Chapter 210

Father Gu stood outside the ancestral hall, his face was very deep and calm, but also with faint worry.

From time to time, he looked to the deep Nirvana Pool and felt the breath there.

Gu Changge's Cultivation Base made him unclear, sometimes revealing the true gods, sometimes revealing the open-air gods, and even the quasi-sages. This change was the first time he saw this, and he didn't know what to say.

Gu Xian'er sat cross-legged, with the aura of immortality permeating her body. Among the new-born fairy bones, it was like a female fairy sitting cross-legged, reciting scriptures for the rebirth.

Her breath is also strengthening, but it is not as unpredictable as Gu Changge.

As for the other three, they are completely negligible.

"Changge, he has his own good fortune. As a father, I shouldn't bother too much, but I have to find a way to hide the existence of the devil's heart for him.

Father Gu whispered, and many visions appeared in his eyes.

Then he waved his hand, a layer of fluctuations spread, separating the breath here, and even the ancestral hall was also sealed off.

Unless he walked in, it would be difficult for him to see what happened.

This is also good, it can isolate the breath fluctuations to the greatest extent.

Because at this time, we must guard against the curiosity of the rest of the tribe, and rush to the tribe to see what happened, especially the ancestors who are idle and nothing to do.

Gu Nanshan, the ancestor behind Gu Xian'er, seems to be quite idle lately. He is very concerned about Gu Xian'er's second Nirvana, and wants to know how she has changed.

"If that old ancestor comes here soon, he has to find a way to hold him back."

Thinking of this, Father Gu's expression gradually became serious, and with a wave of his sleeves, he confined the Great Hall portal, but he was waiting outside the hall, not allowing the others to approach.

"In order to be foolproof, this can only be done. I believe Changge's perseverance will not be unexpected.

Gu's father said to himself, this is his belief in his son as a father.


At the same time, in the ancestral hall, there are thousands of Xiarui, with divine light, like a big river rushing, and there is even a faint celestial light permeating.

The momentum at Nirvana Pool is even more amazing.

Gu Changge's figure is brilliant, motionless, and the breath of the whole person seems to swallow all the people nearby, which is heart palpitating.

His consciousness was very calm, and he did not want to be affected by the vision at this time like the others.

The Nirvana Pool was originally created for the Gu family's blood, providing opportunities for future generations to change.

But his talent was originally Demon Heart, and many of the other talents were originally related to the system.

But now it is more or less contaminated with blood and breath, and now it is also undergoing transformation.


Near the Nirvana Pool, layers of brilliance appear, with different auras rising and falling, and many Xeon talents such as Samsara and space are manifesting.

In addition, Gu Changge swallowed up a lot of Young Supreme's tyrannical talents.

At this time, I was waking up. The various talents of Gengjin, Zhiyang, and Taiyin seemed to be mixed together, which seemed even more mysterious.

At the end, it manifests a feeling of opening the sky in the chaos.

The detached bones exchanged in the system mall all roared at this time, and the avenues proceeded in order, like a waterfall in the Galaxy Cluster.

Of course, these Gu Changge don't really care very much. The Nirvana pool has a great effect, but at most it pushes his current Cultivation Base to the middle stage of Sage.

"It's the feeling faintly transmitted to me in this devil's heart, and the feeling of the original Eight Desolate Devil Halberd is a bit inexplicably familiar.

"Am I the Demon Lord?"

Gu Changge frowned, always feeling that the trouble caused by the other self in the devil's heart is definitely not just as simple as Gu Xian'er and Yue Mingkong.

Although, the system has now solved the drawbacks of the devil's heart.

But whether it is the demon nature or the present nature, it is the same, it is him.

He doesn't think that what Own does is very different from Demon.

Speaking of it, this demon nature was the root cause of Yue Mingkong's death by him in the previous life, and it was also the root cause of digging out Gu Xian'er's Dao bones.

These things were indeed done by his own hands, and Gu Changge wouldn't do it even if he didn't want to admit it. Of course, he still had to throw this pot on the head of the devil.

"It's just that from this breath, the origin of the devil's heart is very ominous. The Nirvana pool can reflect the past life. Am I not a traverser in the past life? Is there anything so powerful?"

