Chapter 248

Suddenly, the peach tree shook, and the sky filled the sky, like a flower blooming, overwhelming the sky, accompanied by the sound of Taoism.

Everyone at the entrance of Taocun was shocked.

Even a few old guys with very ancient origins seem to be confused.

They heard what Taotian said just now, so they were shocked.

She would take the initiative to speak to a young man like this.

Before this, they had never seen Taotian have such an attitude.

"What is so strange about Gu Changge?"

"Why is this even Master Taotian?"

"It seems that our prejudice against Gu Changge is a bit deep, even Master Tao Tian is like this, that means there shouldn't be any problems with him."

Several old guys who were still a little confused and unbelieving about what Gu Xian'er had just explained.

At this moment, he couldn't help but relieved his sigh, relieved.

They are still very convinced of Taotian's vision.

Even if she praised Gu Changge as okay, it means that Gu Changge is okay.

After a few people thought about it carefully, they even had a lot of affection for Gu Changge.

After all, judging from Gu Xian'er's words, Gu Changge did a lot of things for her in secret.

It is not surprising that Gu Xian'er has such an attitude towards Gu Changge.

Thinking of this, their gazes at Gu Changge softened a lot.

And soon, a vast white mist rose around, becoming more dense, covering all the sights in front of Tao Village.

The petals are shining, gorgeous and dazzling, and accompanied by fragrance, it looks like a fairyland.

A chain of rules and order dangling down, as if composed of avenues of light, mysterious and vast.

However, with the exception of Gu Changge, everyone including Gu Xian'er couldn't see what happened.

Even the sound in it can't be heard.

"What happened to Taotian Big sis today?"

"Why does this happen to Gu Changge, who we met for the first time?"

Looking at this scene, Gu Xian'er frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

In her opinion, although Tiantian has a lot of connections with Taotian Big sis, it has nothing to do with Gu Changge. Why do you talk to Gu Changge like this?

The difficulty is because Gu Changge is Master Tiantian? Make Taotian Big sis have a good impression of Gu Changge?

Based on Gu Xian'er's familiarity with Taotian Big sis, if she is not a very familiar person, she would not have this attitude.

Not to mention that today was only the first time she saw Gu Changge.

What is the hidden secret of difficulty?

Or is it Taotian Big sis, I also noticed Gu Changge's Xiantian magical nature, so I started to investigate?

For a while, many thoughts flashed in Gu Xian'er's mind, and she was a little looking forward to it. I hope Taotian Big sis can find a way to help Gu Changge.

If Xiantian's magical nature can be solved, it would be even better.

At this moment, Gu Changge's eyes were with a different color, looking at the majestic figure in the peach tree, various thoughts flashed in his heart.

He felt a wave of probing, like a rule order, but it wasn't.

It is a kind of supreme power, which is different from the rules and order, and involves the origin of the avenue.

Living beings at different levels can't resist it at all.

However, Gu Changge felt that the Great Avenue Aquarius in the depths of his Spirit Sea seemed to be disturbed by this power and made a slight trembling sound.

This exploratory force will soon disappear into the invisible, and will not have any effect on him.

Thinking so.

Gu Changge narrowed his 440 eyes.

The devil's heart that has been silent for a long time.

At this time, with the beating of his heart, a trace of demonic energy permeated again.

"It turned out to be the Devil's Heart.

"how come.."

"That's how it is."

The figure in the peach tree made a very surprised sound, trembling a little, and was stunned.

Turn to silence.

That Dao looked at Gu Changge's gaze, and then gently retracted it, as if there was no turbulence.

Gu Changge had a calm expression, his eyes still on the peach tree in front of him.

The existence of the Devil's Heart was naturally exposed by him. Now he has taken the position of Young Master Gu, no one can shake it. In addition, the identity of Celestial Immortals Palace True Biography has no influence.

Therefore, he is not worried that the existence of the devil's heart will cause him any trouble.

After all, Xiantian Devil Heart is just a kind of talent, not a taboo magic skill, it will cause the kind of situation that the world is enemies.

At best, it makes people feel that he is ominous and avoids like a snake.

"Senior has seen it just now?"

At this time, Gu Changge spoke with a calm expression and asked knowingly.

"I saw.

Tao Tian's figure seemed very vague, and through the vast and regular divine light, he could faintly see his majestic appearance.

