Chapter 208

Hearing the conversations of a group of old antiques and big figures in the sky, many cultivators were silent for a while, and their backs were chilling.

Today, the inheritor of magic arts is born, and there is still a huge organization behind him, who blatantly mixed into the banquet of the Changsheng Gu family, preparing to murder the mysterious woman of the Changsheng Wang family.

Many people still don't know the true identity of Wang Zijin.

I'm just guessing, thinking that the inheritor of magic skills behind it is trying to provoke a contradiction between the Changsheng Gu family and the Changsheng Wang family.

Because once there is a problem with Wang Zijin, then Changsheng Gujia must be very responsible.

Of course, a discerning person can also see that it is impossible for the Changsheng Gu family to do such a thing.

"Judging from the fluctuation of the magical powers and secrets, it turned out to be the breath of Tianhuang Mountain. From this point of view, this is very problematic!"

"Does the inheritor of magic skills live in Tianhuang Mountain?"

Many young cultivators said with shocked expressions and heard the conversations of the older generation among them.

Among them is a very prestigious old antique who said that the wave of magical powers in the battle came from Tianhuang Mountain.

This made them even more horrified, even saying that the back was chilling.

Especially the creatures of the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clan also looked shocked and couldn't believe it.

For them, the status of Mt. Tianhuang is simply needless to say. Mention of Mt. Tianhuang is always reverent and dare not disrespect.

But now, when I heard that Tianhuang Mountain is related to the inheritors of magic arts, their brains almost exploded.

How is this possible?

Tianhuang Mountain is high on the top and is worshipped by thousands of people. It is a force established by several emperors, and it is extremely detached.

Good point, how could it be related to Tianhuang Mountain?

can not imagine!

"Could it be that Tianhuangshan would be the planner behind it? This is terrible."

A young supreme said solemnly.

At this time, Gu Changge, who had found the core of the puppet under the eyelids of a group of old antiques, and had been in his portable mansion, had already fallen from the sky.

The expression on his face seemed to be similar to that of many young sages, and there was a bit of thought in his dignity.

Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "If this matter is related to Mt. Tianhuang, then why did he use Mt. Tianhuang's magical powers when fighting? In this way, isn't he deliberately telling everyone? He and Mogong What about the inheritor?"

"I don't believe anyone can be so stupid."

Having said this, Gu Changge sighed slightly, as if he was also very confused.

"Brother Gu's words are reasonable, which is exactly what I suspected." Wang Wushuang, who had calmed down, also nodded.

Ye Langtian and other young supreme beings were not stupid either, obviously they could perceive this loophole.

Gu Changge put everyone's expressions into his eyes, and his eyes flashed with a different color.

The effect he wanted has been initially achieved.

This matter was originally framed, and he didn't intend to be seamless. He just splashed black water on Tianhuang Mountain, so that he could have a better plan for the next step.

Regardless of whether they believe it or not, such as Huangshan today is definitely annoying.

This is in Gu Changge's expectation and plan.

But he didn't intend to be so.

Hearing Gu Changge's initiative to defend Tianhuangshan, many people from the ancient ten thousand clan looked grateful.

When they heard about Mt. Tianhuang, they actually had a cold sweat, worrying that Gu Changge would move to Mt. Tianhuang for no reason.

In terms of his current power, although Tianhuangshan's status is respected, it is not enough to calm Gu Changge's anger.

After all, how many horror forces are behind him now, and the longevity 420 Gu family's background is powerful, let's not talk about it.

Which force can despise this?

Although the number of Taikoo Ten Thousand Clan is huge, before this matter is investigated, Tianhuangshan has the most obvious suspicion.

Gu Changge said so, and took the initiative to clear the suspicion of Tianhuangshan, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the problem with Gu Changge?

Unless they really have a problem with their brains.

At this time, many older generations of strong people came from different places one after another, and now they are gathered nearby.