Gu Changge frowned slightly, always feeling a little bit mysterious.

This seemed to him to be related to testing the heart.

Soon, he didn't care.

After all, whether it was Demon Heart who informed him of his demon master status, or anything else, it had nothing to do with him now.

In the second point, the demon nature is just a more indifferent and ruthless state for him. Gu Changge can now let the demon nature cover his own mood at any time, thus reaching the point where he is too immoral.

In such a state, he acted absolutely indifferent, he would no longer be like this, and would consider personal emotions.

How indifferent is the emotion when the demon is dominant? There will be no more people besides himself in his eyes.

For Gu Changge, this is certainly unwilling to accept.

What is the purpose of his cultivating?

Naturally, it is to be strong, not to betray others.

If you are dominated by demonic nature, then there is actually not much difference between yourself on the timeline that Yuemingkong has experienced.

Gu Changge doesn't think he is a good person, but he doesn't feel that he is indifferent to emotions to that degree.

More or less, Yue Mingkong and others are different to him.

"The devil's heart can't affect me. At first, my consciousness was suppressed by the devil, but it was because of its long backlog."

Gu Changge's many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Bang bang bang!!

At this moment, he heard the sound of the devil's heart beating.

This momentum is like a strong drum, beating between the sky and the earth, making a heart-shaking sound.

Tao Heavenly Demon sex, began to show from the heart.

In the weapon space, the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd uttered joyous cheers, as if rejoicing for its owner's understanding of the original heart.


The black light contains a certain breath that can make the world tremble, and it is sprayed from the blood vessels!

As Gu Changge explored his own mind, he suddenly felt a surging and ancient supreme aura in the devil's heart.

Vaguely, there were strange sounds of scriptures resounding, and there were countless sounds of prostration and chanting, surrounded by his ears.

If you look closely, you will find that it is a supreme demon lord who overlooks the ten realms of Nine Heavens and the heavens.

Behind him, the demon shadow was overwhelming, and in the surging gray mist, he held a fierce demon halberd that deterred the universe, and stood indifferently in the sky.


The magic halberd swept and fell.

Suddenly, time and space collapsed and Samsara fell.

The entire universe seemed to be split, the true fairy fell, and the fairy king fell!

Although these pictures seem unspeakable, they will make people go crazy and fall into madness.

Even the face of the Demon Lord was very vague, but Gu Changge was sure that it was himself.

"This is the so-called past life? I am the demon lord in the past life?"

"Or will it be a picture of the future?"

In the next moment, Gu Changge suddenly realized that this picture had disappeared.

In the dark, he felt that his devil heart had undergone transformation, producing an indescribable mysterious meaning.

Maybe it's called immortality.

It's just that he has to find out what benefits this has.

Soon, Gu Changge opened his eyes, and he took the initiative to withdraw from the state of absorbing the mysterious good fortune in the Nirvana pool.

After all, his simple purpose of entering the Nirvana Pool has been achieved, and the next step is to attack Gu Xian'er!

Tragedy and bitter drama, otherwise how to stage it!


At the next moment, Gu Changge's breath changed.

Wishes of magic began to emerge from his body.

The face suddenly became indifferent, and the whole person's emotions seemed to have returned to nothingness, leaving only the indifference that made the heart palpitating and trembling.

If Dadao is ruthless, then Gu Changge's current state is similar to Dadao.

Too bad for love!

"Little Lord!"

"What's the matter? This

This shocking change was instantly noticed by the three young Gu family who were cultivating and transforming their bloodlines by the Nirvana pool.

They opened their eyes and saw this scene.

I can't believe it.

His complexion suddenly became pale.

After that, he hurriedly withdrew from the cultivation state, feeling a terrible killing intent, covering them completely.

The whole person was like an ice cellar, with cold all over, and he didn't dare to move at all.

As if to become the most humble ant under Heavenly Dao, a thought would be crushed to death.

They don't understand at all, why did Gu Changge, who is cultivating so well, become like this?

This look of Gu Changge made them look so cold, and their souls seemed to be frozen and cracked!