After hearing the words, she replied, her expression was very natural, which could be regarded as an explanation, "Xian'er is my half apprentice after all. I naturally have to pay attention to her affairs."

"I'm afraid she will be fooled by you when she is young and immature."

"Why? I discovered the secret of Demon Heart? I'm not happy?"

Her voice is very soft and pleasant, making people think that she will never get angry.

"There is nothing to be upset about, Senior's supernatural powers, Junior admires it very much."

Hearing this, Gu Changge said calmly, but he sneered with disapproval in his heart.

If it wasn't for him to deliberately let the devil's heart permeate the devilish energy.

What can Taotian find in front of me?

She underestimated Own's ability too much, and really thought she could find out if she just probed it.

Really Dadao Aquarius can only swallow the origin?

But on the surface, he still has to look like he dares not speak.


But when she heard Gu Changge's words, Tao Tian suddenly laughed.

The voice is still soft as natural, but it has a more demon-like nature.

If the villagers of Tao Village heard this, their eyes would be widened and dumbfounded.

Is this still the Taotian-sama they have always been familiar with?

Usually as solemn and solemn as a god, revealing the awe-inspiring majesty of Sacred.

How could she be like this, full of demons.

But this is indeed Taotian's true temperament.

Because of the day, she could feel the bits and pieces of her time with Gu Changge, knowing that Gu Changge looked unreliable.

But as a master, he is still very competent and responsible.

Therefore, Tao Tian still has some good feelings for Gu Changge, otherwise he would not talk to him like this.

Besides, she already knew what she wanted to know just now.

The Xiantian magical nature that Gu Xian'er just mentioned was not unreasonable.

Gu Changge does have a problem. The Xiantian Demon Heart is born with ominousness. Since ancient times, the existence of the Demon Heart cannot end well. (cedh)

The existence of the Devil Heart is very rare.

Since the ages, only a few people have appeared.

With such talents, the weak are buried in the torrent of history, washed away by the rolling river, and can't even be surprised by the waves.

The strong only left a name to let future generations know his miserable life.

Even if it is a devil and even the name is the greatest taboo in the world, the same is true for the one who leaves only a few words in the ancient classics, and there is no good end.

Gu Changge was able to give birth to this kind of talent, except for the initial shock, she can only say that she is unlucky.

Otherwise she doesn't know what to say.

However, since Gu Changge can suppress the demon nature, it shows that his own willpower is still very strong.

This point makes Tao Tian a little appreciative.

"Why is senior laughing?"

Hearing this laughter, Gu Changge's expression flickered, and then asked calmly.

Is this name Tao Tian, ​​or Tao Yao?

This kind of demon nature surprised him a bit.

But on the other hand, as he guessed, Taotian didn't have any malice towards Tiantian itself.

Now she is even combing her body with various principles.

And Tian Tian itself fell into a deep sleep.

If you want to wake up, Gu Changge estimates it will take a long time.

Everything he did before was not useless. Judging from Taotian's attitude towards him now, it played a big role.

"For so many years, in addition to Xian'er, meeting another interesting person makes it funny.

Taotian's voice gradually calmed down, so she replied.

Gu Changge gave a disapproving cry, then looked at Tiantian, who was in a comatose state surrounded by countless immortals, and asked, "What does senior plan to do with Tiantian?"

Although he knew Taotian would not hurt Tiantian.

But at this time, as a master, you must show worry and vigilance.

Tao Tian didn't have much surprise for Gu Changge's problem.

She replied,

"Help her wash away some major injuries."

"So she will sleep for a while every day. But you can rest assured that I won't hurt her."

"For me, her existence is not like a family member or Little Sister.

"hope so."

Upon hearing this, Gu Changge nodded noncommittal.

"You still don't believe me?"

Seeing his appearance, Taotian couldn't help but laugh again, "I will return Tiantian to you safe and sound, but you, if you dare to bully her, I will not spare you."

Gu Changge didn't take it seriously, "Junior can't do things with big bullies.

"Oh, are you taunting me?"

Taotian's voice became interested and full of demon.

"Since senior can hear it, that's good."

Hearing this question, Gu Changge finally gave her a serious look.

"Interesting. It's been a long time since I met someone who is not afraid of me like you. If you did this earlier, the days would not be so boring.

Tao Tian was startled.

Then I couldn't help laughing, but didn't care about Gu Changge's cynicism.

She suddenly sighed.

