Chapter 213

"Retreat all."

The smile on Gu Changge's face finally disappeared, and he waved his hand to make all the singers in the hall retreat.

"Young Master Changge…"

Jiang Chuchu frowned, did not understand Gu Changge's actions, and was vigilant.

Now what she is not sure about is Gu Changge's identity as the inheritor of magic power. Does the Changsheng Gu family know? What is the attitude?

"It's about this time, Chu Chu Holy Maiden, don't pretend to be stupid. This is really boring.

Gu Changge spoke lightly, with a bit of mockery.

Compared to just now, his expression is almost different.

Hearing this, Jiang Chuchu was taken aback, unable to keep calm.

Listening to Gu Changge's words, are you planning to showdown?

With a cold back, she suddenly felt danger.

But before Jiang Chuchu had time to react, he felt that Gu Changge had shot at her and waved his sleeves.

Terrible spatial fluctuations are coming!

The next moment, Jiang Chuchu saw a flower, and a spatial crack suddenly appeared, extending from her side, expanding rapidly, and instantly enveloped her.


Her figure disappeared out of thin air and was taken into the world by Gu Changge.

This space crack quickly healed and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"It's stupid to take the initiative to bring it to the door."

Gu Changge couldn't help but laughed, and then a beautiful figure appeared in the void in front of him.

It is Yan Ji.

"How is the breath imitating?" Gu Changge looked at her.

In the inheritance of Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign, there are many methods of disguise, which can even cover up the origin.

Jiang Chuchu usually uses a veil to show people, and even hides his true face with fog.

Wanting to imitate her breath and body shape is really simple.

Yan Ji didn't even need to deliberately change her appearance.

Hearing that, she nodded and said, "The secret method given by the son is really mysterious. After observing it for a short time, I can already imitate it."

As he said, a layer of radiance appeared on her body.

Yan Ji's body shape began to change, and she soon looked no different from Jiang Chuchu just now.

Even the tone of voice is the same.

Moreover, her own Cultivation Base is a great sacred realm, and most people can't see through it at all.

Even if the Quasi-Supreme exists, it is impossible to see anything abnormal.

Seeing this, Gu Changge nodded with satisfaction, "In this way, this person is the descendant of the ancestral palace, and you will be you in the future.

The reason why I said so much nonsense with Jiang Chuchu was not to give Yan Ji a chance to observe and observe, so as to reach the point of being fake.

"But son, can I really hide from the Ancestral Hall like this?" Yan Ji was a little confused, and she believed in Gu Changge's plan.

But if she really faces the cultivator of the ancestral hall, she feels that she will still be exposed.

"Nothing, you don't need to return to the Human Ancestral Hall, just walking outside and letting people know about it is enough. Leave the rest to me." Gu Changge smiled calmly.

Wen Yan Yanji nodded.

She is not good at acting and disguising. Gu Changge is a bit difficult for her, but Jiang Chuchu's character itself is also easy to imitate, because she has always spoken very little and has a plain personality.

Only at 420, if you don't meet the familiar people in Renzu Temple, Yan Ji doesn't think she will reveal any flaws.

Afterwards, Gu Changge's figure disappeared and appeared in the inner world.

Yan Ji wanted to pretend to be a descendant of the Ancestral Hall, but now there is still something missing, and that is Jiang Chuchu's Ancestral Order.

This thing is indispensable.

At the same time, in the inner world, Jiang Chuchu's expression was no longer as calm and calm as it was at the beginning.

Suddenly, Gu Changge made a move, using the terrifying space power, and a space crack appeared in an instant, engulfing her.

Subsequently, she was trapped in this mysterious and unknown world.

All this happened so quickly that she didn't even react.

When the foreground of her eyes became clear again, she was already standing in the vast ancient forest.

Looking around, it is full of majestic mountains and ancient trees, blue lakes are like washes, and emeralds are inlaid everywhere.

Spiritual Qi is like fog and emerald green like tide.

In the distance, there seems to be an ancient towering temple standing on the edge of the sky. It looks extremely huge Sacred, and the pillars alone can hold up the world.

Like an ancient Tianque, it fell into the world.

"What the hell is this place? How did Gu Changge get me here?"

Jiang Chuchu frowned, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

Here, she couldn't perceive a breath of the outside world.

What is going on in the magnificent Sacred palace in front of you?

Could it be the remains of the ancient fairy garden?