It seemed that as long as Gu Changge thought, the three of them would explode by the Nirvana pool at this moment, and their bodies and spirits would be destroyed.

"Young Master, we are your people."

"Young Master, you wake up soon!

They trembled and spoke, intending to communicate with Gu Changge, trying to ask Gu Changge why.

After all, it came too suddenly, and there was no preparation.

Who knew Gu Changge would suddenly become like this?


Gu Changge looked at them indifferently, indifferently, as if watching a group of small building ants by his feet.

It seemed that they didn't care about their life and death, but the three of them still clearly saw that there was an obvious struggle on their faces.

It seems that Gu Changge is very reluctant to become like this.

"Could it be that the young master Qi Deviation has gone wrong, and the cultivation has gone wrong?"

One person's voice was trembling, and he suddenly guessed that, after all, the current Gu Changge looks like the so-called ecstasy. He is saying too much.

"How can you get into the devil if you are good? Go find the owner and the clan elder.

The other person said that he would go outside the temple, planning to call people. They would definitely not be Gu Changge's opponents, and they would not be able to resist.

But no one answered them.

Seeing them about to flee, Gu Changge's expression moved slightly, still indifferent, and then waved his hand, and the surging five-color light suddenly broke out.


The three of them uttered a wow, spitting blood and flew out, crashing into the wall behind, and passed out unconsciously.

"Gu Changge"

This change also shocked Gu Xian'er who was in the cultivation state by the side of Nirvana Pool.

She entered Dharma deeper than the others, so she didn't perceive this change for the first time.

Now she woke up and saw this scene, she was shocked, shocked, puzzled, at a loss, and completely puzzled.

She didn't know the life and death of the three, nor did she have time to investigate.

However, her response was also quick.

She could see that Gu Changge's current state seemed very wrong, although it seemed normal, nothing weird was revealed.

But the indifferent expression reminded her of when he dug out the bones of the avenue when she was a child.

At that time, Gu Changge looked at him indifferently like this, indifferent.

This scene, how similar, made Gu Xian'er an astonishing chill in her back.

"Gu Changge, what's wrong with you?" Gu Xian'er asked him, secretly vigilant.

At this moment, the breath that Gu Changge showed had reached the quasi-sacred realm, and it was not the real god Realm that was revealed in ordinary days.

This surprised Gu Xian'er even more, and at the same time became more vigilant.

Gu Changge is really too strong, a Nirvana pool can't make him Cultivation Base suddenly soaring by leaps and bounds.

This can only show that Gu Changge Cultivation Base has already reached this Realm on weekdays.

He was just hiding it.

Now, he was finally exposed.

"I'm still a little short of breaking through the Void God Realm. If Gu Changge wants to attack me, with my strength, it is impossible to stop him." Gu Xian'er knows this very well.

Therefore, a dark golden sword pill of Kung Yuan appeared in her palm.

There is a sacred atmosphere in it.

This is a secret treasure.

She felt that she could block Gu Changge for a while, and then she took the opportunity to go outside the hall and call the rest of the tribe.

Otherwise, she will be very dangerous today. Gu Changge doesn't know what's going on, she is in the process of changing blood, and she has become like this.

Had he forgotten the oath he made in front of Daotian Ancient City in front of Elder?

Gu Xian'er frowned tightly.

"Could it be the same as the secrets back then, Gu Changge at that time.."

Gu Xian'er was surprised and thought of this.

All of a sudden, she looked at Gu Changge and her expression changed.

There was a strong vigilance and perplexity, confusion, and dazedness just now. Now it is a complex and trance and relief to find the truth.

"Second time, Nirvana's fairy bones, which left you for a lifetime, almost became a disaster. I didn't expect you to give my brother a surprise.

At this time, Gu Changge seemed to see through Gu Xian'er's intentions, shaking his fingers with a horrible and unusual sword glow, humming through the sword pill in his hand.

At the same time, he walked towards Gu Xian'er with an unusually indifferent expression.

Gu Xian'er didn't expect Gu Changge to react so quickly in this state, and she noticed and destroyed it the first time she took out the forbidden device.


With a wave of her small hand, she sacrificed a blue-black sky umbrella, which was extremely large, spread out between the sky and the earth, with a dazzling light falling down, and wanted to suppress Gu Changge.

