Chapter 207

And just when the cultivators of many orthodox forces are discussing.

A huge golden hall seal rumbling over, to cover the Great Hall below, suddenly a grey mist erupted.

The covering pattern there was suddenly broken open, revealing the scene in the Great Hall.

Gu Changge arrived here at this time.

His face was extremely cold and murderous, and he said coldly, "In front of my Changsheng Gu family, I dared to kill him. It's almost death."

After that, he frowned and looked at the two who were fighting, with a murderous look.

"Young Master Changge! What the hell is going on?"

At this time, many nearby cultivators also rushed here, looking up into the sky in shock.

Then, someone asked Gu Changge that he was a young arrogant of the King of Longevity.

"What?! Someone is going to assassinate me Big sis?"

Wang Wushuang rushed here, shocked, angry, and murderous, with many emotions intertwined on his face.

Among the pale golden eyes, the murderous intent is palpitating.

"I'm not sure about this, but I just rushed here."

Hearing that, the look on Gu Changge's face was not very good, but he remained calm, with coldness and killing intent.

Instead, he looked at the sky, and the inexplicable meaning in his eyes flashed away, and no one noticed.

At this moment, no one felt that Gu Changge's expression was problematic.

This kind of thing, after all, happened on the site of Changsheng Gu's family, and even at the time of Gu Changge's mother's birthday banquet.

It is normal for him to be so angry and angry.

"This person is so courageous, no one can save him today."

Soon, Gu Changge's expression calmed down, and his words contained a trembling murderous intent.

Although not directed at myself.

But many people couldn't help but shudder.


At this time, on the other side of the sky, there were regular chains of gods, intertwined there, to hang down.

It's densely packed, so amazing, it can almost cover all the cultivator and crush it into ashes.

The tall sacred dharma body fought against each other like a mountain, and the breath was earth-shaking. Even the mountains became dusty when they raised their hands. They looked extremely small, making countless cultivators tremble.


One after another divine rainbow, come through!

In the inner island area of ​​the Gu family, many Gu family powerhouses and the younger generation Tianjiao also rushed to it quickly.

I never thought that at this time, someone would dare to make a shot under the eyes of the Changsheng Gu family, simply didn't put the Changsheng Gu family to put in one's eyes.

"This person is looking for death!"

Many experts in the Gu family suddenly had extremely cold expressions, looking at the figure wrapped in black light, as if looking at a dead person.

At the moment, many people began to take action, trying to kill the black figure, the great holy realm fluctuated, and quickly swept all over the place, shocking many guests.

The existence of the Great Sacred Realm, no matter what Taoist Daoism is in, is a mainstay, a high-ranking clan-like existence.

Ordinary old monsters and old monsters have not even reached this Realm.

But all of a sudden, there were so many auras in the Changsheng Gu family, which can only be said that the longevity Gu family's background is really amazing.

"Fortunately, come here in time, girl Zijin is okay, right?"

At this time, Gu Changge also took a step forward, and his figure moved into the Great Hall.

He looked at Prince Jin, who was stained with blood and looked weak and pale, and asked with concern on his face.

With this rescue opportunity, Wang Zijin was sitting there, perfectly calm, pale and bloodless.

But the strands of Spiritual Qi, like a whirlpool, rushed toward her body, trying to repair her injuries.

This state is very strange, even every cell has become a fairy-like color, bright and crystal clear.

This is the special place of her physique.

Over the years, the meaning of fairy spirit has become more and more obvious, and every cell is dazzling with the spirit of fairy spirit, Sacred.

I heard the voice of Gu Changge coming to rescue own.

Wang Zijin couldn't help opening his eyes. Although he looked weak, his complexion was much better.

Only she herself knew how to survive this arduous battle with many means. The general quasi-sages had disappeared as early as the first time.

Thanks to her Magical Item and many methods, it didn't hurt much.

"Brother Gu"

Looking at Gu Changge, Wang Zijin smiled slightly, and there was a little more blood on his face.

"I'm fine, this injury is fine."

But as she said, a little blood gushed out from the corner of her mouth, and then she shook slightly and was about to fall.

Seeing this, Gu Changge's eyes flashed slightly, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he immediately supported her.

There was a flash of smile in Wang Zijin's eyes, and he fell into his arms with a very weak expression.

"Thank you Brother Gu for coming to the rescue, but if you take a step slower, you're afraid you won't see me."