At this moment, a figure appeared in a trance before Gu Changge's eyes.

This is not a person, but a fairy.

She hugged her knees and sat on the boundless wilderness with a dead peach tree behind.

She was born beautifully.

The long hair of dai cyan, like a bright mirror, can be seen by others.

She looked at the sea of ​​clouds far away, the clear sky and mountains reflected in her pupils, but her expression was lonely, as if she was waiting for someone.

"Is it a memory? Or is it something she deliberately let me see?"

Gu Changge was also a little stunned at this time, unable to tell whether he saw this scene himself or Taotian deliberately let him see it.

However, what he can be sure of is that Taotian's current existence is fundamentally different from the mysterious peach tree in the screen prompted by the system.

Tao Tian and Tian Tian.

It's like a Big sis, a Little Sister.

Only when the two of them merge can become the peach tree floating in the chaos and real thunder.

But at that time, were the two of them still the same as before?

Maybe Taotian already knows this question very well, so she feels that kind of family-like emotions will be born to Huitian.

In this way, Gu Changge doesn't need to think about the following things.

"Xiantian's magical thing, I can't help you now, but take this thing and find an old guy. He has owed me a favor for a long time. If he doesn't die, maybe he can help you."

At this time, Tao Tian spoke again.

At the same time, a shining peach leaf fell from the sky, and the road rune was condensed on it, which looked very strange.

"It's also a thank you for taking care of you every day for so long.

And as soon as she finished speaking, her figure gradually disappeared from the peach tree.

Then there was no trace of it.

It's as if everything just now was an illusion.

Even the thick white fog nearby disappeared.

Everything around Tao Village gradually became clear.

Only sleeping peacefully under the peach tree every day, the wispy Dao Yun fairy machine turned down, no one disturbed.

Gu Changge took the peach leaf and couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Taotian's words let him know a lot of information.

An old guy?

It seems to be a character who lived in the same era with Tao Tian.

It's just that his demonic nature has long been resolved, and he can control it at any time. It's actually the same whether he can find someone or not.

So the value of this peach leaf is far from imagination, it is equivalent to the favor of an old guy who lives in the same era as Taotian.

Thinking about this, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile a little.

All the purposes of this trip have almost been accomplished.

The attitude of Tao Tian and the old guys in Tao Village toward him determines how much luck Gu Changge can get from Gu Xian'er.

In this way, the digging of bones can almost finally come to an end.

"What did Tao Tian Big sis tell you?"

At this time, seeing Gu Changge's expression, she seemed a little dazed, Gu Xian'er couldn't help being a little curious and authentic.

"Nothing to say."

Gu Changge glanced at her, took the peach leaf, and said nothing.

"Don't tell me, let me ask Taotian Big sis myself."

Gu Xian'er snorted and knew that Gu Changge would not tell her this easily.

Soon, she ran to the peach tree and asked secretly.

Although Tao Tian did not continue to show up, but when she heard Gu Xian'er ask these questions, she still told her one to one.

There is nothing to hide.

"Gu Changge was born with this

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er suddenly widened her beautiful eyes.

She was extremely surprised. When Tao Tian mentioned that Gu Changge had Xiantian Demon Heart, she couldn't believe it.

She has been exploring this all the time.

But I never thought it would be Xiantian Devil Heart. Since the ages, only a few people will be born with Devil Heart, which represents ominous and bad luck.

No wonder Gu Changge tried his best to conceal these things.

If you let the rest of the tribe know, is it still worth it?

In particular, Gu Changge's identity is still the young master of the Gu family, representing the future of the Gu family.

At this moment, she had thought of the various troubles caused by Gu Changge's Xiantian Demon Heart after being known by the clansmen.

Even if Gu Changge has the power of terror now, it will be very difficult to face these troubles.

Gu Xian'er suddenly felt a bit regretful and guilty. Why was she so reckless that she planned to bring Gu Changge to Tao Village, exposing the secret of Xiantian's devilish heart.

However, the masters of Tao Village and Tao Tian Big sis should not take the initiative to expose this matter.

Thinking of this, Gu Xian'er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Taotian Big sis, is there any way to solve the problem of the devil's heart?"

At this time, Gu Xian'er remembered the most important thing.

Taotian was a little stunned when she heard the words.

To be honest, she really has nothing to do now, otherwise she would not give the peach leaf to Gu Changge.

