Chapter 212

The magnificent mountain gate, like the gate of Heaven Court in ancient times, is extremely tall.

There are thousands of weather in it, the clouds are steaming and the sky is majestic, and it is like a fairyland.

A rainbow of gods traveled through the world, bringing up various shades of glow, which seemed to have a long history of luck and a profound background.

Jiang Chuchu appeared here, with a light gauze on his face, and a layer of mist shrouded him, covering his entire face tightly.

Judging from her appearance and voice, it is impossible to tell whether she is a man or a woman.

She is alone, with apples, and no followers, but she has a natural aura that can not be underestimated.

Hearing her words, Gu's Xianwei patrolling in front of the mountain gate, Qi Qi came to this place in shock.

"The descendant of the Ancestral Hall?"

Their expressions were a little puzzled for a while, if they remember correctly, isn't the descendant of the Ancestral Hall the mysterious woman from the King of Longevity?

Why suddenly someone appeared again?

Or is this person impersonating?

They remember very clearly that some time ago, during the birthday banquet of the mother's mother, the descendant of Renzu Temple was assassinated by the inheritor of magic power.

That incident caused a great sensation and made a lot of noise.

"Who is so bold and dare to pretend to be a descendant of the Ancestral Hall?" At the moment, someone asked, looking like a divine sword, clamoring, as if to penetrate the void and look at Jiang Chuchu.

The majestic coercion smashed down instantly.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been unable to bear it at this time, and he would kneel on the ground with a soft leg.

But Jiang Chuchu was not. She looked very calm, as if everything in this world could not attract her attention.


She just raised her hand, and among the slender fingers, there was an exquisite token emerging.

Ancestral Hall!

The three characters appear in the void, revealing their identity.

"Ren Zu Ling!"

Seeing this rune, the expressions of the fairy guards in front of the mountain gate all changed and recognized this token.

I am afraid that no one in all areas of the upper realm does not recognize this order anymore.

Renzu Ling represents the identity of the Renzu Temple, and in some cases it can even give orders to many Daoist forces.

For a while, their expressions became suspicious and shocked, but they would not let this person in because of this token.

The Changsheng Gu family has strict rules.

What about the descendants of the Ancestral Hall?

"When the world's ancestral hall, there is not only one descendant."

As if he understood why the faces of the people were puzzled, Jiang Chuchu opened his mouth and said flatly, "I also hope that you will inform Young Master Changge that there is something to see from the descendants of the Ancestral Hall.

With her detached status, she also dared not presumptuously in front of the Changsheng Gu Family Mountain, everything had to be done according to the rules.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Several immortal guards glanced at each other, and they turned into divine rainbows and left, passing from the mountain gate to the central divine island, and passing through many teleportation formations, which took a long time.

"Gu Changge"

Watching the immortal guards leave, Jiang Chuchu's crystal clear eyes, a bright rune passed by, whispering the name softly.

During this period, after Jiang Chuchu left Daotian Ancient City, he went straight to the Taikoo Ye Clan, wanting to learn about Ye Ling.

Because she has a unique secret technique, she can determine the exact location of Ye Ling based on the bloodline of the people of Ye Ling's lineage.

With such thoughts, Jiang Chuchu rushed to the Taikoo Ye Clan. In her capacity, the Taikoo Ye Clan didn't dare to neglect a bit, and tried his best to cooperate with her.

The Primordial Leaf Clan also didn't want to get involved with the inheritors of magic power.

But in the end, after Jiang Chuchu performed the secret technique, the entire Primordial Leaf Clan was shocked and discovered an unexpected fact and result.

Ye Ling's breath of life had already dissipated.

This incident caused a sensation to the entire Taikoo Ye Clan.

In other words, during this period of time, the magician inheritor who has been making a lot of noise is actually another person, not Ye Ling.

Although this conclusion surprised Jiang Chuchu, it was generally expected…because she felt that Ye Ling had a problem from the beginning, and his actions were too passive, as if there was an invisible hand behind him. Pushing him all the time.

In Jiang Chuchu's view, Ye Ling's death was actually inevitable, and it was just a matter of the timing of his death.

Moreover, she has always felt that there is a big problem with Gu Changge.

