Chapter 227

Although Gu Changge has always felt that the reincarnation of human ancestors is not much different from the so-called seizure flow, there is definitely a big difference in speaking.

Like the old fritters like Renzu, Samsara has so many times, how can there be no means to conceal it, and it can completely cause a situation of twin souls symbiosis externally.

Even if Xeon exists to investigate, don't even want to find the traces of the seizure. At most, it is the awakening of the memory of the past life.

Gu Changge tells Tiantian and Tiantian that Jiang Yang was robbed of the house, in fact, it is no different from framing.

Because he doesn't have any powerful means now, which can directly prove that Jiang Yang is not the same Jiang Yang before.

But this is not important.

After all, Tian Tian trusts him very much.

What he wants is to be suspicious of Jiang Yang every day, and be vigilant.

If Jiang Yang is stupid and can directly attack Tiantian, then it will be exactly what Gu Changge wanted.

The luck of the Tianchen Realm on the two collided, and he took advantage of the fisherman's profit, and made up for the ancestors at the critical moment.

Isn't it wonderful?

"According to Renzu's current methods, it is unlikely that he will retain Jiang Yang's original consciousness, and he will not stick to trivial matters. The so-called weiguangzheng is not an image that has been maintained on the surface."

"After all, a serious person, who will choose Holy Maiden for generations

"That is to say, the Big Brother before Tiantian should have disappeared. She hates the ancestors, so she should."

"As a master, I help her. There is nothing wrong with this."

Many thoughts flashed in Gu Changge's mind.

There was still a warm look on his face, and there was no abnormality.

As for taking advantage of Tiantian's guilt, he didn't have the slightest.

Rather than being used by the ancestors, why not let him, a master, help her to avenge the killing of Big Brother.

"Every day, take this jade pendant well. It contains the first-line law body of the teacher. When you encounter danger, crush it and you can feel it for the teacher.

Gu Changge pondered for a while, then continued to speak.

At the same time, a crystal clear jade pendant appeared in the palm of the hand, with many runes gleaming, primitive and mysterious.

There is an amazing breath on it, and a strand seems to make the sky and the earth torn apart.

"Thank you, Master." Obediently took it every day.

Gu Changge smiled slightly.

He knew that every day was unlikely to be in danger.

At the critical moment, Dao Guo's power broke out, who could hurt her?

But Tiantian himself is not clear.

In her opinion, Gu Changge gave her this jade pendant because he was worried that Jiang Yang would hurt her while he was away.

This moved her heart very much.

Of course, Gu Changge has another intention. What is contained in this jade pendant is not the so-called Dao Law Body, but his Wanhua Demon Body.

Wanhua Demon Body is similar to Divine Mind, equivalent to a strand of his Divine Soul. Sitting in it, he can always know the movements of the day.

He knew that Jiang Yang would definitely come to look for Tian Tian, ​​under the guise of taking her around, he actually got Tian Tian's trust.

At that time, if he, a master, intervened in it, Jiang Yang would inevitably be suspicious.

Although Jiang Yang planned to deal with him.

But I also understand that now is not the time.

Gu Changge didn't plan to stun the snake, so he planned to control all Jiang Yang's movements every day. Even if Jiang Yang had doubts, he would not be able to guess the purpose of Gu Changge.

"The Tao rules the Dharma Body"

Granny Yinhua glanced enviously, she could feel the horror and extraordinaryness of this jade pendant.

With this jade pendant, it is estimated that Sage will not be able to hurt Tiantian.

She, the master, is really magical!

Is there anything he can't take out?

But soon, thinking of Jiang Yang's changes now, her face showed sadness, helplessness, entanglement and other emotions.

After all, even Shangxian said that even he is not sure, and he still needs to discuss it again, so what is going on with Jiang Yang now? Is he really taken away?

And just when Tiantian and Yinhua's mother-in-law were suspicious of Jiang Yang.

Gu Changge also heard the prompt sound of the system.

Jiang Yang's luck has indeed lost a lot.

He could see with his own eyes some emptiness and slow fortune between the heaven and the earth, fading quickly.

Following this trend, when Jiang Yang's Qi Luck Point decays to a certain extent in the Tianchen Realm, he can start to consider plundering, so the chance of success is relatively high.