She whispered, looking terrified.

She saw Gu Changge's expression of concern just now, and she naturally knew it was fake.

After all, no matter how much he pretended to be, there was no temperature in his eyes.

In Wang Zijin's view, Gu Changge came to rescue her so quickly, obviously there are two main purposes.

The first is that such a big thing happened to the Changsheng Gu family, if it is not handled well, it will be discredited.

If she died here unfortunately, and the Changsheng Gu family didn't even notice it, then she would have to bear such a big pot, and at that time it would inevitably arouse the good hatred between the Changsheng Gu family and the Changsheng Wang family.

Gu Changge, as the young master, is definitely not happy to comment on such a situation. He came so quickly. Apart from showing his concern, he must be sure that he has nothing to do.

In fact, Wang Zijin's injury is no longer a problem, but at this time, she just can't help but want to tease Gu Changge like this.

This kind of cold and ruthless guy, without any means, is afraid it will be difficult to impress her.

Wang Zijin felt that as long as he was a man, he couldn't help being tempted when I looked so pitiful.

She is still very confident about own appearance, whether it is in the previous life or this life, she has nothing to say about her appearance.

Maybe Gu Changge will react a little too.

"Today's matter, it is said that the Gu family is negligent, and Gu also has a lot of responsibility. I am really very sorry. Later, I will make up for the losses of the Zijin girl one by one."

Gu Changge looked at the prince who fell in his arms, and he seemed to be stunned, and he didn't react.

But soon, his face returned to a calm expression, and he said guiltily.

With his eyesight, it was natural to see that Wang Zijin had recovered from his injuries after such a short while, and his surging vitality could be called abnormal.

But he didn't bother to care about knowing that she might have some thoughts about himself.

Gu Changge has always been dismissive of this.

However, in order to maintain the personality he created in front of Wang Zijin, he chose to change the subject without exposing it.

If Wang Zijin responded to this, it would inevitably make her suspicious, which is not conducive to Gu Changge's future plans.

Anyway, he was already familiar with this kind of thing, and he was familiar with it.

Whether it is Yue Mingkong or Gu Xian'er, everything they see is what Gu Changge wants them to see.

See Gu Changge did not respond, but changed the subject.

Wang Zijin is not surprised, Gu Changge is not the performance of a straight steel man, she is simply not interested in her.

Looking at being gentle and polite, but indifferent to the bones.

This act of saving the United States, in her opinion, lacked sincerity.

"Brother Gu knows who wants to assassinate me tonight?"

Afterwards, Wang Zijin also got serious and asked.

Gu Changge glanced at her, and said thoughtfully, "A person from the inheritor of magic arts?"

"Brother Gu is right. Perhaps my identity has already been known by him. Then he sent his subordinates to hide in the dark, intending to take the opportunity to kill me. Fortunately, I was lucky. The existence of this Great Holy Realm that killed me was too underestimating. This was only delayed by me for so long

Wang Zijin said with a little smile, he never thought that this matter would have something to do with Gu Changge in front of her.

Moreover, from the mouth of the existence of the Great Sacred Realm, she also heard that its next goal was Gu Changge.

Therefore, in her opinion, Gu Changge is the same as her, the target of the inheritance of magic power.

Did not think about the other direction.

"This is also the reason why Zijin girl Cultivation Base is strong, and most people can't delay it for so long."

Gu Changge said, taking a deep look at Wang Zijin.

Something means something.

Wang Zijin also knew about his Cultivation Base, but Gu Changge could not hide it, let alone her identity, Gu Changge had already guessed it.

Compared to Gu Changge, she is the one who can't see through him.

Gu Changge looks more mysterious than her.

"The inheritors of magic skills have been rampant to this point, and they dare to send someone to sneak into my Gu's house like this. Compared with the last time Ye Ling, the Great Sacred Realm that appeared today exists, and the Cultivation Base has reached this level. It's incredible"

"It seems that my guess at the time was not wrong. There should be some organization behind the inheritors of magic power.

Gu Changge sighed slightly when he heard the words, and looked a little bit troubled about the matter.

Prince Jin nodded.

She also heard Gu Changge say this sentence, and now it seems to be confirmed.

At this time, Wang Zijin spoke again.