Gu Changge is still in control of such a site?

Jiang Chuchu knows that there are many Minor World-like Magical Items in this world, which can be carried around, and some supreme beings can even be developed and refined, and they are mysterious.

One flower one world, one grain one Samsara.

There are so many mysterious things.

She accidentally followed Gu Changge's words.

Now Jiang Chuchu is very sure that he is trapped in such a space Magical Item by Gu Changge.

"If Gu Changge does this, it means that the Changsheng Gu family shouldn't know his true identity, and can't take action against me in the Gu family. He might be hiding everyone from the world."

Jiang Chuchu frowned and said softly in his heart.

Afterwards, she found a place to sit down, and she began to have bright runes appearing on her body, glorious, simple and atmospheric, like a large expanse of light and rain, demanding wine to fall down.

This place seemed to be a land of flying immortals for a while.

Xia Rui Qianjo, rune like the sea.

There is even the terrible sound of thunder, crackling, transforming into divine clouds in it, appearing in various shapes.

Axes, hooks and forks, swords, guns and swords, real dragon claws, divine phoenix wings, Black Tortoise cracking ground, and White Tiger roaring, all kinds of visions are intertwined and surging.

These terrible offensive forces, constantly deducing and evolving, want to tear this space apart.


Jiang Chuchu's quasi-sacred atmosphere began to emerge.

She knew that the strength that this kind of space can bear is limited, as long as she breaks that limit, then this space will definitely break up, and she won't be able to trap her at all.

This is obviously the same as those of space barriers.

But The next moment, when her series of attacks all fell into the void, they were like a mud cow into the sea, and they couldn't even make a splash.

"How is this possible?" Jiang Chuchu couldn't believe it.

Under her full attack, she already had the power of the Sage realm. Even the barriers of the lower realms were unbearable and would be torn apart.

But in this space Magical Item in Gu Changge, it can't play a role?

"Could it be that his Magical Item in this space is of a very high level?"

Jiang Chuchu tried again, but still to no avail, let alone a wave, even she felt that the outside space to avoid obstacles was not as good as this world.

"I don't believe it, is it true that Gu Changge will be trapped here forever?"

Jiang Chuchu offered a crystal clear mirror and was about to do it.


The void in front of her suddenly became blurred and then split.

"Don't waste your time, unless I let you out, or you will die of old age in this life."

Gu Changge's figure walked out of it, perceiving Jiang Chuchu's behavior, he couldn't help but frown and faintly spoke.

"Gu Changge.."

Jiang Chuchu stared at him, with boundless vigilance and jealousy in his eyes.


The next moment, she suffered a big loss and took the lead to shoot at Gu Changge!

Since the barriers of this space cannot be broken, as long as Gu Changge is killed, she will naturally be able to leave.

At this time, behind Jiang Chuchu, a mighty purple air appeared, and a faintly shining Daoist appeared.

Holding Duster in hand, sweeping away, the world seems to be cracking!

The strength of the quasi-sacred realm is undoubtedly revealed!

"Who gave you the confidence to shoot at me?"

Gu Changge let out a sneer, disregarding it.

With a wave of his sleeves, a clear light of wine fell, turning into a surging moon wheel, and crashing down.

At the same time, the Sage Realm Cultivation Base showed impressively, it was so powerful that Jiang Chuchu's face suddenly changed, and it was difficult to maintain the calm just now.

The moment Gu Changge smashed the moon wheel, he shattered the power of Duster, and did not change it, and suppressed her!

"You have already broken through to the Sage state."

"It's really hidden too deep!"

Jiang Chuchu's back is full of cold air, and his extreme speed is a terrible Movement Technique.

Cultivation to the extreme can travel through countless spaces in one step, intending to quickly avoid Gu Changge's random blow.

Her talent has become so strong that she thought she could stabilize Gu Changge.

But I didn't expect that the Cultivation Base between the two would be so different!

At the same time, Jiang Chuchu sacrificed a Daoist seal.

It glows, there is Taoist Zen singing, and the mighty purple air covers the sky and the sun, turning into a big seal with an extremely ancient word "Tao" on it!

The rules and order are intertwined and densely packed, this strike is enough to kill the average Sage!

But at The next moment, Gu Changge shook his fingers at random, a wisp of Sword Qi rattled, wrapped in the gold atmosphere, like a bronze fairy sword, fell to Jiang Chuchu!


