Chapter 209

When the outside world caused a lot of troubles about Tianhuang Mountain and the inheritors of magic arts.

Changsheng Gu's family seemed very calm.

After the birthday banquet, such a big event happened again.

It is not good for all the great tractors and great teachers to stay here anymore, because no one is sure whether the people of the inheritors of magic arts are hidden among them.

The creatures of the Primordial Ten Thousand Clan took the lead to leave, and after planning to return to the clan land, discuss the next thing with the clan.

Obviously, behind the inheritor of magic power, there is still a huge block hidden, and it is definitely more than one person.

At least whether it is Tianhuang Mountain, this is still worth studying, and it is difficult to determine.

Later, Immortal Masters such as the Taikoo Ye Clan, Dead Man Lake, Tao Celestial Immortals Palace, etc. also left one after another, driving Magical Item and disappearing into the territory of the Changsheng Gu family.

"Brother Gu, you have to pay attention, maybe you are the next target of the inheritor of magic power."

Wang Zijin smiled, said goodbye to Gu Changge, and left with the Changsheng Wang family. In the next time, she also has things to do.

Wang Zijin had already learned that Jiang Chuchu had left the Ancestral Hall.

If she was right, Jiang Chuchu might have to come to Gu Changge and ask for a lot of details.

But with its character, it is likely to run into a wall.

Gu Changge smiled and watched the Wang family leave, the smile on his face quickly disappeared.

"Pay attention to the girl's whereabouts suddenly." He instructed several strong guys from the Gu family around him.

In any case, Wang Zijin is the daughter of luck, and paying attention to her movements is beneficial and harmless to Gu Changge.

Moreover, he is not afraid of being discovered by Wang Zijin.

"Yes, young master.

Soon, the strong Gu family members who were ordered left, and did not dare to ask the reason.

Now Gu Changge's power in the Changsheng Gu family can be called the first person under the Patriarch, and even the elders of the tribes are inferior to him.

Regardless of the ancestors and others, after all, they are usually buried in the soil and hidden in coffins, and will not easily show up to make decisions.

Gu Changge's words are no different from the Patriarch.

"Yue Mingkong, this guy, left the next day. It looked like he was in a hurry, but in order to prevent me from noticing the abnormality, he even returned to the Wushuangxian Dynasty first and didn't immediately go to the place where the human ancestor's reincarnation was. "

Then, Gu Changge squinted his eyes, took a step forward, and quickly returned to the palace where he was.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yue Mingkong thinks he is smart, but in Gu Changge's view, this is just a little smart.

"Human Ancestor reincarnation is not so easy to deal with, Yue Mingkong may suffer a loss, it seems that I have to arrange it in advance."

He was thinking, Yin Mei's voice came from outside the hall.


In front of outsiders, she has always called Gu Changge this way and shouted like this, indicating that there are outsiders around her.

"Sister, what's the matter, come in." Gu Changge's expression returned to his natural expression.

Soon, Yin Mei walked into the hall alone.

"Master, your guess is correct. Now there is news from within the clan that she respectfully said that the emperor sent a tribe.

"Send a group to go. It seems that he doesn't know the location of the young man, so he wants to get rid of it." Gu Changge had a little bit, but he was a little bit lost.

It seems that the current emperor is not stupid, he didn't go there himself, just sent a tribe.

After all, he couldn't tell clearly what happened to him, so it's best not to meet each other.

At this time, what the emperor must do must be to destroy the corpse, and solve the flaw that most likely exposes his identity.

But during this period of time, his reputation was not very good, and he was frustrated everywhere, and he dared not show up.

"Follow the previous plan and ask your people to tell the emperor, reveal the whereabouts of the young man, and say that he doesn't know why, and he suddenly went crazy."

Gu Changge said, his smile looked a little intriguing.

It doesn't really matter whether he is crazy or not. He just wants the current emperor to know that this young man is in his hands, whether he is alive or dead.

Gu Changge controls his biggest secret.

With this handle, Gu Changge has various means to squeeze him and harvest all its value.

"Yes, master." Yin Mei left after receiving instructions and was also preparing to return to the clan.