Someone sighed and nodded when he heard what he said, "What the Young Master Changge said, is it not something we suspect or not believe? The fluctuations of the breath of Tianhuang Mountain, if you really feel it, it is too obvious. NS."

"Yes, it looks like someone deliberately smeared Tianhuang Mountain, making us suspicious, but we are not stupid people, how can we not see it?

Another Old Antique spoke. He was tall and had a face that was not irritable and majestic. He came from the Immortal Master and spoke with great dignity.

He very much agrees with Gu Changge's view, and feels that the matter is like someone is framing Tianhuang Mountain.

Soon, this statement was recognized by almost many people here, after all, this kind of loophole is too obvious.

It is impossible for Tianhuang Mountain to be so stupid to leave such traces.

Seeing everyone talking about it, trying to find the true magician inheritor in words, and return Tianhuangshan to be fair, Gu Changge's expression couldn't help but become a little playful.

But that expression quickly disappeared.

His expression returned to natural.

But the plan he laid out is more than that simple?

Soon, Gu Changge frowned slightly, he took the initiative to speak and asked Wang Zijin.

There seemed to be some inexplicable taste in the deep eyes, "I don't know what Miss Zijin thinks about this matter?

Hearing this, the place suddenly became quiet.

Including the many clansmen of the Changsheng Gu family, and the guests from all walks of life, they couldn't help but look over.

Gu Changge's words now have a lot of weight, and many people want to hear his views.

Wang Wushuang, Ye Langtian, Golden-winged Great Peng young supreme and others also looked different, ready to hear what Gu Changge would say.

"Why does Young Master Changge ask this woman's opinion? Is there anything special about this woman's identity?"

Some people still don't know the identity of Wang Zijin, so they couldn't help but ask curiously.

It's also a terrifying ability to be able to hold on for so long in the hands of a great holy realm assassin! Especially she is still a young man!

This made many people feel palpitations, and they couldn't help but admire her.


"Shhh, shut up."

"Zijin Holy Maiden, it's not something you can make false statements!" When some old antiques heard this, they suddenly scolded, respecting the prince.

If it weren't for the descendant of the human ancestral hall, how could she be assassinated by the inheritor of magic art for no reason? The average young Tianjiao was crushed to annihilation as early as the first time!


Hearing that, everyone understood now, his eyes widened, and he sucked in air-conditioning.

No wonder it was so close to Gu Changge.

It turned out that this mysterious woman from the King of Longevity would be a descendant of the Ancestral Hall, which made them shocked, Qi Qi was shocked.

At this time, Wang Zijin didn't care what many cultivators next to her thought of her.

She glanced at Gu Changge.

Seeing his expression, he suddenly felt that although he didn't say it, he seemed to have thought (cedh) with him. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Actually, my opinion should be similar to that of Brother Gu. Now everyone subconsciously thinks that Tianhuang Mountain is The framed ones have nothing to do with the inheritors of magic power."

"But in my opinion, this is the most problematic place."

"After all, if this is the case, everyone will eliminate the suspicion of Tianhuangshan first, and instead look for another suspect. What if this happens to miss the real suspect? Isn't this right?"

Her words are very light and gentle, without much strength.

But it is like a hundred thousand mountains, bombarding everyone's hearts.


Especially the old antiques, their faces are even more shocked, as if layers of fans have been revealed, and they are instantly awakened.

They found that what they thought was not much different from what Wang Zijin said!

In other words, they have taken the lead in eliminating the suspicion of Tianhuangshan, thinking that it is impossible to have a relationship with the inheritor of magic power.

After all, such an obvious breath of magical power, besides framed, what else can be explained?

But in case this is really intentional!

Thinking of this, many people are suffering from cold. If the prince didn't say it, they would think wrong.

"It deserves to be the Holy Maiden of the Ancestral Hall! Bingxue is smart, and instantly figured out the key, which made the old man admire him.

An older generation cultivator still agrees with this statement, and it is more convincing than at first.