"And I suspect that Ye Ling, who Brother Gu fought before, is not actually the real inheritor of magic skills. He is just a chess piece. With his ability, it is obviously impossible to order a Great Sacred Realm existence to do things for him."

She would think so, it was entirely because of the existence of the Great Sacred Realm surrounded by black shadows, and said the word "master" at the time.

What does this mean?

It means that there is a greater origin, more terrifying characters behind him.

Little Ye Ling, even if he got the inheritance of this taboo, he couldn't have such a subordinate instantly.

"Oh, there is such a thing, Ye Ling was just a pawn at the beginning?"

Gu Changge looked a little surprised when he heard this, then frowned and said, "That Ye Ling hasn't continued to reappear now, and it is difficult to be sure that he is alive or dead."

"It doesn't matter whether Ye Ling is alive or dead. What's important now is to find out the true identity of the inheritor of magic arts, what is the hidden organization behind it."

Hearing this, Wang Zijin nodded and said, with a deep chill in his eyes.

Although because of her identity, she was born on the opposite side of the inheritor of magic power.

But being assassinated by the powerful sent by him in this way still made her feel very upset.

He gave birth to an unspeakable murderous intent, and wanted to find the real behind-the-scenes person and fight him with all his might.

The conversation between the two was heard by the cultivator who came here one after another, and they couldn't help but change slightly.

And from this conversation, many young Tianjiao had guessed the identity of Wang Zijin, their complexion could not help but changed suddenly, and they no longer dared to be as casual as before.

Compared to the awe of Gu Changge.

The identity of Wang Zijin is a kind of admiration and reverence for the ancestors, and it belongs to a different concept.

If you talk in detail, the difference is like the difference between admiring ancient ancestors and fearing the powerful in the world.

"It's no wonder that Wang Zijin will be stared at. It turns out that her identity is actually the descendant of the Ancestral Hall." Ye Langtian couldn't help but sigh deeply. He didn't expect it before.

"Even the descendants of the Human Ancestral Hall were born. I am afraid that this golden age has also kicked off.

The rest of the young supreme, regardless of men and women, have complex eyes.

"It seems that the person who assassinated her should have something to do with the inheritor of magic arts. Now that the existence of the Great Sacred Realm has appeared, it is becoming more restless!"

"I don't know if the ancestors of this world will return. If there are ancestors, there is hope in this life.

Many older cultivators and strong men thought in their hearts that, after all, they also hope that this world of practice can be peaceful.

And the person who can return them a stable and peaceful person is the ancestor.

For the human race, the meaning of human ancestors is extraordinary.

Human ancestors, emperors, earth kings, and Heavenly Emperors. In ancient times, there were too many ancient existences with many titles. No one knows the extent of their Cultivation Base.

Because these titles are not based on their Cultivation Base, but based on their great deeds to sentient beings, which have different meanings for different races.

Even Renzu has different branches, such as Xuanyuan Renzu, Jiang Renzu, etc…

By now, these branches have disappeared, and only the two-character term ancestor has been handed down.

The emperor of the ancient ten thousand clan is actually also the respected name of the ten thousand clan, because since the ages, there are very few existences called the emperor.

Such as winning the emperor, defeating the emperor, and holy emperor

But without exception, they are all amazing talents. No one can tell their Cultivation Base, even if it is a real celestial, or even a real celestial, in front of it, it can not be said that it can win.

With the great achievements of all living beings, people worship and chant day and night, even after death, the body will be surrounded by endless sacrificial sounds, and you can be taken back when you fall into the darkness!

From this we can see its horror.

In different eras, there are very few existences that can be recognized by sentient beings as such.


That is to say, when everyone was talking about it and was extremely shocked by this tonight, in the high altitude, that amazing battle was finally over.

Terrible waves swept across the sky and the ground.

Even if the stronger existence of the Changsheng Gu family hadn't started, there was no suspense in this battle.

Under the siege of many great saint realm powerhouses in the Gu family, the figure included in the rich black rune uttered an earth-shattering shout, as if he knew that there was no possibility of surviving.


The next moment, he was like a small black sun, suddenly swelling and becoming bigger, and the black rune, circulating in it, burst out with light that makes everyone's heart palpitating!

At the critical moment, he chose to blew himself up!

How terrifying is the self-destruction of a great holy realm?

-Next, everyone's color changed, their spirits were trembling, and even their legs were weak and they slumped directly to the ground.

