Chapter 226

"You are despicable and shameless, you are a big man anyway, you deceive Tiantian, you don't deserve to be her Big Brother!"

"Damn you! Give me back your body!"

After returning to Immortal Cave, Jiang Yang's calm and indifferent face finally disappeared, his brows frowned, and even a slight faint anger came.

"Shut up! Why don't you have your turn to point me?"

He scolded the voice in his head.

Jiang Yang felt that this time things had become tricky and out of his control.

Gu Changge, who suddenly came here from the lower realms, didn't come to look for him.

The cultivator of Renzu Temple has not been found here yet.

Jiang Yang felt that this was a coincidence, but in secret, he felt that Gu Changge had deep malice against him.

I don't know if it is his illusion, he always feels that Gu Changge is uneasy and kind to him.

But I don't know why.

"Anyway, this Little Sister, Tian Tian, ​​can't fall into the hands of the goddess. I need her trust in me."

There was a gleam in Jiang Yang's eyes. Before that, he still retained the last principle and didn't want to touch that consciousness.

But if he doesn't fully integrate with him, his many actions and words and deeds will fall into Tiantian's eyes, and there will be great flaws.

It's like that in the Great Hall today.Why doesn't he even listen to the explanation of his difficulties every day?

In hindsight, he should have been too deliberate and eager.

In addition, the appearance of Gu Changge's anomaly made him have to guard against it.

"It's not a trivial matter to become a big thing. When have I been like this?

"It's a big deal, it's a little troublesome when the world is back together."

Shaking his head and smiling, Jiang Yang's expression quickly returned to calm.

"What are you going to do? Didn't you say that you won't move me? I can't die, I want to protect every day."

In the sea of ​​knowledge, a voice of unwillingness and anger sounded, and then gradually subsided.

"From today, you are both me and I am you. Accepting me is also a great opportunity for you."

"Don't worry, I will take care of Little Sister and mother-in-law. On the other hand, I am also Jiang Yang."

As Jiang Yang said softly.

At the center of his eyebrows, light began to emerge, like a ray of golden light falling in the deep darkness.


A series of complicated and profound Samsara seals, which reached the extreme of 24, suddenly appeared, and the brilliance seemed to reflect the heavens and domains, and at this moment, it was firmly branded on his soul.


There was a crack at this moment.

Among the marks of Samsara, cracks appeared, and the multicolored rays of glow were sprayed out, and the colors were rotten, like fairy rain.

"First borrow one percent of the Dao Fruit of the first life, for me, the impact will not be too great.

Jiang Yang said to himself, his expression was very calm.

Before the most critical time, he actually didn't plan to use the last Samsara seal.

It's just that if he doesn't use it now, facing the anomaly of Gu Changge, he looks too weak.

Conventional cultivation methods no longer work.

And this is exactly the method used by the Human Ancestor Palace, borrowing Dao Fruit!

It's just that he borrowed the Tao fruit of a certain life.

This body can't bear too much.

At this time, Jiang Yang's aura was quietly changing. From the supernatural power realm, he began to change to the great power realm and the Holy Lord realm at an extremely terrifying speed, terrifying ascension.

And he also closed his eyes, planning to seduce the general trend of Xianlun Sacred Land with a secret method.

In order to avoid being beaten to the ground before it has time to perform like today, it will be extremely humiliating.

"It doesn't seem to be peaceful tonight. The air and terrain of the entire Xianlun Sacred Land is undergoing rapid changes."

"The reincarnated human ancestor is really thinking of a way to deal with me. Today he hit him in the face severely and hated me.

On the other side, Gu Changge's mouth has an inexplicable smile.

The figure is standing above a palace in Sacred Land in Xianlun, overlooking all the sights.

In his eyes, black and white light appeared. There were many rules between heaven and earth, and the flow of breath rune appeared in his eyes.

He could clearly see the current terrain of Xianlun Sacred Land, gathering from all directions, as if there was life, all rivers returned to the sea, gathering somewhere.

And that place is obviously the place where Jiang Yang practiced on weekdays.

This is definitely what he is using, intending to attack Gu Changge at a critical moment.

It's a pity that Gu Changge had already anticipated it, and even planned to use it.

"That's all about Jiang Yang?"

Gu Changge retracted his gaze and glanced lightly, the blue-faced creature with fangs kneeling underneath.

"Return to the immortal, it's all this, I dare not conceal the slightest bit of it."

The creature kneeling on the ground was the Green Ghost, the one who left Beishan Village with Jiang Yang that day.

Gu Changge asked Tiantian a little bit and found the creature.

Some things about Jiang Yang have to be learned from him.

Afraid of being obliterated by Gu Changge, the blue ghost naturally knows everything and speaks endlessly, including the secret casting of Immortal Ascension Road in Sacred Land in Xianlun.

Then, waved his hand to let the blue ghost leave.