"Therefore, the suspicion is true, the false is true, the false is true, although we are so suspicious now, but there is no evidence to prove that it is related to Tianhuang Mountain. Anyway, if it is really the work of Tianhuang Mountain, then this plan is arranged. , It is really scary and almost deceived by it."

"Thanks to Zijin Holy Maiden, otherwise I don't even think about it."

For a while, everyone began to compliment Wang Zijin, and their words were full of admiration and admiration.

At a young age, Cultivation Base is unfathomable, and so close to Master Changge, the future is beyond limit!

The younger generation also nodded their heads with different expressions.

They couldn't help but admire Wang Zijin's talk. They analyzed the key from another angle. They couldn't do it anyway.

On the contrary, many of the creatures of the Primordial Ten Thousand Clan, their complexions turned pale and unacceptable.

"Brother Gu's opinion is similar to mine, right?" Wang Zijin smiled and asked Gu Changge.

Gu Changge nodded, with a hint of admiration in his expression, and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect Miss Zijin's idea to coincide with me, but at first I was almost confused by it. Anyway, the Emperor The suspicion of the mountain is still the greatest."

Hearing what he said, Wang Zijin seemed to be smiling happier

Hearing that, all the cultivators were silent, feeling a greater haze covering them.

Even Tianhuang Mountain was involved, this day is going to change!

"However, people from the Ancestral Hall were born. I am waiting for Young Master Changge, who is still a true immortal. It is not without hope."

"The inheritors of magic arts are ravaging the world. It's time to find a way to find out where they are and wipe them out in one fell swoop.

Everyone's minds all thought of it this way. The younger generation has Young Master Changge, so that they can see the hope of contending with the inheritor of magic arts.

Put all the expressions in the eyes.

Gu Changge's expression is natural, and no one knows that he is full of sneers in his heart now.

The purpose of tonight is finally achieved.

With this basin of black water, he has already reached Tianhuang Mountain.

Even if Tianhuangshan doesn't want to, he still has to pinch his nose to accept it.

Absolutely disgusting to death.

They absolutely could not think of it, but Gu Changge calculated it for some reason, and probably couldn't figure it out until the end of the day.

"Ding, the reputation of the son of luck is damaged by mortals who seize the house, gain 3,000 points of luck, and fate value of 15,000."

At this time, Gu Changge also heard the prompt sound of the system.

This made him smile.

It seems that there is no problem with his plan. The flapping of the wings of butterflies across the ocean can cause a huge frenzy, let alone his calculations.

Although it may seem small, the sensation caused by the entire upper realm is definitely huge.

This little horse-feeding boy can't be controlled by him, playing hard.

And soon, what happened at the Changsheng Gu's family tonight was immediately spread out, causing major sensations.

All the guests witnessed the scene at the time with their own eyes, and they had nothing to say about the news, which could prove its true or false.

The world was shocked for a while, and all directions were shaken.

The reappearance of the inheritor of magic skills caused everyone to tremble.

Especially this time it was even more rampant. He wanted to assassinate the descendants of the ancestral hall. Fortunately, he was stopped by the strong Gu family. Otherwise, I couldn't imagine it.

This incident aroused the jealousy and attention of all Dao Dao Dajiao, Tianhuang Mountain was the first to bear the brunt, and it was instantly pushed to the cusp of the storm.

In any case, the sensation caused by this incident was terrible and trembling.

The scene that day came out, the great sacred realm that assassinated the descendants of the ancestral hall existed, and he displayed the supernatural power of the Tianhuangshan Secret Technique, and the breath could not be mistaken.

All kinds of theories spread all over the upper realm for a while.

Whether it is Human Orthodoxy or the creatures of all races, they are all cautiously jealous because of this matter.

After tens of thousands of years, the inheritors of magic arts reappeared in the human world, and they were more terrifying and hidden deeper than the previous inheritors of magic arts.

And just when all the major forces were shocked and shocked.

Another thing came out!

Tianhuangshan wins the emperor's parents and heirs, and now the emperor Winshuang is born!