"When the time comes to trigger the son of luck luck point clearing drop rule, what Heavenly Dao treasure chest will be dropped?"

"Could it be something like Samsara seal and Tao fruit?"

At this time, Gu Changge was thinking about the final reward.

He has eaten the reincarnation body of Renzu to death.

From Jiang Chuchu's mouth, he has already understood the biggest trump card of Renzu's reincarnation, and now even if Jiang Yang explodes, with his body, he will break through to the gods.

How far is it from Gu Changge's true strength?

Even if the human ancestor's reincarnation has the means to borrow the power of the world, Gu Changge doesn't need to care.

The most he noticed was the ancestor of Xianlun Sacred Land, that is, the means left by Xianlun Supreme.

Supreme phantom?

Or a supreme device?

"If the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd recovers, it should be able to compete with the weapons of Xianlun Patriarch." Gu Changge narrowed his eyes.

As for the supreme phantom? Don't forget that the phantom left by Samsara Gu Tianzun was also swallowed by Gu Changge in the aquarium.

In front of Gu Tianzun, Supreme was too far away.

The Ninth Stage Ninth Stage has the chance to hit the Supreme Stage only after the sky is completed.

And after reaching the Supreme Realm, you have the opportunity to become the emperor of Dao!

The so-called Gu Tianzun is the name of the existence that has been proven in the ancient times.

In addition to being born with a devil heart, Gu Changge is actually accompanied by a big bottle of treasure.

The treasure bottle of Dao Dao was not a phantom condensed based on Immortal Swallowing Devil Art, but a real existence, which had been up and down somewhere in the deepest part of his Spirit Sea.

It wasn't until he started cultivation that it slowly emerged.

No one knows except him.

For more than 20 years, Gu Changge has only used it once.

That boulevard aquarium is also one of Gu Changge's most powerful trump cards!

In the next few days, Gu Changge took Tian Tian and others to temporarily stay in Xianlun Sacred Land.

The news that he came to Xianlun Sacred Land quickly spread from Xianlun Sacred Land.

After all, many cultivators witnessed Gu Changge entering the Sacred Land gate of Xianlun.

For a time, news circulated everywhere in Tianyu, causing a sensation. Many cultivators began to guess, and they were very puzzled and shocked.

Many forces and Shenshan sent people to visit, but they all closed their doors. Then many people discovered that the relationship between Xianlun Sacred Land and Gu Changge did not seem to be very harmonious.

Gu Changge temporarily lives in Sacred Land, Xianlun.

They only dared to bear it carefully, and did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction. Instead, they had to be awed and flattered.

This appearance and attitude shocked many forces, and then sneered secretly.

Xianlun Sacred Land, who has always been strong and domineering, still has such a day.

On the other side, Yue Mingkong also got news about Xianlun Sacred Land.

Her methods are very secretive, but she also secretly controlled a lot of local powerful forces. There are several ancient tribes in Tianyu, and they are now under her control.

What happened in Tianyu was hard to hide from her eyes and ears.

Sacred Land is no exception.

At this moment, she looked cold and deep, frowning and looking at the group of people kneeling below, there was a terrifying coercion circulating.

"Jiang Yang

Yue Mingkong muttered this name to himself, and there was an astonishing murderous and chill in his eyes.

"After looking for so long, you finally showed up."

She had just learned the name from a subordinate.

A disciple of Xianlun Sacred Land, who carried the desolate Eucharist that had released the curse, began to rise to fame.

"No wonder there was no information before. It turned out to be a waste body like the Barren Eucharist, so there has been no news for so many years?"

"It's really easy to come by."

Yue Mingkong's expression became more and more indifferent, and his killing intent was astonishing.

Her original plan was to go to Tianchi first, and wait for the birth of the green lotus of Nirvana, and pick it in advance, so that her plan to bring the ancestors into oneness was vanished.

But now, her thinking has changed.

Now that Renzu's reincarnation has appeared, what she must do now is to find a way to solve him.

Regardless of the chance of success, you have to give it a try first.

I just don't know if the human ancestor's reincarnation at this time has awakened the memories of previous lives.

"If you don't wake up, it will be much easier."