Gu Changge's expression became a little inexplicable, and he thought of a lot for a while.

He used to think that although Renzu reincarnation likes to pretend, he should be the role of Wei Guangzheng anyway, but now it seems not necessarily.

This method of reincarnation Samsara looks like a dove occupying a magpie's nest, forcibly adding a soul to a flesh body.

Wait until the other soul awakens, and then occupy this physical body.

"Samsara has a purpose, so even everything in the follow-up is actually arranged."

"The Immortal Ascension road, the act of cutting the sky, the barren Eucharist, and the inability to cultivation. Hehe, it seems that besides me, for the Tianchen Realm, even the reincarnation of the human ancestors is estimated to be a different number. His reincarnation method does not seem to be Honestly."

Gu Changge couldn't help laughing.

According to the normal routine, Jiang Yang should have been exhausted when he was casting Immortal Ascension Road, and he had risen strongly with Houtian Heaven.

Although she can't cultivate, she is a certain supreme Taoist fruit. As long as she can use a little strength to avenge her brother, it is not easy.

At that time, Sacred Land will be destroyed with one palm.

Leaving the legend of flying immortals in the Tianchen realm, he became a ruthless man of a generation.

This is a normal routine.

Tiantiancai is the true daughter of Qiyun in the Tianchen Realm.

But now, Jiang Yang suddenly became the reincarnation of Human Ancestor, and Tiantian's elder brother, who reversed the ending of the construction of Immortal Ascension Road.

In this way, all the cheapness and luck fell on Renzu.

Even Tiantian has a lot to do with him.

"It's really a good calculation."

Gu Changge couldn't help laughing, now he has seen through Renzu's plan.

In his opinion, now that Renzu wants to succeed in front of him, this is just wanting to eat.

When the time comes, Renzu will not only get nothing, but will put himself here.

"Now Jiang Yang is wary of me, but he shouldn't be wary of Tiantian. Both of them have the luck of the Tianchen realm. Even if the human ancestors borrow from the realm, I am afraid that the effect will be very small. It saves me some effort."

"Start with him every day."

Gu Changge thought, taking a step forward.

The emptiness in front of him was blurred, and the rides spread one after another, and then approached the inner world.

He had to ask Jiang Chuchu for a lot of news about Renzu.

At this moment, Jiang Chuchu, who was sitting cultivating on a cliff in the inner world like an old monk, suddenly opened his eyes when he sensed the arrival of Gu Changge.

The light in his eyes seemed extremely calm, without any waves.

"It seems that you are fairly satisfied with today's environment.

Gu Changge looked at her, smiled casually and said, then with a thought, a stone chair appeared behind him.

Such an out-of-the-air creation method made Jiang Chuchu a little startled, but he thought that this was Gu Changge's Magical Item.

It is not impossible for him to use this method.

"What are you looking for me?" Jiang Chuchu asked indifferently.

As the Holy Maiden of Human Ancestral Hall, he has been trapped here for a while, and has no effect except cultivation.

It even made her feel that Gu Changge had forgotten her.

Maybe I will die of it all my life.

Gu Changge's sudden presence today made her a little surprised.

Gu Changge sat down and looked at her for a while, then smiled and said, "Ask you some questions. If the answers satisfy me, then I can consider letting you go."

Jiang Chuchu looked at him, a touch of unbelief flashed across his crystal clear eyes.

"What are you asking? If it's about Renzu, don't think about it. I don't know. Even if I know it, I won't tell you." She said lightly.

"Why are you such a stupid woman, obedient and obedient, and still free again, do you really like to die here all the time?

Gu Changge let out a faint smile and reached out to pinch her chin.

She has always sneered at her attitude of toasting, not eating or punishing wine.

It was the same last time.

I didn't cry without seeing the coffin. I knew I was afraid when I saw the coffin, but it was a pity that it was too late.

"Gu Changge, why are you so humble"

"Besides this method, can you do anything else?"

Seeing Gu Changge's actions, Jiang Chu's expression changed.

No matter how good the mood is, it is broken at this time.

Gu Changge looked at her faintly, "If you don't say anything, I come every day. I don't believe you can last so long.

Hearing these words, Jiang Chuchu's expression turned pale immediately, and he wished to stab him with a thousand swords.

In the end, she compromised and said the result Gu Changge wanted.

"The method of borrowing the fruit of the Ancestor Hall is actually derived from the Samsara seal of the Ancestor? That is to say, the biggest card of the reincarnation of the Ancestor is actually his Samsara seal?" Gu Changge asked with interest.

This is almost the same as his guess.

"The refining of the Samsara seal is extremely difficult, but each Tao contains the strongest Tao fruit of each ancestor of the world.

"So don't think about being able to deal with Renzu, give up Gu Changge." Jiang Chuchu said lightly.