As soon as this news came out, it caused a terrible wave in the first place, and the momentum it caused was terrifying.

A cultivator made a special investigation and found that the day when the Emperor announced that he was going to be born was the day when Gu Changge's mother held a birthday banquet, and also the day when the descendants of the Ancestral Hall were attacked and killed.

This time is so coincidental.

This had to shock the Daoist teachers of all parties, and many people even felt anger in their hearts.

This is a coincidence too, right?

In the eyes of many people, this is exactly the provocation that Tianhuangshan has against many Taoist religions! Blatant and unscrupulous!

Especially the White Tiger clan, they are simply hateful.

After all, their heirs died in the hands of the inheritors of magic power, and even the whole body was swallowed up.

Although they belong to the Taikoo ten thousand clan, they should respect Mount Tianhuang.

But when I think of the great connection between the inheritors of magic power and it, the whole group is not good, and I even want to go to Tianhuang Mountain to seek justice in person.

Their patriarch was full of anger, his eyes were red, and he roared to the sky, making it difficult to vent his anger.

"Damn it, I didn't expect my clan to respect Mount Tianhuang so much, but my son's death was actually related to it?"

The many clan elders on the side hurriedly stopped him, and said, "The patriarch is not allowed, how can this kind of thing be so reckless, the death of the young master makes my clan angry, but there is no evidence for the Tianhuang Mountain! It's just speculation from all parties!'

They also don't want to cause harm to the White Tiger clan for no reason.

The background of Mt. Tianhuang is not comparable to that of the White Tiger clan. There have been many emperors who have been in town. Who knows that there are still any means left?

They hate it too!

However, Mt. Tianhuang has been eating and standing for many years, and there are naturally many supporters. Many ethnic groups think that Mt. Tianhuang was maliciously splashed with dirty water and planted and framed.

Tianhuang Mountain is high above, with a transcendent status, and is respected by all the races. Do you need to do such self-declaring and boring things?

This is completely the descendant of the Changsheng Gu family and Renzu Temple, deliberately framed!

In short, there are all kinds of momentum and crusades.

"What's going on? Is Tianhuang Mountain really related to the inheritors of magic power?"

"Damn it, I don't know at all, is it true? Or is it someone deliberately framed me?"

At the same time, it was rolling across the sky, amidst a tall phoenix boat that was extremely luxurious, tall, and sparkling rune.

Inside the pavilion.

Sitting in the Lotus Position, dressed in exquisite and gorgeous clothes, with a lot of fairy spirits enveloping him, his face was shocked and unbelievable.

He frowned and heard a lot of news from the outside world.

He faced the opposition from the entire Tianhuang Mountain and planned to be born into the world, but he really didn't expect to meet him not with all kinds of respect and awe, but all kinds of scolding and anger.

At this moment, Yingshuang felt sorry for the whole person, and his expression became extremely ugly.

He is now a superior emperor, who in this world dare to despise and underestimate him?

No matter where you go, you will surely be awed and respected by cultivators and creatures.

Who can reach such an identity, let alone behind him with the support of the huge Emperor Mountain?

However, once the name of the inheritor of magic skills is topped, let alone he is the heir of the Emperor Winning Emperor, even if the Emperor Winning Emperor reappears in the world, it is useless.

This makes Win Frost angry, unwilling, even fear, and trembling.

After all, he is not the real emperor! He is just a fake, holding this body, but he has no memory at all.

At that time, if someone really doubts him and wants to attack him, what should he do?

Winshuang is panicking a group now, with cold sweat on the palms of his hands.

This is comparable to testing technology when pretending to be the emperor.

The inheritor of magic power, that is the greatest enemy recognized by all the ethics and forces in heaven and earth since the ages!

He has lost the confidence he had at the beginning, and now he feels restless, and his back is full of cold sweat.

He even feels a little regretful and unwilling. Who knows that after becoming the emperor, he can't enjoy all this and enjoy his status and status, but instead is going to take the arrogance for the emperor?