The Fang Dao-yin she sacrificed was instantly pierced under this sword and became a piece of child powder.

Jiang Chuchu also spit out a mouthful of blood because of the wounds, and the blood rolled over.

In terms of strength, she could not be Gu Changge's opponent at all.

If it is in the same Realm, it's okay to say, but Gu Changge is one big Realm taller than her.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, Gu Changge did not try his best, just like a cat playing with a mouse.

"At this time, don't you understand the gap between you and me? Chu Chu Holy Maiden?"

Gu Changge spoke faintly, with disdainful contempt, not in a hurry to suppress Jiang Chuchu.

In the inner world, unless Cultivation Base is too much higher than Gu Changge, it is impossible to escape from it.

The next moment, a divine light of black and white came out from Gu Changge's eyes, time passed and rebirth shattered, the void was distorted and turned into the sword of Samsara!

"Samsara supernatural powers"

Jiang Chuchu's expression changed slightly, and he sacrificed a holy realm vest, but he was quickly torn apart by this black and white divine light, and he couldn't resist even a breath.

She vomited blood again and flew upside down, and at the same time Gu Changge took a palm of her hand, covering the sky and the earth, with great power, causing Jiang Chuchu's expression to change rapidly.


Suddenly, a mysterious palace appeared in the center of her eyebrows.

A strange Taoist sound appeared, like a (cedh) celestial female fairy sitting cross-legged in it, radiant and dazzling.

She is the reincarnation of the ancient immortal, this is not groundless.

Gu Changge also noticed a hint of danger.


-The treasure bottle of Luo Dadao appeared, and the black brilliance fell down, trying to shock the god in Jiang Chuchu's eyebrows.

The deity was about to open his eyes, and there was infinite divine light condensed in it.

The Eight Desolate Demon Halberd suddenly appeared in Gu Changge's hands.


His eyes were cold, and he directly slashed down, splitting the divine light of that god in an instant!

This scene made Jiang Chuchu's face pale, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, obviously hurting Divine Sense.

Gu Changge is too strong. Just now, this strike has obviously surpassed the level of the Sage realm, and even reached the stage of the Great Sacred Realm.

His murder weapon is very strange.

Jiang Chuchu knew that with her own strength, she could not be Gu Changge's opponent.

"Be happy, let me plant a slave mark, maybe you still have a chance to survive." Gu Changge's voice was flat.

"Don't think about it, unless I die. But if you kill me, Human Ancestor Palace will definitely be aware of it, and then your identity will definitely be exposed."

She said, knowing this time, as long as Gu Changge is not stupid, it is impossible to kill her.

The fate card she left in the Renzu Temple is broken, and it is bound to attract Renzu Temple to investigate. Then you will know that she has been to Changsheng Gu's family. Even if Gu Changge wants to conceal it, it will be difficult to do it.

"It's smart, knowing that I still have value."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you now."

Gu Changge said lightly, completely disregarding Jiang Chuchu's words.

"Hand over the token of your ancestral hall.

"Ancestral Hall token?"

Jiang Chuchu was taken aback, what did Gu Changge want this thing for? Is it planning to find someone to pretend to be her?

I have to say that she is very smart, and guessed the purpose of Gu Changge so quickly.

"Impossible, the human ancestor order is of great importance, and I cannot give it to you."

Jiang Chuchu calmed down, and began to sit in the same place. In the middle of the ring, an exquisite small tower appeared, and a layer of golden light appeared faintly, covering herself.

"Although I won't kill you, I can let you know that some things will make you more uncomfortable than killing you.

Gu Changge said lightly, intending to force Jiang Chuchu.

At this time, it was really hard for him to kill her, and it was still useful to keep her.

Planting a slave mark or a magic bottle will definitely touch the sea of ​​consciousness.

Just now, Gu Changge had noticed that mysterious palace in Jiang Chu Chu knew the sea, which was called taboo.

There is a vast and dangerous power hidden in it.

Although Jiang Chuchu couldn't use it, it didn't mean it was useless to her.

If Gu Changge rushed into her sea of ​​consciousness, he might touch the palace and cause Jiang Chuchu to die.

This is a cumbersome process. You can't kill, and you can't plant slave marks, save magic bottles, and the like.

After all, Jiang Chuchu's death will inevitably cause a lot of trouble to Gu Changge.

On the other hand, it is difficult for Yan Ji to continue disguising her identity, which affects Gu Changge's follow-up plan.