But before she left, Gu Changge thought for a while, and a sealed jade jar fell into her hands.

"Master, this is" Yin Mei was shocked, but she could still feel the surging energy contained in the jade jar through it.

Gu Changge shook his head, too lazy to explain, waved her down.

He saw Yin Mei's loyalty and ability to do things, and he would naturally not treat her badly.

After all, it was a perfect secret in the previous life.

"Thank you, Master."

Yin Mei was overjoyed, and the eyebrows were all dyed with happiness.

It doesn't really matter what is in the jade jar. What's important is that Gu Changge took the initiative to give her something.

This is obviously a great change in Gu Changge's attitude towards her.

In a blink of an eye, several days passed.

Changsheng Gu's family also got busy because of an important big event.




After several bells rang, many people of the tribe put aside the things in their hands, and bowed to the ancestral hall with respect and respect.

"The Nirvana Pool is opened. This time I just don't know if the shackles are opened, can they create a stronger Tianjiao?

"But my Gu family's bloodline is inherently tyrannical. The five young talents selected by each generation are all the best in the world."

"This time there are Changge and Xian'er, and the other three are probably going to be used as foils.

On the various mountain peaks and god islands, there are divine rainbows, one after another, falling in the sky, looking at the place where the divine light rushes into the sky.

They were all talking, and the expressions on their faces were expectant and smiling.

It is a pure land.

The clouds are steaming and the sky is rising, the chaos rises, and the sacred mountains stand tall, like the oldest period when the world has first opened.

The extremely rich essence of heaven and earth, turning into dragon, phoenix, Qilin, etc., seems to be liquefied.

In the mountains and forests, there are even enlightened ancient tea trees swaggering, undead trees supporting the sky, magical medicines and immortal medicines shimmering, and the precious light is little by little, like a star.

And this is just a trace of background information.

At the very center.

In a magnificent and quaint Great Hall, five young men and women stand, and the leader is Gu Changge.

At this moment, he is dressed in a plain white robe with no pendants. His black jade-like hair is tied with a simple headband. It is handsome and graceful. It looks extremely dusty, giving people a kind of immortal walking on earth meaning.

Beside him, standing with a cold expression and a beautiful fairy bone, Gu Xian'er, in a hunting dress, and a look of disgust towards Gu Changge on her small face, as if she didn't want to stand with him at all.

In addition, there are three other Tianjiao, all of whom are outstanding in the longevity Gu family, with terrifying talent and powerful strength.

"This is the entrance to the Nirvana Pool in the Ancestral Hall. Only five people in each generation can have this opportunity to come here to unlock the shackles of blood, realize the way of the ancestors, Ascension Cultivation Base Realm, and control the magical powers."

Gu Changge whispered, with a different color in his eyes, as if he was speaking to the three people next to him.

The atmosphere in the Great Hall is simple and long.

The ground is carved with carvings that do not belong to the era of each epoch. It has the principle of heaven and earth, and a glance seems to make people understand the way.

"I know, you don't need to say this." Gu Xian'er retorted, and likes to fight against Gu Changge.

However, Gu Changge ignored her, as if he hadn't heard her.

This made Gu Xian'er annoyed. She obviously took her to buy a lot of things in Daotian Ancient City, but when she returned to Changsheng Gu's house, Gu Changge changed his face.

The indifferent attitude of the past was restored.

This annoyed her and felt very annoying, but she also knew that he had troubles, so she didn't care too much.

"Everyone is there, right? If we are together, we will start the Nirvana Pool.

Around the palace, many old people are already waiting, and a lot of rare fairy materials are prepared behind them, each of which can cause madness in the outside world.

All kinds of terrible blood, colorful, and illusion of the ancient fierce beasts, seem to come to fight across time and space.

As well as the peerless fairy medicine, the golden color is bright, the mist is flowing, and the fragrant fragrance can make people feather and fly.

In the back, a few people also saw many mysterious and terrifying eggs, like little suns.

Daoxia flows, fairy rhyme interweaves and merges into it.

The golden light is dazzling and magnificent, such as the golden jade, with liquid flowing inside, the brilliance is amazing, and it is amazing.