"Is there no weakness in the Samsara seal?" Gu Changge looked at her.

Jiang Chuchu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"You don't lie. I have already seen that the Tao fruit in the Samsara seal is actually extremely difficult to integrate. It requires a very powerful body."

"Is this someone's plan to unite the ancestors?"

Gu Changge couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Chuchu's face turned pale, and he didn't expect to be seen by Gu Changge.

Her thoughts were shaking.

Gu Changge is so confident and determined, does he really intend to murder the ancestor and replace it?

There was a terrible chill in her back.

Immediately, Gu Changge left the inner world, and then went to find Tiantian.

The little girl hadn't rested at night, and was talking to her mother-in-law about what happened in the Great Hall today.

After all, Jiang Yang is the relative of the two.

It is not so easy to give up.


Seeing Gu Changge's arrival every day, I was taken aback and hurriedly shouted obediently.

Gu Changge nodded gently.

Granny Yinhua is also interested and plans to leave here by herself. She knows that Gu Changge might have something to tell Tiantian.

But to her surprise, Gu Changge actually stopped her.

"You can also listen to this."

Gu Changge said lightly.

"It's a god."

Granny Yinhua was a little surprised, and then hurriedly said respectfully.

Tian Tian is also a little curious, what will Master say to them at night?

Afterwards, Gu Changge told the two of what Jiang Yang had encountered in Xianlun Sacred Land over the years.

Even if he doesn't say it now, Jiang Yang will probably find some time to tell Heavenly Dao about his difficulties.

It's better to help him out.

This effect is better.

Hearing this, Tian Tian couldn't help but his eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

"Big Brother was actually thrown as a coolie, and Sacred Land in Xianlun is too much!"

Tian Tian couldn't help showing an angry expression on his face.

But soon, I saw Gu Changge frowning and thinking.

Tian Tian also reacted, feeling something was wrong, and asked in a low voice,

"Master, you said this to Tiantian, shouldn't it be just to say this?"

Gu Changge glanced at her and said softly, "As a teacher, I didn't plan to tell you this. 430 I'm afraid you can't accept it.

After listening to this, as a cultivator, the mother-in-law Yinhua felt a chill in her back.

Let alone a little girl every day, her face became very pale.

Suddenly the ominousness was dug out, and then all the drudgery died.

But Jiang Yang survived, Cultivation Base entered the territory very fast, and his status in Xianlun Sacred Land increased.

Is he too lucky, too lucky?

Granny Yinhua shook her head.

Even though it was the grandson of own, she felt shuddering, which was so weird.

"There are many doubts about this matter. How did Jiang Yang survive? Can he survive on his physical fitness? But at that time, he didn't have a Cultivation Base."

Granny Yinhua thought for a while and said seriously.

She was also an excellent disciple of Sacred Land at the beginning, and she knew all about ominous things.

Hearing this, Gu Changge also nodded, his expression showing a hint of deep meaning, "It is indeed a very dangerous thing to dig out ominous things."

"As far as the deity knows, even if Sage is infected with ominousness, there is a risk of death. How did Jiang Yang, a mortal who could not be cultivated at the time, survived the ominous aura?

"There are indeed a lot of doubts about this matter."

"Shangxian, do you mean? There was a problem with the ominousness that day? Jiang Yang, he… is not him anymore?"

After hearing this, Yinhua's face turned white.

In fact, there is no need for Gu Changge to say more, she has already guessed it at this time.

The term "Duoshe" is not very unfamiliar in the Tianchen Realm.

As for why Xianlun Sacred Land didn't react, I am afraid that the person occupying Jiang Yang's body now has a lot to do with them.

Thinking of this, mother-in-law Yinhua was full of sorrow and anger, feeling helpless, bitter, sad and so on.

"Master, what do you mean, in fact, Big Brother has disappeared. Now, is another person occupying his body?"

Tiantian's expression looks much calmer than Yinhua's mother-in-law.

Although she is also pale at the moment, without any blood.

Bite your lips tightly.

The voice was trembling.

The news came too suddenly, without any expectation.

In fact, she would rather Jiang Yang changed than to accept that Big Brother Jiang Yang was actually gone.

Now occupying his body is a stranger who doesn't know who it is.

Regarding the words of Gu Changge, Master Gu Changge, as of today, I have no doubts about it.

And even the mother-in-law said so.

Is there any other possibility for this matter?

Especially in the Great Hall today, Jiang Yang's words, deeds, and even the way of speaking are completely different from the Big Brother she had known before.

"Being a teacher is actually not very sure. This matter needs to be discussed again. In short, when you are in contact with your Big Brother every day in the past few days, you should pay attention to it.

"Relax, there is a teacher, if he really has a problem, he won't be able to hurt you."

"As a teacher, I also hope that I'm thinking about my own ideas.

Gu Changge sighed, touched her head, and said helplessly. .