"But if you wake up, it will be a little more troublesome, but the reincarnated human ancestor doesn't know that I am going to kill him.

"If he regards me as the lower realm, he will come to find his other orthodox forces…"

On the beautiful fairy face under the veil of Yuemingkong, there was a cold smile.

Her plan is not difficult.

To kill the reincarnation of the ancestor, it must be arranged in advance.

Because Jiang Yang had so many methods, it was far more difficult to deal with than Ye Ling, the descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun last time.

If there is a slight difference, he will definitely be let go, or he will be injured by his methods or even be severely injured to death.

Yuemingkong also didn't want to take big risks, and had to make detailed plans and arrangements first.

"If my memory is correct, the ancestor of Xianlun Sacred Land is actually closely related to the human ancestor. It is the Xiantian creature he enlightened in a certain life.

"There must be someone in Xianlun Sacred Land who was assigned by his ancestors. You have to find a way to lead him out. It's better to be alone."

Many thoughts flashed in Yuemingkong's heart.

Soon she had a plan.

First of all, we must first determine a place, where we will arrange all the patterns, manpower, etc. in advance, and then attract the reincarnation of our ancestors to come here to catch turtles in the urn.

She does not believe in the reincarnation of a single human ancestor, and there is still a way to escape.

After that, Yuemingkong's eyes flickered, and Yu held a pen in his hand and began to write, planning to find someone to send this letter to Jiang Yang of Xianlun Sacred Land.

At this time, she was worried that the god would ruin her plan.

Judging from the news, the Little Sister, who was the reincarnation of the human ancestor, was valued by the Shangxian and was accepted as an apprentice. Then he took him to Sacred Land in Xianlun.

"Is all of this a coincidence? Or is the god who actually came to find the reincarnation of the human ancestor?"

Yue Mingkong frowned. For her, the only advantage now is that she is in the dark while the other party is in the light.

That Shangxian didn't know her existence at all.

If the celestial being interferes with her plan, she doesn't mind doing it by the way.

This time when the Lower Realm came, she had made a lot of preparations and brought a lot of things, including many terrorist forbidden weapons and a quasi-extreme weapon.

At the same time, in an ancient city three thousand miles outside of Sacred Land in Xianlun, on the lively and noisy street, many cultivators and creatures communicate with each other.

There are pavilions and shops on both sides, palaces and gods, row upon row, filled with divine fog, extremely magnificent.

"This is the first time you have come to Xianlun Sacred Land. As Big Brother, I have to take you around today."

With an apologetic smile on his face, Jiang Yang was leading Tiantian and Granny Yinhua around here, speaking casually.

Behind them was Elder Zhao Yi, the maid of Xianlun Sacred Land, who looked like a maid, but she was actually Jiang Yang's protector.

What happened in the Great Hall that day, although a bit damaging Jiang Yang's face, made his image in Zhao Yi's mind drop a lot.

But soon under Jiang Yang's guidance and means, Zhao Yi's Cultivation Base Realm, which had been stagnant for many years, showed signs of breakthrough. She was extremely shocked, and her views and attitude towards Jiang Yang changed again.

Zhao Yi also felt that what happened in the Great Hall that day was an accident.

Jiang Yang's methods are becoming more and more mysterious, making her even more invisible.

At this moment, Jiang Yang smiled, talking to Tiantian and Granny Yinhua, intending to gain Tiantian's trust again.

Especially on the way, he mentioned many times about the two children's childhood.

All expressions and tone of voice gradually became the same as the Big Brother familiar to him every day.

But that night, what Gu Changge told the two of them was like a thorn, nailed in their hearts.

Whether it is Tiantian or Yinhua's mother-in-law, they are not very willing to be close to Jiang Yang.

It's not too cold to say that it's cold.

But there is always estrangement and alienation, and even guard.

This made Jiang Yang frowned, but he still couldn't see any abnormalities in his expression.

Still talking to the two enthusiastically, as if trying to make up for the previous mistakes.

This time Gu Changge did not come out with the two of them. Although he was a master, he was always by his side, which was a bit obtrusive and untimely.

Jiang Yang didn't think there was anything wrong.

If Gu Changge was still here at this time, he felt that Gu Changge had deliberately tested it to the point of unabashedly.