However, this is just her instinct, and there is no evidence.

Therefore, Jiang Chuchu rushed all the way to the Changsheng Gu family in order to verify the truth of this speculation. On the way, she also heard about the assassination of Wang Zijin.

I heard that there is a huge organization behind the inheritors of magic power, and even the Tianhuang Mountain is involved.

At this time, the emperor of Tianhuangshan was born.

Jiang Chuchu was also a little confused by this series of things, and he always felt that there were many doubts in it.

But she is not the person involved, and she doesn't know the details.

"As long as you come to the Changsheng Gu's house, you can know what happened at that time and determine the real suspicion."

Jiang Chuchu was thinking and waiting, standing quietly under the mountain gate.

Many people from the Gu family who passed by looked at her, a little curious, but no one came forward to ask.

"I just don't know what Gu Changge's attitude is. After all, the rumors are unbelievable. You have to witness it with your own eyes."

"I just hope my guess is wrong

Jiang Chuchu felt that if Gu Changge had a ghost in his heart, she would definitely not let her in at this time.

After all, she is different from the prince who has not been deeply involved in the world.

She came here so rashly, she had some confidence in her heart.

"The young master has prepared a banquet and is waiting for the descendants to arrive."

And just when various thoughts flashed in Jiang Chuchu's mind.

Soon, several Xianwei came back with such a reply.

"So calm?"

This made Jiang Chuchu a little surprised. It seemed that Gu Changge didn't care about her coming, and it showed that he didn't care at all.

"This matter has become troublesome."

After that, Jiang Chuchu looked calm and followed a few people through the outer islands and inner islands all the way.

After many teleportation formations, Shendao Fairy Mountain, etc., finally came to the foot of the mountain where Gu Changge was located.

The tip of the iceberg revealed by the Changsheng Gu family kept her from seeing the waves all day long. At this time, ripples also appeared, and it was difficult to continue to calm down.

At this time, I understood that if Gu Changge really had a problem, it would be an extremely terrifying disaster for the entire upper realm.

Now Gu Changge has gotten more wings.

She needs to find a way to stop this.

"The young master is waiting for the descendant in the hall, so I will retire first."

The servants Xianwei who led the way left here soon.

Jiang Chuchu's brows couldn't help but frowned, and a faint anxiety suddenly appeared in his heart.

The cloud and mist on the mountain peak looked like a fairyland palace. To her, it looked like a magic cave at this time.

"If Gu Changge really has a problem, he should not dare to do anything to me at will. Once I have an accident in the Changsheng Gu family, the Ancestral Hall will know. At that time, the world will be alarmed. Gu Changge will not be so stupid."

At this time, the more uneasy intuition, Jiang Chuchu frowned.

The Seven Apertures Immortal Soul has the greatest talent in the world, rare in the ages.

But she was born with the Nine Apertures Immortal Soul, and her talent in perception was so powerful that she was jaw-dropping, and she even had the ability to foretell the future.

So Jiang Chuchu has always believed in his own intuition.

And soon, Jiang Chuchu came to the top of the mountain, in the majestic Great Hall.

As soon as she entered the hall, she noticed the young man at a glance.

Stars are hanging down, silk strands, colorful xenon hydrogen light permeates, like Tathagata to the depths of the Universe.

Among the Great Hall, Gu Changge ranks high.

He was dressed in a wide coat robe, his hair was scattered behind his head, and his expression was self-conscious, showing noble and superior temperament.

The banquet below has been set up, the spirit fruit fairy wine, and many fierce beast meat, everything you need.

There are even many beautiful, talented and talented women dancing in the Great Hall.

The figure is wonderful and graceful, the dancing posture is moving, accompanied by the piano and the sound, it appears a kind of quiet and lofty.

"I don't know how to call my brother? He came from hundreds of thousands of miles away, I don't know why?'

Gu Changge didn't seem surprised when he saw Jiang Chuchu coming. He spoke naturally, and then signaled Jiang Chuchu to take a seat.

There is a gentle and perfect smile on his face, which makes people unable to find a trace of flaws.

In fact, when Xianwei came to give a report, Gu Changge guessed that the coming person would be another descendant of Renzudian.

In order to wait for her arrival.