There are many other gods like this, and most of them are things they haven't seen or heard.

"Each of these good things will cause a big sensation in the outside world. No wonder every generation can only open the Nirvana Pool once. Who can stand it."

One of the Gu family young Tianjiao among the crowd couldn't help but say so, very amazed.

"Yes, I'm afraid it's only my clan's heritage that can withstand the consumption." Another Tianjiao nodded, and gradually excited light appeared in his eyes.

"I have been preparing for these things for a long time, and even captured many of the last heirs of the Pureblood King. Of course, they have not broken the shell, but this is not important."

An old man said, but with a dry cough, he felt a little frantic.

The person next to him nodded and said, "For example, that drop of precious blood, but forcing a supreme power to surrender, it is the most essence drop of his one-horned horn. It is difficult to accumulate without a million years of cultivation. Raise such a drop."

That drop of blood was colorful, as if it contained a Minor World, and there was an astonishing miracle in it.

A ray of breath can create a peerless genius, inextricably intertwined, there is a great sense of heaven and earth, extremely precious, can not be met.

Seeing that drop of precious blood, Gu Xian'er's eyes became a little straight.

When she was in Taocun, although she was treated like this, the various materials were far from the same level.

If she does a second Nirvana, Cultivation Base breakthrough in the Nirvana Pool, is there a chance to defeat Gu Changge?

"Think too much."

At this moment, as if feeling Gu Xian'er's thoughts, Gu Changge glanced at her lightly and said.

Gu Xian'er snorted in her heart, but she deliberately showed a calm expression on her face and said, "Gu Changge, just wait and see.

At this time, an old man looked at them and couldn't help but smile and said, "With these things, plus the secrets of the clan, you can change your bloodlines. Of course, your talents may also change. After all, the original talents were all because of Blood is made and closely related.

Gu Changge nodded.

Others are extremely excited. Such opportunities are very rare, but how much they can get depends on their own good fortune.

After all, it can only be said that it is worthy of the longevity family, and only such an Immortal force can produce these earth-shattering divine things.

Anything in the outside world is enough to make countless cultivators berserk, and Quasi-Supreme will be greedy and covetous, and his eyes will be red.

"Well, I will open the Nirvana Pool in a while and fully absorb it. We will use the secret method to help your bloodline change. This process will last for a few days. It depends on your good fortune.

The words of a few old people made the expressions of all five people cautious.

Gu Changge has now reached Sage in Cultivation Base. This Nirvana pool is actually not very helpful to him.

However, in his opinion, it can serve as a deception.

The surface of the Cultivation Base, perhaps should be more exposed, after all, now that the prince is walking around the world, he has already revealed his quasi-sacred realm strength.

He showed a similar Realm, isn't it too much?

Now, no one would suspect the inheritor of magic skills to him.

...For flowers…

The most important thing is that Gu Changge feels that this might be a good time.

Isn't this related to bloodline talent?

He also wanted to see how his own natural devil heart would change at this time.

When I was in the Nirvana Pool, there were rumors that I could glimpse the future of the past life.

Gu Changge is also a little curious, whether this rumor is true or not.

Soon, several people stepped into the depths of the Great Hall.

There is a pool filled with mist, and runes of avenues emerge one by one, reflecting in the sky.

Among them, there are strands of original aura permeating, extremely natural, as if it belongs to this world,

In the pool surrounded by fog, a light source emerged.

That is the breath of good fortune, like it is composed of countless runes, extremely mysterious, brilliant silver, and rules and order are intertwined.

"Sit cross-legged by the pool and absorb the breath material in it. If you can absorb the less, it's all up to you." An old man looked solemnly.

Hearing that, Gu Changge, Gu Xian'er and others are all sitting here, waiting for Nirvana Pond to wake up.


Soon, the various things in the hands of several old people quickly refined and threw them into the Nirvana pool.

The same kind of fetish was put into it by them.

The first is a magical plant similar to Helios Flower.

Every drop of liquid is crystal clear like jade, the size of a thumb, and the temperature is ten thousand times higher than that of the star core fire essence, rolling down between the branches and leaves!