This is also a very powerful secret treasure.


However, with Gu Changge's casual shot, the terrible chain of order pierced through the void. This powerful artifact was torn in an instant and couldn't resist it at all.

"How come, this guy is really strong to such an extent?"

"Sacred artifacts can be destroyed at your fingertips."

Gu Xian'er's face turned white. With her current strength, using the sacred artifacts consumes Magic power very much. Using two pieces in a row is no small consumption.

As a result, in front of Gu Changge, it was impossible to even block him.

Thinking of this, Gu Xian'er was determined in her heart.

At this time for Gu Changge and for herself, I can't hesitate anymore.

She planned to sacrifice a secret treasure bestowed by a master in Tao Village.

That secret treasure is extremely powerful

However, she seemed to know what Gu Xian'er was thinking in her heart.


Gu Changge's movements were faster than her, especially at this moment the void seemed to collapse, with a terrifying stagnant feeling.

It is as if a billion-dollar boulder is crushed down!

Instantly made it difficult for her to move.

You can't even lift your fingers.


There was a trembling in the void, and Gu Changge walked by unhurriedly.

A palm lifted up quickly, leaned in an instant, strangled her neck, and lifted it up.

"Gu Changge.."

Gu Xian'er's face turned pale, and she was a little out of breath.

Her newly born fairy bone has undergone a second change in theory, and it contains terrifying powers that make one's heart palpitating.

This kind of power is extremely tyrannical, even a bit like the power of the legendary flying immortal, it is the ultimate attacking magical power.

But now, under the suppression of Gu Changge's horror, let alone her fairy bone awakened.

Just leaking a trace of breath, it was erased by Gu Changge, it is impossible to play a role at all

"It's stupid and pitiful, after so long, what do you have, I don't know?"

Gu Changge spoke indifferently, mocking disapprovingly.

Gu Xian'er was pale, remembering the feeling of despair and powerlessness in her childhood.

Cold and darkness swept through her consciousness.

In Gu Changge's hands, let alone resist, he didn't even have a chance to speak.

The gap is too big.

No matter how he cultivated during this period, he couldn't catch up with Gu Changge.

He is too powerful, so powerful that he can easily kill himself.

In particular, Gu Changge also knows her trump cards, the Magical Items and secret treasures given by the masters.

She didn't even have a chance to use it.

"Are you going to die here today? Die in the hands of Gu Changge"

In a trance, Gu Xian'er's consciousness became cold, and she muttered in her heart as she plunged into darkness.

She suddenly remembered the slender and tall figure standing in front of her when Gu Changge appeared in Xiangu Continent, in front of Daotian Ancient City.

As if all enemies could be blocked for her.

That feeling made her nostalgic.

"No wonder he wants me to cultivate well, so that one day I can be strong enough to defeat him."

"All his previous goals were actually to give me an extra chance of surviving in front of him today.

Now, Gu Xian'er has figured it out.

Before, why Gu Changge would force her to cultivate by various means, even at the expense of offending Elder, to force her to teach her.

It's because he knew that one day he would kill himself!

"This new fairy bone is accepted for my brother."

Gu Changge said lightly. At this moment, Gu Xian'er's state seemed indifferent.

Gu Xian'er looked at him, but her expression was surprisingly calm.

She didn't even complain about Gu Changge, knowing that he was in a very strange state now, that kind of devilishness oozing out of his bones made her palpitations.

"This fairy bone, if you want it, take it.

She was talking to herself, thinking that she couldn't break free. It was not unacceptable to die in Gu Changge's hands.

It's just a little regretful that she still has a lot of things she wants to do, but the whereabouts of her parents and grandfather are unknown and haven't been found yet.


Gu Changge raised his palm, and the other palm seemed to be a peerless fairy sword. The Sword intent was filled with radiance, and he wanted to pierce through Gu Xian'er's body and dig out her fairy bone.

But The next moment.

Gu Changge's face suddenly rises with a sense of violence, as if a demon master of the world is going to kill the heavens!


He was roaring, his voice with a deep, struggling and cold meaning, manifested in his face.