Gu Changge never left the family.

In fact, from Wang Zijin's mouth, he had already heard a lot of news about Jiang Chuchu.

Knowing that she has a strong talent, she is known as the reincarnation of the ancient immortal in the Ancestral Hall.

But as soon as I saw it today, the value of that huge luck point had already reached tens of thousands, which made Gu Changge couldn't help but move a little bit.

This lively leek!

He even took the initiative to send it to the door!

Although the descendant of this person's ancestral hall is not the daughter of luck, she is also a person with great luck. There are many people like this in this world, but there are still very few people with luck like her.

"It seems that the cultivator that has something to do with the ancestors is not a simple one.

Various thoughts flashed in Gu Changge's mind, and there was no abnormality in his face.

In fact, he had anticipated Jiang Chuchu's purpose for coming to him.

In this regard, he didn't know what to say except that he was so daring.

Is it too smart and confident, or too stupid?

"Chu Chu has seen Young Master Changge!"

At this time, in front of Gu Changge, Jiang Chuchu also dissipated the fog on his face, and spoke in a calm and beautiful voice, no longer concealing it.

She intends to get straight to the point.

I also know that such a method does not actually have much effect in front of Gu Changge.

Seeing it with her own eyes, she can better understand how wrong the rumors are.

Gu Changge's strength really cannot be judged based on rumors.

This makes Jiang Chuchu more convinced that there is a problem with Gu Changge.

However, she still remained calm, not believing that Gu Changge dared to attack her on the territory of Changsheng Gu's family.


"It's a good name, it's really lovely, and I feel pity." Gu Changge exclaimed, expressing appreciation.

At this moment, although Jiang Chuchu's little fairy face was covered by a veil, his eyes were as cold as a pool of cold, revealing the feeling of a lone monk seeing everything in the world quietly.

From the appearance point of view, naturally needless to say.

If Renzu is some kind of protagonist, then Jiang Chuchu is definitely the heroine related to him.

Such courage is not what an average woman should have.

"Young Master Changge praised."

Jiang Chuchu said lightly, neither humble nor overbearing, and then sat down in the table, looking down slightly.

In those eyes, many strange runes began to disappear.

This is her tracing magical power, which can trace many traces between heaven and earth and Karma.

She wanted to determine if there was a problem with Gu Changge, and this was a wonderful opportunity.

This kind of talent, apart from her, no one else in the world knows.

Jiang Chuchu didn't believe what Gu Changge could detect at this time.

Moreover, her movements seem to be very hidden.

It seemed that I didn't want to look at Gu Changge, so I naturally focused on the spirit wine and fruits on the table.

"I don't know what Chu Chu, Holy Maiden, came to visit Gu, what the hell was it?"

At this time, Gu Changge didn't seem to notice Jiang Chuchu's subtle movements.

He raised a glass to his mouth, looked natural, and asked with a faint smile.

Of course, he actually knew Jiang Chuchu's purpose, but he didn't care.

Jiang Chuchu is tracing the breath of Gu Changge with his own talent.

Hearing his question like this, I was slightly startled, and then calmly replied,

"I heard that Young Master Changge had fought against the inheritors of magic arts, and Chu Chu was always curious about that battle, so I wanted to visit Young Master Changge and ask for some details."

"Ask for details? Is Chu Chu Holy Maiden also planning to hunt down Ye Ling?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge asked a little surprised.

However, he did not wait for Jiang Chuchu to answer.

He continued to speak again, with a somewhat regretful tone, "However, Chu Chu Holy Maiden is afraid that he is late, and Ye Ling is already dead. Would you really not know about this, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chuchu suddenly raised his eyes to look at Gu Changge, his heart was slightly cold, and a chill and vigilance suddenly rose on his back.

Gu Changge is so straightforward?

When he first came, he said this kind of thing directly? Could it be that Ye Ling was killed by him?

*~ What does Young Master Changge mean? Why did Ye Ling die? Why didn't Chu Chu understand. "

However, Jiang Chuchu's expression remained calm, and he spoke lightly.

At this time, she was already convinced that Gu Changge was absolutely inseparable from the inheritor of magic power.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. It doesn't matter.

"Chu Chu Holy Maiden will understand later.