"~He can't escape." Wang Zijin whispered, but he seemed very calm.


At this time, in the inner island of Gu's family, a light cough sounded, as if he was embarrassed because it was a little late to shoot.


A huge palm appeared, covering the heaven and the earth, and one of them seemed to be annihilating, and another Fang Universe was re-enacting!

The rune is flowing, the glow of the sun is flickering, and the chaos is ups and downs, just as if the Galaxy Cluster hangs one after another and condenses there.

The momentum was overwhelming and shocked the world.

This spontaneous horror cloth fluctuated, and instantly calmed down.

After a moment of silence, an astonishing sound of inhaling air-conditioning sounded below.

"I'm afraid that the fluctuation of the shot is far more than the quasi-superior state. Could it be a supreme shot?"


"This Gu family is so terrible. There are so many great cultivators in the sacred realm in an instant, and now there is a supreme shot that obliterates everything."

Quasi-Supreme is already an ancestor-level existence of various Dao traditions. The real supreme is definitely a walking myth.

With so many cultivators present, it was the first time I saw the Supreme shot. This palm seemed to cover even the Universe. It was so tyrannical that it made the scalp numb and tremble to the extreme.

"It's a pity, I chose to blew myself up and left no useful news.

Seeing this scene, Gu Changge shook his head regretfully, "The time for the ancestor to take action was too slow, but if a great sage wants to blew himself up, it will be difficult to stop it."

Wang Zijin shook his head when he heard the words, "Even if he is suppressed, I am afraid that he won't get any useful news. Even if they dare to assassinate me, then they must have figured out a strategy behind them. It is impossible not to think of this one."

Gu Changge smiled and said, "Girl Zijin is reasonable, but I worry too much."

He looked in the direction where the aftermath had dissipated, and his eyes flashed with a different color.

This self-detonation was naturally what he ordered.

However, Gu Changge still kept a hand. After all, this kind of puppet has a strong repairing power. As long as it is not really wiped out, there is a chance to recover.

At this time, he only needs to send people to guard the place, so that the cultivators of all major cultivators can perceive and detect its breath, and achieve the purpose of (has it been) doubtful formation.

And he could recover the core of the puppet from the broken runes.

After being repaired, it can be reused in the future.

And soon, as Gu Changge expected, many strong men rose into the sky and rushed to the sky to verify their identities from the remaining fluctuations.

Many people now know the identity of Wang Zijin.

The position of the Ancestral Hall is detached.

No one dares to offend easily.

Who would attack and kill Wang Zijin for no reason? Changsheng Gu's family? How could this be possible, Wang Zijin had an accident in Changsheng Gu's family, so Changsheng Gu's family was definitely the first time to take care of it.

It's too late to protect, how can you send someone to kill her?

So many people thought of the inheritors of magic power, and for a while, a layer of haze appeared on everyone's heads.

The younger generation was robbed before.

But now it is the Great Sacred Realm cultivator, what does this mean? It goes without saying.

Even many big people have a cold back at this time, giving birth to bad emotions.

They sensed the threat.

"Behind the inheritors of magic skills, I am afraid that, just as Young Master Changge guessed that day, there is an organization." Many people guessed in their hearts, especially the younger generation, and now they are in awe of Gu Changge to the extreme.

There is no difference between his words and the oracle.

And soon, Gu Changge also came to the sky, closing his eyes and being like the rest of the strong, seeming to perceive the aftermath of the battle just now, so as to determine its origin.

But he is looking for the position of the core of the puppet and intends to quietly take it away.

"If the old man guessed right, this breath seems to be the secret magic god of Tianhuang Mountain."

At this time, an old antique with a very long history suddenly exclaimed, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and he was extremely shocked.

His words also caused the rest of the strong nearby to open their eyes, revealing shock and disbelief.

For a while, the place even quieted down.

And Gu Changge also found the core of the puppet and quietly included it in the world.

He also opened his eyes and sighed slightly, "This remaining atmosphere of combat is exactly the same as Ye Ling when he fought me that day. The two seem to be of the same origin.

Needless to say this, many old antiques have also sensed it. They obviously have an understanding of taboo magic skills and will not judge the wrong breath.

In the high altitude, more and more cultivators came, and the atmosphere became very heavy.

Seeing this, Gu Changge smiled deeply. This black pot was temporarily detained. .