The hand that wanted to tear Gu Xian'er, Ge Ran stopped in the air, shaking constantly.

It seems to be fighting another terrorist force from the unknown and inexplicable.

He still looked cold.

But now there are more emotions such as anger, coldness, and violence.

"Gu Changge"

"What's the matter with you?"

Gu Xian'er was stunned, and was suddenly released by Gu Changge, and fell to the ground.

Her eyes widened, and she thought she was going to die just now.

But I didn't expect that at a critical moment, Gu Changge would let her go? He didn't continue to attack her.

How is this going?

Another demon nature is controlling his body and consciousness? And his original consciousness is fighting and regaining control of the body?

Soon, Gu Xian'er reacted.

Otherwise, how to explain Gu Changge's amazing magical nature and what he is doing now.

"Gu Changge, how are you? How can I help you?"

Gu Xian'er couldn't help being a little anxious, and her concern and worry was beyond words.

At this time, she was not worried about her own safety, but felt that Gu Changge needed help, and he had a big problem.

After all, judging from his actions just now, all this is involuntary and not under his own control.

He didn't even think about it.

"Go, I'll let you go, don't you understand? How far is it?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge suddenly raised his eyes to look at her.

His eyes were full of violence, and he roared lowly, as if he was trying to control his body.

With the other hand, he was tightly grasping own right hand. Many of the runes were shining, and even the void was affected, and they were about to collapse, revealing a dangerous aura.

It seemed that he was about to attack Gu Xian'er, but he was firmly grasped by the other hand and could hardly move.

This is a very strange and uncoordinated scene.

But Gu Xian'er understood.

That hand is not under Gu Changge's control now, and he seems to be unable to suppress the horror.

"I won't go, I can help you. 3.7 What should I do, can I help you after this fairy bone is dug out?"

Gu Xian'er asked anxiously, very anxiously, it was not unreasonable that she would think so.

After all, judging from Gu Changge's actions just now, he has always wanted to dig out his own fairy bone, which shows that this fairy bone is very useful for him.

"Go away, you are just a trash, what can you do for me? I don't need your fairy bones.

"I don't want to kill you, so as not to stain my hands, Gu Xian'er, let me go, so far you go."

Hearing this, Gu Changge looked at her coldly and looked even more violent.

"Gu Changge, don't deceive yourself, you are arrogant. It's this time. You are so proud. You still don't accept other people's kindness or help from others."

Gu Xian'er's voice trembled, and she was about to cry at this moment.


But Gu Changge couldn't hear her.

A more terrifying demonic energy instantly enveloped him, making him look more indifferent and ruthless, and he no longer had the many emotions just now.

"It's stupid to wait for you to die." He calmed down and said lightly.

After all, I reached out with my big hand and wanted to do it at Gu Xian'er again.

"Gu Changge, you wake up soon, don't be taken over by the devil!"

Seeing this, Gu Xian'er paled and shouted, wanting to awaken Gu Changge's original consciousness.

Obviously, Gu Changge's current consciousness is once again occupied by demonic nature, which is no longer the him just now.

"I am me, why should I wake up?" Gu Changge said lightly.

Seeing this palm, he would pat on Gu Xian'er.

The next moment, his expression changed again, and it looked like he was schizophrenic.

The voice was violent and cold, "Don't move her.

As the words fell, Gu Changge looked indifferent and determined, one by one rune, suddenly disappeared.


Suddenly the whole arm exploded with a bang.

As a result, Gu Changge's state seemed to be relieved.

The horror breath also stagnated, and the demonic nature began to dissipate like a tide.

He closed his eyes, his expression returned to calm, and stood still on the spot, motionless.

This scene stunned Gu Xian'er, and then tears slipped down her face silently.

"Gu Changge"

She was crying. In her opinion, it was not because Gu Changge was fighting against the demonic nature in her body in order to protect her.

Otherwise, how could he make such a bad move?

Gu Xian'er didn't see it either. The light on the peach blossom hidden under her sleeves suddenly disappeared and became dim.

It is a vague phantom, not real.

If Gu Changge really wants to kill her, the phantom on this peach blossom will definitely recover.

Gu Xian'er didn't know this at all. .