Gu Changge shook his head, "It's true that the Holy Maiden came not far away for hundreds of millions of miles. Gu Mou has missed a long way to welcome you, and toast you a glass."

With that, he took the initiative to pour a glass of wine and drank it all in one go.

Jiang Chuchu hesitated.

"What? Afraid of Gu poisoning in the wine?"

Seeing her appearance, Gu Changge couldn't help but sneered, poking at Zhong Jiang Chuchu's heart.

"Young Master Changge is too worried

Jiang Chuchu frowned. Although she did think so in her heart, she naturally couldn't admit it at this time.

After all, this is equivalent to not giving Gu Changge, the owner, Face.

In any case, the faces of the two of them have not yet torn apart, or they are still arguing.

More or less consider the face of the other person.

However, Gu Changge waved his hand with interest and interrupted her, "No matter if you don't drink it, it's normal for Chu Chu Holy Maiden to be so vigilant. After all, I did poison the wine.

Hearing this, Jiang Chuchu was stunned for a moment. After realizing the meaning of Gu Changge's words, his pupils suddenly shrank.

At this time, even with her state of mind, she couldn't help but pale.

She traced the breath of Gu Changge with her special talent, and now she finally succeeded.


At this moment, her breathing almost halted.

The whole person's mind was instantly filled with a maddening, indescribable, indescribable gray fog, in which there were unspeakable and terrifying existences, ancient and majestic, as if to drag sentient beings into it.

This kind of breath is pounding and chaotic, and it seems to be composed of countless origins and orders. Under the majesty and majesty, she is as small as an ant.


"Engulfed a lot of origin and physique

The expression under Jiang Chuchu's veil was a little pale, but he was still restraining himself with strong willpower, not allowing himself to show any strangeness.

Now she can be sure that Gu Changge is the most hidden magician inheritor!

This is horrible, it is simply chilling!

It was one thing to guess before.

After confirming now, even her state of mind was trembling slightly, after all, it became the situation she least wanted to happen.

Gu Changge looked at her with interest.

As if not knowing what Jiang Chuchu did.

"Chu Chu Holy Maiden, what's the matter? Suddenly, my complexion is a bit bad, and Gu is just joking about Gang オ, why should you care?"

Jiang Chuchu quickly recovered calm, and nodded when he heard the words, "Thank you, Young Master Changge, for your concern, but this kind of joke is better.

If she is outside, she still has the confidence to fight Gu Changge.

But on the territory of the Changsheng Gu family, she didn't even dare to let Gu Changge notice her abnormality.

The premise that Gu Changge won't do anything to her is that she doesn't know that she already knows her true identity.

Now, once Gu Changge is aware of it, will he let go of himself?

However, Jiang Chuchu is sure that Gu Changge will not easily attack her.

Once she has an accident in the Changsheng Gu's family, then the Changsheng Gu's family will become the target of public criticism.

Unless Gu Changge is willing to risk his identity being exposed.

Various thoughts flashed in his heart, and Jiang Chuchu had already given birth to a retreat at this time.

Her instincts at the beginning were right.

It's just that after confirming Gu Changge's true identity, how to reveal it is a difficult problem because she has no evidence.

Tell the people behind the ancestral hall?

But how can she shake Gu Changge and Changsheng Gu's family by her own words?

At that time, people might think that she deliberately framed Gu Changge.

Because she could not produce any evidence to prove that Gu Changge is the inheritor of magic arts, if his identity is a little simpler, then things will be easy to handle.

However, Gu Changge's identity background destined him to be the pinnacle of the upper realm.

Who dares to say such words without evidence?

This matter needs to be discussed in the long term.

"Oh, how can it be done if you don't care?"

Hearing that, Gu Changge's smile suddenly became a bit intriguing, "After all, the Holy Maiden of Chu Chu came all the way, this kindness, Gu will keep in mind and care about you, is there any problem?"

Jiang Chuchu just wanted to leave here at this time.

"Insecure Young Master Changge cares."

"I am in a hurry today. Since Young Master Changge said that Ye Ling is dead, then I should also look for other clues."

She replied, euphemistically explaining what she wanted to leave.

But at this time, how could Gu Changge let her leave easily?.