In an instant, there was an extremely terrifying and astonishing sound, as if opening the sky, it was about to evolve chaos and return to everything.

The crystal clear liquid dripped and turned into a surging divinity.

The second, third, fourth

Many gods and fairy materials have entered the Nirvana Pool and turned into a surging breath.

But at this moment, the void suddenly trembled, and suddenly there was an astonishing fairy.

Gu Xian'er was the first to react. Her newly born fairy bone was glowing with a bright light.


The whole person looked like it was about to ascend, out of dust and detached, just like a fairy.

Among the fairy bones, new fairy meanings began to be born


At this time, Gu Changge's side suddenly heard a violent voice.

His blood was flowing in his veins, making a sound like a river rushing.

This is an incomparably heavy and terrifying force, unspeakable, shocking everyone, it seems that it almost cracked the pool.

Gu Changge sat awkwardly, like Yuanhai, every cell seemed to come alive.

Not only did Breathing Exercises produce colorful xenon chlorine, but also a mysterious black substance, hanging on top of xenon chlorine.

At this moment, he seems to be in the world, able to swallow everything, with a shocking momentum, sweeping all directions, making the pool constantly boiling!

The meaning of good fortune is ups and downs, if the hazy sunlight, like a bright avenue rune, ups and downs in the pool.

It was swallowed by every cell of Gu Changge!

This terrifying speed even gave a few old people an illusion.

He was motionless, his whole body splendid, filled with colorful xenon box gas, like a heavy fog, completely enveloping him.

In his knowledge, the Xiantian god sits cross-legged.

His eyes were indifferent and his mouth opened, like a black hole, with terrible suction.

The color of the Yuanshen is faintly changing towards the nine-color glazed glaze.

Except for Gu Xian'er, the other three were even unable to settle down at this time. Affected by Gu Changge's breath, their complexions turned pale and green, and they did not dare to say anything.

"Changge's talent is really too strong. After so many years, I just don't know what it is? Today may be an opportunity, such a terrifying body and vitality, the power of the primordial spirit, and even a spatial fluctuation."

"What kind of talent he is, it is really amazing, but I don't know if it will be manifested."

Gu Changge's reaction shocked the faces of several clan elders here.

They talked, looked over, and became more shocked as they watched, and they wanted to keep watching.


But outside the palace, a stalwart figure with a deep and calm face suddenly appeared. It was Gu Changge's father.

Today's Gu's Patriarch.


The appearance of Gu's father changed the expressions of several clan elders. They hurriedly saw the courtesy, and felt a little guilty. After all, Gu Changge's talent has always been a secret. Gu's father also said that they should not explore.

"This is not an example."

Father Gu said lightly, his face was blurred, his body image was standing in another world, his tyrannical and indifferent tone caused the complexions of the elders who were usually very prestigious to change slightly, and they did not dare to say anything.

In this matter, they are considered to have crossed the line.

At the moment, it is not good for them to stay here. After all, Gu Changge's father is here. They have put a lot of magical materials into the Nirvana pool, and what they need to do has been completed.

After seeing the elders of the clan leave, Gu's father's expression became very complicated, with some faint worries, and he looked at the Nirvana Pond in front of him.

He knew that something might happen.

Gu Changge's demon heart, in his opinion, is a secret that must not be revealed.

And in this Nirvana pool, the mystic good fortune is extremely strong.

It is likely to cause a change in the devil's heart, and when it reveals its aura, it is not good for Gu Changge if it is noticed by a group of elders in the clan.

So thinking of this, he came to the clan hall to protect Gu Changge personally, and at the same time prevent others from snooping on all this.

"I just hope I'm too worried. This Nirvana Pond doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for Changge. If he had been before, he could barely suppress his demonic nature, but if the second transformation now occurs, it is very likely. Become the way it was before"

As Gu's father guessed so, his expression became a little worried for a while.

Suppressing the demon nature of Xiantian's Demon Heart was too difficult for him, and it was still a terrible torture.

It is very rare that Gu Changge can do it with great perseverance. superior.