope in a large arc and pretend to be the omnipotent main god?

The supreme being and the main god do not seem to interfere.

"The Samsara sounds too old-fashioned. From now on, my leeks should be called the Destiny. This is the tallest one."

"The clock of destiny, do things for me, plunder the luck of all lower realms.

Gu Changge nodded.

After all, he has a supreme seed of the world, and now under his evolution, he has gradually formed a magnificent scale.

In ancient times, the Heavenly Emperor lived in, but this is also the case.

The four Tianmen in the southeast, northwest and northeast stand tall, magnificent and tall.

Every heavenly gate is magnificent and boundless, which can open the four corners of the world.

After all, the force grid needs to be full, otherwise the non-leeks will not be able to come.

Gu Changge's plan is simple. It is to attract a group of leeks to work for him, and this group of leeks will find a way to harvest another group of leeks.

Through this fortune, you can exchange something here at Gu Changge.

He collects an intermediate price from it. For example, the system sells Cultivation Technique with 5,000 destiny points. He can mark the price to 50,000 or even 500,000 destiny points.

And so on.

However, with Gu Changge's current destiny value, it is still difficult to achieve this level.

These are just his future plans. Whether he can get there or not, after all, his goal is not only the immeasurable sky, not just the upper realm, but the entire heavens and ten thousand domains.

He urgently needs a large sum of destiny value.

"Perhaps you should pay attention to Mingkong's movements next month. I have spent so much time on her and done so many things, she can't be unaware of it."

Gu Changge sees things thoroughly.

If Yue Mingkong still had murderous intent on him now, it would be too abnormal.

So next, Yue Mingkong is very likely to feel guilty towards him.

In Gu Changge's view, Yuemingkong's movement may lead to the next son of luck.

He hoped that this son of luck could provide him with horrible luck points and destiny points.

Otherwise, many of his current plans would be difficult to plan.