Because the devil's heart is located at the heart of the cultivator, not a simple part.

Although the cultivator reaches a certain Realm, it can be reborn with blood dripping.

But that was a situation where Blood Essence never dried up.

In a situation like Gu Changge, the devilish nature is deeply ingrained, and even if the devilish heart is removed, it will have no effect.

See Taotian silent.

Gu Xian'er was a little anxious. She knew Taotian's character very well. Sometimes not speaking, it meant acquiescence.

"Taotian Big sis, do you know there is any way? It's okay, even if it's difficult, I'm willing to try.

"Gu Changge has done a lot for me, and I also want to help him."

"Xian'er, if you insist on that

Tao Tian was also a little entangled at this time. Seeing Gu Xian'er's persistent expression, she couldn't help but sighed and slowly said, "Gu Changge has the Xiantian demon heart, and needs to suppress the demon in order to stay awake, just like he was digging your way before. Like bone, although it is dominated by demons, it is actually what he did subconsciously

"So, the bones of the avenue can help him suppress the devilishness, right?"

Gu Xian'er understood what Tao Tian said, because she had thought about it before.

It was because Gu Changge returned the bones of the Dao to her that he would be engulfed in Nirvana Pool that day, and he could not suppress the devilishness.

She knew that Gu Changge must also understand this.

But she still insisted on returning the bones of the great road to her, in order to pay her enemies back then.

Completely ignore the terrible situation that will follow.

Taotian said, "This is part of the reason.

"Will it be useful to give him the bones of the avenue now and let him merge again?" Gu Xian'er asked.

Taotian was silent, and then said,

"It's very small. The existence of demon nature is not fixed and immutable. At this moment, the demon disappears long, and then at that moment it disappears.

"Xian'er, do you think about it, are you sure?"

After listening to this, Gu Xian'er already knew what to do.

No wonder Tao Tian Big sis wants to say these things to her, now it's up to her to choose.

Thinking of this, she suddenly looked at Gu Changge not far away, her expression a little angry and angry.

But there was more softness in his eyes, and couldn't help but shout,

"Gu Changge, you are obviously such a smart person, why were you so stupid at the time?"

Gu Changge is discussing something with the head of Tao Village and others.

Suddenly heard Gu Xian'er's words.

He turned his head some inexplicably, and looked at her, "My skin is itchy again? Isn't the lesson the last few days enough?"

But soon, Gu Changge noticed Gu Xian'er's expression and actions, and cursed an idiot in his heart.

With a buzz, spatial fluctuations spread.

His figure disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of her instantly.

Then, he tightly grasped Gu Xian'er's two wrists and prevented her from moving.

This guy even took out a Divine Armament, intending to dig the bones of his own.

Gu Changge never planned to ask for her fairy bone from beginning to end.

His face suddenly became very indifferent, like a piece of ice for ten thousand years, with a breath of coldness.

"Gu Xian'er, what do you want to do with this package?"

"Gu Changge, let me go, you are an idiot, I obviously want to save you."

Gu Xian'er glared at him, but no matter how strong she was, she couldn't escape Gu Changge.

"As long as I dig out the fairy bones for you, I can suppress your demon nature, and things like the last time Nirvana Pond will not happen in the future."

"For me, Xian Bone might be able to Nirvana again, it won't be humming."

"shut up.

Hearing these words, Gu Changge looked gloomy and ugly, and quickly covered her mouth.

"Listen well, you have to keep the fairy bones for me, and I will come to you to fetch them when I want them in the future.

"If you dare to make your own claim, dig it out, Gu Xian'er, I will let you know what life is better than death."


Hearing that, Gu Xian'er was not reconciled at all, still staring at him, like a cat with fried fur.

It was just that Gu Changge held his mouth tightly, unable to make a sound.

She was so angry that she was about to explode.

Your own kindness.

As a result, Gu Changge didn't appreciate it at all, and he looked so terrible.

"I'm not going to want you to save me with a piece of fairy bone."

At this time, looking at Gu Xian'er's expression, Gu Changge sighed.

His tone gradually softened,

"Why are you so ignorant?"

"If there is such a day, I would rather die myself than let you get hurt like this."

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er's eyes suddenly widened.

Then her head buzzed and went blank.

The whole person was stunned.

PS: Recently, Kavinka's uncomfortable, I owe one more.

I will sort out the plot tonight and make it up tomorrow. .