Moreover, he sensed a jade pendant on Tiantian's body.

There is Gu Changge's breath on it.

Jiang Yang felt that Gu Changge left it to determine Tiantian's location.

He didn't care, because it was impossible for him to think about Tiantian. Gu Changge was completely worried.

""~ Big Brother, I am a little tired and want to go back. "

At this time, Tiantian's little face also appeared tired, and he glanced at Jiang Yang and said softly.

Today, Jiang Yang took her and her mother-in-law to leave Sacred Land in Xianlun and wandered around in the nearby ancient city. He said that he hadn't seen them for a long time and wanted to chat with them.

With the jade pendant given by the master, Tian Tian didn't worry about it, so he agreed.

Moreover, she remembered what Gu Changge said.

I plan to see what is wrong with Jiang Yang, is it true that his temperament has changed drastically, or is it being taken away by someone.

So every day, he quietly observed all the way, but found that Jiang Yang's expression and tone, or the look in her eyes, were no different from before.

It was the Big Brother she was familiar with.

Remember her favorite food, and remember that when they were young, they met a fierce beast at the entrance of the village.

As a result, the fierce beast was trembling with fright for no reason.

If it was before, then she definitely felt that this was her Big Brother, and there would be no problem.

But the words Gu Changge said last night still echoed in his ears, causing Tiantian and Granny Yinhua to chill in their backs.

Jiang Yang's current appearance is quite different from what he was in the Great Hall that day.

And this is just a matter of one night.

Regarding what happened that day, Jiang Yang's explanation was that he was too impulsive, so that it would be the case when he was jealous. He would not do that on weekdays.

Tiantian and Yinhua's mother-in-law were silent and did not comment on this.

"Since Tian Tian is tired, let's go back.

At this moment, Jiang Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a smile.

He didn't intend to make Tiantian trust her again so easily.

So it's not in a hurry, only when she is really tired.

After integrating the previous consciousness, Jiang Yang himself still loves Tiantian, a well-behaved Little Sister, not to mention her own origin is not simple, even if she is by his side in the future, she can also help him.

This made Jiang Yang quite satisfied.

As for Gu Changge, after thinking about it, he felt that he came from the lower realm, only passing through this place accidentally, and then he found that he had an extraordinary background every day, so he was accepted as an apprentice, intending to bring back to the upper realm, and had another plan.

After thinking about all this, Jiang Yang would definitely not let Gu Changge Ruyi Scepter take Tian Tian from his side.

In his eyes, Gu Changge is a gadget that doesn't know Mount Tai, and sooner or later he will have to pay a due price for the humiliation in the Great Hall that day.

"Big Brother, did you have anything to say to Tiantian? Didn't you say that you had any difficulties that day?

Nodded every day.

Then his big eyes stared at Jiang Yang suddenly, full of doubts and perplexity.

In fact, she still wanted to learn about it personally from Jiang Yang's mouth.

"Didn't you say to believe me?"

Jiang Yang smiled, and it seemed that he was not surprised that Tiantian would ask this again.

Afterwards, he continued to speak, and said the words he had already thought of.

Many things are the same as what Gu Changge told Tiantian, but the difference is only in the final, ominous details of the outbreak, Jiang Yang did not say.

He just used an accident to cover up.

And it was precisely this sentence that made Granny Yinhua's complexion slightly changed.

"It seems that Big Brother, your luck is really good, you are the only one who survived."

In silence every day, seeing that Jiang Yang didn't say the details, he just concealed the past by accident, and understood that there must be a problem with this matter.

"By the way, you have to pay attention to your master every day."

Jiang Yang noticed Tiantian's expression and his eyes moved slightly, knowing that she might have heard what Gu Changge said, but he didn't care.

Because of his method of reincarnation, even if the Supreme shot, it is impossible to find abnormalities.

He didn't believe what Gu Changge could see.

At this time, it is at best guesswork.


Every day, he was stunned when he heard the words, but Jiang Yang suddenly said so and asked her to pay attention to Master Zunzhou.

"What's wrong?"

She was puzzled and didn't understand what Jiang Yang meant. Could it be that she wanted to divorce her relationship with Master?

At this time, she had subconsciously excluded Jiang Yang and treated him as a stranger.