So Gu Changge intends to take the second place, the so-called warm water boiled frog, now let Jiang Chuchu understand that the huge gap between her and her own strength saves the thought of running away.

Anyway, trapped in the inner world, she can't go anywhere.

What matters is not what Gu Changge said, letting her out or not letting her out is just a matter of thought.

Hearing this, Jiang Chuchu's eyes became very cold. He looked at Gu Changge and knew what he meant.

She doesn't think Gu Changge can't do this kind of thing.

"Give you three breaths to consider." Gu Changge said lightly.

Jiang Chuchu certainly didn't want to die, nor did he want to surrender to him.

But before that, as the Holy Maiden of the Ancestral Hall of Human Ancestors, she was bound to see her own reputation and virginity very important.

Compared with the first two, this is also the least easy to touch the taboo palace in the sea.

Gu Changge can start from this aspect, forcing out the things or information he wants.

"You mean, Gu Changge!" Jiang Chuchu couldn't keep calm, his eyes were extremely cold, and he gritted his teeth.


Gu Changge said nothing, and slashed with a halberd.

The golden halo in front of her suddenly trembling, followed by layers of cracks, which exploded in an instant.

Jiang Chuchu's face turned pale.

"I'm not patient." Gu Changge said lightly.

"It's impossible for Renzuling to give it to you, you trapped me here, trying to find someone to pretend to be me, so as to hide from the sky, Gu Changge, don't think about it!"

"I'm not going to help you be abusive."

Jiang Chuchu looked at him coldly, looking like death at home.

Even if she shattered herself, she fell here.

Nor will it allow Gu Changge, the demon boss, to achieve this, thereby harming the world.

"It's stupid, you asked for it.

Hearing this, Gu Changge's eyes deepened, his palms pierced away, the magic light was overwhelming, and the runes were hidden, like a huge world-destroying millstone, suppressing Jiang Chuchu.


At this moment, the entire void seemed to be suppressed by the strength of Billion Rings Jun, and became a piece of stagnation, as if it was frozen and solidified there.

"Gu Changge, I won't let you succeed!

Jiang Chuchu's face showed coldness.

At this time, all the power began to converge towards the Dantian Linghai. Pieces of bright runes appeared, the rules were intertwined, and they were about to explode.

At this time, the only thing she could cause trouble for Gu Changge was suicide!

Only by suicide can the ancestor hall notice, and then investigate and discover the problem with Gu Changge.

"It's ridiculous, in my world, how can your life be controlled by yourself?

Seeing this, Gu Changge couldn't help but let out a sneer, looking very contemptuous.

For this kind of guy who is not afraid of death, there are ways to deal with it.

Jiang Chuchu may not have figured it out yet. Gu Changge is only afraid of the forbidden palace she knows in the sea.

Worried about accidentally touching the sea of ​​knowledge, triggering a riot in that forbidden palace, which would lead to Jiang Chuchu's death.

Obviously, relying on Jiang Chuchu's own power, it is impossible to use the power of that forbidden palace.

Unless she can break through the palace and break the true spirit by herself, it will be of no use.

I really don't see the coffin without weeping.

When this palm fell, Jiang Chuchu's expression changed directly, and he found that the rules and order that he had finally condensed were all broken up!

She doesn't even seem to be under her control of suicide!

"The ancestor ordered me to give it to you, stop."

Seeing that Gu Changge seemed to be coming for real, Jiang Chuchu's expression changed drastically at this time, very pale, unable to be as calm as before.

"late "

Gu Changge looked cold and ignored.

Outside the palace, Gu Changge's figure walked out of the void.

"Ren Zu Ling is such a thing?

He looked at the golden token in his hand, and it seemed that there was a gathering of vitality on it.

Then, he handed it to Yan Ji beside him.

"Master, have you killed the Holy Maiden in the Ancestral Hall?"

Yan Ji was a little curious about Jiang Chuchu's fate.

"No, she can't die yet.

Gu Changge shook his head, "A guy who doesn't see the coffin and doesn't cry, it's still useful to keep her."

Inside the world.

Jiang Chuchu hugged his knees, a bit dazed in his icy expression.

She looked at the Shougongsha on her right arm that had been left for more than 20 years, but now it has disappeared.

The Holy Maiden of Renzu Temple must be a chaste body.

"Gu Changge.. She almost gritted her teeth.