It's still easy to feed the horse, so don't worry about it as it is now!

At this time, Yingshuang even began to resent the unknown existence who replaced him with the Emperor.

"God, if you let me enjoy all this, why let me take it all again?"

Winshuang's voice trembled slightly, and he knew if he complained like this.

Soon, he calmed down and began to mutter to himself, "At this time, I can't panic, let alone express weakness, otherwise the momentum of the entire Tianhuang Mountain will vent."

"Regardless of whether I am a magician inheritor or not, I can't admit it at this time. I have to find a way to remove the suspicion."

Various thoughts passed through his mind.

But in the end, there was no way. He couldn't prove his innocence unless he could really find an inheritor of magic power.

"All of this is Damn it that Gu Changge and the descendant of Renzudian framed me". At this time, Yingshuang has already hated the two of them. After waiting for the identity of the inheritor of the magic art to be cleared, he will definitely look for it. They settled the accounts.

"Big Brother, are the rumors true?"

At this moment, the faint voice of a girl suddenly came from outside Yingshuang.

A tall girl with a tall body, shoulder-length silver hair and a beautiful face, dressed in fairy clothes, was standing there, frowning and asking.

It is the Little Sister of Winshuang who wins Yu.

During this period of time, she didn't know how many waves of cultivators and creatures that had attacked and killed them had been solved.

Because of the high profile of her Big Brother, their whereabouts have been noticed by many forces, and these forces and the inheritors of magic arts have more or less inexplicable hatred.

As a result, they have killed them one after another, intending to take revenge!

This makes Ying Yu feel very troublesome.

Now she looked confused, and felt that this kind of stupid thing was not like what she knew Big Brother could do.

And the inheritor of magic power? Her Big Brother has been practicing in the palace for these years since she broke the seal, and she hasn't left half a step.

The inheritor of magic power is her Big Brother?

How can this be.

"What do you think?"

Hearing this, the wins cream across the door panicked, but he had to deliberately keep calm and asked lightly.

Ying Yu was outside the pavilion and did not enter.

She feels that since some time ago, Winshuang's performance has always been weird, and she always asks her several times for many things she knowingly asked.

She couldn't tell what was going on, but it was always strange.

However, she only changed her temperament slightly when she recently met Bottleneck at Winshuang Cultivation Base.

"Big Brother doesn't say anything, but this matter must be resolved." Ying Yu said lightly, leaving here.

She thought about it in her heart. She felt that it was unrealistic to clear away the suspicion of the inheritors of the magic arts and to compete with all the Taoist religions, and she could not do it.

How vast is the upper realm?

She can't tell.

How many powerful and masters are hidden in it, Tianhuang Mountain stands Immortal, no matter how confident, it is impossible to be an enemy of everyone.

"So the best way is to block it. The rumors came from the Changsheng Gu family that night, Gu Changge, the descendant of Renzudian?" Ying Yu said to herself, thinking of the two very important people.

She didn't think there was a problem with the two people's statements, but the key point was that Tianhuangshan was really framed, and the secret inheritors of magic skills used incomparably sophisticated methods of suspicious formation.

"It seems that Gu Changge will have to go there. I am afraid that only he can get rid of the suspicion. Now the younger generation, his power is enough to reverse this situation in an instant.

Soon, Ying Yu thought of a solution and had to let Gu Changge understand that their enemy had made a mistake.

"Thanks to the amazing methods of my Little Sister, otherwise I really don't know what to do during this time.

In the pavilion, Yingshuang felt that after Little Sister had left, he couldn't help but relieved. In addition, the minions around him were also powerful figures with powerful methods.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do!

"Gu Changge, the descendant of the ancestral hall" soon, there is deep hatred and anger in his eyes. For Gu Changge, who is dazzling since childhood and has a greater momentum than him, he is unwilling and jealous. .

Why can he put his current self into such a dangerous situation with a few words?